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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 20:15 UK time, Sunday, 8 February 2009


New to BH? Watch out, this post contains spoilers from series one...


If last week's episode of Being HumanÌýwas big, this week's episode was HUGE.Ìý Let me remind you what happened using these simple maths equations...


Mitchell + Lauren - Blood = Very Dangerous


Annie + Owen + Gilbert + Thong x Stairs = Changes Everything


George + Nina - Moon = A Howl of a Time


Fake Tan + Fake Tan x Fake Tan = Janey Harris


So that'sÌýour summary, but what did you think?Ìý Leave us your comments below.Ìý


Also, it's a major week coming up here on the BH Blog... On Monday we're going behind the scenes of Annie's death and on Tuesday Toby Whithouse, the creator of the Being Human, will be back with a brand newÌýupdate answering all your questions.Ìý Don't miss it.



  • Comment number 1.

    Loved Episode 3 - it was fantastic. I love these guys!

  • Comment number 2.

    hi all its me again that ugly guy from essex.

    I just wanted to say that Being Human is i think the best program the the Ö÷²¥´óÐã have ever made

    Its all the better for Russel Tovey being a part of it.
    For me he makes the program what it is, without him in it i dont think Being Human would be harf as good.

    as i have sead befor i have seen a lot of things with him in, he is brill, the best, great, fantasic and verry good looking aswell.

    ok so i have a crush he is not going to see this let aloan reply so what the hell

  • Comment number 3.

    I thought the Episode was very Good . I didn't Like the Bit when Mitchell and Lauren were feeding off each other . But I like the Rest . I also think Russel Tovey is Totally Hot and the show is nothing without him . I loved the scene where he had sex with Nina . Yes Very Hot .
    Good Episode and can't wait for the Rest .

  • Comment number 4.

    This show is just going from strength to strength. There's not many shows I can think of that have made me laugh out loud and cry in the same episode - MASH is the only one that comes instantly to mind, Being Human is that good. Oh, and I'd like to add Mitchell and George on the couch? Best. Moment. Ever. XD

  • Comment number 5.

    I love this show, this episode was brilliant. I would never have guessed it - that owen killed annie [shock-horror]!!!
    I also love the moment where george and mitchell were on the couch hahaha that was hillarious.
    What i love about this program is that it takes you from being so sad to laughing your pants off! Love it, cant wait for the rest of the episodes. Wohooo thank you Ö÷²¥´óÐã for coming up with this one.
    I think my favourite character is GEORGE without a doubt, he always seems so vunerable awwww bless.
    Anyway thats my thoughts.

    Bye for now!

  • Comment number 6.

    CONGRATULATIONS, another brilliant balance of comedy and drama. The three lead actors continued to demonstrate their considerable talent. The scene with George and Mitchell jumping on the couch together… too funny! I also noticed the clever timing of this episode airing (intentional or not)… the night before a full moon (just as on the show).

    Only 3 more episodes left! NO!!!!!!!!

    Come on Ö÷²¥´óÐã... please announce plans for season 2.

  • Comment number 7.

    Fantastic episode tonight, realy starting to get good, anyone know what the song was when annie was helping owen out in the shower??

  • Comment number 8.

    This episode was great as have the others been! This has to be the best programme I have watched on TV! Like someone has said, it manages to touch all emotions, with it's comedy, drama and thriller aspects. The characters are fantastic and the show has me laughing and on the edge of my seat! A fantastic triumph! Cant wait till next week! Shock horror about Annie and Owen! Great stuff for George and Nina, she's really hot! So glad he didn't kill her! ....But we will have to see if that lasts.... hmmmm, exciting stuff!! :-D Keep up the great work!

  • Comment number 9.

    Oh no! I didnt know there were only 3 more episodes! :-O Yeah, please Ö÷²¥´óÐã, we have to have another season! Also, totally agree about the scene with Mitchell and George on the couch! Was really, really funny! Especially when Mitchell realises he's wearing George's glasses!

    Come on Ö÷²¥´óÐã, this show and us fans really deserve more! :-D

  • Comment number 10.

    The 80s student character was brilliant, had to be styled on Ian Curtis. "Fun is such a bourgeois concept" :D

    Loving it!

  • Comment number 11.

    Amazing! i'm completely hooked!
    i haven't been this hooked on a tv show like this since lost came out and that fizzeled out when it switched to a channel i couldn't view!
    sad to have to wait a whole week for the next one!

  • Comment number 12.

    I think this series just keeps getting better and better, some really really funny moments in last night's episode.

    Just a couple of things niggling me though....

    **SPOILER ALERT * I didn't really understand why Owen killed Annie - what exactly was the significance of the thong, and why was it down the toilet? Is this something I've missed and can someone explain it to me, or will this be explained further into the series?

    Also - why do both Mitchell and Lauren wear fingerless gloves? Any reason?

  • Comment number 13.

    Loved episode 3 but 1 thing bugs me. How is Annie and Gilbert able to carry objects (LPs casarole bowl) without ordinary people noticing them floating in the air? or do the objects become invisible when they hold them?
    Also I know some people have already asked this but how can Mitchell & Herrick have photo IDs when their image cant be captured on camera?
    Either way role on episode 4!!

  • Comment number 14.

    It was clear early on that Owen wasn't possessive and controlling, he said that, "Annie was mine", a subtle hint at his controlling nature, a trait that is common with abusive partners.

    He wanted her to wear the thong, she wouldn't, so he lost his temper and pushed her down the stairs.

    My only niggle with Being Human was that was quite obvious from the start. You could see it a mile off, I was hoping for a twist.. that she had killed herself, or it was his fiancée that killed Annie, but no... :(


  • Comment number 15.

    Another excellent episode!! No surprises - it was always pretty obvious that Owen would have pushed Annie. Can't wait for Episode 4 - shame that there are only six episodes.....................!

    Can anyone advise if there is anywhere to watch the pilot, please??

  • Comment number 16.

    I'm not convinced the Owen pushing Annie thing was supposed to be a surprise to everyone; I don't think the writer thinks we are stupid. I reckon it was just more about a discovery for Annie, rather than for us. It was an important journey for her to make and an important insight into her character. That's just what I think. We have to remember that, at the moment, the writer is trying to cover a lot of ground, and quite a history, about each character but in only a short space of time. I am sure, if The Beeb commissions another series (which,frankly, they'd be nuts not to given the fan feedback) and the writer wishes to continue, that the stories will be able to have more twists and treats for us. Give it all time to settle. Also, please don't anyone attack me for this. My comments don't seem to be going down too well on the forums but they are just my OPINION and it's upsetting when people have a go.

  • Comment number 17.

    Ok I admit that my Werewolf lure isn't that great and is mostly based on Hollywood movies but in Ginger Snaps when Ginger has unprotected sex, the guy is infected with the curse.

    I was just wondering if this is just made up for that movie or If we can expect Nina to be George's new Werewolf girlfriend.

  • Comment number 18.

    Perhaps it's because this episode wasn't written by Toby Whithouse, but I felt it was a bit patchy character and storywise. The technicalities of picking out albums in the open etc was a bit jarring, but I think the main thing for me was that this didn't seem to have the level of interaction between the three main characters and Annie/Gilbert's story that there was with Tully/George's story in episode 2. In episode 2, all the characters' stories tied into that main one (e.g. Annie running away from Tully and coming across the vampires), but that didn't seem to happen here - the boys had their own, completely separate stories. I felt this weakened episode 3 somehow. For instance, when Annie told Gilbert she was thinking of moving in with Owen, I wanted to know what Mitchell and George would think of that - but they never even found out.

    Don't get me wrong - supportive characters like Gilbert are brilliant. But I wonder if they *really* work best when the main characters are *all* tied into that story.

    Anyway, great black humour and great music, as always. And I think the teaser for episode 4 looks excellent!

  • Comment number 19.

    Loved this ep. So many very funny moments- the couch- definately, in the club- 'yes, cos it worked so well last time you suggested one of us met someone with a similar condition....', hot animal sex with George and Nina- very, very good scene.

    Re comment 13- I agree- I, too, was 'kicked out' of the programme moment wondering how they managed to do that w'out anyone noticing- how *does* Annie manage to carry the casserole pot to the other house- how does she manage to pick up anything really- most other shows have a long period of ghosts working out how to touch things.
    However, I'm really sad that we're already halfway through this series and am wanting MORE!!!! Season 2 please! Thanks. xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Love to see Annie get revenge on Owen and Fanta face Janey Harris

    One question:Gilberts headphones and walkman.
    When he died did the walkman die too XD. Only how can he have it and not get noticed

  • Comment number 21.

    I just want to say this is a fantastic series, and I cannot wait for the rest of the series, one question though? is there going to be another series? PLEASEEEE

  • Comment number 22.

    This series gets better and better.

    Still worried about Mitchell though, his story is focussing on his relationship with lauren rather than mitchell and herrick.

    Really liked Gilbert, it didn't detract from Annie's journey he was a very well written character like tully.

    No Herrick though, the best character didn't even make an appearance!

    Apart from the lack of Herrick it was very good. I just hope Mitchell's story(I assume it will be foucessed on in the next episode) is as good and isn't just about the blood lust. Mitchell should be a kick a**e vampire at heart, where lauren says Herrick is strong Mitchell should show that he is just as strong.

    Kudos to Russell Tovey, he is a brilliant actor... nuff said.

  • Comment number 23.

    I have a question about how the events of this episode tie in with the pilot. In this episode Annie was really keen to move on, and Gilbert seemed to view whatever was after the door as nice and pleasing. However, in the pilot it was said that Annie didn't want to move on because she was scared of "the men with ropes and sticks". Mitchell had also seen these men, presumably when he had died.

    Are we going to hear more about these men with ropes and sticks that greet the dead, or is that something that's been dropped for the series proper? It'd be a shame if it was, because as far as intriguing lines and concepts go, that's a corker.

  • Comment number 24.

    Wow it really is going from strength to strength its my new favourite program absolutely brilliant! loved the mitchell and lauren scene however...did anyone else think there was a make up error - they bit each other on the left side of their necks but then when lauren was sat on the floor afterwards the right side of her neck was covered in blood and the left was untouched. am i right? did anyone else notice? anyway really dont wanna pick faults because it is a brilliant show. as for the photo id thing im guessing they were photo's before they died? they havent changed in appearance have they although i always thought herrick was a lot older than mitchell so would they have had camera's in his day?

    Ok so something im really really wondering (Toby for your next blog maybe :-)!) How do people get turned into vampires? i assumedit was getting bitten but when lauren bit becca she died she didnt become a vampire? and the same with her boyfriend she said she didnt "turn him into one of us" so what do they do differently? and also is there actually a body when someone becomes a vampire? when mitchell bites lauren she looks dead but then.....argh confused!

    Great show though and this has been both the sexiest and funniest episode so far Adrian is a briulliant actor and i dont understand why weve not relly seen him until now hes just as brilliant as russell and everyone knows him. I really hope he does well off the back of this as well as doing lots more series's :-D x x

  • Comment number 25.

    Aidan not Adrian of course...its late lol

  • Comment number 26.

    So Annie now knows she was murdered--presumably that's put paid to her love for Owen holding her back. So what's left for her to resolve? Is it the need to avenge her murder? Or a need to rescue Janey Harris (which really would be a complication . . .)?

    I, too, wondered about the album shopping scene and the casserole transport question. With Gilbert's cigs and Walkman, I assumed that those were part of his "persona"--or maybe he did die with a pack of cigs in his jacket and his Walkman blaring away in his ears (maybe he didn't hear oncoming traffic?) If the Greek gods were punished with regenerating wounds, perpetually rolling stones, etc, why not replenishing cig packets. Maybe Annie just used her power of suggestion on the bus to tell people they weren't seeing a floating casserole?

    In regards to the photo ID issue--Mitchell has the run-in with Seth about "recruiting" from the power classes. Perhaps there's been some selective recruiting from the ranks of forgers and photorealistic artists, once the need for documentation in the modern world arose.

    I was poking around some blogs about Bristol and BEING HUMAN and someone mentioned that the house location may have been a pub at one time. Looking at some of the photos, it's obvious that the squared-off corner would have been the main door. I think that's where Gilbert's door to "the beyond" is situated in the apartment--the geek in me likes that the former/possible door becomes another possible door.

  • Comment number 27.

    Hi RonMcCutchan,

    On your question about the house, and whether it used to be a put or not in the past...

    Have a look at the Location’s video This may answer some of your questions.

    You may also be interested in the bottom left picture of Mitchell in the Photo Gallery Note the bottles and writing on the frosted glass!

    Finally, check out the Cribs video

    Hope these help.

  • Comment number 28.

    I thought episode 3 was brilliant, Gilbert was genious, as an 80's girl myself I totally understand him!! George gets more and more likable as weeks go on, and great to see a glimps of the 'animal' inside him without him transforming. Poor Annie, It seems her memory of things before her death are a little shaded and she only remembers the good bits, Owen looked slimey from episode 1, and then there is Mitchell, what can I say, the guy is ultra sexy!! the fact he is trying so hard not to fall off the wagon but the blood lust is so obviously still there, he wants to do the right thing but the 'bad' boy is just under the surface gives him so much appeal.

    I think the whole 'ghosts lifting things' could be put down to artistic licence, lets face it we have all logged on here discussing a warewolf a ghost and a vampire as if they are living in our streets would it be so hard to believe that ghosts could lift stuff without people noticing!!!
    This is a fantastic series and there MUST be a second, I didn't see the pilot and would really like to if someone could let me know where I would be able to find it.

  • Comment number 29.

    Hi guys i have just watched part three again i like the last part where george gests his leg over.

    I am sorry to say i missed the end as somthing came up and i had to take three verry cold showers one after the other.

    PLEASE can any body tell me when Being Human will be out on Video or DVD and also can i have if poss a signed photo of russell.

  • Comment number 30.

    Another fantastic episode. I thought the bit with george and mitchell on the sofa and the bit about guest rules and not killing guests being 'bourgeois concept' was a riot.

    I have to say it is about time that TV had a vampire as a main character who can be dark, sexy and smile as well. Well done the writers and Aidan cos mitchell is the best vampire I have seen in ages.

    Keep it coming and add another request for another series and many more after that.

  • Comment number 31.

    Another FANTASTIC episode, I love this series sooooo bloomin much :-) It really helps me get over my 'Sunday night blues' too ;-)

    One request....can we have more pics in the gallery please, I want to update my computer wallpaper :-)

  • Comment number 32.

    p.s. oh, and the bit where Gilbert found his 'door', that made me cry, it was the expression on his face :-)

  • Comment number 33.

    This show just keeps on getting better and better.

    The previous posters said it all really, but I have to add a word about the cast. They've all been superb and have really nailed their characters - but this week in particular Lenora Crichlow shone! She was so expressive but naturalistic - flipping marvellous!

  • Comment number 34.

    I'm very impressed with this series - good scripts, great cast and very good acting. I enjoyed "Life on Mars" but this is much more enjoyable and much better IMHO.

    I really, really hope series 2 is already commissioned.


    PS to the guy that thought the 80's character was based on Ian Curtis- no way- he was a classic 80's "pseud", I doubt Ian Curtis would have constantly used Smiths songs for quotes - "there is a light that never goes out", "hang the DJ" etc etc...genius!

  • Comment number 35.

    Gilbert was genius.


  • Comment number 36.

    I love this show!!!
    I must say I really liked the pilot and I really was a bit dubious about them changing the cast but I really like it.
    I like how Mitchell isn’t all doom and gloom and how Annie is a bit bubblier; she seems a lot like me which is great.

    Episode 3!!! OMG! Total shocker!!! I thought Owen was lovely until I found out it was him that bumped off poor old Annie.

    I don’t like Lauren. Her remorse was so fake, didn’t believe it, I hope that was how it was intended to be received.

    Don’t like that Nina woman that George did the nasty with, episode 3 just reinforced my contempt for her.

    Oh yes... I’d very much like to partake in some ‘Gilbert fun’ please, lol!

  • Comment number 37.

    Tying in with his personal soundtrack of depressing music, I'm guessing that Gilbert committed suicide - he felt unloved in life, and Annie showed him the love to enable him to move on.

    And the moment (and facial expression) when Nina slid off the medcial bench after having sex with George was reminiscent of Wile E. Coyote in the Warner Bros cartoons. Great performance by Sinead Keenan.

  • Comment number 38.

    I have just watched episode 3 again and I do not agree about some of the comments about Lauren.

    She is a great character and the perfect temptation for Mitchell. The two actors play a fantastic combination.

  • Comment number 39.

    Enjoyable series so far, I enjoy how the characters interact with each other, each with their foibles and worries, each dealing with their problem in their own way.

    Glad to see George and Nina getting somewhere, I hope she doesn't get killed and that this is the start of something rather then a one off.

  • Comment number 40.

    Hi everyone! I've only just managed to sign on here but thought I should say hi first before I just started commenting lol.
    I loved episode 3, thought it was great and I totally fell in love with Gilbert!! I know Annie, George or Mitchell should be a favourite character because they're the main ones but Gilbert is my fav now lol.

    There was some great music in the episode as well - esp liked 'Girlfriend in a coma' and 'Tunnel of love'. Some great dancing by Gilbert when that track was playing!! lol (",)

  • Comment number 41.

    This is the 3rd time I've posted but none have shown up. Am feeling ghost-like levels of invisibility here - can anyone see me? Hello-o-o?

    fleas x

  • Comment number 42.

    just want to say i so agree with purpley_g, i thought that when annie said she was moving out i wanted George and Mitchell to find out.

  • Comment number 43.

    I think it was a big shock that owen killed annie! i'm a bit sad tho...sitting here watching it again on repeat :P
    Love it ;)
    I almost cried when gilbert went thorugh that 'door'

    If owen killing annie wasnt what she needed to find out to pass on i wonder what on earth it will be....its kind of sad in a way because annie loved or loves :S owen so much...but she didnt know he killed her :(

  • Comment number 44.

    I was told about this series on Thursday and last night I watched all three episodes, its brilliant, loved the music, the humour and the darkness. I cant wait to see episode 4.

  • Comment number 45.

    Love the programme, the actors and characterisations are excellent BUT: please writers, get to grips with what powers and vulnerabilities each 'creature' has. Convention has vampires as unable to cast a shadow etc but also in possession of superhuman strength and other qualities. Werewolves seem slightly less well defined but then they're generally not so seductive... and ghosts? How does Annie manage to interact with the physical world and to what exetent are others aware of it? The strengths and limitations of the characters' will test the writers' ingenuity, deepen the personalities and tighten story lines.

    IMHO anyway.

  • Comment number 46.

    agreed how frustrating about the posts! Ive not even had an email tell me why it's not been posted.

    1.Jimvlad - you can watch the pilot - it's in a well known place on the internet where lots of video clips are shown. sounds a bit like boobtube

  • Comment number 47.

    Episode three is definitely my favourite out of the four so far. I absolutely loved the Annie/Gilbert relationship and the scene where he went through the door makes me want to cry every time I watch it. And I really like how this show can be so funny and then really moving at the same time.

    Totally loved the George and Nina bit too!

    Also just want to say that I think Lenora Crichlow is just brilliant. In all the episodes so far she has been amazing but in this episode in particular, for me, she was perfect!

  • Comment number 48.

    I just thought, maybe to 'pass over', Annie needs to save Janey from Owen. Its obvious he treats her in the same sort of way that he did with Annie so maybe she needs to somehow show other people what he's like or somehow give Janey the strength to leave him. If she did that then she will have acomplished something and maybe that will enable her to find peace. (",)

  • Comment number 49.

    Being Human is simply the best thing on TV. It makes you question the very mundane things of life which make us human. there is humour and tragedy - its addictive viewing!


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