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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 20:55 UK time, Sunday, 1 February 2009



New to BH? Watch out, this post contains spoilers from series one...


Episode two of Being Human saw a lot of love-hate relationships...


It started with the shock of Tully and George... then took a vampire twist with Mitchell and Lauren... following that was the shambles that is George and Nina... before ending on... erm, Mitchell and his DVD?Ìý Blimey.


But the question is, what did you think of the second instalment?Ìý Have your say and get the debate going in the comments section.Ìý And if you missed the show, don't miss out - check out iplayer to catch up.



  • Comment number 1.

    Wonderful, what a splendid
    programme. Really good characters and an unusual premise. I shall be following the series avidly in future.

  • Comment number 2.

    Wow - what a blinder of a story!

    This is turning out to be a BRILLIANT series - it has just the right mix of drama & humour and the characters are so well-drawn and portrayed that you can empathise with them completely. If this doesn't become a cult with a huge following then I'll eat my hat. Well done to all concerned - and roll on next week!

  • Comment number 3.

    Er, might just say*spoilers*

    Thought that the ep was brilliant.
    Tully was such a slimeball 0_0
    Poor George, just wanted to give him a hug
    I can't wait to see how this all develops, it totally rocks at the mo.
    Herrick('tick tock tick tock') just weird, very weird.
    I should really have blogged this in my own blog, shouldn't I.

  • Comment number 4.

    Best show on TV at the moment.Hope it gets repeated on Ö÷²¥´óÐã1.
    Reminds me abit like This Life (with blood!)Can't wait to see where the story's going.Great special effects as well on what I'm sure was a low budget.
    Hope it gets a dvd release with loads of extras and a second series!
    Roll on episode 3.

  • Comment number 5.

    I'm loving it, but I reckon George's actual werewolf form could be improved. I giggled, and I wasn't supposed to. D: It's a bit anti-climatic, after a wonderful (weird use of the word, I know) transformation. Other than that, it's brilliant. 8D

  • Comment number 6.

    Ahhh. Now that was a good episode. Enjoyed the 1st one last week, but I can see how this series is going to get better and better.
    As a huge fan of the pilot, I'm now really getting into the new actors and what they're bringing to the characters. Good stuff.
    Was the actor who played Tulley(sp?), in 'book club'?
    Saw the trailer for next week. Delighted that Mitchell 'get's it on' with Lauren. I offered that opinion to my tv screen,when she visited Mitchell at the house, much to the annoyance of my better half! Poor Mitchell trying to control the habit and she tempts and tempts and tempts. I like how the Mitchell/Lauren relationship is developing. Hope she's not killed off.

  • Comment number 7.

    Russell Tovey had in this episode truely mad what i think is now his finest proformance to date than in anything i have seen him in befor.

    He is truely one of the best.

    Iam not an actor myself but if i ever was ever to be given a charnce to work with such a great actor as Russell i would drop every thing to work with him at a moments notice and grab it with both hands.

  • Comment number 8.

    Hey everyone,

    The feedback on episode two is immense.

    To answer your question 'wheresthesnow', the actor playing Tully was Dean Lennox Kelly. As well as Being Human you may have seen him in both Doctor Who (doing a rather brilliant job as William Shakespeare) and in The Invisibles.

    Don't forget that if you have any more questions both Creator and Writer of Being Human, Toby Whithouse, and myself are constantly checking the blog, so feel free to fire away...

  • Comment number 9.

    this series is well written with a very clever use of comedy and drama. its a pleasure to watch and doesn't take the easy cliche way out of its story lines which so many series do. i shall be watching all the future episodes and telling my friends about it.

  • Comment number 10.

    Episode two left me totally awestricken. I spent quite a lot of this episode with my mouth hanging open, in shock saying "no way".
    I take back my earlier statement regarding being slightly disappointed with how George looked in ware wolf form. The scenes at the end of this episode were amazing. Russell’s performance was touching. Was I the only one who had to fight the tears when he said "I'm George, I’m a ware wolf".
    As the premise of the show is vamp, wolf and ghost share a house in Bristol and I’m a vamp, wolf, ghost fan I am, as expected, really enjoying the show, even more than I expected.

  • Comment number 11.

    I love Being Human so much, this episode was really good, and I actually think it was better than the first one! Really dramatic towards the end and once again, Russell Tovey's acting was superb, one minute he's camp and comical then he's dark and distressed! I’m starting to think that Mitchell and Annie are going to have a something going on between them. My favourite bit was when Mitchell said the difference between him and Tully was that Mitchell doesn’t have to shave his palms and George replied ''I think that's actually racist'' (40:44) I laughed so much that my Mum had to come in my room and tell me to shut up LOL.

    Roll on Sunday (fron the first perdson to use that phrase for BH videos)

  • Comment number 12.

    I love Being Human so much, this episode was really good, and I actually think it was better than the first one! Really dramatic towards the end and once again, Russell Tovey's acting was superb, one minute he's camp and comical then he's dark and distressed!

    Im starting to think that Mitchell and Annie are going to have something romantic going on, all the signs are there. My favourite bit was when Mitchell said the difference between him and Tully was that Mitchell doesn’t have to shave his palms and George replied ''I think that's actually racist'' (40:44) I laughed so much that my Mum had to come in my room and tell me to shut up LOL.

    Roll on Sunday!!! (From the first person to use that phrase on BH videos).

  • Comment number 13.

    Episode two was great - I loved the pilot and admit I was worried when I heard about the cast changes, but while I loved the old cast, the new Annie and Mitchel are great too. Being Human has managed to do what so many British shows have got wrong - finally we have a supernatural drama to rival the great US shows like Buffy, yet one that manages to be original and with real, believable characters. The only bad thing is there's only 6 episodes! Give us 24 episodes and I'll be happy. Can't wait for next week!

  • Comment number 14.

    LOVED the use of Muse's Showbiz at the end with Mitchell....fantastic...perfect choice.

    Loved this show from the pilot and so glad The Beeb gave into us fans and commissioned a series!

  • Comment number 15.

    It's so hard to wait 6 days for the next episode!! I could watch the world Toby Whithouse (and team) has created for hours and am always shouting at the screen in disappointment when it ends.

  • Comment number 16.

    Can I also just say how wonderful it is that the production team (and apparently the writer)read and contribute to the comments. It shows the dedication to the fans and the show.

  • Comment number 17.

    Mitchell is sooooo gorgeous!! I love every scene he's in, such a good casting as a vampire (smooth, tall, dark, handsome, charming) and his irish accent is delicious. More mitchell scenes!!

  • Comment number 18.

    I loved this episode!!!

    I think mitchell and annie should get together i fell that they really good chemistry between them.
    And loved george in this episode brill!!! :D

  • Comment number 19.

    I absolutely love this show!

    the actors are fab- loving Russell as George, he blew me away in this ep, just when he realised everything-my heart went out to him.

    Also Aidan as Mitchell- i think all the ladies will agree he is a fantastic choice! i'm loving the arc between him and Lauren, can't wait to see where that goes next!

    Poor naked guy at the end tho! that made me giggle a bit!

    OOO and if anyone here including the production team wants to head over to the Being Human board at IMDB there are quite a few debates etc going on there too, so feel free!

  • Comment number 20.

    i am sure this has been asked but i was just wondering why the actors have been changed? someone previusly asked this question with the answer being that an interview would reveal all yet i could not find an interview. any help or clues would be appriciated! thanks

  • Comment number 21.

    Tully's identity was a bit of an obvious 'twist', but the show is just so good that it really didn't matter. All of the actors, especially the leads, acted their socks off and I'm rapidly becoming a Being Human fangirl.

  • Comment number 22.

    I'm absolutely loving this show. I thought the pilot episode was brilliant and now the series has started I think it's getting better each week. I love the build up that's going on and there's also the chance to get to know the characters more. The cast are brilliant and Russell Tovey is outstanding. I hope this goes on for a long time! Keep up the great work!

  • Comment number 23.

    Really enjoyed the pilot and am pleased with the way the series is shaping up so far. Witty, intelligent well written drama exploring both dark and light and what it means to human, and not.

    As sperkii wrote above FANTASTIC choice of Muse's 'Showbiz' for the closing scene of Ep2. More Muse please ;)

    Thanks for a great programme well executed guys.

  • Comment number 24.

    Absolutely fantastic i caught the first series by accident and now i'm hooked. This is much better than the all the reality tv we have , bbc, you've really thought out of the box thanks. Something is coming ! i cnat wait

  • Comment number 25.

    Loved the pilot, and it looks like the new series is shaping up very well too, well done to all involved.
    This isn't a criticism, but to me there seems an imbalance in the abilities of the 'species' in the story (if a ghost can be called a species), the vampires seem so completely dominant at this point in the story.
    I was hoping Tully would provide George with some sort of information that could have enabled him to 'stand up' to a vampire in some way. Instead it just seems werewolves get beaten up by vampires as a matter of course. I suppose the script writers need to stay away from the 'Underworld Evolution' type of storyline, but after this episode it really seems like there's no upside to being a werewolf - Poor George!

  • Comment number 26.

    I am loving Being Human. I can't wait for the next episode. I am obsessed with Mitchell, even if he is 118 years old!! I don't think I have ever seen vampires as sexy as these. The underlying social and human issues are very powerful, and the characters are so believable - like there are hundreds of vampires, werewolves and ghosts living among us. I also think special mention is due for Russell Tovey as George. Simply brilliant.
    Love it, roll on Sunday!!

  • Comment number 27.

    Because I was blown away by the pilot and didn't feel the same about the first episode of the series, I was going to hold off my opinion until I'd seen the whole series, figuring that, well, pilots are *meant* to be stronger than first episodes, right? To showcase the entire premise?

    But after the second episode, I just can't keep it in any longer. :-)

    First of all, you brought back George's necklace from the pilot! Yay. Don't know why, but that had me happy. The second thing, George can use the basement beneath the hospital again (and again, this is me happy for reasons only a pilot fangirl knows).

    On the pilot, the one thing about that I had an issue with was that Annie seemed such a weak character compared to the boys. And you rectified that with the series. Good job! I still think this Mitchell could act less chipper for a 120-year-old vampire with baggage, but you're trying to make him more human, I get that.

    On that subject, I agree with the comments above on the SFX: there's no need to show us George is a werewolf - and I can understand you guys have a tight budget - because we already know George is a werewolf. It just doesn't seem necessary. And I'm not sure about Mitchell's eye thing, either. It seems best when they're, you know, being human!

    I loved the contemporary music in the pilot; love it here too!

    I'm sure there was something else I wanted to say! Oh - I hope you like these shows and don't take this as an insult, but this gives me a buzz like Life On Mars and Doctor Who (less so maybe the latter sometimes!) and Heroes, where wacky-sounding ideas are taken and made to seem real. I love this stuff. I love the humour (shaved palms, vampire porn movies - and poor babbling George!). And I envy Mr Whithouse to get to write this. I hope you get to write a second series. You have the coolest premise in ages on your hands, and I'm really glad it looks to be in good ones.

    Wow. Long comment. Thanks for reading if you got this far! :-)

    Wish I had a question! Oh - maybe you could tell us whether you already have ideas for the second series? ::grins::

  • Comment number 28.

    The production team has done a superb job setting the tone of the show. The colours, lighting and soundtrack perfectly compliment the strong writing and the terrific acting.

    Simply put... this is my FAVOURITE show on television!

  • Comment number 29.

    Please can Mitchell recruit a more 'vampy' girl? The one from the pilot was much more sexy (although the accent should have been english, I think). No offence to the actress playing his latest recruit but she looks more 'impish' than 'vampy', although she does portray the pleasure the character gets from being a vampire well.

  • Comment number 30.

    Further to my last comment...just realised she reminds me of Janine Butcher on Eastenders!

  • Comment number 31.

    Maybe I was the only one surprised by the twist 'connection' in story, to me it felt like the ultimate betrayal for G after his overcoming denial and mistrust to try accepting T as friend then T revealled *he* was the one brought the curse. Plus the timing of it, when G was due to change (at his most vulnerable, emotionally)!
    Could anyone who saw the pilot tell me the backstory I missed eg amulet - someone called it a necklace - G apparently needs and where he met M?

  • Comment number 32.

    Hi Loopymowse,

    George's necklace/amulet is lingered on (camera-wise) in the pilot - and it looks like an amulet, so looks important to George - but apart from that, nothing was mentioned, so it's apparently some backstory yet to be revealed! But I might have missed something else - I'll have to pluck up the courage to watch the pilot again - I haven't watched it since last March/April!

  • Comment number 33.

    And I didn't see the twist coming either. I guess because I didn't expect them to bring George into contact with the wolf that 'made' him so soon! Really cool when you don't see twists coming. :-)

  • Comment number 34.

    I agree with all the previous comments. Being Human ranks with Heroes as far as I'm concerned - with the added advantage that it is BRITISH and, therefore, much better.
    Is there anywhere that I can see the pilot? I'd love to catch up on the wole Being Human experience!

    Please keep up the good work and PLEEEEAAAASE! make more episodes SOON!!!

  • Comment number 35.

    I loved this episode - I'm already Hooked! The characters have been cast perfectly and can't wait for them to develop even more as the series goes on. I'm one of the few who didn't see the pilot but it dropped us in the story very well from the start.

    I have to say my favourite moment was Mitchell and Annie's accidental 'kiss. Not sure where the writers will take it or if they were just using it to show Annie's physical interaction with others, but I can really see that being a slow burning subplot!!!! Bring on the next one, can't wait!

  • Comment number 36.

    does anyone know what the track was at the end of the episode when Mitchell was looking out of the window? It sounded like radiohead....

  • Comment number 37.

    Ah! I just read comment 23. Muse.

  • Comment number 38.

    This is the first program that I have ever felt compelled to comment on.
    After seeing an advert for it I sky-plus`d the series and have just watched episodes 1 and 2 back to back....absolutely brilliant...its just a shame that its only 6 episodes.

    Vampires and werewolves and the most beautiful ghost I have ever seen...what more could you ask for?? But its so much more....brilliantly written,acted,directed and shot. Well done to all concerned, and I hope the series runs for many years to come

  • Comment number 39.

    Just started watching and love the series. Well done with this site too, it's great that we can see the extra's like the prequels. My only complaint is why only 6 episodes?
    It is always the same with British tv shows, they never have the courage to do a 'proper run' like in the USA where you get at least 18 - I know it's hard work but it's what I pay a tv licence for! You just get into a series and then it ends. So frustrating!!!

  • Comment number 40.

    I really love this programme!! After Buffy I despaired of ever finding a funny, sexy, interesting programme again. But I have! I really hope there will be more than 6 episodes. Please let 'Being Human' continue.

  • Comment number 41.

    also- not too impressed at George as a werewolf- the SFX are a bit disappointing. but other than that loving his character- he's so sweet and unconfident- I look forward to watching his character grow. Also loving Mitchell and Annies' characters. I, too, wonder where the kiss will go.

  • Comment number 42.

    i thought it was amazing, i really liked the 'more solid, like an angel' part, and i really hope we see more of that later on.

    so far it has be fantastic!
    nice work.

  • Comment number 43.

    i really like the programme however the dominant mythical beast is mitchell, because he is superior in the evolution process and is also immortal. i think george should be able to control his condition like the lycans in underwordl, or be able to have sum unique powers i.e. enhanced sense or the ability to regenrate because he is the only ordinary one out of mitchell and annie. i no tht the show wants us to think tht george is runnin afta normality but he deserves sum enhancemnt, in episode one george cn smell the type of shampoo the gal uses this shows he has enhanced sens of smell but the do not portray it enuf

  • Comment number 44.

    A refreshing new series. Thank you Ö÷²¥´óÐã! Well-done and quite enjoyable. I'm 60 years old and am really enjoying it. I hope this series will remain on air long enough to develop well.

  • Comment number 45.

    I have never commented on a blog before but I had to say that this programme is fantastic. The characters and the premise works so well and I cannot wait to see what happens.

    I think the new mitchell and annie are great.

  • Comment number 46.

    Re: George's so-called amulet--isn't it a Star of David? George is Jewish in the pilot. The fact that a Star of David looks a lot like a pentacle throws up a nice red herring. (In the pilot, Mitchell holds onto George's necklace when he transforms--setting up that George has some issues reconciling his religion and his lycanthropy (and who wouldn't!). Or at the very least, the necklace is something that's precious to him--that he doesn't want to lose with the rest of his clothes when he transforms (back in the days when he didn't have a transformation strategy).

  • Comment number 47.

    At first i thought it would be shallow and tacky (something like buffy) bt this show is brilliant, with some really emotionally intense moments softened by dry comedy, must be because its british. i just watched the pilot on youtube, which was very good but the episodes are better, with the new actors, in my opinion. And how tasty is the new mitchell?! I hope they do another series after this too.

  • Comment number 48.

    o ye n what a cool soundtrack...

  • Comment number 49.

    Absolutely FANTASTIC series, I love it! Best thing on the telly, prob ever! :-{ (that's my best Vampire smiley btw) :-)

  • Comment number 50.

    absolutely love this programme.already hoping that thers gna b anuva series.george is my favourite character.the mixture of hilarity and drama is gr8 and its so easy to get attached to the characters.cheers bbc.this programme is a triumph!

  • Comment number 51.

    loving the series!! especially russell lovey!
    also really need to know which song is played when the character 'tully' is dancing to in the kitchen!!! its driving me nuts!!! could do with an answer!!!

  • Comment number 52.

    I just wanted to say how good this program is, Episode 3, I was really into Gilbert's music. I just wandered of the Ö÷²¥´óÐã publishes playlists for it's TV show's. If they don't I think it would be a grate idea.

    Cheers, keep up the good work!

  • Comment number 53.

    Ewwww absolutely hated that Tully guy... what a creep :S I think Lauren and Mitchell really suit each other actually :D But that DVD was freaky :|


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