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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 17:54 UK time, Thursday, 5 March 2009

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New to BH? Watch out, this post contains spoilers from series one...


More hot video diary action today as Russell Tovey gives us his unique take on the Being Human experience.Ìý


Who'd have thought the cast would have been so good at magic...!?



  • Comment number 1.

    **Seth love**

  • Comment number 2.

    got to love the magic :D
    but can't wait for russ q's please hurry

  • Comment number 3.

    BEST VIDEO DIARY EVER!! It's amazing how they all seem to come out of themselves and have the besttime when they're around Russell.

    I LOVE Jason.

    But not as much as Aidan (sorry Jason).

    I love them all, yay :-)

  • Comment number 4.

    Not seen much of Sinead on these vids I notice (only quick glimpse on Lenora's)

  • Comment number 5.

    Probably because she was stuck in the hospital most of the time.

  • Comment number 6.

    I want a Jason Watkins Appreciation group on Facebook. I'd join.

  • Comment number 7.

    Omg im like in love wif Aidan hes the fitest guy ever

  • Comment number 8.

    Heee, Seth! I feel like the past few week's squealing has led to us getting a little extra Dylan action than maybe we would have gotten before. The other supporting cast members haven't featured nearly as much . Maybe Toby should BRING HIM BACK NEXT SERIES.

  • Comment number 9.

    WOO!!! First lol.
    I love all of the video diaries, they were so different: Lenora's was a non-stop (dance) party whereas Aidan's was more somber and reminded us that it must be pretty tough being so far away from home (*a collective aww everyone...*) whereas as Russy's was a happy medium, it's good to see Jason and Dylan ''one-take'' Brown again. Love the little teleportation bit hehehe. Thanks again for these and can't wait to see Russell answers to the questions!!!
    Koy xx.

  • Comment number 10.

    OR NOT!!! LOL WOW, I REALLY DO TYPE SLOW HAHAHA... how embaressing.

  • Comment number 11.

    Oh yeah and love that both Aidan and Russell both call Lenora, ''Lea''.

  • Comment number 12.

    I love him.

  • Comment number 13.

    ALSO - when Lenora and Aidan 'disappear', it's funny. When Jason does it it gives me the creeps. God, I'm really going to miss him as Herrick.

  • Comment number 14.

    Right I think I've got some time. A Watkins fan facebook page and a Dylan page for me. You all know who I am on FB I'm assuming. Give me a few days.. *seriously hoping it's already done*

  • Comment number 15.

    Oh and I hope Marco is about next series too.

  • Comment number 16.

    OMG, Dylan was in Quantum Leap. I was like 14 when I watched the repeats of the repeats, how old is he exactly?

  • Comment number 17.

    Wonderful stuff, thank you to the cast crew and the hardworking folks at the site for giving us extra helpings of BH. Missing it already...

  • Comment number 18.

    Lol as usual computer ridiculously slow so only 2 minutes in so far but just had to say - awww you look like an otter lol

  • Comment number 19.

    I love the way Aidan says otter.
    I've decided against the FB pages, it takes effort and I'm waiting for stuff to buffer.

    I think we need BH dedicated ring tones btw.

  • Comment number 20.

    Come on Aiden, do the otter impersonation... we know you want to...
    i think Russell may be behind the camera next series with such good technique!

  • Comment number 21.

    Lol yeah me too :-D i love the way he says pretty much everything - otter totterdown and laurel and hardy are the favourites lol no no ive decided after watching this he is just far too sexy for his own good.

    I have to say im loving dylan more and more everytime i see these hes brilliant cant wait to see him i something else. we never actually saw him die so techniclly he could come back - he coulda been saved like mitchell but hes not he said in aidans video :-( shame

  • Comment number 22.

    Oh and i already have the guitar piece from ep 5/6 as ringtone lol yup im just that sad :-) just think its a really nice piece of music

  • Comment number 23.

    Dylans not coming back!?!
    I'm having a mard.

  • Comment number 24.

    Just brilliant! All these diaries have been, showing the filming from different aspects and points of view.

    Aww, me too. I'd love for Dylan Brown and Jason Watkins to come back, too, but its unlikely since their characters are pretty definitively dead now. :( I adore all of the cast - they look like so much fun to be around.

    Sperkii, you're so right. Everyone seems to be that little more lively around Russell - bless his cotton socks! I love him!

    Aww superOchre, there's no fanpages/groups already in place for Jason or Dylan? Well if you have the information, I'd be happy to work with you on setting them up and co-maintaining them, if you like?


  • Comment number 25.

    Ooh, yeah! BH ringtones! I'd be very up for that - I request the show's delightfully haunting theme tune, please! ^^

  • Comment number 26.

    I've loved these video diaries.
    And yes, I hope they find a way to have more Seth/Herrick at some point.

  • Comment number 27.

    ha that was good to watch, they must had so much fun during filming,
    but that cauliflower cheese looked very gross!

  • Comment number 28.

    If Seth isn't in season 2 I will have a right mard and discard my pencil case.

  • Comment number 29.

    Woo finally watched it all lol at least with slow internet it was about an hours entertainment lol at least we know the secret of the casts far too nice bodies now - if they all just eat vegetables after a day of running round set :-S go on tovey get a pizza down you we'll forgive you :-)

    And i dont think seth'll be in season 2 theres whole new bad guys :-( and they were taking the mick saying they werent gonna miss him so obviously he was leaving too.
    I'll miss all 3 of them to be honest :-( shame they had to go

  • Comment number 30.

    Oh no, no FB page for Jason? *sob* :-(

    Of course, I am with everyone about the way Aidan pronounces stuff...sooo sexy :-)

  • Comment number 31.

    ordered the dvds and sooooo hope all these diarys are on it oh and full series dvd out 20th of march cant wait yeah!

  • Comment number 32.

    Lol damn that irish charm gets me every time :-( still think dylans very sexy too though - in a more understated way lol aidans sexy and he knows it but dylans kinda sexy on the quiet lol ahh ill miss him - oh well theres always the dvds :-)

    Speaking of which - if i pe order on amazon will i get them on the 20th or the 20th + posting time? undecided whether to wait til theyre in the shops if it means ill get em quicker?

  • Comment number 33.

    I agree about Aidan's accent - the way he says "anything" in his Fan Answers video - such a cute accent!

    eagle_eyes4 - I think the DVD's actually available on 20th, which might mean you have to wait for postage - but they have a next day delivery option on there don't they?

  • Comment number 34.

    yeah but by the time youve added that its about as expensive as it would be in the shops anyway :-S

    "anything" hmm going to re watch and listen lol

  • Comment number 35.

    We definitely didn't see Seth die *properly*, he just got staked and fell below the line of the camera. And he was staked pretty high up in the chest, if you ask me. And, just, oh. SuperOchre and eagle_eyes will back me up on this.

  • Comment number 36.

    *wibbles* right? You will, right?

    Oh god, he's gone for good hasn't he :( *bawls*

  • Comment number 37.

    Hmmm the Elvis thing put me off Dylan.

    Ordered my DVD a while back - can't face trampling my way through the stampede of BH addicts in the shop!

  • Comment number 38.

    Sorry i think hes gone for good :-( and how could the elvis thing put you off? Hes right you know lol

  • Comment number 39.

    Elvis is SOOO overrated

  • Comment number 40.

    AH?! sperkii how could you...i...its....my god im in a state of shock! lol

  • Comment number 41.

    Yes, I'm sure I have offended a lot o people there. And even more so if I say I also think The Beatles are overrated! It's a good job the moderators are there - I'd get some serious hate posts in response to that I reckon!

  • Comment number 42.

    lol youre ok comedys my first love musics quite far down the list - now insult french and saunders, lee evans, russll howard, dylan moran, ed byrne, michael mcintyre.... the list goes on but you get the jist

    Although my nan would have your head for saying a word against elvis - i wont go that far but still think he was brilliant lol

  • Comment number 43.

    Loved it, thanks Russell. I know the fans will miss Herrick and Seth but I think the crew will miss Jason and Dylan. They seem such good fun. Loved the double act with Jason and Aidan in the car explaining to Russell that life goes on without him.
    God those contacts looked painful.Well done Russell.

  • Comment number 44.

    I'm backing you up Brown. Seth did not die. There are two possibilities:

    1) They didn't have the budget or time to show Seth crumbling away and he is dead.
    2) He didn't die.

    I like option 2 best so I'm sticking to it.

    Oooh Alabama just popped up on my playlist.

    Kinkyclawz- I was going to start the Dylan fan club but realised there aren't any pics and I don't have photoshop stop motion programs so unless any other Seth lovers have that or some images pop up we are pretty stuck.

    And for the record The Beatles and Elvis are 'THE' most overrated recording artists of all time.

  • Comment number 45.

    you look like a little otter, how cute lol

  • Comment number 46.

    Otter is gay slang. Wonder if Russell meant that? Ha!

  • Comment number 47.

    Oooh, I've just been and ordered the video from Amazon

    *taps foot and waits impatiently for 20th April*

    PS - that stake through Seth sure looked to me like it went all the way through his heart :(

    I hope the baddies in Series 2 can live up to Seth and Herrick.

  • Comment number 48.

    I like the trailer they've sorted out for the DVD. Sums it up quite well. But it might be an old trailer, I don't watch tv so wouldn't know really.

  • Comment number 49.

    It DID NOT go through his heart, end of. :p

  • Comment number 50.

    Ahh so annoying! My speakers don't work so I can't hear it :( Wish there were subtitles!
    Looked good anyway, they seem to have such a good time on set, always having fun and messing around yet doing a brilliant job filming.

  • Comment number 51.

    Anyone wanna take over as admin on the FB appreciation groups? (you'll know the ones I mean). I gave in and made them but I only wanna be a member not the admin

  • Comment number 52.

    I am not normally niave(??) but what is 'otter' gay slang for or will the MODS get you if you try to tell me and if Russell didn't mean it that way, where the hell was he looking cos from where I was looking he looked ...well just how he always does.....oh dear damp flannel on brow time again....I've really got to stop this.

  • Comment number 53.

    Aidan did look as though he just rolled out of bed lol but he can even pull off the rough its early and im tired look which is worrying! But his disappearing was the best i reckon lol looked like hes put a lot of thought into that :-)

  • Comment number 54.

    Oh by the way any ideas wich scene jason was on about? the one he wasnt origionally in? i cant find one hat i think it might have been.
    And every time i watch the bit with aidan not wanting to do an otter impression it cracks me up lol "no stop it!" he does camp far too well is there something you arent telling us mr turner? :-)
    And so much for "i only wear the gloves because its cold on set" well hes stood there in just a t-shirt and he still has them on lol...i knew he thought they were cool really :-)

  • Comment number 55.

    "Otter - a gay man who is hairy, but is not large or stocky - typically thinner, or with lean muscle." Apparently they tend to go out with bears.

    I noticed the glove thing too Eagle.

  • Comment number 56.

    Thanks...not as bad as I expected, actually describes him quite well....except for the bears bit. Thanks

  • Comment number 57.

    sorry. I mean apart from the 'gay' bit.

  • Comment number 58.

    What about Youtube postage

  • Comment number 59.

    I love russell (next to aidan ) i love when lea and aidan dissappear but in what part of the video or another video does aidan call lenora 'lea' coz so many of you have said they both call her that and ive only heard russell call her that, can anyone point me in the right direction so i can hear sexy aidan say it please x

  • Comment number 60.

    I think he does in lenoras video but dont hold me to that lol

  • Comment number 61.

    Yeah, Aidan called her lea in Lenora's video, right before his wonderful comments that "her eyes pop right out of her face" whereby Lenora deftly points out how pretty the river is, possibly to spare both of them a bit of embarrassment. :P
    i've nto watched it a lot, though...
    *slinks away*

    superOchre, I'll have to wait for the DVD to arrive, but I'll get some screencaps and things of Seth for the fan group on FB. Gives me a darned good reason for ogling Russell and Aidan... I mean, watching the show again. Ahem. *blushes*

    Sperkii? Which FB groups are you meaning? could you provide names so I can hunt them down, please? Cheers, hunny!

  • Comment number 62.

    Oh, and Jason is currently doing fine work in "Lark Rise To Candleford" if anyone wants to see him in a non-Herrick guise. :P

  • Comment number 63.

    oh no oh no oh no oh noooo

    it's past the time they said it'd be taken off iplayer!! Ahhhh! Thankfully it's not gone yet so i can still rewatch the annie-mitchell kiss a couple more times...

    oh dear kinkyclawz im just like you! i thought the exact same thing about the 'eyes bursting out of your face comment' (yeah a kinda bizarre thing to say but so lovely!) and then lenora's deflection...

    i have rewatched that many times..

  • Comment number 64.

    That was hilarious.
    I don't know whether its just me but i love saying 'otter' in an irish accent now ;)
    And that disappearing was magnificant.
    They are all so talented; they dance, sing and perform magic lol
    Time to rewatch lmao

  • Comment number 65.

    Reading all these enticing comments makes me want to see Russel's video all the more. Unfortunately, I'm not from Britain, so please Production team put it up on Youtube, so the rest of the world can enjoy it as well... Thank you, so very much for all the effort you guys put in to cater to our every needs. Cheers!

  • Comment number 66.

    Hi, all the video diaries and the Journey's end videos are now on the Ö÷²¥´óÐã YouTube channel. Enjoy!

  • Comment number 67.

    Loving the dissapearing, its like he only just discovered it. AWW LOVE HIM :)


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