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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 09:50 UK time, Monday, 2 March 2009


New to BH? Watch out, this post contains spoilers from series one...

It's the final blog entry from Being Human creator Toby Whithouse, and he's got plenty of juicy info about series two...

So there you have it. Series 1 of Being Human has drawn to a close. This will be the last blog for a while. I'm going to be rather busy... well, writing series 2 (more on that later).

I want to say thank you to all the fans for their feedback and enthusiasm. The response to series 1 has been amazing and I couldn't be happier.

I've really enjoyed reading your comments and answering your questions, and I hope we can do the same next time. It was incredibly gratifying, knowing people paid so much attention to the show, but if you asked a question and I didn't answer, it was probably because I knew an upcoming episode would explain it better than I could.

What's been really gratifying is seeing this blog become almost self sustaining. Someone asks a question, and more often that not someone else will answer it. I wish I could get you guys to write the scripts. I'd make tea and arrange biscuits on a plate.

So, do you want to know something about series 2?

Well, I' not going to tell you too much. Partly because I don't want to ruin it for you, but mainly because we're still storylining so I, er, don't know much.

I know about our new villain though. The mysterious Professor Jaggat. But who was that sinister man interviewing Owen? And what is his connection to our heroes? All will be revealed in time, but I promise you Mitchell, Annie and George will be facing a threat even deadlier than Herrick.

In one episode, Mitchell, George and Annie will be forced apart.

Someone will die.

Someone will kill.

Mwa ha ha ha ha ha haaaaa!

This is probably the closest I'll get to an acceptance speech, so as well as our extraordinary cast and crew, I wanted to say thank you to Matt Bouch, Rob Pursey and Phil Trethowan. Without them, you'd have been looking at a picture of a basket of kittens for the last 6 weeks.

In terms of the finished show, there are too many highlights to mention. But just off the top of my head... The transformation in episode 1. Annie in episode 3, watching Gilbert go through the portal. Mitchell in the kitchen, turning on George and Annie in episode 5, raging about the brutality and stupidity of humanity. George in episode 4, promising he's going to protect Nina. Pretty much every time Jason Watkins opened his mouth. The last scene in episode 5. Oh, and episode 6, one word: Nanna.

But once again, it's the fans that have made this show the success it is. You helped get the show commissioned in the first place, then tuned in every week.

It's your show as much as mine.

Though obviously if it does ever win an award, I get to keep it.


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  • Comment number 1.

    Oooh, those teasers are almost cruel.
    Thanks Toby, for an amazing series and for indulging your fans. So many series creators wouldn't have bothered.
    If it's a public vote award show I'll be voting for you.
    Hope to see you about on here for season 2. :)

  • Comment number 2.

    oh and thanks for you or whoever for introducing Alabama3 to me. It's top of my pod list.

  • Comment number 3.

    I have loved this show!!! Thanks Toby, it's been amazing now I have to wait for what will be an eternity for season 2 !!!

  • Comment number 4.

    those teasers are gonna drive me nuts!! Annie George and Mitchell get forced apart?????

    oh god im gonna be crying again arent i?? and prob shouting at my screen.

    Thank you Toby for an amazing series, you can tell we all adore it, so please hurry up with series 2!!

  • Comment number 5.

    Thank you.

    Oh, and this is so NOT the closest you'll get to an acceptance speech; Being Human will win awards, for sure.

    Well done and have fun writing series 2.

    P.S. What kind of biscuits?

  • Comment number 6.

    How about this - I'll write scripts for you *AND* I'll give you a biscuit!

    Thanks for making the series live up to the potential that we all saw in the pilot. It's a long long time since I've been so completely thrilled with a series. Stunning work.



  • Comment number 7.

    By the way, any thoughts yet on making a cameo appearance yourself?

  • Comment number 8.

    One word FANTASTIC!

    (OH Im very much available for a walk on part!) xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Thank you Toby and the whole team for a fabulous six episodes. The three leads are obviously fantastic (see all the ravings of your many fans), but so glad to see Jason Watkins get a mention. He portrayed the banality of evil so well. Damn, I was upset when he got Digby-ed. Is that wrong? (Mind you, I was pretty upset about Seth too. Clearly I must check my moral compass.)

  • Comment number 10.

    absolutely drained emotionally after the last two episodes especially of being human!! at least I can breathe again, felt like I was on tenterhooks all last week waiting for the finale!! congratulations to you Toby and all your backstage gang and actors for such a fantastic wonderful show! cant wait for it all to begin again in series 2!!

  • Comment number 11.

    Oooooooo i love all 3 charecters but i kinda really really really dont want George to die. I have loved watching being human!! Cant wait for series 2

  • Comment number 12.

    Bloody fantasic series with a decent payoff.

    I'm so glad I gave it a chance, is become a talking point with the mates.

    I hope you release the score at some point.

    Also I'm curious whats gonna happen with Series 2, and wonder if say George died and Mitchell fed him his blood, would we get a werevamp?!

  • Comment number 13.

    As a TV critic i am used to looking at Vt programs with a critical eye.

    in all the time i have been slaging off program i have never had anything good to say about any 主播大秀 Program

    At long last the 主播大秀 have Made what i think is the best program it has ever made

    Lest face it after all this time its about time that thay got somthing right for a change.

    I hope that series 2 is as good as series 1

    in the time that being human has been on the TV
    I have written 2471 articles al of witch have been published.

    i was onece told that i had a mouth like a Chain Saw.
    If series 2 is as good as series 1 i will eat every word i have ever said bad about the 主播大秀

    at this moment i am doing a review of the series one.
    witch will i think be one of my best.

    P.S. Russell tover had better be in the next series or i will have to get my Chain Saw again.

  • Comment number 14.

    What do you mean someone will die???

    Who will die? Not George or Annie or Mitchell?

    I have to warn you I may stop watching if they do-I will be too distraught to carry on, lol.

  • Comment number 15.

    Thank you for a wonderful series. All the characters were believable. Jason Watkins and the writing of his character were both brilliant.

    It was well-made, intelligent, the main characters were good looking but not shiny and appeared 'real' and there was no zoomy, out-of-focus camera-work in it. Maybe the 主播大秀 will start to realise a good script and good actors is all you need to make people watch a show and visualisation tricks that annoy a lot of people aren't necessary.

    Strangely enough, the overall feel of the arc and acting was 'understated' and perfectly balanced. The stort drove the action not the action driving the story.

  • Comment number 16.

    Thank you.
    Thank you.
    Thank you.

    Being Human has to have been one of the best TV programs of recent history. I loved every minute of it. Writing, directing, casting, acting, cinematography - the works! It all just came together to make for en extremely engaging, tender, exciting and very human experience.

    Season 2 already sounds extremely intriguing. Can I make one request though..? I'd really like to see the next season keeping room for the more mundane side of our beloved trio, you know, the more everyday struggles involved in just being, or not being, human.

    Once again, a geat big thank you to everybody that was involved in the show!

  • Comment number 17.

    thank you for keeping the entire family entertained


  • Comment number 18.

    Oh, such cruel and intriguing teasers!

    Thank you for a marvelous series 1 and am looking even more forward to series 2!

  • Comment number 19.

    Oooh Mr Whithouse you cruel man. But seriously, what would 主播大秀3 do without you? I actually cried last night, and laughed, and shouted at the TV several times.

    This is one of the best shows I've watched in a long time and I've got loads of my friends hooked too. I honestly am not sure what I'm going to do until series 2. Spend stupid amounts of time on this blog, I guess.

    Well done to everyone in the show, you did a cracking job!

  • Comment number 20.

    Thank you so much to everyone who helped make BH! Such an awesome 6 weeks of TV!! The last 5 minutes of episode 5 made me realise how much I love this programme and episode 6 was completely brilliant! The scene just before George leaves the house had me bawling, it was perfect! I can't wait for series 2, bring it on!!

  • Comment number 21.

    Best show on TV in years. Looking forward to the next series. Please do not kill off any of the leads, especialy not Werewolf George.

  • Comment number 22.

    we love you Toby!! Thanks for an amazing first series :D

  • Comment number 23.

    Can I put in a request that you bring back the sarky vicar for Series 2? He was brill!

  • Comment number 24.

    as above, thanks for an amazing series Toby.

    I'm right in the middle of uni finals just now, and this has series has provided myself and my friends something to chat about other than uni work, and is escapism in its purest form!

    my personal feelings about why it works so well is that even though its supernatural, at the end of the day the characters are sooooo human, they watch films, have favourite comedies, drink ALOT of tea and eat alot of cerial (mitchell in particular), they worry about the use-by-dates of the stuff they have in their fridge.

    -its all these little details that i think other series overlook, but enhance the viewing experience.

    so once again, thanks, and you and all the BH team did a great job of keeping us entertained over the six weeks!!!

  • Comment number 25.

    Oh my god Being Human is absolutely AMAAAAAZIN!!!! I've managed to convert at least half my friends just from one episode :)
    I have a few theories about Series 2...I think the wackjob canteen chick is gonna be a bigger player especially cos she was nursing a new ring whilst under the table n Herrick had said in the dungeon that he realised he wasn't there to lead, he was just the key...hmmm
    I think that just cos someone dies in Series 2 it isn't the end for that character, look at Annie!! Would be cool if we had a werevamp, an inbetweeny cos that would totally mess up the wee sub-war. Annie seems plagues by other lost souls now that she effectively dingied Death, but surely the door will come back once she's saved her groupies again???? :-o

  • Comment number 26.

    Just been looking back over the episodes, behind the scenes stuff, previous blogs etc. I mean the whole BH team are just fab, aren't they? Everyone has done a wonderful job and the care and enthusiasm which goes into creating it all really shows. And this website has been great as well; the effort which has gone into satisfying the fans has been really good and it's also nice that so many of the contributions of the BH crew have been acknowledged on the behind the scenes stuff.

    Just well done everyone and thank you.

  • Comment number 27.

    Ok quite unsurprisingly ive got a lot to say! (I do shut up occasionally believe it or not!)

    Firstly a huge, huge thank you for giving us 6 weeks of amazing entertainment 鈥 Ive never gone from laughing to crying and back again so quickly! I think I must have emotional whiplash! Thank you to all the team 鈥 not only for making the show but letting us have all the behind the scenes videos as well they just made it all ten times better! And thank you so much to you Toby for all your blogs they always make for an interesting read.

    Secondly 鈥 those teasers are cruel! When you say someone dies 鈥 I hope it isn鈥檛 one of the main 3 because surely that would mean no series 3! (Ok Im maybe thinking too far ahead) And the professor 鈥 so he is definitely a bad guy then perhaps we were right 鈥 a van helsing type? And the 3 get separated?! What could that mean 鈥 perhaps Annie goes through the door? Which would explain the death too? Or George volunteerrs to die for Mitchell 鈥 racked with guilt about Nina and in a Josie 鈥 esque situation?! No he cant鈥.oh I hope he doesn鈥檛! Oh Mitchell doesn鈥檛 opt to die? Stop them being involved 鈥渂y association鈥 鈥 Oh I have even more questions now Toby you are cruel! (But we love you anyway lol)

  • Comment number 28.

    Apologies all the punctuation has turned into question marks again for some reason!

    Oh and lastly (I promise!) a few requests (although you all do well enough without our input lol but we can but try!)

    I agree with whoever said can you bring the sarcastic vicar back he was brilliant!
    And as I was very sad that Josie went 鈥 I really liked her and seeing into Mitchells past 鈥 any chance of someone else from his past?
    And also 鈥 I really love the dark stuff but from what you've said it will be getting even deeper and darker series 2? Can I just put in big request for you not to lose all the 鈥渘ormal鈥 bits 鈥 it鈥檚 the intense story line that makes us come back every week and gets us all talking and debating lol but as far as favourite scenes go 鈥 Georges little fashion show-ep 4, Mitchell and Josie in the canteen-ep 5, 鈥淕ilbert fun鈥-ep 3, Mitchell and George on the sofa-ep 3...all the funny bits that I can watch over and over again when I need a laugh :-) so please don鈥檛 lose that 鈥 pretty please!

  • Comment number 29.

    Ok sorry - favourite moments how on earth did i forget George with his whisk and mobile phone re charger! Probably the funniest moment of the series so I had to mention it :-) and it was really needed at that moment too - stopped it getting too depressing!

    Oh and I think Dylan deserves a mention too! I know we all loved to hate Herrick and all have a lot to say about him but I think Dylan did a brilliant job as Seth - I was a little bit dissappointed when he died think he was a great character but hey bring on the new baddies :-)....

  • Comment number 30.

    Thanks for making one of the best things I have ever seen on TV. Can't wait for series 2.

  • Comment number 31.

    Hey, if you wanna break I'd happily write a script or two :P

    Series 2 sounds great, even if it is just taking shape. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the 'Being Human' universe as well as seeing the main characters again. They're really well written, which is why people have been able to get so invested in them.

    Hopefully we wont have to wait too long for Series 2, although I'm sure both I and other fans will reassure ourselves in the knowledge that the time is being taken to make Series 2 as good as Series 1 (maybe even better if we're very lucky).

    So, thank you for giving us such a brilliant tv series. And I'll be back to watch again when Series 2 hits the screen.

  • Comment number 32.

    I bet it'll be Nina that dies. I can't imagine one of the trio going.

  • Comment number 33.

    Nanna!!! LOL!! Brilliant. I'm REALLY going to miss Herrick. I thought he was far superior to the one in the pilot. Fab characterisation, superb acting. I did wonder if the old guy interviewing Owen, and the mysterious Prof were NECESSARILY sinister, but I guess they are... I don't think I can wait for the next series. I believe I may combust with anticipation before it gets aired :-(

  • Comment number 34.

    Ooo yes and I'll miss Seth, too. Fab villain! And the vicar was great - had great depth for a "secondary" character. I hope we see him again.

    Thanks so much for a fantastic series. I rarely watch TV but Sunday evenings had me glued, I say GLUED to the TV.

  • Comment number 35.

    Oh if anyone's suffering from withdrawal symptoms you might want to check out the youtube dedications. 'Sexy vampire' is my all time favourite, very funny.

  • Comment number 36.

    Hey, guys, just taking a look at Broardcast - a magazine recommended by one of my Screenwriting lecturers (hey, Mr. Whithouse, you ever think of seriously looking for new talent to write scripts, I really am about to graduate Screenwriting :P).

    Anyway, on page 4 of Broardcast there is a brief bit about 'Being Human' being recommissioned. And it says that Series 2 will be eight-parts (definetly not a typing error as they mention Series 1 was six-parts). More episodes would be really great, so I hope the report is accurate.

    So, can we get any confirmation on-site? Will 'Being Human' series 2 be eight-parts?

  • Comment number 37.

    I really hope so ive read a few places that its got 8 episodes so surely they cant all be wrong? but can we have it confirmed? please :-)

    There you go Toby you've found yourself someone to write - and if you want ill make the tea and arrange the biscuits then you can just sit back and put your feet up lol

  • Comment number 38.

    Toby, is there any chance of Owen getting turned into a vamp? I think he'd make such an wickedly evil vampire.

  • Comment number 39.

    Just watched Episode 6 again. Fab, obviously.

    I am hoping that, when my mum sees it, she doesn't ruin the end by saying: ''It's 'none of us knows', not 'none of us know'; none is a shortened version of not one''
    *groan* can hear her saying it already.

    We all love it though, so hopefully she'll be too engrossed to notice!

  • Comment number 40.

    Haha, what next? One of us will be offering for you to put your feet up ON US next! heehee. At least you know we care.

  • Comment number 41.

    SuperOchre i just youtubed that video - very funny lol.

    Theres one on there set to Maroon 5's harder to breathe - the video isnt that great (sorry!) but im glad im not the only one who has been thinking this would be a great song for the show - not sure its dark enough maybe though mind you there have been some pretty upbeat tracks on the show aswell? great song though ive had that album years now since it first came out and still not bored of it which i think says a lot!

  • Comment number 42.

    I was thinking at the end of the episode that Owen might get turned into a vampire as well. He'd make a very dangerous adversary seeing as he's an evil bastard as a human and now he appears to be quite mad.

    So much story potential. Definetly enough for a second and even a THIRD series. Here's hoping that 'Being Human' continues to go on and on. There aren't enough high quality shows around.

  • Comment number 43.

    Lol well Mitchell's been around a long time he's probably forgotten most of what he learnt at school :-) cant expect him to have perfect grammar now can we lol

  • Comment number 44.

    I thought the writing on this show was amazing. I love the way you can mix comedy with drama and the ordinary with the supernatural. I esp. liked the way that even the minor characters like Josie or Gilbert were still beautifully acted/written.
    Can I put in a request for flashbacks w/Mitchell, Herrick and Seth? I'd love to see Mitchell go back to confront the bullies only to find out they've all been killed in WW1 anyway.
    Good luck writing series 2

  • Comment number 45.

    Oh and speaking of music - i agree with SuperOchre - big thank you for introducing us to alabama3 some brilliant tracks and im sure if i had an ipod theyd be at the top of mine too lol cant wait to hear the music for next episode i keep scrutinising my music collection thinking ooh that might fit if that happens or ooh maybe that one for when... lol the music has been one of the many high points of this series!

  • Comment number 46.

    The music has been great hasn't it! Shall we start a petition insisting they fit the 'oh oh sexy vampire' track into the next series? ;)

  • Comment number 47.

    The chap who told us about the BH music on the behind the scenes stuff said that initially he asked the crew to come up with suggestions. If he asked the fans we'd come up with LOADS. I reckon 'Freak' by Silverchair would have been a good one for series one or the pilot.

  • Comment number 48.

    Wow!!! What an ending to an excellent series. Many thanks for this and I cannot wait for series two to begin. Thank you also for one of the best lines in a TV series "I actually let a little bit of wee out there".

  • Comment number 49.

    I saw 'freak' over a BH montage. It fitted quite well.

  • Comment number 50.

    Did you? Ha, either someone is like-minded or they saw my earlier post on the behind the scenes music blog!

  • Comment number 51.

    Toby, Toby, Toby, I beg you on my knees, please don't kill off our lovely werewolf, ghost or vampire!! Pleeeese! I promise if you save 'em I will personally bake your biscuits, never mind just arrange them on a plate!

  • Comment number 52.

    nope... I was lying. Was 'freak like me'. So, not the same thing!

    I wonder what other tracks we can find... get thinking everyone.

  • Comment number 53.

    Hee hee, just had a look on You Tube and couldn't find a montage using 'Freak' so was just about to ask you where you found it - now I know why I couldn't!

  • Comment number 54.

    Pretty piece of flesh-butthole surfers.
    Supermassive black hole-Muse.

    Can you tell how bored I am?

  • Comment number 55.

    It's a shame there's virtually no way they could credibly bring Gilbert back. He was a really great character and well acted.

  • Comment number 56.

    One inch punch not the buttholes. Wow my mistakes are truly amazing today. Think I should move away from the keyboard now.

  • Comment number 57.

    Hmm now i dont have a very extensive musical repetoire ooh lots of long words lol so im not gonna make many suggestions but i like the marroon 5 one harder to breathe - i think lyric wise it could have fitted a mitchell and lauren scene but thats not gonna happen now lol...also like shiver from the same album not sure what it would fit though but its a bit strange as all the BH songs are :-) in a good way obviously.

    Also theres a song by the hoosiers called cops and robbers which i cant imagine ever fitting with a BH scene but the lyrics always remind me of the show...
    If we catch a criminal,
    when we catch a criminal,
    theres nothing we can do,
    but play cops and robbers,

    We want a revolution and we're baying for your blood,
    we're laying down the law and your name is mud,

    you want to be a member of the human race,
    you want to be a good boy but you couldn't stand the taste.

    I quite like the song but like i said dont think itd fit :-S cool lyrics though

  • Comment number 58.

    Oh yeah and obviously muse lol they're great for anything like that - both of my films i made in media when i was at school/college had muse tracks on lol i loved showbiz think that was perfect at end of episode 2 - thats one of my favourite moments i think - yeah another favourite lol

  • Comment number 59.

    This show is so great, and hopefully George does not die because I feel really drawn to that character. Also, from other comments I have read, werewolves can be immortal to depending on the writers want along with the ability to shapeshift any time. Also, I think with Owen's character should become a deadly hybrid of vampire and werewolf causing a bigger problem to arise as a new species more deadly than anything before threatens the lives of the entire world as Mitchell, Annie, and George have to save the world before human race falls prey to the ultimate evil

  • Comment number 60.

    'Twisted' Skunk Anansie
    'Beware of the dog' Jamelia
    'Thorn in my side' Eurythmics
    'Frontier psychiatrist' The Avalanches

    Off the top of my head. Yes, I am bored too.

  • Comment number 61.

    Cops and robbers is a good track even though it's a total rip of love cats.

    Oh Twisted would be great too!

  • Comment number 62.

    Why are our pointless comments getting posted straightaway and others (probably more related to the actual show,) aren't?

  • Comment number 63.

    the cure? yeah they do sound very similar.

    Just gonna youtube all your songs now lol see which i like :-)

    Oh and love the coral track they used in episode....1 i think but dont hold me to that it may have been 2?

  • Comment number 64.

    Thank you for a good series and I agree that there must be many awards out there waiting to be won. I am waiting for series two but am apprehensive about the spoilers...being forced apart...dying....killing! I cannot wait.

  • Comment number 65.

    OK... merchandise. Now I'm not going to be sporting any t-shirts or badges.. well maybe in 10 years time at BH conventions... but what do you reckon they will be pushing out for us all to buy?

    I'll start with: t-shirts with "who wants some of my chair?!" on them.

  • Comment number 66.

    Yep, I reckon 'Twisted' would be awesome, even if I say so myself!

    'Strange and beautiful' Aqualung
    'Favourite game' The Cardigans
    'Out of control' The Chemical Brothers
    'Parachutes' Coldplay
    'Confide in me' Kylie
    'Leave me alone' Natalie Imbruglia
    'I want to break free' Queen
    'Set the record straight' Reef

    I really am too addicted to this forum...notice they are in alphabetical order...I def didn't just go through one of my playlists...oh dear, oh dear.

    Haha, I reckon loads of poeple would want that t shirt!

  • Comment number 67.

    'tis hard to come up with music for a story you don't know yet though!

    Plus I feel bad for taking up so much space on this particular blog space, when it's not strictly to the point.

    Sorry everyone.

  • Comment number 68.

    I think I'll cry if the behind the scenes stuff and all the little extras aren't included on the DVD. I'd like the pilot to be on there too but am 50:50 about whether 'newbies' to Being Human should watch the pilot before the series.

  • Comment number 69.

    im glad i watched it cos im a bit of a tv and film buf and like to know absolutely everything lol but for "newbies" or people who've liked it but not become quite so obsessed maybe not - its like theyre completely different characters ... i do still hope its on the special features as well as everything off here! ill be really dissapoint if they arent :-(

  • Comment number 70.

    Personally, I loved both the pilot and the series. But, as you say, the portrayals are so different between the two that some people may find it affects their enjoyment.

    I still really hope the pilot is on the DVD, as well as all the cool extras on here.

    Have ordered my copy already but am going to be crouched in a corner, rocking until then.

  • Comment number 71.

    I am even dreaming Being Human now. Last night (bit bizarre)I dreamt that Mitchell had leprosy and I was the only one who dared to hold his hand! Weird.

  • Comment number 72.

    Thankyou sooo much Toby for the best show on TV.
    Every episode has been so full of in-depth characters and a brilliant mixture of comedy and horror.

    Those spoilers are horrible!
    But i guess you knew that because you gave us the evil laugh.
    'Someone Kills' - my guess is Annie as Mitchell has killed a fair few in his time and George killed Herrick...

    'Someone Dies' - If it's one of the trio i'll cry. :(
    Though on the plus side if it's George i'm guessing Mitchell can save him?!

    But they get split up... :( I hope the Professor character has nothing to do with that. He sounds like a nasty piece of work already.

    Anyway thankyou again Toby and team for BH, a wonderful series :)

  • Comment number 73.

    Oh and you will have to say an acceptance speech someday. There's no doubt that BH will win awards :)

  • Comment number 74.

    Great songs sperkii its nice to no its not just my life that has been taken over.

    I think people *newbees* should watch the pilot as some things like y george hated annie and y he shouldnt look in the door way are in it and plus it was still good even if the people did get changed (for the better)

    Thanks Toby for the little teaser but now i really need to see series 2 now just to make sure everyones ok. please dont let it be 1 of the 3 main people that die id be so sad i wont no what to do with my self.

    Please dont let it be too long await for the second series and trust me the team will get so many awards for this series there wont be any room left on tobys selfs for anything else.

    Oh and sperkii any thing by muse would fit this show as they are truely brillant (what can i say i just love them)

  • Comment number 75.

    Me too :-)

  • Comment number 76.

    i no what you mean about dreaming about the show the other night mitchell saved me from herrick and then we went for a walk around the hospial but we didnt talk it was weird but still nice!!!!!

  • Comment number 77.

    Thank you so much to Toby and the whole BH team, not only for one of the best TV shows for years but also for the amount of thought and work that goes into this blog.

    Well done everyone!

    Also special mention for Barry Pilling. Bravo!

    Roll on series two.

    And I will copy everyone else and say can we have more sarky vicar?

  • Comment number 78.

    Yes more sarky vicar ne was just brill just the throwing up was great i no i have a evil side but i was still funny

  • Comment number 79.

    When are we getting the cast interviews? please let it be sometime this week!!!

  • Comment number 80.

    Yeah i can't wait for it :)
    Hope my questions been answered lol

  • Comment number 81.

    Me too :-) although loads of people asked the same questions after

  • Comment number 82.

    Yeah i thought that,, a lot of questions either were exactly the same or had been re-worded to mean exactly the same thing lol

  • Comment number 83.

    OMG series 1 was fantastic.
    and Aidan is soooooo HOT!!!!.
    and i think im being stalked by the writers as my name is actually lauren mitchell- strange.
    thanks for an amazing series :) x

  • Comment number 84.

    we are meant to be getting the cast interviews this week - hopefully wednesday cos i wont be on here tomorrow :-( might have to have a quick peek though lol
    oh and you're not the only i always have really vivid dreams anyway but since watching this right before i go to bed its been even worse/better depending on how you look at it lol had some that shouldnt be repeated lol but had a strange one that i worked with george and he was about to transform but couldnt get out - and he was really ill - he wasnt in pain like in the show it was just making him be sick all over the place and i was looking after him by making endless cups of tea lol which seemed to work :-) very very odd though and woke up several times thinking theres a vampire leering over me lol bit freaky but just keep reminding myself - im ok so long as i dont invite them in lol - now anyone who enters my house im checking for a pulse first :-D

  • Comment number 85.

    Lots of Aidan fans out there. Naturally, I see why. But, Mr Whithouse, personally I think you're quite a dish yourself! (that is meant in a light hearted way - please don't lump me in with the deluded stalker type/s on here! heehee)

  • Comment number 86.

    Lol sperkii i hope im not included in that last group :-S ever since reading some of the posts on here i worry about putting anything complementary about aidan for fear of being branded a stalker :-S you cant help but notice that hes a rather attractive young man ;-) but dont worry i am not under the illusion that he is gonna turn up on my doorstep tomorrow and sweep me off my feet lol. Although i cant really talk when i was a teenager i was convinced that a celeb was gonna fall in love with me lol usually a different one every week :-)

  • Comment number 87.

    No, I wasn't including you! I was afraid to put my comment about Mr Whithouse as well, in case I sounded like completely bonkers (not for thinking he is attractive, you understand, just for expressing it! lol)

    And yes Aidan is very attractive too, so I totally get why everyone is saying so.

  • Comment number 88.

    Besides, Mr Whithouse is sporting a wedding ring (is it wrong I noticed that?!) so it really was only meant as an innocent compliment :-)

  • Comment number 89.

    Lol yep as was my admiration of aidans chest...innocent compliment lol. and no i think women are pre disposed to notice wedding rings :-S.
    ooh bbc3 - its on :-)
    poor george i dont like this scene cant watch :-(

  • Comment number 90.

    Yup, I've got it on too. I've already watched it again twice today :-) Btw, I am a full time student, so I do work as well as obsessing about BH!

  • Comment number 91.

    Sperkii has a crush! I've always thought Toby looked a bit like a werewolf. A really successful, well-managed one; a seasoned wolf, if you like. It's got something to do with the arms and the facial hair.

    (This is my new thing to keep me going between series - casual speculation about the secret supernatural lives of others.)

    ANYWAY, thank you to Toby and the entire team, it's been wonderful to have a TV series that I actually take with me throughout the week, and don't just forget as soon as the credits run. I've said it before, but I really can't think of another time where I've felt so deeply for characters. As someone above mentioned, it's the little details that make them seem so real; George's slobby evening sweatpants, Mitchell's slavishness to pop culture from way back when, Annie's tea. ANNIE'S TEA.

    Please tell Dylan Brown... oh, I don't know. Just give him a hug. A really long one. You can get vampire-ghosts, right?

  • Comment number 92.

    Thank you Toby for this brillo series, am looking forward to more

    And I'm not worried from info you gave us about the episode, I'm really excited.

    (Please say we don't have to wait until January next year, oooh, special online once off ep would tide me over.)

  • Comment number 93.

    brownstudies, yes, I suppose it is a crush *blushes*

  • Comment number 94.

    Well, this is the first time I've ever posted on a site, but after watching the superb series finale, I felt I just had to congratulate the cast and crew on an excellent, innovative series.

    Not since Ultraviolet (and I refer to the excellent series with Jack Davenport, etc. not that awful film) has there been so thoughtful a supernatural UK drama.

    I am looking forward to series 2, and I will be curious to see how the plot develops, especially now that we've seen George and Annie come to realise the potential of ther powers.

    Concerning developments for Season 2 I hope it's not Nina for the chop, as I am interested to see how she comes to terms with her impending Werewolf nature - something we touched on with George, but certainly not right at the VERY early stage, plus she knows what she'll become... How will it effect their relationship? The last man / person that physically scarred her we know little about - this time she knows who gave her the new scar...

    But I will ask, however the series develops, never stop giving us hope - no matter how dark a place the characters end up. After all, isn't that what being human is all about? :)

    Well, that and love of course!

  • Comment number 95.

    Well said, Peredhel

  • Comment number 96.

    It'd be interesting to know about Nina's past actually. I love the character and think Sinead Keenan is just a brilliant actress for it. I am so glad Nina wasn't written out for series 1, so please don't kill her off just yet!

  • Comment number 97.

    I don't think you have anything to worry about Sperkii, no way they'd kill Nina off, not just yet anyway.

    She has too much story potential to be explored. First, she is clearly going to try to hide being a werewolf from George. Also she's going to have to learn to deal with her condition. And when George finds out, he's going to have to deal with the knowledge that he did this to her after he promised he'd never hurt her.

    If Nina does exit the series, I think it's more likely that her character would literally leave. Probably because of relationship problems with George. To have her die would be too much of an easy escape from her curse. Like a blessed release. And writers are rarely that kind :P

  • Comment number 98.

    before you go! just wanted to say thankyou for getting clare higgins involved! she often dines in the restaurant i work at (Orso in Covent Garden) She really is a lovely woman, her laugh is something else! good choice! please try and bring her back . . .somehow x

  • Comment number 99.

    in terms of t-shirt slogans, i think "i am the weapon" is a good one?

  • Comment number 100.

    i have waited for this program since i seen the pilot for being human.and seeing the whole series even with two new members since the pilot its even better. im hooked to say i wach this over and over again on bbc3.i carnt belive 1st seires is over and what a ending it was. leaving us with such a teaseing taste to ponder is nina a wearwolf before she met george or did he scratch her. whos the man wanting to contact them, oooooooo please hurry series two has i dont know how long i can wait lol.well done for a fab series an i can see loads awards going to you for this.

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