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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 16:43 UK time, Thursday, 6 August 2009

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New to BH? This post does not contain spoilers, but the comments might...


That's right, your eyes are not deceiving you.


This is the Being Human trio back in the same room once again, reading through the first three episodes of series two and gearing up for production to start on Monday.


The trio along with creator Toby Whithouse, director Colin Teague, and the top secret new cast members met up at a hotel in Bristol to go through the action of the first few episodes.Ìý And we can exclusively reveal that they are corkers, featuring death, blackmail, secret love trysts and Being Human's legendary dark sense of humour.


I can't say much more just yet, but we will be on set from Monday to capture all the action as it happens.Ìý We'll cover every element of the filming process and bring you exclusive insights from the cast, crew, special effects team and even the tea lady.Ìý (Ok, now I'm exaggerating - I can't guarantee the tea lady.)ÌýÌý But I can guarantee you're going to love it!




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  • Comment number 1.

    Come on! You got to get us the tea lady!! This is just tea(sing) otherwise!! :-)
    Great to know the ball is rolling again! Can't wait!!

  • Comment number 2.


    I can't really think of more to say than that. :p

  • Comment number 3.

    How about Rev. Sarcasm? Is he around in season 2? Please say yes.

  • Comment number 4.

    yay all excited for the new series

    i really cant wait there all back together all looking good
    (really like leorners hair do in this video)

    role on the filming and team if you could get us the tea lady that would be real good

  • Comment number 5.

    sorry lenora's hair do

  • Comment number 6.

    Brilliant so glad we're going to get the behind the scenes stuff during filming...Blog team you are so good to us I could just kiss you :-D (but the restraining order says I mustn't...)

  • Comment number 7.

    How about post the video on Youtube or somewhere where people outside the UK can see them? The very first line says "New to BH? This post does not contain spoilers, but the comments might... so why not open it up to everyone? I'll even give ya'll a bowl of boiled peanuts to snack on. On a side note, Lenora looks amazing with the new hairdo. Eye candy indeed.

  • Comment number 8.

    I second what c & e said and will add a cheery hooray for good measure :) thanks blog team

  • Comment number 9.

    And I totally agree about Lenora...looking really pretty and like the hair

  • Comment number 10.

    Anyone remember that so-dreadful-it's-almost-good Ferraro Rocher advert years ago where they're allegedly serving them up at an Ambassador's party? - [accent] ''Monsieur, wiz zees Ferraro Rocher you are really spoiling u-us'' [weird inflection on the us, which makes it two syllables]''

    No? Just me? Oh well. Replace 'Monsieur' with 'blog team' and 'Ferraro Rocher' with 'amazing blog posts' :D

  • Comment number 11.

    Oooh this is great news (even though we knew it was coming)

    Sperkii (10) read your comment before watching the clip and thought 'what on earth is she on about?' Then watched it and know exactily what you mean. It is in the fashion of your life will be much better is you use a certain brand of wash-powder.

    Anyway, oooh!! excited I am to be here!!

    Thank team

  • Comment number 12.

    And yes agree about Leonora's hair but then again she always looks pretty good....even in gray

  • Comment number 13.

    Omigod I feel so excited I feel sick!

    I wonder if they do look at the Blog hmmm...not sure

  • Comment number 14.

    Does anyone know what the music in the background is as my daughter would like to know?

  • Comment number 15.

    Just blogging it as the lovely Russell suggests! Great to see the trio back together in Bristol ( if I lived there I'd be trolling the streets to find any BH action going on...) All three of them looking and sounding good but is it me or does Aidan just get yummier by the day!
    BH blog team you are the best and really understand that the fans of the show want and need constant and immediate backstage stuff/video clips etc....Barry, could you lend your expertise to the Desperate Romantic crew who don't seem to grasp this.
    Hate to say this but I'm hoping that Mitchell finds his true love in BH2 ...poor guy can't carry on much longer with his loveless existance...course she'll have to be an immortal..if Toby's struggling to find her may I suggest this twenty something fellow Dubliner would be perfect for the part.....

  • Comment number 16.

    brown:: If I lived in Bristol, I'd be getting arrested!!

    And not just yummier but definatley(?) scrummier aswell (I had convinced myself that I liked the Rossetti look...which I do but well just look at him back in Mitchell mode).

    Has anyone else had the same sort of morning as me ?...telling everyone that we are up and running again and getting the same blank stares which say 'and.....?so....?' they just don't understand. I think I would crack up if I didn't have you lot.

  • Comment number 17.

    driving::(14) Tried to help by asking the 7 year old cool kid in the office. He recognised the tune "Yeh, it's a club tune"...I enquired, "called?". "No idea" and then looked at me as though I was some kind of ancient weirdo for asking.....sorry driving, I did try.

  • Comment number 18.

    Haha finally managed to watch it - in 2 second bits but I managed yes all looking exceptionally gorgeous love Lenoras hair, Aidan looking ridiculously sexy and Russell...well what else can I say about Russell...you know my feelings about that :-) but he is also looking even more gorgeous than usual wasn't sure that was possible :-)

    Like their little blog bit at the end lol wonder how much Barry paid them to say that :-P and "they can't recast now theres a contract!" haha I can just see Aidan turning into a right little diva watch out crew he'll be asking for a bowl of blue m and m's soon and don't you dare let a green one slip through lol bless him.

    Also anyone else noticed the little facebook link on the right? Obviously got that sorted then :-)

  • Comment number 19.

    He can have whatever colour M&Ms he wants.....

    How goes it eagle? (this is all very exciting isn't it?) and yes, all three look fab.

  • Comment number 20.

    Haha thanks for trying Vampfan. My fourteen year old could only offer up "raving" music so that was helpful...not.

    I prefer Lenora all curly than straight but heyho what do I know. I wonder what they'll do about Sinead's hair as she has a completely different style. I mean I wouldn't have thought that whilst coming to terms with the fact that Nina maybe a Werewolf she'd be straight down the hairdresser's for a complete revamp (no pun intended).

  • Comment number 21.

    I think Sinead's hair is how she had it before (seen it on someone's video diary) think she just has the scraped back look for Nina......God we really need to get out more!!

  • Comment number 22.

    No, it wasn't a vid. diary...it was B.H Unearthed

    Right I am now going for a very, very large glass of wine because:-

    A) It is Friday night
    B) Have realised I am an anorak

  • Comment number 23.

    God girl,( vampfan) you leave it until 6,33pm on a a Friday night night to get into the vino... get a life...the rest of us started on the vino by at least 5.30pm!
    Think that eagle_eyes4 and drivingsusan are(sadly) right.....can't really see our fab trio ( or Toby) bothering to look at the blogs and Aidan seemed somewhat bemused by the mere mention of the word blog..of course if he needs help in that direction I am on hand 24/7

  • Comment number 24.

    Eagle_Eyes (Comment 14)... The blog team answers 'no comment' to the accusation of offering party rings in exchange for blog love.

    *Cough* It worked though *Cough Cough*


  • Comment number 25.

    Eagle-Eyes?? (Comment 14)?? How much wine have I had??

    Brown, you are right about the drinking but if I start too early I tend to spill more than I drink!!

    I don't think they look at the blogs. If they do, you and I between us will have scared the life out of AT

  • Comment number 26.


  • Comment number 27.

    Nooo, I can't see it

  • Comment number 28.

    Well I'm willing to admit that we may all have been on the wine but it sounds like the BH Team have been drinking out of much bigger glasses 'cos they're obviously reading different comments to the rest of us (re: 14) but hey good luck to 'em it's Friday night after all!

  • Comment number 29.

    Off now to hit the dancefloor (tough life but someone's got to do it)...no worries lionesskeeper as love to all AT followers including vampfan.
    Obviously had far too much vino ...can't understand a word of the blog team comment (comment 24)

  • Comment number 30.

    Cor I wish I was off to hit the dancefloor. I've now got a cup of tea on the go and am now contemplating bed with a book!

  • Comment number 31.

    Thank God nobody else understands it(24). Thought I had finally tipped over the edge!!

  • Comment number 32.

    driving:: You lead the same high-life as me!! It's been Hotel Babylon, Q.I. now Ideal, then bed for me. I just don't know how I find time to fit it all in.

  • Comment number 33.

    I know Vampfan it's all so high octaine! But I loved "Ideal" one of my fave shows ever; are they repeating the last series at the moment?

    I've tried getting hold of the CD soundtrack to the series as I thought the music throughout was great but have to say I'm not having a lot of luck.

  • Comment number 34.

    It's the one where Jenny is in a coma and Moz's dad has moved in next door. Have you noticed how dark the series have got as they have gone on. Still love cartoon-head the best (always felt a bit sorry for him...don't ask) and Jenny, when she is not in a coma is hilarious

  • Comment number 35.

    Oh yes love cartoon-head especially after one of his ears had to be taped back on. I also like "psycho-Paul" and his wonderful Mancunian drawl. But my favourite has to be the guy who wrote it all .. can't remember the character's name but he always turns up with a fella half his age and says "int 'e scrummy?" but yeah you're right it has got steadily darker.

  • Comment number 36.

    I think his name is Colin Duff but I can never remember his character's name Hi Hi

    I also thought the conversations between psycho-paul and Tanya were billiant..they were like a male and female version of the same thing

  • Comment number 37.

    Yes! I was convinced Tanya was going to turn out to be a man! But isn't Jonny Vegas just great? I mean he is such a star now and yet he stayed with that series for what 5 seasons and it remained on Ö÷²¥´óÐã3 for the duration.

  • Comment number 38.

    Credits just came on - Graham Duff plays Brian.

    Well that's me for tonight...it has been fun chatting and now series two feel a little bit closer...oooo! can't wait

    night night

  • Comment number 39.

    Yes of course Brian.. I'm done ...goodnight one and all

  • Comment number 40.

    Haha you've all been having fun whilst I've been at work then? :-P

    Yes if they do read the blog then Aidan will indeed be scared ****less by now :-D on the other hand his head is looking ever so slightly bigger so maybe he does read and quite appreciate your stalking tendancies (trying not to aim that at anyone in particular *cough* vampfan lol)

    Wow so you're all on the vino tonight...I'm on tea...and quiche lol how very english yes I know it's half past midnight but some of us have to work silly hours and body clock get's all out of whack :-D

    Oh and yeah it was comment 18 not 14 vampfan it's ok you're not going mad think maybe BH have been on the sauce too lol

  • Comment number 41.

    Oh and yay to BH production being back in commenting land I have to say the first comment in ages and it includes my name well I feel very very flattered and special :-D I owe you a drink...or more party rings (the official biccy of Being Human lol)

    Right think thats me for the night I'm off to bed with the rest of my cuppa and torchwood (If you lot are allowed to talk about Ideal then I'm allowed to talk about torchwood lol)

  • Comment number 42.

    I was away from the UK (for work) and great news to return home to!
    I can see I have lots of archive to catch up on 8-o
    I told people I know in US to watch it and a couple of people said they liked the show, they get it on 'Ö÷²¥´óÐã America' over there.
    I plan to rewatch series 1 to get everything fresh in mind ready for the start of series 2 - a marathon of eps so I'll need mugs of tea
    Thanks to people for fan supporting to generate a series 2, thanks to writer and crew and cast making a TV show funny and interesting for me to want to watch all eps of it

  • Comment number 43.

    Awwww!! eagle...please don't say his head is looking slightly bigger Ya see I see a completely different thing.
    (Imagine...'Vampfan in defending Aidan Turner shock').....If you think that all these 'cocky' comments are always followed by a nervous laugh and if you think back to the Q and A's all those years ago, every answer was followed by the little laugh and a look at the interweiwer that said "Is that OK?" He is a shy little puppy who needs a strong, capable woman..who?...now let me think....

  • Comment number 44.

    eagle:: as far as the stalking tendancies allegations....well, just got to old my hands up to that one...it's a fair cop gov.

  • Comment number 45.

    I'm officially not happy. I've just moved to Thailand and finally got the stupid internet sorted out. Decided to catch up with the BH blog. Imagine how excited I was when I saw a new video about season 2. I click, I get all smilely, and then... 'This video is not available in your area' What? Sorry, WHAT? It's the WORLD wide web people, sort it out so us expats don't regret moving abroad.


  • Comment number 46.

    Yayness! I'm kinda excited. This is probably because I've just watched Effron and Pattz but still it's great news that the spin for series 2 is in full waltzer mode.

  • Comment number 47.

    Yeah the 'you' thing is weird.

  • Comment number 48.

    Just a thought.. I loved the prequels we had for the three main characters for series One and I realise we have all the back story but it would be nice if we could have a little dramatic interim footage for each of our three characters on the blog when the time comes...pretty please.

  • Comment number 49.

    While we're making requests we did make one a looooooong time back lol "two thousand otters tottering around in totterdown" if you recorded Aidan saying that on set I can guarantee a lot of love from the Mitchellettes...me personally I just wanna see if we have the power to make them do something daft lol

  • Comment number 50.

    Yep and me please (48 amd 49) not just some random ...oh you know what I mean

  • Comment number 51.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 52.

    Well how eciting..I seem to have been referred to the moderators..can the Blog team explain why? ( I'm a pussy cat really!)

  • Comment number 53.

    They won't....they modded me months ago...and I actually e-mailed them asking for an explanation...they never did reply.

    I love the blog team dearly but the MODS seem to think that cos we fly around this page like silly kids, generally acting daft that is what we are really like (if only they knew). They may or may not un-mod you either way you will not get the curtesy of an explanation.

  • Comment number 54.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 55.

    Cor Brown you've got me intrigued now!

  • Comment number 56.

    Eugh don't ask you won't get a reply *rolls eyes* I agree with vampfan Barry and the crew we love you but seriously...I won't say anymore though because last time I referred to the mods as mini hitlers I got a rather stern warning :-(

  • Comment number 57.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 58.

    It's Sat night. It's probably Pimms o'clock in the blog house and now there is an automated system with an option of 'highly offensive', 'meh' or 'routinely tedious'.

    I think (pretty positive actually) that the three thousand otters thing was something we added afterwards.

  • Comment number 59.

    Ok thing's I've learnt that might help lol - you cant star out part of a word you have to the whole thing. You can't always do links - you can sometimes depends whether they're bored or not lol. You can't say anything that might be construed a slightly offenive even if it is in a playful way. Erm think that's about it...you do any of those things?

  • Comment number 60.

    Oh yeah it's three thousand otters isn't it not two :-S sorry what can I say the excitement was just too much lol

  • Comment number 61.

    Ok..enough of this moderation nonsense ( Blog team..how do you expect to keep up loyal fans with this behaviour..!)and anyway, time to get on the latino shoes for the salsa dancing...
    Guys...was trying to give an answer to drivingsusan re video clip tune ( asked DJ last night( and making comments re Aidan from pasr posting...see directors commentary no 9 comment 17 fo my comments on whether or not he is shy or otherwise.
    Sorry...Man dragging me off now to practice latin moves...hasta luego amigos!

  • Comment number 62.

    Ooh wow have fun - I'd love to learn to dance never had a bloke secure enough in his sexuality to don a pair of dancing shoes yet though lol you're very lucky :-)

  • Comment number 63.

    eagle you muppet. Rule number 1, never guess out loud how they judge the delete system.

    Yeah in the original thingie he said... tottering in totterdown? Something like that anyway. Then we added the three thousand otters bit. On behalf of the AT fans can I request that AT says 'three thousand otters tottering in totterdown' please?

  • Comment number 64.

    hasta la vista brown :)

  • Comment number 65.

    Hehe Ok super you do it right lol so thats 3 of us...erm how many do you think we need to get? :-P come on Mr. P you know you love us :-D

  • Comment number 66.

    hey people have we abandoned the forum now

    hows everyone doing and just what did brown say to get modded so many times in one night

  • Comment number 67.

    I don't know but now I feel pervy and I'm not even bothered. I've got enough pervy worries with Pattz, Effron and Leto to swoon over.

    Eagle, random question: would you add your next door neighbour to fb if they had requested out of the blue? I'm confuzzled.

  • Comment number 68.

    Too late I've added in a moment of insanity.

  • Comment number 69.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 70.

    well night all

  • Comment number 71.

    Sorry internet died :-S oh there we go the moderators are out in force aren't they I didn't even do anything all starred out :-(

  • Comment number 72.

    How about a prequel for Herrick (even though he is dead now) and Tully? Anything BH related in better than nothing.

  • Comment number 73.

    Oh if only these videos were available to the fans in the U.S. I guess I'll just have to wait for whatever appears on Ö÷²¥´óÐã America. I shouldn't complain after an absolutely fantastic panel at Comic Con. It was great meeting Toby and the cast. I'm looking forward to series 2, and another chance to do the "Mexican wave" in 2010.

  • Comment number 74.

    leonora..( not THE Leonora I take it...) So jealous of the fact that you actually met the fab 4 at Comic Con....thought Russell was in his element there. Please say that you didn't speak to the beautiful one ( AT) or some of us might never recover.
    Guys...still don't know why the moderators clobbered me last night...no swearing or bad comments so still in a fog..maybe it was something i said about biscuits which was misconscrued!
    eagle: re finding dancing man...
    1. join a salsa class that doesn't take itself too seriously
    2. Feel like, and look like, a fool for quite some time but does include dancing with lots of different men ( and yes, due to smaller numbers of the male species wishing to swing their hips sometimes dancing with other women)
    3. Don't be afraid to practice said swinging of hips despite odd looks from others whenever on the dancefloor.
    If lucky dancing man should come your way...if really lucky he may be cool with drools over wild haired Irish men ( fair dos...he drools over the godess who is Beyonce)

  • Comment number 75.

    Haha I look like a fool most of the time - it is my favourite pastime :-D but there aren't any salsa classes round here :-( I've told you I live in the back end of beyond lol

  • Comment number 76.

    Okay brownirisheyes I won't tell you that I spoke to Lenora, Russell, Aidan, and Toby. I won't tell you that I was able to get a group photo with them, with Lenora looking directly at me. I won't tell you that they were so accommodating, that after all the autograph ticket holders were served, Ö÷²¥´óÐã America opened up the line to all fans wanting an autograph. I also won't tell you that at the panel Lenora fed chocolate to Russell. I also won't mention that I captured that moment on film and posted it. I won't mention a word of that amazing weekend. So don't be jealous brownirisheyes, just make sure you don't miss it next year, and you didn't hear a thing from me.

  • Comment number 77.

    I'm back for my music duties...driving (#14) it's Calvin Harris 'I'm Not Alone'

    super, you still crack me up :) and blog team comments always make me smile too

    That's all *waves*

  • Comment number 78.

    Even though I can't watch the video, I can tell that Russell looks great with a slight tan. He should visit California more often.

  • Comment number 79.

    Have they changed over shift??...is it safe to come out again??.

    Hang on leonora:: did you say you met Aidan?...it got my attention, you should know that you are duty-bound to tell all.

  • Comment number 80.

    I think it's safe :-) Although I might be too busy sulking in my corner now I know you met my Russell lol

  • Comment number 81.

    Yep...major sulk but not too bad for me only got 24 hours, 30 mins to wait....God, I need a life

  • Comment number 82.

    Well I met Aidan like every other fan that went to the signing. I got my autographs and told them all how much I enjoyed the show. I took a few blurry photos (my hands were shaking). I then stepped to the side and took more photos and hung out at the booth and I also spent the time answering questions to the curious passing by the booth. I'm not a BH expert, but I was able to answer the most important question of where and when BH can be seen. My work did not go unnoticed by the Ö÷²¥´óÐã America staff. I introduced myself and told them how much I enjoy the show, and how I was tweeting about the premiere on twitter and Facebook to all my friends. When things started to wind down I asked if I could possibly get a group shot with the cast. I wouldn't have been offended if they turned down my request, but they kindly stopped the line for me and I got my group shot. I thanked the cast again and shook all their hands including Aidan, and then more importantly I thanked the Ö÷²¥´óÐã America staff. In a sea of insanity called the Comic Con Exhibit hall, the Ö÷²¥´óÐã America booth was a festive island of calm. The staff went above and beyond to keep the fans happy.

  • Comment number 83.

    Well it would be if today was Monday and not as I have just realised, Sunday.......you would think that the whole lie-in, Sunday lunch, not going to work thing would have been a clue!! DUH!!

  • Comment number 84.

    Wow Leonora:::exiting,some people have all the luck but then again if my performance tonight is anything to go by I would have just turned up on the wrong day!! or if not just stood there like some sort of gibberng wreck. Well done you.

  • Comment number 85.

    Lol dont worry vampfan you'll get your chance to go all crazy fangirl next year at OUR convention :-D can't let you lot have all the fun now can we

  • Comment number 86.

    But eagle:: I do gibbering wreck really, really well. I cannot string a sensible sentence together when he is on telly....what will I do if he is in the same room?

  • Comment number 87.

    Haha I'm not sure but whatever it is I'll film it and make £250 from you've been framed :-P

  • Comment number 88.

    lol There is nothing funny in watching some poor unfortunate soul collapsing in a rather un-ladylike heap on the floor

  • Comment number 89.

    I am officially jealous of YOUR convention next year. It looks like it's going to be a nice intimate affair. I wish I could make it. Make sure to bring Hershey's Kisses for Russell. Russell Tovey loves kisses.

  • Comment number 90.

    Eagle press leonora on how the hell she knows that. I am off to my bed now but thanks to you two talking of kisses and just seeing them in the flesh....I have no idea how I am going to sleep.

    night night

  • Comment number 91.

    Re: Russell's love of Hershey's kisses. You can watch him gobbling up the chocolate bits during the Comic Con panel, and when he was through with his stash, Lenora feeds him one from her supply. I didn't even notice it until a viewer pointed it out on my video.

  • Comment number 92.

    Leonora....just to finish me off completely...what did the beautiful one actual say?
    Guys...there's a BH convention on British soil next year?,,,was I sleeping? Give info immediately

  • Comment number 93.

    Lol bless - we don't get Hersheys over here though *fights urge to tell the Americans that English chocolate's much better anyway* :-D

  • Comment number 94.

    Although I have to say peanut butter cups are a winner...and oreo's although they're biscuits so they can't count :-P

  • Comment number 95.

    Not much beyond the usual thanks for watching and keep watching. I wished her luck in getting a new wardrobe for series 2. The best reaction came later. A young boy of about 9 yrs. old came up to me asking who "they" were. I probably should've just shooed him away, but I told him the cast of "Being Human". He replied "Being what?" So I told him jokingly to just go up and ask them... and so he did. I thought he would just move along to the next booth. Instead he cut right in front of the line and walked up to Lenora and tapped her on the shoulder and got her attention. He asks somewhat loudly "Who are you?" Lenora started laughing and before she can answer him security came and moved the little boy along. I bet the little boy could've got a hug out of her. As for the convention next year it's an unofficial event, so it's not mentioned on here. Google it I'm sure you'll find info. quite easily.

  • Comment number 96.

    Bless you sperkii!! I've been searching for this as you know.

    D'ya know I've put feelers out in the past for pieces of music or fragmants of drama and you guys have always come up trumps!

    It's a nice feeling....thanks

  • Comment number 97.

    eagle: talk to me re home convention next year...
    Hey it all kicks off tomorrow in Bristol. Man making noises about taking holidays next Jan/Feb when BH2 is on.
    Perhaps you could start up a new salsa class in your outback living place eagle...just need a teacher to hire and a dance space.

  • Comment number 98.

    Re: chocolates. Doves are better than Hersheys. They gave out Doves at last years Comic Con. I didn't know that until Gerard Butler started throwing his bits out into the audience. I was not one of the lucky ones to catch a Dove.

  • Comment number 99.

    BTW I tend to prefer imported chocolates to domestic chocolates, so you won't get any arguments from me. I just like the thought of showering Russell with "kisses".

  • Comment number 100.

    I don't like chocolate...but I do like kisses...would that count?


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