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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 18:41 UK time, Thursday, 9 December 2010

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Annie has found a way to send messages from the other side.

We're collecting everything we can on our new Annie Broadcasts page. Three have been received so far, with the next message transmitted tomorrow.

It's Annie. She's communicating. She's alive.


  • Comment number 1.

    Annie trailer Yes and behind the door?

  • Comment number 2.

    Well sort of so they have cages on the other side of the door must be their version of the naughty step.

  • Comment number 3.

    now on youtube so the rest of us can see it!

  • Comment number 4.

    What scares me is that Annie's Hair is no longer big and out there What are they doing to her that has taken the life from her hair? I mean she's dead right locked forever in the same state with the same hair but now. The men behind the door are going to be in serious trouble.

  • Comment number 5.

    Squeeeeee!!!! Chuffed beyond belief with this - I kind of hoped that this is what they'd do with her. Awww, poor Annie. Erm... why is she wet???

  • Comment number 6.

    Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!! This is awesome, havent logged onto my computer this fast in ages!! You know how to tease us!!!

    Oh poor Annie, where ever she is, they must not have hairdryers or products, now that is torchure =P

    But she's making contact & hopefully will be back with the boys & Nina asap.....

    ...The count down really begins now!!! BH3 will be our late christmas present for you guys =)


  • Comment number 7.

    Yikes, seems I will have to make a daily return trip on the Eurostar to watch this.
    Never mind, it looks like the best kind of Advent calendar for you folks - even better than chocolate. Enjoy!

  • Comment number 8.

    Evening bloggers!

    Annie looking decidedly bedraggled...are the men with ropes and sticks torturing her in some way?...and why is she behind wire netting...being held in a cage or holding place of some sort? Perhaps they're trying to use her as bait to get hold of Mitchell or using her as an example to other ghosts who misbehave!

    Like this...it's a new slant, same as Lloydy boy in S2 and CenSSA. Thanks for this, BH Production...xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    I think we may have predicted ages ago that this is what they'd do with Annie, didn't we? Have I dreamed it? It doesnt matter really because ITS ALMOST TIME!!!!!! I am actually doing a little chufty squirm at the thought. So is Annie going to be the main focus of the promo stuff then?

  • Comment number 10.

    Awww, poor Annie! It's sad :'(

    I REALLY hope they get her out of there soon!

    ps. Thanks Mr P and BHProd - you know how much I love the interactive stuff! :)

  • Comment number 11.

    Dear Ö÷²¥´óÐã3 us poor folk who live outside UK watch all the commotion going on but can't participate because Ö÷²¥´óÐã don't allow it to go on YouTube simultaneously...so it's like watching Christmas morning from the room next door. BUGGER.

    Tom back in Oz

  • Comment number 12.

    Anglo - One thing that is quite scary about that idea and that is becoming human.

    BcH comes on half way through BH now as BHP make sure that there is a constant BH internet thing going on. I'm sure some of you are starting to get worried now it could mean it takes half the season to rescue Annie.

    A whole half season at the mercy of the Men doing I don't know what.

    Of course another possible outcome is we will be getting mock up news reports.

    Have you seen the weeping spirit

    Earlier this month this paper reported on a generalized cases of television interference in the area of Barry Island Cardiff. Local residents are at a loss as of what to make of this. At first they assumed that this was due to sun spots but then they started seeing her. On the screen instead of the usual static they saw the face of a young woman behind bars. Victoria Vale (36) said "All we know is that she's scared"
    Physic's have swarmed to this small area to give there own take on things Alan Cortez (44) Has stated that according to the spirits "Her name is Annie" after which revelation he seemed to become very weak.
    This was however nothing as Last night She spoke.
    continued on page 57

  • Comment number 13.

    Annie: we've found you messages & can hear/see you loud and clear =)

  • Comment number 14.

    I just remembered something about the bars


    you tube on set with Aidan

    interesting similarity? or a red herring?

    we shall as always see and be called a fool for my ideas as that might be too much of a plot give-away so the whole red herring thing.

    Also water on the other side it's effects remain so could other senses return to Annie touch? smell? taste?

  • Comment number 15.

    OMG!!! How Cool Is that?!?! We love you Annie!! OMG I cannot wait for BH3 Whoop-Whoop! *applause*

  • Comment number 16.

    Oooh, exciting!

    Thank you, BP/BHP. You're SO good at stirring the fans' interest to ever higher levels.

    Great! x

  • Comment number 17.

    Wow. Awsome!
    Can't wait to see Annie again in BH3, hope she gets rescued really soon.
    Also interested to see what they will do with the whole afterlife thing. There are just so many possiblities. I'm just happy knowing that it's the BH that's doing it, everything they do works out Brilliantly! Which is kinda wierd now that I think about it, wonder if they have some kind of help? Supernatural help?

  • Comment number 18.

    Wow ewan - good catch! I am beside myself with joy!

  • Comment number 19.

    Wow! This is brilliant! Thankyou so much again Being Human production team.
    It's so sad too. Poor Annie. I was almost in tears :(

  • Comment number 20.

    For the answer to that Ziggy if you scan back the blogs you'll see something in answer to your question


    Wow it's getting to the point I'm referring to past blogs

    It makes the idea of 31 days till estimated release date seem all the more closer as a greater need fills my being one word fills my mind it's whisper echoing in my mind

  • Comment number 21.

    OMG this is exciting stuff! I seriously cannot wait until S3 and our speculations shall finally come to an end haha!


  • Comment number 22.

    18 - We shall see how close I am to the truth very soon 31 days to go unless we get a proper date then. We will know.

  • Comment number 23.

    HAHAM! Spread the Annie love

  • Comment number 24.

    It's not often that a large organisation that is effectively run by committees gets it right, but this is bang on. The combination of online interactives, community and riveting drama is incredibly engaging - and addictive. I love this tantalising glimpse of a bedraggled Annie in what I assume is some sort of Purgatory.

    It's such an interesting premise. Why would someone who doesn't have a bad bone in her body end up in Hell, if that's what it was? Why the men with sticks and ropes? Purgatory I can understand - she's broken the rules. But then you have to ask who's rules? And does everyone meet the dark men when they go through the door? When Annie was working with the Medium it seemed that some people have a peaceful passing. So who decides who goes where and why?

    This is why I love BH: it constantly leaves you wanting more.

    Well done BH team - keep teasing!

  • Comment number 25.

    I always knew purgatory was a waiting room
    Well done guys *is intruigued*
    (pass it on on Twitter guys)

  • Comment number 26.

    So that's what it's like behind the doors - a constantly looping shampoo advert. Having just watched Penelope Cruz rattle on for the umpteenth time about how her hair dye leaves her looking natural despite the fact that it looks ten times lighter than her eyebrows, I can feel Annie's pain.

    "When the men with sticks and rope come knocking, I just like to Wash and G..." Rattles bars, "... ohh bugger".

  • Comment number 27.

    Hey Everyone! I'm new here, but I've been lurking in the shadows, and thought it was time to come out! ;) I just want to say I LOVE THIS SHOW!! Unfortunately, I don't get to see the episodes until later and I can't view anything on the site here, as I live in the States. But I saw the Annie Broadcast just open on here, and I'm extremely excited for series 3!
    I've been keeping up with what I can on Youtube, and I love all the little tidbits that the BH Team slowly teases us with.. it's Great! I'm really hoping the Annie Broadcast makes it's way there soon, too.

    * Okay, I've gushed long enough! See all of you later! ;)

  • Comment number 28.

    Is this where we comment about the Annie Broadcasts? It is now...
    Oh my god! This is amazing, are these going to be little trailers shown on tv between shows (like we discussed...)?
    Looks like I may have to shut my moaning mouth about Annie never being much of a focus on the show - I'll gladly shush!
    I love it, I love it, I love it.
    Super work Mr P and Lenora, xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Ha ha ....loving this new viral thingy..especially because it focuses on Annie.
    Did she say she was being showered?...couldn't quite make out what she was saying at that point. She certainly looks as if she's been in water..well, her hair anyways...rest of her immaculate as ever!

    Well I'm hoping that it doesn't take until half way through series 3 before she returns back to Mitchell, Nina and George....having said that bet there's going to be some great storylines in that place...ya know..Death!

    Ewan...clever to remember the cage that Aidan was swinging through in that past vid.certainly could be part of a sequence where Mitchell attempts/succeeds in rescuing Annie from the cage/enclosure that she's in.

    Yes Annie we can hear you...and see you...and we feel your pain!

    Thanks BHProductions...innovative as ever

  • Comment number 30.

    Boy, this gave e serious goosebumps..
    BHProd are doing things pretty much neatly. If possible I'm even more impatient for Series 3!

  • Comment number 31.

    Well this really makes us realise just how close we are to BH3, exciting and intriguing times. Death is a place,now there's something to contemplate.

  • Comment number 32.

    The new broadcast is out for today it tells a lot about death and I have many ideas based on this but as I am a good person I will wait till 6 before telling what I have worked out hopefully this means You will have all watched it by then.

    Also BHP the fact you haven't said Yay or Nay to the screening is the worst kind of hope you could give us please is it on or isn't it an answer would really help me stop obsessing on the possibility.

  • Comment number 33.

    So close to release of being human 3!!!!!

  • Comment number 34.

    So now we know...... there are cosmetics on the other side! Memo to make-up team to tone down Lenora's eye make up or Annie will be re-incarnated as a tube of mascara!!


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