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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 19:05 UK time, Friday, 3 December 2010

CALLING ALL BEING HUMAN FANS. Yes, including you. And you over there... and you at the back hiding behind that lamp.

It's time to get back on the blog because it's going to be a December to remember.

We're officially counting down to the third series of Being Human. The awesome foursome have defeated Kemp, left Bristol and are heading to Wales, meaning a new set, new storylines, new characters and the possible return of Herrick. It's going to be huge.

The Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three gods have scheduled BH3 for an early 2011 release. The exact date is yet to be confirmed but January is looking likely. And you know when January is, right...?


So stand by for some hot blogging action coming up right here on this very site. We're talking behind the scenes, meeting the crew, new trailers, new series artwork, a new online spin-off series and even a few surprises. Well, of course there will be surprises. We love keeping you guy surprised. BOO! See, just did it again. Anyway, I digress...

The next blog video will be acting tips from Aidan Turner on Monday, when he tells us why his eyebrows are the reason for his acting success. Well, one of the reasons anyway.

After that we're on full steam ahead as we push towards the launch of series three. Are you ready? I hope so. Don't forget to follow us on and for the latest updates and check out for our latest behind the scenes photos.

Oh, and if you've never commented here on the blog before, give it a try. Everyone's very nice.

Seriously, they don't bite. Much.


  • Comment number 1.

    A real count down and a new Blpg I am filled with glee.

  • Comment number 2.

    well a sort of countdown anyway January early January I'm sticking to my countdown until then
    37 days

  • Comment number 3.

    This is getting strange a new blog has been up for ten minutes and still I'm the only one to comment. Yes I know by writing that last sentence others will come and make this post seem the words of a fool but if I don't they will not come catch 22 and all that.

    So I fall on my sword etc.

    Is this because this is not the Aidan post you wanted - if so for shame

    Still the promise of more blogs to come and the concentration to increase is wonderful news. plus more titbits to find out Yippee.

  • Comment number 4.

    Hurraaagghhh for the new blog! Very chuffed to see that it will all be kicking off soon, this means I'll be back to my hourly (minute-ly) stalking of the blog once again. Joy!!

    Oh yes, hello everybody!! xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Yaaaaaay!!!! :-)))) Soon....
    So excited... Aidan's due - be still my heart... *starts drooling*.... Launch of first ep merely days away *hops around in circles*... Surprises coming up... *breaks into unstoppable grin mode*.

    But wait------- Uh-oh!!------ *stops mid-track*... The blog's vid entries have turned back to "not available in your country" again. What a shame!

    Well, I'm still hoping that Ö÷²¥´óÐã will end our out-of-UK-fans' hard-suffering status, for good this time.

    Other than that... See line one... :-)))

  • Comment number 6.

    So all I had to do was suggest no one was there and I'm not alone any more, It's a gift I must not abuse. Or should I.

    Still there is one question yet to be answered one burning in our hearts for an answer.

    Will there be a screening this season? Please, please, please, please.

  • Comment number 7.

    Got excited at the sight of a new blog post...thinking it was the Aidan vid...only to see that we have to wait until Monday.
    Thanks for the info Mr P and team ...I'll be back Monday

  • Comment number 8.

    *waves* Hi everyone! How are you all tonight-not too cold I hope? :D

    Ooh, so its like the 12 Days of Christmas? The 12 Blogs of Being Human? *bounce* Okay, maybe not 12 but some at least, so thats a bonus!

    And yay, the Aidan devotees are finally getting their long awaited blog video. Saved the best 'til last, our dear BHProds? Heehee.


  • Comment number 9.


  • Comment number 10.

    BrainBuzz (5): Aww, I really hope the vid goes international for you sweetie! All fans deserve to enjoy these videos.

    Ewan (6): The burning question indeed-Please can we have an advance screening like last year? I'll promise to wrangle the time off work this time to come if we can have one!

    Dorina (7): Aww, bless you hunny. I think lots of folks will be like you and a smidge disappointed, but at least you have a definite arrival date for Aidan's blog now... I mean his blog video of course... *goes quiet*

    :D KC

  • Comment number 11.

    That's an idea should someone do a being human twelve days of Christmas.

    Day one

    a vampire face bloody

  • Comment number 12.

    Awww, now you've ruined my weekend as I've never wanted one to fly by so quickly. Patience my dear Sketty, patience.....

  • Comment number 13.

    Hooray! The blog is back, and soon, the show will be too!

    Mr P loves to tease us (awesome pic there!), but it's all in good fun. Gotta giggle about the eyebrows thing, as I refer to a certain expression poor Mitchell tends to wear frequently as the "Eyebrows of Confused." ;-D

    Been looking forward to what Aidan might say -- his intervies have a tendency to boil down to "I dunno. They tell me what to do and I do it." We all know there's a lot more than that going on in that head of his, but articulating it doesn't seem to be his favorite thing/strongest suit. :-)

  • Comment number 14.

    BeingHumanProduction (9): *giggles* Aargh, what's happening to me?! lol Thanks for the teaser blog, hunny!

    SkettyTheStandUp (12): Patience indeed, hunny. It'll be here before you know it. :D

    Right, disappearing for the night now folks, have a good evening one and all!
    :D KC

  • Comment number 15.

    Tad disappointed as I was expecting AT, but all good, AT on Monday, and yes the countdown has begun.

  • Comment number 16.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 17.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 18.

    Lovely to see a new photo and some tantalising hints of things to come. You know how to keep us on tenterhooks BeingHumanProductions and no mistake. :-)

    Don't mind waiting till Monday. I thought it was a tad too soon to have the vid edited by today and was expecting it next Friday. So this Monday is a bonus and, let's face it, something to look forward to after the weekly grind begins.

    Seconding ewan (6) and kinkyclawz (10) - a screening would be the icing on the cake.

  • Comment number 19.

    -See there's a new blog - skip a heartbeat - hear Bh3 will probably be next month-Die of utter joy!!! :)
    It's fine though, I'll come back as a vampire and hang out with Mitchell and Annie for eternity,they don't die either, but they have to get her back first. :)
    SOOO HAPPY!!! Now that It's close the blog will get Great!!! And then BH3 will be on and It'll be FANTASTIC!!! And i'm so excited....so..so...need to stop and brethe!
    Made my day!! (and i was having a great day) :)

  • Comment number 20.

    The picture at the top of the blog.....very nice. Caused a bout of fan-girl-type screaming from my sister and I...she now agrees with me over the hotness of Aidan Turner as Mitchell...and about time too.

    Roll on Monday.

  • Comment number 21.

    Gosh I haven't been on for so long I almost forgot my own username! But hey can't wait for Aidan's blog!!

  • Comment number 22.

    Thank you! So exciting....and what a great pic. The countdown is truly underway now.
    Can I add my plea - please don't forget us outside the UK, in my case a Brit working on the Continent with my DVD box sets out on permanent loan in my ongoing quest to convert everyone to the joys of BH. I'm succeeding, it's an easy task once they see it. YouTube as emergency back-up?
    Enjoy Monday everyone!

  • Comment number 23.

    Hi Everyone.

    (5) Buzzbrain my sentiments exactly about not seeing the vids anymore, but still *quivers with anticipation* waiting for all the new goodies coming our way :)

    Cynnyc thanks for all the info on the last blog. Now if I only had an iPad.

  • Comment number 24.

    New here... Hiya over there!
    You guys are going to have to keep me updated on the new season as I don't think I will be able to get it over here right away :( (unless they put it on I-tunes... maybe).
    Looking so forward to this next season!

  • Comment number 25.

    Woooo hey everyone! Not commented in ages so you all probably don't remember me! Can't wait for the new series, January may only be next month but it seems a very long way away so thankyou BH blog team for filling the gap/building the suspense! Any plans for another preview screening this time round? Nic x

  • Comment number 26.

    11 cont

    Day Two and three

    Two lunatics (Lucy and Kemp? - also Luna moon?)
    Three werewolf pens

    I'll try to finish before Monday and give the full carol late Sunday.

  • Comment number 27.

    Hello to all the newbies and returning oldies, great to see you all on here! It's going to be a bumper few weeks. The wait is nearly over and more blog posts are on their way so stick around...

  • Comment number 28.

    Hi everyone :) been lurking on twitter and saw the news that the AT vid was being edited but didn't know we had this little 'pre-vid' blog to wet our appetite. Will definitely be swinging back through Monday to see Mr P interview Aidan's eyebrows.

    Oh and can I add my vote to the petition for a screening....

  • Comment number 29.

    Hi Everyone :) I'm getting so-o-o-o-o excited.

    This time last year I was eagerly anticipating the BH2 screening. And, yay, I got tickets from the reserve list, and, boo, then it snowed :( And being in Scotland I couldn't get down. Much gnashing of teeth and angst in my household.

    Another screening would be great, BHP, but maybe I've been blacklisted for not getting to the last one....

  • Comment number 30.

    Thanks for the update! I'm looking forward to this series. I thought it would be coming soon, but I was anxious I had missed something...

    Anyhoo, yep, I think the change of venue should be interesting. I'm not over keen on the idea of the return of Herrick though. I liked the character, but, I think dead should remain dead. Dead, dead I mean. Especially considering it was a seminal moment for George's character at the end of series 1.

    Also, don't the vampires crumple into dust when they die? I know we've only seen Mitchell's ex do that but I thought we were probably expected to assume it happened to the other dead vamps too, albeit off-screen (quite a major effect after all). Mind you, blood + vamp dust = resurrection has been done before in Ultra-Violet. And one or two of the Hammer Horrors if I remember correctly.

  • Comment number 31.

    Well a question I can sink my teeth into there. (Yes I know bad line but at least I didn't say fangs)

    Well the answer to Herrick dust question was revealed in episode one

    Annie : That's odd the pieces of Herrick they're gone.

    So from this I've worked out a theory - That yes might be the wrong theory but it will serve for now.

    Only another vampire can kill another vampire Dead, what happens when they are killed by others is their bodies are put into a sort of dormant state - I don't know about decay but it would explain the memory loss Herrick - so either the body in this state can be resurrected using vampire blood or be destroyed -cremation, decay etc leaving the vampire Dead dead.
    What happens with the ghost soul conscious of the vampire during the dormant state (if this theory is accurate) I don't know.

    Hope that helps or at least doesn't create even greater confusion

  • Comment number 32.

    Thanks for answering ewan. That Annie quote rings a bell. 'Bits' certainly suggest Herrick didn't actually crumple into dust. (Okay, I suppose dust is technically bits, too, but I'm sure you know what I mean.)

    "Only another vampire can kill another vampire Dead, what happens when they are killed by others is their bodies are put into a sort of dormant state"

    Hmmm. I think it's more likely to do with the way they are killed rather than how they are killed. I.e. the lady vampire who was killed in series one was staked through the heart. Herrick was torn apart and, likely beheaded by a werewolf. Maybe the wooden stake through heart thing provides a specific reaction that being killed in other ways does not?

    Another possibility could be the death rules as stated in The Lost Boys, where different vampires just go out in different ways. Or maybe the difference in age has something to do with it. Young vampires dust, older vampires just leave dead bodies. (I'd normally associate it as being the other way around though. Dracula and Lucy Westenra being an example.)

  • Comment number 33.

    "I think it's more likely to do with the way they are killed rather than how they are killed."

    This should be:

    "I think it's more likely to do with the way they are killed rather than who does the killing."

  • Comment number 34.

    the stake = true death
    head being torn off by a werewolf = temporary

    Your take on the age of the vampire however, the longer they're around the more able they are to keep their state?

    Or how strong they are after all we know that Seth was older than Mitchell by the opening flashback. but we all know he's dead... or do we?

    I suppose what it all comes down to is this do we trust that Lord Toby knows the rules for his vampires? Also do we think the answers if not in the blog will be revealed in the new season of which we hope there will be a preview screening of the first episode?

    I have in answer to those questions Faith and Hope respectively.

  • Comment number 35.

    On a simular but unrelated note, I have a question about ghosts.
    Okay so firstly do all people that die become ghosts and then go through the door?
    I'm thinking yes, my evidence being the guy who could hear ghosts who was killed by Kemp and Annie went through his door, also the guy who tried to get Annie through the door, in that episode with....uh I don't remember his name, the other ghost who was helping Annie the one from the war? Whatever his name was.
    Anyway if the answer is yes then a new question arises, when vampires kill people do they see THEIR ghosts?
    Cos that could be kind awkward?

  • Comment number 36.

    "Okay so firstly do all people that die become ghosts and then go through the door?"

    I believe so. Only those with unfinished business remain behind though. Interesting point about vampires' victims though. They should be able to see the ghosts, but maybe that's only the case if they decide to linger.

    "Your take on the age of the vampire however, the longer they're around the more able they are to keep their state?

    Or how strong they are after all we know that Seth was older than Mitchell by the opening flashback. but we all know he's dead... or do we?"

    I was thinking either of those could be a possibility. I tend to think that the older a vampire is, the more changed they are and more likely to turn to dust though, but these vampires might follow different rules.

    "I suppose what it all comes down to is this do we trust that Lord Toby knows the rules for his vampires?"

    I hope so. I hope the rules don't just change according to the plot but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. It doesn't really matter that much I guess. I just find this minutia interesting. (Nerdy, I know.)

  • Comment number 37.

    Oh good more questions ZZUPL on ghosts first the names Hennessey heard the ghosts and was killed by Kemp and the soldier was called Sykes

    Here goes on the question.

    option one Annie remembers the corridor with men at the end with sticks and rope. So not around straight after she died. might be that most visit the corridor before turning away.

    option two I think those that stay as ghosts have unfinished business that is so strong that it keeps them there or in the case of Hennessey have a connection to the spirit world in the first place, perhaps a stronger reason to stay than go.

    So the more I think on that question the more it becomes a logic trap for me (so many options available I can't logically chose and am trapped not knowing)

    But original question got sidetracked a little bit on the ghosts I don't think they do as otherwise Amy wouldn't have talked about the breath leaving in a sigh, more about the looks on the ghosts faces.

  • Comment number 38.

    MD I live for the minutia myself.

  • Comment number 39.

    Woooooo! Thank you for this post & the gorgeous picture of Mr Turner =) Cheered by day up & im looking forward to the video on monday =)


  • Comment number 40.

    Okay so if Vamps don't see their victums ghosts because the don't decide to hang around, cos they don't have unfinnished buisness...then what kinda freaks are vampires killing that they don't consider being killed by somthing they thought didn't exsist, unfinnished buisness.
    I don't know if it's just me, but personally, if I was killed by a vamp, then I would relise that "all those things you're scared of as a kid, all the monsters under your bed, they're all real" And I would be either really curious and want to find out more, about this whole new side of the world I just found out about, OR i would want revenge for killing me.
    I mean the ghost chick with the baby, hung around until the cortcase about how she died was over.
    Personally I wouldn't be able to go "Oh I was just killed by a vampire, oh well, lets move on and see what's in the afterlife".

  • Comment number 41.

    That ah yes well Death Trauma answers that question and we can even use Annie to prove this.
    When people undergo a truly traumatic event they can some times either block it out or 'step outside the moment' when that happens they are not around at the moment of death they are hiding from it.
    As traumatic deaths go having a vampire prove themselves to be real and then ripping your throat out - I'm going to say that's a biggie.
    Just as being thrown down the stairs by the man you love.

    Or there is the run away method of a ghost option your throats being torn out you have the flight instinct and then you find you can run and so you do only later returning to where you were when you died.

  • Comment number 42.

    Best news of the day.

  • Comment number 43.

    Well, Aidan *does* have very expressive eyebrows. Nice pic, btw.

    Very much looking forward to series three.

  • Comment number 44.


  • Comment number 45.


    I finally get to see myself on screen, looking forward to that.

  • Comment number 46.

    woohoo a spin off series too and month of goodies starting with Aidan on Monday ohh I am loving this month. Can't wait to see the blogs and the new series eee so excited :D

  • Comment number 47.

    Woohoooooooooo..hi everyone!
    It's been AGES since I last signed in here..it's just all so very exiting that series 3 will soon be hitting our screens!!

    I for one can't wait to see Mr Turner and his eyebrows in the next video blog! He has eyebrows just like Captain Scarlet whomn I was inlove with as a little girl,but I won't go into that..lol..that is a fangtastic piccie indeed,it looks like Mitchell is singing! lol :O)

    Thank you again Mr Pilling for all you do for us die hard BH fans!


  • Comment number 48.

    I am thrilled that there will be a season 3! This series must be on fire if the SyFy channel here in the US is following suit with their own version of Being Human in the next few months...will be interesting to see how the 2 versions compare....can't wait!

  • Comment number 49.

    Hullo everyone!

    A new blog and lots of exciting treats to come! *happy dance* Ahh blog, how I have missed thee! :) It's been so quiet here lately! I can't wait for the new series - no doubt the anticipation will build up by visiting here! :) Not that I'm wishing away time, but roll on January! :D

    And just one final note, that's a lovely photo of Mr Turner at the top... :D

  • Comment number 50.

    We need an air date for series 3!! Its not fair - the imposter has one :(
    Only joking - well I'm not, but I can wait (if I have to) x

  • Comment number 51.

    Hello. Still frustrated for not being able to see the outtake with Kemp and Lucy, but certainly excited for the third season!

  • Comment number 52.

    Hi all! I wondered if anyone else in America has just started having trouble viewing all videos on this site? I had no problem before and now I always get a message the video 'not available in your area'?? help? Thanks!

  • Comment number 53.

    Im cant see them now and im in America too

  • Comment number 54.

    Hmm...wonder why they are blocked? If any computer guru's out there can help us out, please do!! Would be very grateful. Thanks, Being Human bloggers!

  • Comment number 55.

    Hello everyone! I've visited the blog before but now I'm going to join in.
    I was so happy a few months ago when I found out I could see the vids at last. Now, alas, it looks like they are gone again here in Oz too. So I won't be able to see Aidan tomommorow. Sob.

    Thinking seriously of moving to the UK in January. So hard knowing my favourite show is airing and I can't see it!!!!

  • Comment number 56.

    Regarding Herrick's resurrection, I thought he was resurrectable because Cara and Daisy summoned him rather than his manner of death. Maybe Lauren and Seth could come back too if someone went to the trouble???
    But if it is to do with manner of death I'd go with staking being final and anything else potentially not final.
    I thought Annie's comment about the bits of Herrick being gone meant they had turned to dust.

  • Comment number 57.

    "I thought Annie's comment about the bits of Herrick being gone meant they had turned to dust."

    That wouldn't have been a surprise to them though considering they'd seen a girl vamp dusted before.

  • Comment number 58.


    Can't wait! :D
    (First time commenting on here, yeah I'm more active on Youtube haha)

    I want to see how Mitchell, George & Nina are going to save Annie!
    & the spin-off series sounds interesting, just like the podcasts. :)

  • Comment number 59.

    Great News! woo hoo! roll on january.

  • Comment number 60.

    Hi Tassa & 79sars79...I hope you get to view these fab little videos on the blog,maybe they will be available on youtube to view?:O)

    Hi Swigger.ummm what did you mean by you can't wait to view yourself on screen!! I am curious Fox..lol :O)

    Have a fabby Sunday everyone

  • Comment number 61.

    Hellooo everybody, happy Sunday. Cold here so quick visit.

    Lovely to see the final one of the foursome again...come Monday, I suspect the website will be in meltdown but, hey, you gotta live a little. Fab pic of Aidan, wonder what he has to say on acting? He's pretty serious about it so hoping there's going to be quite a bit. Had heard the vid (if there is one) is going to include Jason Watkins too...if that's the case, it's a double-bill I don't want to miss!

    Thank you BH Prod Team for this and tomorrow's bits, whatever they may be. I think there's only one thing to say after that...especially from the ones who know what I'm talking about...


  • Comment number 62.

    61 - Typical ! lol

  • Comment number 63.

    Can't wait to find out how how his eyebrows are the reason for his acting success. Sounds interesting, and very weird?!

  • Comment number 64.

    35 day to go by my calculations and estimate based on last year and I think I'm right because.

    Sunday is the most likely day of broadcast
    Early January means before the 16th

    so 35 days

    unless it's on the 2nd of January because that would be so cool hangovers gone from the night before and then, shame that that date is usually reserved for last years Christmas specials.

    so with all these facts 35 days to go

    Oh and new blog tomorrow

  • Comment number 65.

    Oh the answer to the vidio problem for thoes outside the UK in the last blog 136 Cynnyc explained it all with a link you can check there.

    or for the basics a new way of selling iplayer on the ipad outside the UK. It would not get revinue if accesable from the Ö÷²¥´óÐã sites.

  • Comment number 66.

    I find that after taking (or even thinking about talking) to my crazy Twilight Fan friend, then I really need to check the BH blog, Just to remember that their are some sane people in the world.

  • Comment number 67.

    What's even worst is when I'm being told about Vampires, Those aren't vampires. Being Human has Vampires (It's also fantastic in many other ways, but still).

    Also I Think I wrote their intead of there. Oh well.

    The sooner BH comes back, the sooner Good is returned to the world.

  • Comment number 68.

    65 I thought it would be something like that. Maybe I have to get an IPad. Have been thinking of getting hubby one for Christmas.

  • Comment number 69.

    63 I have thought before that he has very expressive eyebrows.I think his range of emotional expression is what makes Mitchell such a great vampire character. So much more range than most other vampire characters.
    That and the fact he's so sexy.

  • Comment number 70.

    I really hope the bh blog people post this vid on youtube because I really want to know what Aidan's eyebrows have to do with his acting success. Or I think I'll buy myself an ipad for christmas/my birthday/hannukah

  • Comment number 71.

    looking forward to Herrick's return.. he's just such a formidable foe...
    as for Wales - Torchwood involved anyhoo?
    can't wait for S3 - daily re-watching S1+2, making new wallpapers, and going through possible story lines in my head.... why can't time pass quicker?!?
    as for eyebrows - YAY!!!! bring 'em on. and the rest of Aidan too:)

  • Comment number 72.

    Oh dear. My 15 y.o daughter just described the pic of Mitchell as scary and creepy. What is wrong with her!?

  • Comment number 73.

    73 ha ha!
    My16yo thinks he needs a shave. They'll grow up.
    And vampires are meant to be scary. That's half the fun.

  • Comment number 74.

    Oh sharp teeth, you give me such wonderful feelings of joy. Yes, I think Being Human is 50 times better than True Blood.

  • Comment number 75.

    Still waiting for the vid... pant, pant. Haven't seen Aidan for ages.

  • Comment number 76.

    Hey my first blog, hello guys! Can't wait for new series.

  • Comment number 77.

    So here I am housebound in snowy Glasgow wondering how vampires cope with extreme cold. After all Mitchell wears his gloves a lot - but perhaps they are just a vampiric fashion statement. According to a nurse who posted on Yahoo, since a vampire is a corpse if they were exposed to freezing temperatures for any length of time the water in their bodies would freeze and expand and their cells would explode. And apparently blood wouldn't be enough of a fuel to keep them warm. So what do you think? Are vampires stuck inside all winter. And what about the ones in Trannyslyvania, isn't it colder there? Perhaps they would go into a state of hibernation like snakes...

  • Comment number 78.

    Evening all bloggers...am loving some of these posts! Waiting (im)patiently for the new blog to appear..keeping an eye out *looks furtive*

  • Comment number 79.

    I always thought vamps don't mind the cold, that much, what with being dead and all as for any science behind it, you have to consider they manage to walk around without a heartbeat, logically that just shouldn't work. As for the fingerless gloves I just figured they to prevent too much sunlight hitting his hands, might be uncomfortable?
    Plus they look cool.

  • Comment number 80.

    Gosh, only a month to wait? I can't believe it! Or I can. Being Human is always gone way too long :(

    I can't wait for next series, Being Human series one is one of the only series I can watch repeatedly without getting bored :D Not so hot on series 2, but I still await series 3 with an open mind!

    Yup, never posted here before, although I don't feel particularly new :O I watched the original broadcast of series 1 and I've stalked this blog since then, so yus. Been meaning to join the discussion for quite some time, and since the blog called out for new faces to post, I thought now was a good time to start :) I won't take you on your vow that I won't get bitten though. I should think that half the fans of Being Human are some kind of creature of the night, even if they're friendly ones ;P.

  • Comment number 81.

    Ooo I am ready to view the 'expressive' eyebrows Mr Pilling!!! lol..You are keeping us ladies in such suspense!! :O))

    Another great actor with expressive eyebrows is the fabulous Mr Alan Rickman,he does amazing things with his eyebrows.lol..when in doubt,let your eyebrows do the talking!! xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Next month? Seriously? :-D

  • Comment number 83.

    OK - I need help - I just saw the new promo's for the American version of BH and I am feeling guilty - I wanna watch it. I feel like I am cheating on my favorite monsters if I do and I really don't want to like it. I clearly have issues, I know this. They are both starting around the same time too...
    On another note - I CAN'T WAIT 'TILL JANUARY!!! I miss my favorite show. Finally something to look forward to after the holidays!

  • Comment number 84.

    OMG after all these readings and watchings of Les Bloggs, I've finally made it all by myself. WooHoo !! Here we GO .2.3.4 xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Come on I'm desperate man !!

  • Comment number 86.

    OK I'll come back later,,darn it

  • Comment number 87.

    OMG! I bought series 1+2 on DVD and im just about to watch series 2 watched it on and off now im totally obessed with Being Human. Can't wait for the next series!!!=D

    I don't like many 'supernatual' programmes and films because of the Twilight films but I have to watch Being human and ITV3's Vampire diaries. (I have to say Being Human is a lot better then Vampire Diaries!!!!!)


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