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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 12:23 UK time, Monday, 10 January 2011

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Hopefully you all saw the new artwork released last week. If you did, well done. If you didn't, come back after school and Mr Sands will deal with you then.

Today we've gone behind the scenes to see how the images were put together, and how easy it is to be cool on camera in front of a room full of strangers.


  • Comment number 1.

    Great timing, my lunch hour.
    Thanks very interesting.

  • Comment number 2.

    Aw Aidan, you'll never look like a fool!

    I also think Russell and Sinead make a great comedy duo - I love them so much! :)

    Thanks for the new video!

  • Comment number 3.

    Another quick point, is the Ö÷²¥´óÐã3 intro bit at the beginning new? I really like it! :)

  • Comment number 4.

    Lovely thank you guy's x

    Where's Ewan?? he always gets 1st post????

  • Comment number 5.

    Ahhh, I'll look forward to this one being available outside the UK! Still cameras and I have a fraught relationship. Tips from the truly photogenic are always welcome! :-)

  • Comment number 6.

    Long time reader of the blog, thought it was about time I actually started posting what with the new series almost upon us!! So hello everyone! *waves*

    Thanks for another entertaining video blog team! It's nice to hear the cast find it as strange as I imagine I would!

  • Comment number 7.

    4. Nevaaprincess. Good grief, you're right, I've beaten Ewan to the first post for once. I'm sure he's busy speculating on S3 after reading the spoilers.

  • Comment number 8.

    7. Deadlysecret congratulations ;O)lol Have you spent the weekend doing that too???

  • Comment number 9.

    Russell and Sinead. The new Morecambe and Wise. (Sings) "Bring me moon shine"

  • Comment number 10.

    Oh yeah! Well done DS :)

    Lovely wee video. Don't touch the fangs hehe.

  • Comment number 11.

    8 Nevaaprincess. Yep been pondering over the spoilers, and have to say a tad concerned about future of Mitchell, especially as AT will be filming in NZ.

  • Comment number 12.

    6. Aprilamy welcome to the blog

  • Comment number 13.

    Thank you so much this was brill!!!
    (3) I have to agree with you...Aidan yo never look like a fool!
    Now all we really need is an official date!(hint, hint (just kidding but that would be lovely))
    Thats made my horrible weekend alot better!
    Thanks again!

  • Comment number 14.

    Gosh, there were some good half-Mitchell-half-Aidan moments in that video! I think i might need to go and have a lie down...

  • Comment number 15.

    11.Deadlysecret you spotted that too :O( trying not to dwell on that too much as it may cast a dark shadow over s3. We've waited too long for shadows such as that terrible thought to hinder our enjoyment and I'm sure The Dark Lord and everyone else has taken this into full account and we are worrying for nothing (muffled sob)

  • Comment number 16.

    I really hope so Nevaaprincess, but I have a really uneasy feeling, bout Mitchell, bout a tweet of SK's where she said 'Last week , ever', when it was the last week of filming, and this epic last episode filmed on the last day. I'm well uneasy all round.

  • Comment number 17.

    OH! Deadlysecret I hope not...I hope they keep BH going...

  • Comment number 18.

    Well Nevada and deadly where some people work they don't have internet access that hopefully answers the question you asked earlier.

    Now on to the Vid yes Sinead and Russell are defiantly a pair together you can really see how much fun they have together on set.

    As for the worries expressed about that tweet I still say it's probably referring to something non BH related. Who knows what but not BH.

    As to the possibility of an Aidan light season four, Seasons are different in New Zeeland so there might be breaks in filming over there. Also Martin Freeman is getting time of and he's Bilbo so as a Dwarf I'm thinking he'll get time to film season four.

    Are you calm now?

  • Comment number 19.

    Hadn't connected those two things I'm now worse thanks for that (hysterical wail)
    HOLD ON!!! have we not learned anything from the last 2 series??? neva try and second guess what goes on with our beloved writers, cast & crew they would not let us down they know how much we care I have complete faith that we are mearly off on a blog tangent and we will be laughing at ourselves at some future point in the blog. However if I'm wrong I'll be the sedated one in the corner

  • Comment number 20.

    Ewan thank god we were getting worried thanks for the rational thinking we missed you darling lol

  • Comment number 21.

    18.Ewan now I understand why you weren't here for 1st post, I really hope you're right about the future of Mitchell and a S4, probably me just over reacting
    Here I am worrying about S4 and we still don't have a viewing date for S3.

  • Comment number 22.

    It's good to be missed.

    The dates are 22nd to the 28th most wanted date being the 23rd. as you know what you don't know is the time for becoming human is 70 minutes and it starts when some one leaves being human who well buy SFX if you want to find out - and no it's not one of the awesome foursome.

  • Comment number 23.

    Have the February edition of SFX in front of me what did you do write the article? oh to have your insider knowledge oh great one with much love & respect

  • Comment number 24.

    I read the article if that's what you mean - or do you not have your SFX's on order getting them before those that don't?

    Maybe should have started with than the issue I have comes out in two days - publicly.

    There is also an article on Outcasts the new show starring Daisy or Amy Manson

  • Comment number 25.

    Alas not a regular subscriber :O/ I saw a trailer for Outcasts the other day I shall remain observant oh wise one ;O)

  • Comment number 26.

    Evening bloggers, hope you're all well this Monday!

    Like the video, BH Prod, and the teeth. Well, I howled, as you can imagine. You can see, in the close-up, that the teeth are transparent but I'm impressed with them. How he managed to stop laughing in the end is beyond me, I know I couldn't, but then he's an actor and I'm not! As a bit of a fan of special effects, I'm enjoying this type of information. Also very interesting seeing a shot of the art work in 'comic book' format, almost.

    More please, team. And, Aidan...you're right. You'd never look a fool.

    Thanks gang!xx

  • Comment number 27.

    I loved this blog post....especially those fangs on Aidan!
    They all look gorgeous and just so photogenic.

    Lots of speculation on the air date. I'm still not sure if there's anything official been announced yet...and I'm still sticking by my original guess which was 23rd Jan (at 9pm, I hope....hopefully no later than that)


  • Comment number 28.

    22. Ewan, you got me worried for a moment there,as long as our four are safe.:-)

  • Comment number 29.

    Hello Aprilamy! There are a lot of us coming out of hiding and desperate to get our teeth into s3.
    Which leads seamlessly into a big thanks for this video - Aidan, fangs and smiles, a perfect treat! Russell and Sinead equally brill.

    Dear BHP, Not to be greedy, but as people get together for promos etc, can I mention the DVD? Any chance of getting writer/director/cast commentaries set up? Would love to hear those. (OK, that's greedy)

  • Comment number 30.

    oh my monday is now a lot brighter! Although I have found out that everyday of The Week as I have called it I am at the hospital apart from the 23rd ....

    Also Aidan look a fool? those words don't even fit in a sentence together without not making sense

  • Comment number 31.

    too tired to articulate. nice. like aidan laughs. can't predict future so lets try not to fret about bh4 and look forward to bh3. we'll know more about where it all gets left at end of series.
    dinner anyone?
    nice that ewan like me and working hard...

  • Comment number 32.

    Great vid BHProductions...you are spoiling us at the mo!

    Ohh.. Russell and Sinead are sooooo cute together..

    ....and could Aidan get any hotter?

    And a big hello to all new bloggers!

  • Comment number 33.

    [32] I agree with well everything there

    Hello to new bloggers I keep forgetting to say that

  • Comment number 34.

    Right where were my manners - welcome new bloggers, I have a feeling I'm going to be typing that a lot in the next 2 weeks.

  • Comment number 35.

    Evenin' all - jus' passin thru..... what a lot of speculaters you are, I agree with u WR (36), enjoy today andsee what tomorrow brings... P.S. gotb any stake left (sorry I'M late for dinner!)

    AIDAN leave your fangs alone - ha ha (could imagine him angrily hissing at his makeup artist).

  • Comment number 36.

    Wow!! Thank you BH Blog team, you like to treat us fans =)

    Love Russell & Sinead, sooooo funny & Aidan with fangs *Might have to pick myself up off the floor* Yum!!

    Hi everyone on the blog! Bet we're all very excited at the new series coming soon, I know I am!

    x x x x x

  • Comment number 37.

    35 - hey lycan - it was pig today... stepping away from the moo-cows, but still in the farm! It's like a take away for the wolves out there.

    Sorry all you new bloggers for not welcoming you too... although I don't feel exactly old myself! Am I classed as new? I don't think I can be, I've been here like a month (well actually I've been here for two years but I never spoke before a month ago!). I'm the one who talks about food too much and as Laurar and Annie I think will attest, I sometimes forget where the boundaries of polite conversation are!

    Welcome welcome welcome - we are the nicest bloggers in tv. Oh yes. we love everyone. even mass murderers. In fact I think a lot of the ladies (and maybe some blokes) rather fancy the main mass murderer on this site! Chocolate... mmm...

  • Comment number 38.

    [37] Thanks to you every time i see,think or hear 'chocolate' i think of him ...

  • Comment number 39.

    38 - I salivated over a lot of chocolate today. it was delicious! Happy happy thoughts... =)

  • Comment number 40.

    [39] very happy thoughts. I have lots of christmas chocolate left (lord knows how) everytime i look at it i'm in a dreamworld ....

    .... i'm back now sorry

  • Comment number 41.

    40 - *how* do you have any christmas chocolate left?!?! Mine was gone within days! That's why I've got such huge cravings. Need chocolate... hmmm...

  • Comment number 42.

    [41] well i had a bug over christmas so i wasn't up to eating till the new year and the pile of chocolate doesn't seem to be getting any smaller despite feeling like all i've eaten today is chocolate ... oh brain why do you torment me so?

  • Comment number 43.

    42 - oh so we're talking about real chocolate now are we?! this is confusing! sorry you were ill over xmas - that's not fun.
    My house is never without chocolate, I never want to be caught short.

    I have contemplated mixing the two forms of chocolate.

  • Comment number 44.

    [43] not fun at all

    sorry for confusion.

    Hmmm... mixing the two

  • Comment number 45.

    An estimated 13 days to go and this time no hours or minuets just days.

    tomorrow the Radio times and other TV schedule magazines come out for that event there is one week to go from then before we can rush with our copy circle one hours time as very important - let no programs clash - not Outcasts especially as I want to watch that and if it clashes I cant.

  • Comment number 46.

    37. porky! MMMMMMMMMmmmmmm, I'll do the apple sauce next week OK?
    Was going to go fishy 2day, but got mugged by a large Pasty on the
    way home 2 day. Was going to have venison last night, but some
    stole my choccy reindeer from my xmas stash.

    Slight speculation for anyone.... what time did we used to get BH evening mass? Hope its 10pm as bruce parrys Arctic is good viewing.

  • Comment number 47.

    13 days!!! That makes me ridiculously excited

  • Comment number 48.

    46 - pig with cooked apples, rather than sauce. it was good. damn those pesky pasties mugging you but I would rather that than fish - fish scare this little puppy!

    I finally get over the chocolate thoughts and you go and mention it again!

    I like 9pm as once my essays are handed in, I like to go to bed at 10pm - althout currently I am doing a line in insomnia worrying about my absolute favourtie Irishman's ankle and my playhouse closing down and my workload and my essay and my dear Irishman's ankle. Chocolate. No! Stop it! Shhhhh....

  • Comment number 49.

    have I managed to blog in past 24hrs without mentioning food?

  • Comment number 50.

    48. 49. all good things in moderation m'dear!, #
    - playhouse closing down?

    marcs riding a white swan (NO its not edible WR)

  • Comment number 51.

    my bedtime is 10 aswell i'm hoping for a 9 time again

    stop mentioning chocolate!!

  • Comment number 52.

    lo annie, your l8 for bed, I,ve tried early nites but I wake at 2/3am
    and go about strange transformations, so try and avoid if poss'

    I'm off to chatsworth at 10, any coming along for a larff....?

  • Comment number 53.

    50 - I so want to try swan, but I think it's illegal. Queeny, if you're reading, please can I eat one of your swans? there are loads in Stratford, can't I just have one please?!
    I reckon a swan would stand a good chance against a werewolf - vicious birds!

    phew, I made it without mentioning chocolate...

  • Comment number 54.

    p.s. I didn't mention the C word + theres a needle in my haystack.

  • Comment number 55.

    [53] not quite

    [52] its half nine?

  • Comment number 56.

    53. I've heard they're very tough, though my wee spaniel used to see them off (cos she was jealous we were feeding them) Crazy poooch!

    Swan v WolfY? never realy fancied them, and I usually steer clear of water on a full moon>

  • Comment number 57.

    55. soz thought u said u were aiming for 9pm, wot did u mean?

  • Comment number 58.

    52/55: I've got my pjs on - have done since 8pm - rocknroll - but I am trying to work as well.

  • Comment number 59.

    [57] i meant aiming for BH to be on at 9 sorry

    [58] actually so have I although 8 is quite late for me I'm normally in them at 7

  • Comment number 60.

    56 - yeah, werewolves don't look so tough doggy-paddling across a pond in the bathing light of the moon, do they?! much more grrr to scamper about woods and hills.

  • Comment number 61.

    59 - M&S brushed cotton, tartan numbers, cuddling a hot water bottle. Snug.

  • Comment number 62.

    [61] New Look minnie mouse, black and white numbers. No water bottle but I have a a cat. Curled up next to the radiator

  • Comment number 63.

    62 - my cat is curled up on my bed in the other room and normally she would sit on my keyboard if she were in the study, which isn't helpful. classic pjs there Annie. =)

  • Comment number 64.

    well this has taken an interesting turn....

  • Comment number 65.

    [63] my cat does that all the time. Yeah I am so cliched

  • Comment number 66.

    64 - I was priding myself on safely avoiding chocolate!

    I was concerned about how well chocolate and jam go together but do you remember those chocolate-covered marshmallow things with jam in the middle? - they worked amazingly well!

  • Comment number 67.

    well i shall see you all tomorrow for more jolity ... i'm not sure that is a word but hey ho

  • Comment number 68.

    59. ok annie 9pm is ok (I can record Bruce) all this talk of PJS ....WOW!! can i join in with my pipe and tartan slippers! haha..

  • Comment number 69.

    Good night Annie - sleep well!

    68 - tartan slippers are fine, but you'll have to smoke outside!

  • Comment number 70.

    69. ok tis only a bubbly pipe. ARRRgh gota go last bus 4 chatsworth,
    join me in your jams if u dare (ch4) cul

  • Comment number 71.

    70 - why chatsworth - I'm missing something... full moon is at 21:21 19/01/11, so you're not off for a doggy paddle in one of Capability's ponds!

  • Comment number 72.

    72. soz WR, Shameless now on Ch4 (hence I~ma totally distracted)

  • Comment number 73.

    Yeah! Another blog post! I just wish that we could know the air date!

  • Comment number 74.

    23rd and the blog vid is on youtube twice

  • Comment number 75.

    ah - I only watch a limited number of tv shows squeezed around my studies and f/t job and currently C4 offers me nothing of value! I currently record sky at night (hence knowing when full moon is!) and rugby highlights. Soon to add BH to that! Otherwise I have some dvd boxsets of shows gone by.

  • Comment number 76.

    Boooo! Why can't we fans in Australia watch it?????

  • Comment number 77.

    You can watch it on youtube a simple search unless you want a link?

  • Comment number 78.

    Lovely video thanks Mr P and co :-) very sweet and all looking gorgeous...any chance of some Lenora in the next one? :-) hope everyone's well xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Nice vid Mr P now your just spoiling us :) Thanks everyone deserves a little spoiling sometimes.

  • Comment number 80.

    Aaaaargh!!! Two page article in Scottish Daily Record newspaper today with Lacey Turner interview which is good as I assume there are press releases going out so BH3 is ever closer...

    BUT.... HUGE, BIG SPOILER in article. Thanks DR/Lacey :(

  • Comment number 81.

    So much new stuff!
    Just had to soothe myself by watching the pilot again.
    (Walks off for a lie down)

  • Comment number 82.

    80 Just read the massive spoiler in the Daily record. Oh dear does this mean all the women on here will be sobbing by the end of Series 3?????

  • Comment number 83.

    82 Am expecting there will be a twist if you read the article carefully again (being very careful what I say here for those who don't want to know).

    Am off to watch my Christmas pressie DVD of Desperate Romantics which finally arrive 3 WEEKS after it was sent out...

  • Comment number 84.

    OK. Now I'm getting ridiculously excited.( Is Mitchell running another addicts group
    I can join?) Ö÷²¥´óÐãpage revamp looking v v cool. Some great pics.
    Nearly there....still resisting spoilers .... Got to be the 23rd, surely.

  • Comment number 85.

    The new look homepage is super stylish!

    Oh Aidan,you slick talking guy..lol..:O))It looked hard to talk wearing your fangs..lol I agree Sinead and George are a great couple,their warm close friendship just radiates whenever they are together....Love you all so much xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    Hmmmm seems like no else had read the article yet then, or (and I can understand) doesn't want to. To be fair it may not seem as it directs says in truth. Still interesting all the same.

  • Comment number 87.

    Blackdog23..hi..I just scrolled up to another of your post's here (82) I don't like the sound of what your saying!

    I myself don't read spolier's,not sure what they are exept they probably spoil it for others :O(
    Best to just wait and watch the series...no putting a dampner on this one fan pleaseeeeee...:O))

    Love & Hugs


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