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Toby's Blog

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Rebecca Denton, Online Exec | 08:37 UK time, Thursday, 15 September 2011

Hello all.

Goodness it's been a long time hasn't it. There are now so many posts on that last blog, the entire internet is in danger of falling over. For God's sake, let's start another.

As ever, bit of housekeeping first. Thank you so much for all the lovely birthday wishes. You made an old man very happy. By a weird coincidence I had managed to hand in all my homework the day before, so actually had a day off. The last time I had one of them, all this was fields. Being the thrusting, edgy, mercurial, (*coughs* multi award winning *coughs*) writer that I am, I obviously spent the day shopping. Yes, I am a man and I love shopping. Clothes shopping especially. I know I know, just when you ladies thought I couldn't be more perfect...

ANYWAY! Thank you. You're all lovely.

Quick update on the shoot. It's going really well. Just this morning I watched another cut of episode one. Phil John has done a terrific job, and I'm not just saying that because he's seven feet tall and has the eyes of a killer. We're currently filming block 2 - episodes 4, 6 and 7 - and I'm writing episode 8. I'm handing draft one in this afternoon, after which I have my monthly 'hour off', where I lie on the floor and weep silently. Then the buzzer goes off and I start writing again.

Now then. That homework I set you ages ago. Thank you so much for doing this. I hope you had fun thinking about the episodes. It's been curious looking through the suggestions as it kinda tells me what aspects of the story sprang out for you.Anyway, the results are in. So here goes. I've hopefully accredited the title to the right person. There were a few repeats, and so if you made a suggestion but I've said it was someone else, then I'm giving you permission to be smug and know that *you* came up with it too.

1.1 "Flotsam and Jetsom" - Stephen Collings (little factoid for you - that was the original name for episode one of series one of Torchwood).

1.2 "Tully" - Ewan. Loved the simplicity of that - like "Lia" for 3.1.

1.3 "Ghost Town" - timeandtide. Of COURSE it's called Ghost Town. It couldn't be called anything else.

1.4 "Another fine Mess" - DWilmot. Clever.

1.5 "Where The Wild Things Are" - daisy-the-tourist.

1.6 This was a tricky one. timeandtide had suggested 'The Man Comes Around" for ep 5, which I preferred for this episode... but I've gone for "Bad Moon Rising", suggested by Jac_E

2.1 A tough one. But I'm gonna go for "Cure and Contagion" - inch_high_private_eye.

2.2 "Serve God love me and mend" - aquamarine_jo. ('Men' or 'mend'? It's a quote from Much Ado About Nothing - and in that it's 'mend'. But maybe in the Mumford and Sons song it's 'men'.)

2.3 "Long live the King" - about 14 of you. Group hug.

2.4 "Educating Creature" - that's TWO from Stephen Collings. He must be destroyed. Actually I'm not a fan of puns. Laura cotton's yer woman for that. But this made me laugh.

2.5 "The Looking Glass" - SunnyFLA.

2.6 "In the Morning" - Lucia Willow XD

2.7 "Damage" - DWilmot again. Is he really Stephen Collings? Or vice versa?

2.8 "All God's Children" - again, loads of you.

So there we have it. Now I have to stress again, this is just a bit of fun, for us. Like I said, we can't go back in time to give the episodes these names, but if you like, you can use these when discussing various episodes.Sorry if your title wasn't chosen. I've got about 14 pages of suggestions and only 14 episodes to fill.

Hmmm, we didn't do the pilot... A competition for another time, perhaps.

Anyway. Keep blogging. Keep talking. Keep being nice.


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  • Comment number 1.

    A new Blog!! Yay!!

  • Comment number 2.

    Good to see you again Lord Toby-trailing awards and glory. Lovely titles - brought it all back. Love to hear about how the writing is going - can we have more please? Instead of the weeping?

  • Comment number 3.

    Good Morning!!

    Well,I was abit exited when I heard there was a new post here,so just HAD to dash on over! :O)

    I didn't realise you had your birthday Mr Whitehouse,I missed it :O( so 'Many Happy Belated Birthday greetings' from me! xxxx

    Just to say I am glad to hear that all is going well with filming...I would have so loved to have caught glimpses of it going on when I was last in Cardiff & Barry..

    Love as always to actors & crew and especially yourself Mr Whitehouse for bringing us all such ......happiness!! lol Oh & Congragulations on BH winning the recent TV awards! 'For they are jolly good fellows' (and ladies) :O))

    Take care & bye for nowwwwwwwwww...

    Hugs & Love

    Lorraine xx

  • Comment number 4.

    ".....I have my monthly 'hour off', where I lie on the floor and weep silently. Then the buzzer goes off and I start writing again."

    - that's pure class!

    However, a man who loves shopping and especially CLOTHES shopping, is just weird...


  • Comment number 5.

    Ok - I've calmed down and read it now. Thank you LT, for letting us know how things are going - and for the episode titles. Aren't they great? Bouquets of roses to everyone!

  • Comment number 6.

    lol to comment #4 Noooo Mr Whitehouse just has impecable tatse..hence loving us! :OD lol

    xxxx (bye again)

  • Comment number 7.

    The moment I saw the alert on twitter it was like settling down to hear the word of god (no offence meant to anyone religious). Are you sitting comfortably, children?

    But oh, and a glorious word it was. So nice to hear from the team, however sporadically, as it's certainly far more than you'll get with most shows. Can't wait for the new series to be back in it's rightful place on our screens but until then, don't be a stranger!

    (And if you like shopping so much, fancy doing mine? We must have swapped roles, because I'm a woman but I cannot abide clothes shopping. DVDS and books, now, are a completely different story...)

  • Comment number 8.

    New blog! This so exciting! And official titles as well! Hurrah!

    1.1 "Flotsam and Jetsom" is particulary good I think, as I had the same suggestion.

    Oh dear. I need to sit down for a bit.

  • Comment number 9.

    PS. "Floatsam and Jetsom" is also a chapter in The Two Towers by JRR Tolkien. One of my fav chapters.

  • Comment number 10.

    Hello hello! Shiny new blog!

    Had to say big well done to all of you who got your titles chosen. They are all brilliant and well fitting :)

    Also a big well done to the cast and crew for the TV choice award.... but it was only a matter of time, wasnt it? Cant keep an amazing show like this secret for long!

    Hope all the bloggers are keeping well! xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Ooo Snowy - I've got all the suggestions here. I could put them up for people to remind themselves of their suggestions.
    Back in a mo.

  • Comment number 12.

    *runs in - gasps - quick cartwheel*

    WoooHooo! Fantastic! Thank you Lord Toby! Some great choices there when you see them all together. Congratulations to all the winners of the competition!

    Morning All! Morning Mods!

  • Comment number 13.

    Hi Manc! ROFL! Didn't expect you here til later - you must've run all the way.

    Here are the episode suggestions for those who can't remember what they said!

  • Comment number 14.

    I would also like to add

  • Comment number 15.

    13 - Thanks Sea_otter! It was good with a reminder (it all happened so long time ago). Actually managed to surprise myself for a bit there as I couldn't remember my own suggestions (except for Floatsam and Jetsom).

    All the titles chosen are so good! Those bloggers are a a creative bunch. Stephen Collins must be over the moon now. And Ewan must be eating his heart out when he discovers that all this happened while he was sleeping...

    (Two titles are the same as titles for Buffy episodes:
    "Where the wild things are" and
    "Bad moon rising")

  • Comment number 16.


    Great episodes titles

    "Lets call it a last supper"

  • Comment number 17.

    When does The Fades start? Looks good

  • Comment number 18.

    I know it, Saffz! I know it!

    It's S2 E5 Lucy to Kemp when she's preparing dinner for M.

  • Comment number 19.

    So chuffed BH won an award this week. Reckon we can do it again. Vote in the SFX awards here

    If you don't like their suggestions, you can add your own.

  • Comment number 20.

    16+18 - Yep, it's from the scene that makes you go "grrr-argh" and throw a pillow across the room. That horrible Lucy!

    The ep currently known as "The Looking Glass", in other words.

  • Comment number 21.

    Yhhh Lucy S2E5
    more like her last supper

  • Comment number 22.

    Good morning all or afternoon or good night!!! Whatever time of day it is for you I hope it's good! lol

    4-Jensau I agree men liking to shop is like a man actually moving an object in order to find something else! Creepy! lol

  • Comment number 23.

    Great Morning Mr. Whithouse!
    Congratulations on the TV choice award - so well deserved!

    Thank you for taking the time to review and consider our episode suggestions, and allow us to experience a bit of the process with you!

    *Its fabulous that you like to shop, especially for clothes! Enjoy!*

  • Comment number 24.

    22 - lol! but I suspect that bcs his brain is so creative, and on a different level, he prob does that too!

  • Comment number 25.

    good morning!

  • Comment number 26.

    Hooray for Lord Toby - just when I had given up hope......
    And of course CONGRATULATIONS to all the Being Human team.

  • Comment number 27.

    Hi, LT! So nice to see you. Thanks for the list!

    I'm sure you're aware anyone of us here would be glad to tuck you in and get a cool cloth for your head and a hot drink. And then, while you are resting, present you with your writing implement of choice.

    Nice outfit, by the way. Is it new?

  • Comment number 28.

    Oh, yeah, and huge congratulations to everyone!

  • Comment number 29.

    25 - Is it me or has Peter Noone got slightly vampiric teeth in this?

  • Comment number 30.

    29 - yes he does - assumed that's part of why it was chosen? And why its so addictive...

  • Comment number 31.

    Hi, Sea, hi Sunny!

    Wow, it never occurred to me for a single second that Peter Noone might be a vampire. Also, I like that song a lot better when I'm not looking at him.

  • Comment number 32.

    Hey! The 'refresh' button is taking us back to the last post on the blog! Oh wow - this week is just full of suprises.

  • Comment number 33.

    Aww! But he was such a 60's sweetheart. I did just check his website and there's no mention of BH using the song. I wondered whether to tell them -then thought about describing the scene to them and decided they might not be as delighted about it as we are!

  • Comment number 34.

    Well hellooooo!!!!
    So nice to hear from you Toby. Exciting to hear about the writing and the filming. Hope you can have TWO hours off soon. We really appreciate all your efforts. Really we do.

    And Congrats to the whole team about the Best Drama award! We all know BH is the best show of course, but it's nice when the rest of the world realises it too.

  • Comment number 35.

    Yes S1 E2
    So close wit S1 E6 - For lack of an a I might have done it Arising rising
    a share with S2 E3

    All in all I think I did quite well.

    Now who knows how to change names or send this information to IMDB so that in some way it can become officially the unofficial titles?

  • Comment number 36.

    So well done to every one it seems. We done good.

    Now as a new blog is done and ready lets see if I can make it 4 out of 4 for 10,000?

    and Manc I may have to send you a DM for Sunday we will see.

  • Comment number 37.

    Good Afternoon Bloggers! Good Afternoon Mods!

    Well would you Adam and Eve it - a new blog! Thank you Lord Toby - *curtsies really low* - you're a star! Thanks for taking the time to judge the titles competion. It must've been hard - they were all so good.

    Congrats to all who won a pretend prize in the titles competion - very well done indeed!

    Wonder if I was right with my answer - wasn't mentioned. Oh well.....

    Ewan - hope you're not too disappointed in the old 12345 but as you say you can to for the big 10k on this blog now! Always something to look forward to achieving.

  • Comment number 38.

    36 - indeed, well done everyone. Sounds like TW had a bit fun of doing this!
    4 out of 4??? hmmmm....
    IMDB - no idea how to do this

    Hi Fleem! How goes it?

    33 - lol! yeah, might be a bit difficult for the publicist to explain!

  • Comment number 39.

    38 - neither do I but bloggers always have quite a few surprising skills

  • Comment number 40.

    Plus before I forget again TV-choice award Well done and even more deserved.

  • Comment number 41.

    Congratulations, another blog from Lord Toby! And of course mega-congratulations on winning the award the other evening for Best Drama Series (don't ask me who dished it out, I have difficulty in remembering the days of the week) but all I can say is, it was well overdue and much deserved. A lot of us were on Twitter, sending praise, congrats to all concerned (well, those we could remember) but also to Aidan and Lenora who aren't on there. Fantastic effort by all. A nice belated birthday present for His Tobyness.

    Long may the blog continue!xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Lord Toby, i hope the writing for ep 8 goes well, i hope for great things for season four. Waiting with bated breath and a tissue in my hand...no...that's come out wrong, i am excited and i will probably cry too, that's what i meant. ;) Anyway, your post made me chuckle and am sending you healing hugs. :)

    Oh and you love clothes shopping too? I think that makes you officially perfect. I hate clothes shopping with a virulent passion and i'm a GIRL!

    Congratulations to everyone whose title was chosen, some fantastic ideas in there.

    I've been on my feet all day and i definitely need a cup of tea and put those babies up.

    Onwards to season four!!!! :)

  • Comment number 43.

    So episode 1 is finished and we heard no news from Russell or Sinead on filming episode 1 - this is interesting - Dose this mean that George and Nina are going to play a lesser role this season I don't know or were they filming somewhere/when else and been put on twitter lockdown.

    Or is this first edit with blank spots with the G and N plots summarized before they're filmed?

    This is interesting. Possible plot points etc.

    We know as George and Nina were both there as the 'Fight on his hands' ultimatum was delivered. So they can't just disappear.

    Thinking cap getting very tight on head.

  • Comment number 44.

    Thanks for the new blog LT!!!

  • Comment number 45.

    Yeah well good points there Ewan. I really don't think the G&N situation will have a happy ending in as much as I don't see them having Fuzzy long term if at all. I really can't see how a baby will help teh show - but then that is why I'm not writing it. The other thing is, and I know we've been here before, that Fuzzy could be born as the other type of supernatural, i.e. one never known before a la Edward W - a child born of two wws. I know it isn't good but I just don't see Fuzzy being allowed to survive (by LT that is).

  • Comment number 46.

    Sorry that last post was a bit of a ramble - hope you get the gist of it.

  • Comment number 47.

    I think it was mentioned that G was there but don't think N's been involved - well not that we've heard of. Maybe she's been in confinement awaiting the arrival of her cub?

  • Comment number 48.

    Spoiler alert Spoiler alert

    We already know that in episode 1 there are teenage vamps - at least one who's new to being a vamp, as a main part of the story.

  • Comment number 49.

    The gist the only way for G & N story to end well is for them to disappear from the main story with Fuzzy and Tom taking over as the werewolf and Russell and Sinead appear only in cameos.

    In a side note worked out the real life comparison for Tom.

    Lad who has been with his abductor or a gang trying to adjust back to the world when the past always comes at him - for past read vampires.

  • Comment number 50.

    Spoiler alert Spoiler alert

    And that Cutler is introduced in Ep 1 and moves into HH in Ep2

  • Comment number 51.

    But would G and N leave without Annie? What about past promises to M.
    Also, rewatching S2 has made me see just how close G and A had become.

  • Comment number 52.

    43 / 45 - Yes, very interesting, good points.

    G and N - RT and SK have been doing several other projects, and v quiet re them filming together....although several tweets about WW recently!
    Agree - they must be present, and figure prominently, at least through much of the Series....or at least G must.

    Fuzzy - agree sasha - don't see how a baby can be on the show for v long...unless it grows really, really fast......but don't know that TW would let Fuzzy die after all the effort to protect her. (yes, her)

    possible plot - N escapes with Fuzzy, goes into hiding, only to be seen once in awhile....Tom takes over the fight against the OOs, with Annie and G....and eventually Cutler who comes round to their side.

    but where G and A wind up by E8 is...?? Off to help raise Fuzzy...??

    aspirin, anyone?

  • Comment number 53.

    Annie can jump to G & N's 'secret location' see cameos - but feels as HH is where she said goodbye to Mitchell there might not want to leave also honouring Mitchell by doing her bit on the front lines?

    A more 'Misbehaving Donkey ' version of Annie perhaps?

    May or may not work out that way who knows?

  • Comment number 54.

    Now here's a thought about Fuzzy - maybe it's a phantom pregnancy - Ha Ha - no? Oh well. Please yourselves.

  • Comment number 55.

    Another thing we're seeing in twitter is hints at a lot of flashbacks - seeing as the Old Ones are a unseen threat for HH I've been thinking about this and seeing examples of what the OO's are like what they look like their personalities. We might end up with a basic list of OO's we want to see and OO's we don't depending on their plans for werewolves and how Sadistic/Laconic/Witty/Scary they are.

  • Comment number 56.

    54 - ROFL

  • Comment number 57.

    @A more 'Misbehaving Donkey ' version of Annie perhaps'. Excuse my stupidity Ewan but what does that mean?

  • Comment number 58.

    Misbehaving is behaving in a ? way
    Another name for Donkey is ?

  • Comment number 59.

    54 - ROFHL!!! It was all in her mind - the whole thing, she'll wake up and be back in Bristol, smoking ciggies and drinking red bull, in the psych ward!!!!

    ewan - I think you're right - sounds like many flashbacks, and lots of vamp filming/characters, so the focus will be on them coming to town.

    from the TW interview at ComicCon, sounds like E8 sets up nicely for S5 - the OOs show up at end of the S4.

  • Comment number 60.

    59 - A touch of the Herrick's there.

    53 - I would so love to see a strong Annie in S4. That would be on my wish list and I do love a list.

  • Comment number 61.

    58 - if you mean a "misbehaving bad donkey" as in kicking some OOs off to wispy land, then ok.

  • Comment number 62.

    58 - ROFL - took a while but I got there in the end! Story of my life really :@)

  • Comment number 63.

    WOW! Shiny new blog- 'bout time too! V V chuffed Mr Lord Toby, sir about awards, birthdays and man shopping. Also v pleased new blog will give us all a focus and old blog did not fall over. *Waves at everyone *

  • Comment number 64.

    Congratulations to all of you whose titles were chosen! You clever lot. :-)

  • Comment number 65.

    Dear all, been reading about WW and must say ww are known since... ever to be able to have children, even if said partner is a ww, and children are ? during the1500 ? THERE WAS a family of ww or supposed ww in scotland, yep! they all sort of got executed by the humans at one point!
    you have to realize that in TW world it is his world, in RL vampires get staked in theit ciffins by possibly trembling humands, but the staking is in a cemetery and the vamp does not oppose resistance as for the ww it is the police oor the ww willingly confesses. really not a lot of action.
    the invention of fuzzy being a different baby belongs to TW, just like his vision of elders as by definition vampires are loners.

  • Comment number 66.

    Hello! Haven't got time to say much but wooooooo! New blog! Congrats to BH for the TV Choice award, definitely well-deserved.
    And a word from Lord Toby himself. Think we should have a blog party to celebrate. xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Evening All! Evening new Mods!

    I've had a note from the Mods of our old blog. Just booked a cruise and looking forward to a long rest! Awww. Lovely. Went to say goodbye to the old blog just now - but Ewan had been and has said it for me... (you could have helped us move the sofa, Ewan!).

    Now let's have a nice read of this shiny new blog!

  • Comment number 68.

    1 - Sea. How appropriate that Sea_Otter got the keys of the new blog and let us in! Congratulations on being number 1 Sea, richly deserved! Mwah!

    14 - Sea Aww.. 12345 - One day, Ewan, one day...

    26 - Gingernut! Hope your wrist gets better soon. Sorry, I was in a rush yesterday and didn't really get chance to say that.

    *waving* to the Old Ones of the blog - you know who you are.

    Glad Sunny and Fleem seemed to have moved blog without too much trauma - it's their first time, I think. (When I think of the trouble we had with Sasha and Inch and Annm when they moved blog for the first time.... only kidding! ;D)

    13. Sea_Otter. Sea, I can't see the suggestions for the competition entries, I'm sorry to ask this, but would you mind having a look at it and saving it under the older option - so everyone can see them again? Or we could post them all on the blog like we did with the messages so everyone can see them, maybe?

  • Comment number 69.

    36 - Ewan. Congrats Ewan! Chuffed for you. Yep, OK - send it to me if you are 'working the night shift'. Can't wait for S3 Ep1 - Lia. All in all, I think S3 is my favourite! Who knew?

    39 - Ewan - "Bloggers always have quite a few suprising skills" That has to be THE understatement of the Blog EVER! rofl!

    41 Anglo - y'know that was a really, REALLY nice thing to say Anglo - "long may the blog continue" - really nice. Got a lump in my throat now. *swallows hard* You are lovely. x

  • Comment number 70.

    42 Ruby rofl!

    54 Sea ROFHL!

    63 RealMitchell - Coooee! *waving back* xxx

    64 Hiya Buzz!

    65 Hiya Saint! Don't work too hard x

    66 Araminta. WooHoo too! What a great idea. A blog party! Love it!

  • Comment number 71.

    OK. Off to bed. Night Blog. Night New Mods.

    P.S. Thank you Garret. x

  • Comment number 72.

    grr you know you have spent too much time away from the blog when it looses your sign in and then you get pink boxed a dozen times. Lets try this again.

  • Comment number 73.

    Hi everyone

    :D thanks for the shiny new blog LT! Congratulations to all those clever bloggers for coming up with those great episode titles.

    So many posts on the last blog that it will topple over, I bet these sturdy and very beloved blogs can handle at least 12345 posts. I can think of at least a few bloggers who will try to prove they can ;)

    I鈥檓 so behind in the news, just read in the blog about Being Human鈥檚 winning the TV choice awards for best drama, to quote George 鈥渨ow mega wow鈥. Congratulations to all involved in BH you so deserve it.

    43) Ewan don鈥檛 say that, first no M and then a small amount of G & N. Bad speculation, very bad speculation Ewan.

  • Comment number 74.

    Goooooood evening new blog!!!!

    Hi there New Mods, and welcome to the night shift!

    In celebration of the new blog, and your first night as Mods thereof, I have brought you:
    loads of coffee (huge fan, you know),
    loads of tea (no running out of pyramid tea bags!),
    milk, lemon, sugar, and even honey for those so inclined
    and massive quantities of Party Rings, Biscuits, and Chocolate Hobnobs!!!

    so hope your night shift duties are light, and un-modding, as we on the night shift do all we can to make your job as easy and stressfree as possible!

    *just in case, I've also brought a few *cough, cough* bottles of champers in case anyone would like to celebrate*

  • Comment number 75.

    @ Bloggers - Really enjoyed the ep title submissions - it was loads fun! You all are so clever, it was wonderful to see what everyone came up with. And kudos to those of you *you know who you are* who came up with multiple titles that were appreciated by LT! Most impressive!

    Hiya Wendy! nice to *see* you! Hmmm, I agree, there may be a few of us....errr...ummm....others who would like to see the 12345....

    araminta - a blog party? oh yes! I believe the night mods have begun theirs already....

  • Comment number 76.

    'night new Blog!

  • Comment number 77.

    Hi Sunny nice to "see" you too, looks like I just missed you :(

    Will just sneak one of the those chocolate hobnobs sure there鈥檚 plenty to go around.

  • Comment number 78.

    Morning bloggers, morning mods and lurkers!

    What a wonderful morning it is. Still on a first page, which is both rare and exciting those days. *looking ridiculously happy*

    I'll just help myself to a few of Sunny's hobnobs and pyramid tea bags, while I tell you about something interesting I learned last week during a lecture on medieval vamps:

    Early medieval vamps did not suck blood. They were just annoying to everyone around, causing mischief. They could walk around in daylight, enter churches and didn't care at all about religious symbols. What they DID care about was counting things. A sure way to keep vamps at bay was to take a handfull of say poppy seeds and throw them around. Then the vamp had to count them all before doing anything else. When buriyng a vamp, be sure to bury it together with a handfull of seeds or a fur, then the vamp has to count one seed/one hair each year until s/he has counted them all...

    And they didn't like garlic.

    Have we every seen Mitch doing the crazy counting thing?

  • Comment number 79.

    Morning Blog! Morning mod Mods! Hi Snowy!

    Liking those med vamps, Snowy. Are the forerunners of modern day accountants? Never saw M do it - sounds far more like G's sorta thing. It'd certainly keep him occupied when there was a full moon.

  • Comment number 80.

    68 - There you go, Manc. Episode Title entries that work!

  • Comment number 81.

    @ah, snow, snow, snow... firstly the notion of early vampire knights is false as vampires exist already in 300BC secondly far from being simply stalkers they do more than suck blood, they literally suck life out... within 3 days their victim strength weans away and they die of consumption exhaustion for the blood as such is not mentionned but vital energy is...and if they are hunted they avenge by bringing plague and pestilence to the fighting communities. the notion of vampires having to count millet seems to be acquired later and possibly is a mix/confusion with other supernatural beings. Regarding the garlic, so far I have not found it mentionned and be aware that I have with me the holy writs!!! by which I mean the 2 very argumented books written by montague summers who is to this very day the reference regarding vampires. So far I have put up with greek, roman, saxon early normand, irish and french vampires up to 1924!!! now dealing with eastern europeans vamps.

  • Comment number 82.

    81 - Hiya Saint! I didn't say that vamp didn't exist BEFORE medieval times. This was just the kind om vamp that was modern in Sweden in those days. I suppose that vamps always change a bit to suit the taste of the day (and more importantly: the scares of the day).

    I thought it was interesting because it coincided more or less with what Mitch can do: he can walk in sunlight and the power of religious things are dependant on his relation to them. Yes, he can eat garlic and he dosn't count things (that we know of) but anyhow. Those vamps did breath for example - just like Mitch. Even to the medieval Swedish vamp mirrors were important. All sources say that vamps don't show up in mirrors - just like our Mitch. (Note: the mirror thing is something that vamps have in common with other supernatural things in Sweden. Annie and George would also lack a mirror image here.)

  • Comment number 83.

    79 Sea: ROFL!

    81 Saint: Oh, and I think the garlic was "magic" because it smells so strong. All strong smelling/tasting spices and herbs were considered magic in Sweden back then. Swedes still say "pepper, pepper, knock on wood" to shield themselves from evil and jinxes. (Yes, I do it myself... It's impossible not to!)

    I wish that chocolate could shield vamps off. Then I'd have a really good excuse for carrying a few bars around at all times...

  • Comment number 84.

    @regarding garlic I am still reading so cannot comment fully but so far it seems that garlic is not yet mentioned on roman/greek/british isles/french vampires whereas...thorn as in white thorn is used to impale the vampire heart in his coffin- why the thorn in fact quite a few thorns so do not offer to vamps blackberry jam as also part of the thorn family same no rose for vampires...why because Our Lord J.C wore a crown made of thorns, so it is a very highly symbolic plant found in numerous christian countries. i have loads to read so will tell you later on a list of plants vamps do not like but so far mitchell can keep his garlic

  • Comment number 85.

    Torchwood was good last night i knew Jack would be Okk

    "Which one of us does that wipe of the state?"

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi Saint and Saffz

    Just a stab in the dark, Saffz, but is it G to M when they're in the cage in S3E8?

  • Comment number 87.

    @snow by the way people confuse names with facts, it is not because einstein discovered e=mc2 during the 20th century that the equation and its consequence did not exist before, tuthankhamen tomb riches existed before howard carter and bacteriae before their discoveries- vampires is a relatively recent "name", but the concept of a dead walking body, an animated dead person is a very very old concept found in numerous legends before vampire was coined somewhere in mediaval eastern europe

  • Comment number 88.

    68 Manc - Whilst it was great to get No.1, I was more thrilled by my scoop that a new blog was about to be posted and the thought that I was instrumental in making that happen. Wish I'd thought to come up with a decent opener tho'.

  • Comment number 89.

    @saffz lia to mitchell s3e1 in the box carriage when she mentions she is aware he is in AL to save annie and accept to stay in the corridors to save the ghost

  • Comment number 90.

    Good Morning sea_otter, Snowie, Saffz and STX! Good Morning new mods (my have you got your work cut out)!

    Forgot to say thanks to sea for opening up new blog! Well done.

    68 - Trouble.........with moi..........when we moved blog.......surely not? Now Inch - well that was another story :@)
    (only kidding Inch - come back and see us won't you - we miss you!)

    Right breakfast:

    Creamy porridge
    Soft boiled egg and soldiers
    Toast and lime marmalade (sorry I know I always have this in)
    Tea and strong black coffee (specially for STX) oh and hot chocolate for those who prefer it
    White flesh nectarines and clementines


  • Comment number 91.

    88 - Yup that was a bit special! I can now say to anyone who'll listen ' you know that sea_otter.......yes you do.....you know..... the ONE 'in the know'.....well she's my mate! I take it you're receiving tweets (or whatever they're called) direct from HO now? :@)

  • Comment number 92.


  • Comment number 93.

    Aw Sasha - enough - you're making me blush!! And you, who won the competition to name the quotation... Well done to you!!
    Phew! Think some toast'n'limeM and some coffee will bring us back down to Planet Blog.

  • Comment number 94.

    Morning All! Morning Mods! mmm lime marmalade - my fav...

    Abslom Deek has just tweeted us with a lovely pic from the Archive!

    Nice one Derek xx

  • Comment number 95.

    ...A lovely pic of Marcus Whitney:

    "The pics have come from the cast and crew at the time!" says Derek

  • Comment number 96.

    ...and the Werewolves?


  • Comment number 97.

    Squeee! Manc - they're fab! Thank you Derek and Manc for posting them. Those guys all loved their work so much!

  • Comment number 98.

    94 - Anyone would think that AT was enjoying himself :@)

    sorry about the nose - too many mojitos I'm afraid! Should be ok by next week (well it could be sooner but then what fun would the weekend be?)

  • Comment number 99.

    MikeyJGall has tweeted to say that they are filming outside today - and it's cold!

    Stay warm guys!

  • Comment number 100.

    96 - Awwwwwwwwww - how cute is G? Tully looks a bit mental!

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