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Rebecca Denton, Online Exec | 21:45 UK time, Sunday, 26 February 2012


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  • Comment number 1.

    Link search

  • Comment number 2.

    ORIGAMI? hal?

  • Comment number 3.

    Found it.

  • Comment number 4.

    well theres the man with the burnt arm! did not expect it to be hal ! wonder how this is gona work out then nice one bh :)

  • Comment number 5.

    You guys called it right about Kirby being a salesman and about the knife being saved for later use. You're good!

  • Comment number 6.

    Now onto Cutler making friends with Tom not very good. What will happen with that new event?

    Also Bright Blue Eyes Annie was not very happy now was she.

  • Comment number 7.

    Origami seriously Hal?

  • Comment number 8.

    Can I just say, that episode was brilliant. A lesson in arch manipulation from Kirby. Hal continues to dazzle. Tom oh dear keep him away from Cutler, Tom is niave he may even mistakenly trust him.

    Annie oh lordy she can be really superhero liked when called for. Kirby deserved no less. I like the way that Hal and Tom came back very quickly. Proves the bond is there.

    ADAM next week squee.

  • Comment number 9.

    4. good spot jaw, I never twigged with the ww bite being a burn to vamps

  • Comment number 10.

    ahahahah, love how being human is serious but funny at the same time, cant believe its Hal with the burnt arm...cant wait for the next episode!!!! Tom was so adorable bless him

  • Comment number 11.

    oh my golly gosh! that episode was good! but why didnt we see that burn on hals arm when he was doing his push ups?

  • Comment number 12.

    Because he only got it when he fought with Tom later on. Werewolf blood is toxic to vampires remember! :)

  • Comment number 13.

    The origami I can see is right for Hal it is the refuge of a tightly wound person it holds no suprises and you control every fold. Suits him perfectly.

  • Comment number 14.

    hal and tom as gay dads! brilliant, and Hals face when Tom put his arm round him, priceless

  • Comment number 15.

    oh yes i see now. he got the burn from toms blood later on. but why didnt it heal? i thought vamps could heal.

  • Comment number 16.

    That was brilliant! I loved it. Kirby's dance killed me. Ah so funny.

    So future lady looked upset that Kirby had done away with Annie. Notice that? Possible hint she is actually Eve or another thing to throw us off the scent? ;)

  • Comment number 17.

    Have to say that I love the Frustrated serial killer

    Don't you know who I am

    and of course the dance.

  • Comment number 18.

    Um because when Tom and Hal were fighting, Tom's blood splatted on Hal's arm

  • Comment number 19.

    Annie hugging Hal near the end..."Awkward"....DM's Hal is really, really, really growing on me now.

  • Comment number 20.

    9. Oh, that's how he got the 'burn'. Clever.

  • Comment number 21.

    Lol origami! "Keeps the brain and fingers nimble!"

  • Comment number 22.

    Kirby was absolutely Vile, so glad Annie sorted him out. I can't and won't believe that Hal is the bad one... no... never!

  • Comment number 23.

    Even if Hal is Eve's nemesis it doesn't mean he's evil. If future woman is Eve and wants to kill the baby and Hal protects the baby that would still make him, in a way, Eve's nemesis

  • Comment number 24.

    15. vamps only heal from serious injuries (ie failed staking and i presume, ww blood) when they drink, remember mitchell in s1e6, he had to kill Josie to heal from the staking, will Hal be so desperate to get rid of the scar that he kills someone?

  • Comment number 25.

    Origami, you just keep surprising me Hal :)

    Favourite bits of the episode:

    - Hal and Tom as Eve's gay dad's, Priceless :)

    - Cutler getting Tom out of jail, can't wait to see what happens there.

    - Kirby's dance scene, I absolutely hated him until then very funny :)

    - Annie's powers fantastic, hope she realises her true potential now.

    And can't wait to see Adam again next week :)

  • Comment number 26.

    23- I think your on to something there.

  • Comment number 27.

    Could the Burn on Hal's arm be a Herring of the shield colour variety?

  • Comment number 28.

    The end starts to show itself...

    Lots of twists and turns before we get there

    ...I wonder when Hal interprets the scrolls, correctly!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    lets, all, of us who suspected Kirby to have played foul in his real life say together yessss
    I was betting on a paedophile but the serial killer, yes very good

    will have to rewatch with subtitles to get the details
    so now Hal has a burnt arm and we know

    werewolves can't be ghosts
    werewolf blood is toxic as in wolf and human
    for Nina death the vizors were necessary froo; a vamp point of view and Wyndham?

    Killed by biting George?

    how disappointing? unless there is something else

    but DM , DM acting is very, very good
    Hal the heart breaker and eater...

  • Comment number 30.

    27. i think it could be a way that he could fall off the wagon, like i said in 24

  • Comment number 31.

    24. we don't know if they can ever heal from werewolf blood though, it might be a permanent thing

  • Comment number 32.

    300 sit-ups is definitely showing off!

    Loved gay Tom and Hal. So funny!
    I'm wondering about the burnt arm thing. Is it going to be a case, as of last series where we didn't want George to kill Mitchell, but in the end it was the right thing. We know from the future scenes that it's possible that Eve is unwillingly the cause of the apocalyptic future and that FW, who may be Eve, is trying to kill her in order to avoid that future. If the HH trio find that out, would it change things enough that if Hal were to kill her it would be acceptable?

    I am more convinced that Eve is FW you could see she was upset that Annie was 'gone'. And she gave Kirby the information. Obviously the future is awful enough to kill herself (twice in effect if she succeeds) then it is worth losing Annie no matter how painful.

    One thing I'm wondering...can vampires heal ww blood burn scars or are they permanent?

  • Comment number 33.

    Proof he was Lying
    "Werewolves can't be Ghosts"
    Remember Amy McBride S2E8 All God's Children.

  • Comment number 34.


    exactly, a nemesis is not evil as such

    who is the vamp voice of 2037

  • Comment number 35.

    I cant help but think of Lia and the wolf shaped bullet when it comes to Hals' burnt arm. Didn't Hal look terrified/ frightend/ impressed when Annie got rid of Kirby.

    That scene with Annie and Hal when he tries to tell her the things shes done reminded me of the one between Annie and Mitchell before she first kissed (?) him in series 3. She didnt want to hear it then either.

  • Comment number 36.

    Still laughing about the gay dads part :D & stuff is starting to go down!
    & OMG sooooooo excited for Adam next week YAY love him

  • Comment number 37.

    23: Oh I like that interpretation better! Less to forgive in the short term. Fantastic acting from all the leads tonight, really impressive.

  • Comment number 38.

    EP 4 was a-maz-ing, broke my heart for all of them especially Annie and Tom, absolutely brilliant and can I just say Mr Lance, how fab where you! But Hal NO!!!!!! Please not, not you with the burnt arm, dont let it be true. By the way please please please Ö÷²¥´óÐã let there be another series!!!!!!x

  • Comment number 39.


    ============danger zone===not for the faint hearted============

    Humans go not see ghosts, Kemp never did see Annie
    If Lloyd saw mcbride ghost, was he dead or hallucinating
    guilt can cause that

    the spoilers from last week sort of confirm this fact being the canon

  • Comment number 40.

    So next week Adam's in love with his teacher and on the run. Brilliant! How do they come up with this stuff?

  • Comment number 41.

    well... Hal looked rather nice this evening. Hi everyone, sorry I'm new here but I've been with the show from the start - just thought I'd make a comment!

  • Comment number 42.

    39. but george was a ghost before he went through his door, and amy could have been visible because thats what she needed to be to fulfil her unfinished business, like annie s1

  • Comment number 43.

    39 - But wait Owen saw Annie so did so many others.

  • Comment number 44.

    35. I thought that too. And when she pretended the scrolls were not real human skin.

    The cannibal BT20 thing is surely a misdirect, part of Cutler's plan to make the public more frightened of WW than Vamps, to the point where they welcome the Vamps as saviours from a WW contagion, eventually leading to the Future we saw.

    I'm also wondering why Hal, Pearl and Leo were sent to HH. Hal thinks he was meant to find her. If it was FW was she just hoping that Hal would fall straight of the wagon and onto Eve?

  • Comment number 45.

    That pesky green box is haunting me on the live blog so I will have to post here instead.

    Wow we were spoiled tonight! Those press-ups, the gay couple!
    And I thought my dancing was odd.

    Now the serious bit.
    Hal's burn has to be an unfortunate coincidence, they're going to think it's him because of the scrolls and prophecy but the scrolls could mean something else. Then again we're going down the same line as S3 as said ^^^ and they wouldn't do the same thing twice surely?
    The burn must lead Hal to fall off the wagon, we all know its coming he keeps losing control after all.

  • Comment number 46.

    43 People only saw Annie for a limited time because of a 'glitch', I believe. (Read, convenient plot device in Series 1&2.) :-)

    First time posting; hadn't appreciated how the delay for moderation makes it hard to know where you are in the conversation!

  • Comment number 47.

    I grew up in the 70's (Ö÷²¥´óÐã 3 please note you do have an older audience out there!) so anyone for a "Kirby" party with a bit of Boney M, some flares and tank tops, vol-u-vents? Some Daddy Dancing moves, you know the thing, I think Annie called it "retro"?

  • Comment number 48.

    Saint didnt Owen see Annie towards the send of series 1 as well, or was he able to see her because he knew her in life.

  • Comment number 49.

    33. @Ewan... well said wolfman

    Wheres the Ghost of Mcnair?...

  • Comment number 50.

    47 @sez Me too! I have pictures of me in fairisle tanktops, and my dad definitely had a powder blue suit like that! And the hair!

  • Comment number 51.

    Hey guys, long time lurker here :)

    What a wonderful episode !! Loving the new characters their acting is so spot on really really loving it. Funny to have Sundays at 9 we all sit as a family and watch and laugh.

    I really didn't expect the burn to be on Hal !!! Very shocked at that I'll be so gutted if he goes evil and stays evil and disappears !! he needs to stay !!

    Tom is brilliant I was so heart broken I knew he wasn't gonna get that birthday party to start with. Oh it was just brilliant !!

    I hope what ever is coming for Hal, Annie rescues his soul :-/

  • Comment number 52.

    Well... that's all the good work from last week totally undone.

    - Tom is NOT a main character. He's a good character but very one dimensional.
    - Hal reads about the box tunnel 20 one minute, next scene he's talking to the writer of the piece. What?!!!!
    - The LOOK of this series is poor. In series 3 Honolulu heights was a character in itself, and the look as a whole was cinematic. Now it just looks like any old drama on telly.
    - Kirby, like Michaela was just too full on. What happened to the subtlety in characters?

    On the positive:
    - i like how the house is divided and learning to trust eachother
    - I'm still interested in a lot of the themes in this series but the execution of it has a lot to be desired.

  • Comment number 53.




  • Comment number 54.

    55: Were you watching the same show as us? :o)

  • Comment number 55.

    "Now look What you've made me do!"

    Bit disappointed at Tom running off and getting drunk, and just happens to find a Vamp to vent anger on. - DON'T CALL CUTLER! Tom, and WHERE IS YOU'RE CRUCIFIX.

    Best Bit - tom getting his cake.
    2nd - Kirby's demise - loved Annies scary blue eyes!

  • Comment number 56.

    ok what happened there was I went into the future....

    I meant 52!

  • Comment number 57.

    The idea that the writers would randomly put in "Oh and now ghosts can't be seen by humans" sounds ridiculous to me. As if they'd totally ignore two seasons of evidence that said otherwise. Annie was seen by multiple people, strangers and close friends alike. Madness!

    23 - I think your idea is great and I agree! I think because of the burn we'll be questioning whether Hal'll drop off the wagon but then he'll redeem himself by defending baby Eve against Future Eve, effectively becoming her nemesis and saviour at the same time. Eep.

  • Comment number 58.

    your right 57 aka.... Min

  • Comment number 59.

    57 Is it possible that ghosts can be seen by people only if they wish to be seen. That they can also deliberately sheild themselves against being seen. Unless the person doing the seeing is sensitive.

  • Comment number 60.

    56- yes i was watching the same thing as you. I'm welcome to counter points. i'm gutted that i feel like this, it's just the way i feel

  • Comment number 61.

    60, of course you're welcome to your own opinion, I was teasing, hence the smiley.

  • Comment number 62.

    59 I think it's that exactly. Annie could be seen, but only sometimes. In the early series she could be seen when she was confident and all that. I do hope that it will return again if she ever feels comfortable enough for it.

    So the idea that suddenly there is absolutely no way that a ghost can be seen by a human ever sounds totally bizarre and mad to me.

  • Comment number 63.

    ok, rewatching now, am i seeing things or is the man, driving the car that hit Kirby, Lord Toby! im probably seeing things

  • Comment number 64.

    4 - jaw-86 - I didn't realise Hal's arm was burnt. I thought it was a bite, but burn makes more sense. Still not loving this whole toxic ww blood. Seems like a plot device invented in episode 1 to move the plot forward for some reason. Come on it wasn't mentioned once throughout three seasons, not by Herrick, Seth, Marco or Mitchell - George was attacked by the first three and lived with Mitchell. Seth and the others didn't "suit up" when they beat him up outside the cafe in S1. There'd better be a good reason for this.

    It was obvious Kirby was a bad guy right from the start - come on Annie, Tom and Hal - what were you thinking just letting a strange GHOST move in the house and believing everything he said. Loved Kirby's dance routine and his performance overall. He was very good.

    It was good to see Annie show her true powers for once and "sort Kirby out". Team Annie!!!

    Can't say I am enjoying this series as much as the others. Though it's still very good, it doesn't have the same edge. I'm not on the edge of my seat and thinking OMG I can't wait until next week.

    However, sometimes the first few episodes are setting things up and when you get to the end you think "ah - that's what it was all leading to" - then you have to rewatch to put all the clues together. Hope that's the case here.

    Like Hal, but up to now he doesn't have the same edge as Mitchell. In this instance we keep being told how bad he was and can be again but I don't "see it" myself.

    Perhaps it's because with Mitchell we had it the other way round. He started off looking so young and happy and enthusiastic about everything. We knew he was a vampire, we knew he killed (Lauren) but we only learn about how bad he was/is gradually.

    Anyway after that long winded, waffle I will say I am enjoying it but in a different way, but am still waiting for some OMG moments which I am sure will come.

  • Comment number 65.

    Tom'fall from grace is not a surprise but a rite of passage

    remember, he has been looking for his ppack
    looking for his biological family
    looking for George as a father, brother figure
    he looks for the family and relatives he never had
    naturally a perv like Kirby will play on his insecurities just like Kirby just knows when and where to wound Hal with his own, not insecurities bur regrets, guilts and possibly his own sense of loss or losses
    fair enough, he killed many people and quite a few women, yet Kirby knew the names of those who 'mattered', who 'meant' something, like Josie meant to Mitchell
    maybe vampires and old ones do have real feelings and after each senseless kill like Carl , when the hunger or that sudden outburst of hunger they realize what they have done and feel doubly crucified because they failed, because they lost a companion

  • Comment number 66.

    59 I'm pretty sure that after the episode in series 2 where Annie realises the lovely pub landlord can no longer see her, someone explains to her that he (and the other humans) should never have been able to see her in the first place. Maybe it was Sykes who did the explaining? Since then no ordinary human has been able to see her. I was only kidding about it being a plot device. :-)

  • Comment number 67.

    63 Haha! No way! That's brilliant.

    Hello and welcome to the blog Themoon (41), marie (5) and linah (51)! :D

  • Comment number 68.

    Regarding Annie being seen - I always thought it depended on Annie's confidence in herself. It was after the guy who tries to drag her though the door in his hospital room (cant remember his name) dies that she stops being seen by humans because she felt for him and then was betrayed by him, thus harming her confidence.

    She was also being seen by some humans (the dustbin men and the pizza guy) in S1E1 but she lost that ability to be seen again when Owen knocked her confidence when he challenged her as a ghost.

  • Comment number 69.

    69- no, bernie didn't see her, owen didn't see her for modt of the series, the neighbours who were invited round didn't see her, nina didn't see her

  • Comment number 70.

    Me again - just wanted to say the scene where Hal tries to tell Annie about what he had done in the past reminded me of when Mitchell tried to tell her about the BT20. If she had listened to him at that point Kirby would have found it harder to find a foothold with Hal. She needs to learn to listen.

    Loved how Kirby had sussed out Hal and knew how to hurt him by rushing upstairs and trashing his room! Think Hal might have to give up on his routine now he is living at HH, there's too much going on.

  • Comment number 71.

    Sorry, I meant 68 :-S

  • Comment number 72.

    good ep, its getting better, still doutful about the show though , i just feel it lacks the same feelng the last 3 seasons had, but its getting there.
    Ive just started watching misfits on netflix, and cant help but thing michael socha's sister in misfits looks just like him, keep expecting her to turn were wolf and hal to jump out some wher and and play dominos, or after this ep do several hundred pressups

  • Comment number 73.

    I dont think Owen could see Annie because she was too frightened of him at first. I also think when the neighbours come round there is a scene in the kitchen with Annie and George and he asks if she can be seen and she says "no not since that thing with Owen" or something like that.

  • Comment number 74.

    68 I agree with you.

    Annie's been able to be seen practically since she died (see her prequel) by lots of different people connected with her and not. The bin men, pizza guy, neighbours in their street, customers in the bar.

    If Annie did it, even though she may have lost that ability (only for now, I hope!), I'm sure others can too. If they know how and have the inner strength for it.

  • Comment number 75.

    Night, night everyone - time for bed - need to be up early in the morning.

  • Comment number 76.

    I'm hoping we're not in for another self fulfilling prophecy regarding the burn on Hal's arm. We already did that last season. I'm hoping that it is a distraction and that the true nemesis is someone else.

    But that aside, i enjoyed the episode a lot. Very much.

    Liked Hal's new image, new haircut and wardrobe update (and no, not talking about the black vest top though i did LOL when i saw it and his discomfort.)

    James Lance (?) as Kirby was very very good, sly, manipulative and playing on their fears and weaknesses as he did, very cleverly done and i admit i did LOL at the dancing.

    Again i was tremendously impressed by Damien Molony. When he confronted the reporter, we got that flash of Hal during his prime as Big Bad Hal, it was scary and that flash of black eyes we saw made me jump and swear. Then his realisation and apology. Also when Kirby 'reminds' him of his past victims and the tear that streaks down Hal's face really affected me too.

    Michael Socha was terrific in this episode, for all that he's the 'man of the house' and he takes his role as Eve's protector very seriously, beneath it all he's very child like and naive and i think it showed when he looked at those pictures pinned to his bedroom wall (makes a change from pop stars and movie stars), and his realisation that there was no surprise party and then finally when he was presented with his cake showed this quite graphically. The expression on his face at this latter scene just about undid me. I'm fast becoming a Tom fan too.

    Cutler. Intriguing, which side is he on exactly? Still makes me smile with his dry comments and his 'look what you made me do' especially.

    Oh Annie...my jaw was on the floor when she 'vaporised' and then again when she re-appeared all blue eyed and filled with vengeance, finally we get to see the girl who purports to be able to tear walls down with her teeth, finally!!! let's see more!!! :)

  • Comment number 77.

    73- I'd have to watch the shows in order again to see. I really need a series 1,2 and 3 rewatch in my current frame of mind

  • Comment number 78.

    I still have a problem,that werewolf blood is that toxic all of a sudden. . In series 2 was a flashback scene with george and mitchell. Seth and some other vampires wanted to beat up George. With werewolf blood being that toxic, this would have been very painful for the other vampires. So they probably would not have done it.

  • Comment number 79.

    63. @shoepigeon.. just realised that was the type of car that was on the Blog earlier. As for TW driving .. will have to rewatch (may explain why it was not his writing, making this ep probably the worst so far.
    1. Kirby allowed into the house far too easily.
    2. Hal found the BT20 coroner/lawer far too easily.
    3. Tom too gulible and no sign of hangover in police cells + how did it take him so long to sus Cutler was a Vamp and why didn't he stake him (must have been the booze/hangover numbing his "Spideysense")
    4. Too obvious Kirbys no good, but like Uncle Billy, but at least he only lasted on

    Not a complete flop; felt that Tom may have been gutted that "WW cant have Ghosts" Claim as He'd love to see Mcnair again. (but as mentioned Amy Mcbride appeared to Lucy BF and Pink LLoyd).

    WW toxic blood - does it just affect OOs maybe? TW you've got some explaining to do.

    Future Woman - she keeps getting interupted, doesnt she? GOOD!!

    Sunday night rant over, I'm aware that I'm a werewolf and tis bedtime = Goodnight all..x

  • Comment number 80.

    70 I dont think she listens to either Mitchell or Hal not because she is not hearing per se but she is avoiding hearing about the horrors they have commited. She will not listen as she does not want to hear bad things about those she trusts or is begining to trust because learning details will erode it straight away. After all when Nina talked to her in the dark after George gave her the scratch she listened well then.

  • Comment number 81.

    78 I know, right. Haha. I think that's probably part of the reason I'm so adamant that Annie's being seen wasn't a fluke that's been cleaned up and away. I don't want another thing that just happens now. I do think the werewolf blood will be explained in this season though. It's too big a revelation to ignore.

  • Comment number 82.

    81 But how? Just being toxic for oos? But I can´t believe that every vamp who helped beating Nina up was an oo.

  • Comment number 83.

    82. Not a clue haha. But I don't think it's just toxic for OOs because that seems to be a rank thing rather than simply being about age.

  • Comment number 84.

    Loved the episode, maybe not as much as last week's but still good. And Kirby's dance! People just don't dance like that enough any more ;)

    I agree with Genevieve (23) about Hal possibly being future Eve's nemesis (if he is at all) but not evil.

    Although... I have been wondering about how exactly the scrolls are read, since they are just symbols that are near to ech other. Regus said there was an arm and fire and something that meant past tense - maybe it meant the Nemesis' arm had been burnt but that doesn't necessarily mean it is any more... thinking more along the lines of Hal falling off the wagon to heal his arm here... and babbling a bit... I'm going to need to think about this one.

  • Comment number 85.

    82. Only and idea at the moment as thee "young ones", Seth et all whe beat george up - and Seth was going to bite G! Also Ivan Beat George with no apparent Blood allergies?
    - but I'm sure it will be explaned.

  • Comment number 86.

    Is anybody else feeling so disappointed by future Eve ? all that everyone gave up just to protect her she'd so easily have Annie "killed" off.

    Makes me wonder what that third scroll possibly said that makes her want to take such drastic actions

  • Comment number 87.

    fair point , i dont get that either if ww blood touching vamp is toxic like acid to us humans, why has this not been brought up earlier and how is michael sochas ww so strong out of ww form . If I remeber the first ep this season he lifted up two vamps while on the top of their car like geoff capes. I dont remeber george being that strong out of ww form.

  • Comment number 88.

    87. Mc fed Tom on fresh meat and porridge in that camper van when ee were a Lad and it made 'im reet Tough!
    George - was a softy southerner, sugar laced rice crispys and salad. (But we love them both)

  • Comment number 89.

    A terrific ep but I was just so excited. Did you hear? I got a mention! It's not just me imagining it is it? Now I know there was a reason why I spent all summer up in that attic in a straight jacket. Never believe that the BH peeps don't read the blog. Aqua - are you there? Didn't it make you gasp!?

  • Comment number 90.

    88 lol

  • Comment number 91.

    88. first word should read Mcnair - bedtime!

  • Comment number 92.

    90 Hi there Wyndy. You coping alright without Sinead? It was a good ep tonight wasn't it?

  • Comment number 93.

    That episode was creepy, as someone else said earlier, I'm going to have nightmares about Kirby too.
    Now 100% sure that future woman is Eve, after seeing how she reacted when she heard that Annie was gone. That together with the door just proves it to me.
    I'm wondering what kind of power future Eve has? After all Kirby said that she had promised him he could stay if he killed baby Eve. So she must have some kind of power to be able to promise him that.
    Also think that future Eve sending Hal to HH in the first place have changed the future. Don't think future Eve grew up with Annie, Tom and Hal, cause I think she would have realised then that Tom and Hal would come back. Possibly she just grew up with just Annie and Tom. At least I hope this have changed the future enough so there's no longer any need for baby Eve to be killed.
    And I refuse to believe that Hal is the nemesis. I'm still thinking it should be a man, i.e. human, and not a vampire, werewolf or ghost. Otherwise the scroll should have the symbol for vampire, werewolf or ghost, not the symbol for man. Or maybe I just don't want Hal to be the nemesis.
    I really loved Hal in this episode, really felt for him when Kirby talked about his victims and he started crying.
    I was happy to see Cutler again, he's definitely not a good guy, but he's still got something.

  • Comment number 94.

    amazing episode as usual incredibly funny and did anyone else have a lump in their throat when tom thought he was going to have a birthday party :'( i really hope they are going somewhere different with this proficy thing though cause, as someone already mentioned, they already did this last series and it would suck if they did the same thing, also i reckon cutler is manipulating tom cause he said the way to win the humans over was to let them see a worse alternative (cant remember his exact words) so he is probably going to use the werewolves as a scarier world by framing them for the killing to win the humans over and effectively help them take over the world, that would be a pretty good way to impress the "old ones"
    muchie luv xx

  • Comment number 95.

    This Episode was brilliant. Tom and Hal are awesome they harmonize so well together and Annies gift is quite interesting.

    So I think it is clear how Kirby knows Nina, cause future Eve told him, maybe she told him what she read in the letter from her Dad. George wrote that Nina was a little dynamo. If it so - that's brilliant good job to the Being Human Crew.

    @wyndamere - Tom lifted up two vampires cause it was almost full moon and then ww are stronger then during the rest of the month. And maybe is is well trained because I has been a ww since he was a child.

    Why doesn't future Eve come through a door and try to kill little Eve. I don't think anyone would recognised her as Eve.

  • Comment number 96.

    And there is another thing. How do they know, that they have to read the scrolls from the left to the right? There are many languages which were not read this way. The first vampires lived in China and the scrolls are about their dreams. But traditionally Chinese is written vertically in columns going from top to bottom and ordered from right to left, with each new column starting to the left of the preceding one. So Hal might be a nemesis but not necessarily to Eve.

  • Comment number 97.

    92 hey sea-otter. Im doing ok without sinead. Sad the the little cute bunny nina aint around. However the show had to move on and better of without nina and gulp george. More sad about george getting killed he was the central part of the show, but the show needs to move on. You cant have george without mitchell. Kinda like you cant have strawberries without cream kinda thing.

  • Comment number 98.

    So had my first re-watch, Lines of the ep had to go to Tom.
    "I'm Gay and I'm Stray"
    "A Stake and a Sparkler"

    Why oh why did Hal, Mr Hygiene himself not get changed when he was covered with the toxic ww blood? Least we know it's not just dangerous when ingested now. Still find it annoying but I can get over it.

    Anyone else think that Hal is like the vampire version of Sherlock? His speech to the coroner had that vibe; me thinks Cutler would get along with Moriarty too!

  • Comment number 99.

    87 I think McNair said, that the skin and the muscles of a ww grow stronger when they are healing after a transformation. So Tom being an older ww than George who was only turned three or four years ago is probably stronger.

  • Comment number 100.

    98. I have to admit that rather than laughing at Tom, I found the whole gay stereotype scene quite offensive and I can't believe the Ö÷²¥´óÐã would allow such a scene to be broadcast.

    Mikey, can't recall all your post numbers, but I find myself agreeing with you yet again. I know I have moaned before about the plot holes and inconsistances but this Ep, for me, was the worst of the lot and was more like a really bad B movie than the quality entertainment we have come to know and love from BH.

    sorry to bring the mood down on the blog but that's my opinion


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