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Rebecca Denton, Online Exec | 20:00 UK time, Friday, 16 March 2012


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  • Comment number 1.

    Here you go....

  • Comment number 2.

    Yay!! Cutler!!
    Now that's what I call a birthday present...

  • Comment number 3.

    By the way, this isn't the *official* preview clip - this is an online scene. Preview tomorrow as usual.

  • Comment number 4.

    Why hellloooo Mr Cutler..... what a nice thing to find on the blog when I arrive :-)

    Thank you Rebecca, you really are spoiling us

  • Comment number 5.

    YAY!!!!!!!!! :D

  • Comment number 6.

    mr jork

    mister york

    as henry york?

  • Comment number 7.

    Ooooh, thank you Rebecca! Off to watch!

  • Comment number 8.

    OMG!!! I love it =D Thank you! I think Cutler looks like a Nick and Hal's surname is York! Nice =)

    From previous blog:

    @lozzie I had a cheap pair of wooly boots and they were rubbish. Managed to find a cheap pair of real Uggs the other day so you may get lucky on that front. My original Annie top has holes in it and the material is thin so it is becoming threadbare lol.

  • Comment number 9.

    Happy birthday Jo and Mitchelline!

    Thanks Rebecca - you're spoiling us so much this year. I love it.

  • Comment number 10.

    OMG! Thanks Rebecca.

    *sobs* not Norbert?

  • Comment number 11.

    I knew it! Hal was Cutler's maker....sometime in the 50s by the look of the police atation and bobbies outfit. So Hal is Hal York (if that's his real name he's using)

  • Comment number 12.

    2.aquamarine_jo. Happy Birthday :)
    3.Thank you Rebecca :D and a preview clip tomorow aswell *smug face*
    Happy me. Interesting to see that Harry York was arrested for illegal gambling all sounded rather messy :D
    "cell 2.. ask for you specifical"
    "Normally we'd tidy this away ourselves"..."It's complicated"
    Much love for Roy :P bless him
    Ahhh so excited i might burst....
    2 sleeps to go.....
    *Explodes with happines*

  • Comment number 13.

    for nonUK peeps..

    oh my...

  • Comment number 14.

    Thanks Inch! And Cutler was just what I wanted for a pressie, even without the gift wrap...

    Anyway manners - evening all! RL has been in the way of me posting much lately but have been reading and trying to keep up. Some fabulous discussions and ideas! Hoping to be around more if you'll have me - can I pour anyone a beer? I've even put the crisps in a bowl...

  • Comment number 15.

    Oh my.... I do like men in suites with sideburns...... I feel a swoon coming on

  • Comment number 16.

    It does make you think of red shielded Hal being ahem royal one thinks but I know he isnt!! Mascot of a w****house!Maybe he was a royal "snow"

  • Comment number 17.

    Any coincidence that it was bobbies from Barking that followed Hal?

    Watching that clip, couldn't wait for the cell door to open. You just knew it was going to be Hal in there. But how had he heard so much about Cutler?

  • Comment number 18.

    yes , we have it

    @ruby, you have been so good

    yes Nick Cutler ... anf Hal or Harry York

    our Hal is a Yorkshire lad


    born in 1486, after Bosworth one night stand of a Yorkish Tudor soldier

    ok , things get a bit less muddy and Lord Harry is going to 'explain' what it means to get 'noticed' though it will need some tidying up

  • Comment number 19.

    Illegal gambling in Barking?

    That'll be betting on WW's then!

  • Comment number 20.

    14. I'll have a beer if your pouring :) what flavour are the crisps? hehe
    15. I'll join you on that one *Melts a little* :P

  • Comment number 21.

    Yay! Wonder what Cutler had done to get noticed? And Mr York; nice historical name there.
    We got it right on the blog about who turned Cutler! Cupcakes all round...

  • Comment number 22.


    So that would account for OMG its him methinks!

  • Comment number 23.

    Oh, Hal looks deliciously evil in this clip! So, Cutler was a slimeball, I mean *lawyer* before he was recruited!

  • Comment number 24.

    More nasty Hal please. Harry York? as in house of York? Is it possible he is known as Lord Harry for a very good reason. Blue blood not red.

    Thank you Rebbeca that was cracking. *melts into a puddle on the floor.

  • Comment number 25.

    17 LizzyT....good question...how had Hal heard about Cutler and why did he want to turn him?....i'm guessing that Hal decided that having a solicitor on teamvampires had to be a good thing

  • Comment number 26.

    Just shown this to my friend and he is sooo excited now. He is a new BH convert =)


    Can't wait until Sunday!!!!

  • Comment number 27.

    But the question is, was Cutler actually a slimeball before he was turned?
    Being a lawyer notwithstanding and, ahem, some of my best friends are lawyers: is he a decent solicitor who becomes what he is because of radical character change after being turned, or is a slimeball betterbe on the side that's winning by any means necessary attitude just "liberated" (as Herrick would have it) when he becomes a vamp?

  • Comment number 28.

    Well well well, looks like a lot of you were right that Hal was Cutler's maker! Still quite a shock though. Thanks for the clip Rebecca!

  • Comment number 29.

    25. My guess is that the vampires who we know have infitrated the police for some time noticed Cutler the solicitor and wanted him as a vampire as he had qualities they prized.

  • Comment number 30.

    On no sorry that makes no sense whatsover. OOOOPS Sorry re last remark.

  • Comment number 31.

    By the way...my first job was in Barking....just saying....not in the 1950s I hasten to add...!

  • Comment number 32.

    Love that! Of all the things Lord Harry could have been put in jail for I can't belive it was illegal gambling. I really hope there are lots more flashbacks in sundays episode :)

  • Comment number 33.

    Ooooh exciting! That's Lord Harry right there! And we were right, I've been telling everyone who'd listen (and quite a few who'd rather not!) this was my prediction for weeks so glad it was right haha..

    So when is this? 50s by the looks of it, Cutler already practising law, Hal about to turn good.. but not quite yet.. Wonder what made him make that final choice, something Cutler went on to do once turned perhaps?

    Also presumably that policeman was a vampire too, nice to see it's a longstanding tradition maybe he knew herrick!

  • Comment number 34.

    25. Dorina. If Hal is an OO then he might have recruited Cutler as part of the whole vampire network. Keeping Vamps out of prison :) Might have been why he was noticed :)
    19. nerdyalice. Definitly had to have been WW fights he was gambling on :) nice thought there.

  • Comment number 35.

    Hal York meet Nick Cutler (yay that i can now mention Cutler's first name and that i knew we'd find out Hal's surname in this ep) and let Beautiful Chaos ensue (the music playing in the background in case you're wondering....)

    Oh blimey this is going to be an excellent episode. So, so stoked about it.

    Another thought Hal York...Hal *of* York perhaps? (pure speculation of course, but given that the Wars of the Roses ended 29 years prior to Hal's recruitment, it makes me wonder. He could indeed be descended from royalty on the wrong side of the blanket which would make him FitzYork i suppose...shutting up now...)

  • Comment number 36.

    WOOO! So that's how Hal know's Cutler? Maybe he decided he wanted a lawyer so recruited Cutler so they could cover things up easier?

    Evil Hal in suit, can't beat that :P

    Now I'm looking forward to Sunday's episode even more! Didn't even think that would be possible.

  • Comment number 37.

    @JJJJ(28) I was really surprised after the trailer for Ep 7 at the end of PL that everyone didn't just think Hal was Cutler's maker. Couldn't imagine cold fish Cutler hugging anyone else like that except his long lost vampire daddy!

  • Comment number 38.

    Cutler's Prequel!!! :-D *runs around room whooping*
    Would have had Cutler down as a 20s or 80s guy myself, actually, since he's so good at keeping up with current thinking and business strategies.
    Hal York... probably where he was born or something. Or just a nice, common, non-committal name. (He might even spell it with an E on the end.)
    Regarding what someone said last blog about the menu saying "potatoe cakes": Tom probably wrote it.

  • Comment number 39.

    @27. No offence meant Lizzy. Just a lawyer joke! Cutler is obviously a good solicitor if he's made a name for himself and he's caught the attention of the vamps!

    Whether he was "liberated" on being recruited remains to be seen!

  • Comment number 40.

    loving Hals suit and more Cutler scenes is always a good thing :D You guys know how to spoil us Being Human fans! :D

  • Comment number 41.

    YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!! (sorry im a bit over excited!)
    I knew Hal was Cutlers maker!! This is a brill clip! I have to say I cant wait to see some flashbacks with 'evil' Hal and some handsome Cutler.

    When did we say Hal was roughly recruited?

  • Comment number 42.

    happy birthday, Aqua
    happy birthday, marine
    happy birthday dear jo
    happy birthday to you

    a gift for the jeweller designer

  • Comment number 43.

    OK. Presumably we now know that Hal made Cutler, that he probably tracked him down for a reason.

    Wouldn't it be interesting if Cutler was already a vampire, living under the radar, just wanting a normal life and that's what made Hal look for him and mess with his head and his life - and that's what made Cutler ambitious for power and perhaps just a touch of revenge

    Probably not even close but maybe! In my world...

  • Comment number 44.

    Yay! Aqua first on Blog! happy birthday! What a pressie

    OMG!!! I didn't see any of that coming AT ALL!

    21 - t&t! Oh yes! You are right! I had 5 cupcakes on that bet! WoooHooo!

    Erm... Hal looks really scaaaary... does he not? Sends shivers down my spine.... and *shivers in anticipation* everywhere else! Flashbacks are my absolute faves, they really are!

    Thank you Rebecca and everyone for doing such a fantastic job! xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Big bad dog 23. That was really what I wanted to say about the legal profession but didn't dare.

    I really want some more acting 'evil' from Damien Molony. So believable and delicious. But I dont want Hal to go off his rocker.

  • Comment number 46.

    33. Yes, certainly appears the bobby is a vampire, or at least fully aware of the situation!

    35. I reckon Hal may have grown up in York. The Wars of the Roses seem slightly before his time, and if he was so lowborn I wouldn't have thought he'd particularly identify himself with either the Yorkists or Lancastrians - it would be more a case of just surviving! And as he didn't even know who his mother was, attributing his father to royalty seems a bit unlikely!

  • Comment number 47.

    lozzie: according to his prequel, the battle of Orsha which was in 1514.

  • Comment number 48.

    35 ruby...re: Hal's origins...could be ...I suspect that series 4 won't get round to that but maybe if we're lucky enough to get a series 5

    Everything I've read about Sunday's episode has me sooo loking forward to what will be a very dramatic ( and probably very dark) episode. I'll be most interested in what caues Hal to fall off the wagon

  • Comment number 49.

    Thanks Rebecca - well worth the wait
    I can't watch with sound just yet (stupid laptop:( ) but from what I can see (& read) it's brill - even if Hal does look slightly menacing.
    @aquamarine_jo - happy birthday

  • Comment number 50.

    Thx SunnyFLA for the link. Great clip :D

  • Comment number 51.

    i can't help but feel sorry for Cutler. there is something vulnerable about him. Dying to learn more.
    14 Aqua i'll have a beer thank you very much. never say no to a cocktail. And aquamarine is my birthstone as well

  • Comment number 52.

    Hal's smile at the end is real evil

  • Comment number 53.

    aquamarine_jo firstly Happy birthday

    I was thinking the same thing as he could possibly already be a vampire but we are in the minority with that one. Tis a possibility though..

  • Comment number 54.

    37 @LizzyT - I had a feeling Hal was gonna be Cutler's maker from seeing that preview, but as we all know Being Human can be difficult to predict, so there could have been many stories and possibilities as to why Cutler reacted like that!

    I'm pleased Hal is Cutler's maker though, I don't know why, it just seems right.

  • Comment number 55.

    @BBD oh no offence taken - I just wanted to be able to propose the option that Cutler could be potentially be a decent chap as a human and a lawyer at the same time. It may not be likely but it's possible :)

    So what was Mr York gambling on - a dogfight perchance?

  • Comment number 56.

    WOOP great clip! Thank you so much our fairy blogmother, Rebecca Denton!

    Hal York ... hmmm ... distinguished sounding name alright! anybody else panic a little inside, reminded of episode 1 "New Yooork, New Yooork". arrrgh this obviously means Hal is master of time and space and the city is named after him! (I admit I might be getting carried away. I've had some Mi Wadi, not quite Kia-Ora but all cordials really...)

    I am intrigued as to what exactly about Cutler caught Hal's attention, how did he show "potential". And what had Hal "heard" about him?! And are we to assume that those gaurds handed Cutler over as dinner for Hal, in the same way the crew on the ship did in the prequel, because they have agreements with the Old Ones?

  • Comment number 57.

    46. I know, which is why i said, pure speculation. His unknown father could've been affiliated to the house of York, Edward IV had a lot of illegitimate offspring it has been alleged, purely speculative that Hal could've been descended from one of them. It could've been a story one of the occupants of the brothel told him whether true or not and he's ran with it in adult and vampire-hood. (okay, the fan fic writer in me is emerging now). It's fun to guess and speculate.

  • Comment number 58.

    47. Ruby. Thank you very much.

  • Comment number 59.


    Henry Tudor of the very legitimate house of York had a bastard, at least one official: a French lady from Brittany

    Henry Tudor wins, rowdy night with the ladies who follow the soldiers
    Harry from York is born; too base born to be recognized

    Henry's mistress was an aristocrat... one does not acknowledge a prostitute
    none the less Hal is an aristo

    does that mean I must stop playing with my mino guillotine. I t was going to be so handy t get rid of the OOs


  • Comment number 60.

    I don't think Hal will fall off the wagon for some reason...Somebody said on another blog that they think he drinks the blood so the other vamps don't suspect anything..I can't see him after 50 years of not drinking blood and last week's ep trying so hard not to kill alex, it doesn't seem right that he'd just give up.. Think the blood's gonna make him go a bit mental though, maybe he'll kill someone but get sorted out by Annie and tom and be back to normal by next week's ep.. I don't know, I need to see it!! :(

  • Comment number 61.

    I would love it if Hal is not low born and was a high ranking member of the York family. Perhaps born on the wrong side of the blankets. It would account for his superior attitude in addition to the normal Vampire one.

  • Comment number 62.

    43. Jo, I like your way of thinking. We all know how good BH is at misdirects.

  • Comment number 63.

    Okay i've watched it five times. I think im gunna sit on the sidelines for a while and see what the clever and whitty people have to say on the subect :)

  • Comment number 64.

    Aquamarine-jo and emma.....going by Cutler's remarks to the bobby 'what do you mean tidied up?' he comes across as ignorant of vampires and how they 'deal' with things

  • Comment number 65.

    @Saint - think you're gonna need a bigger guillotine!

    Hal's grin truly evil. And so in control despite the fact he's arrested and sitting in a prison cell! DM is truly nailing the role of Hal.

  • Comment number 66.

    Hmmmm, Nick Cutler and Nancy both mentioned Masons with regards vamps and the police.
    Look what happened to Cutler!

    Hal York.................

    *starts singing*
    "The grand old duke of York, he had 10,000 men he marched them all to the top of the hill and he marched them down again......."

  • Comment number 67.

    So Hal had been caught before. But normally they 'tidy it away'. What do they mean 'tidy away'?
    and What happened to the other lawyer who had been before Cutler (last time Hal was caught)
    What happened after Cutler went in the cell? Hal drink from him? or talk to him about recruitment?

    I seriously hope that we actually see Hal recruit Cutler, will be interesting to see.
    Sorry If im being silly, but do we know how vamps recruit in the BH world? Is it the human has to drink vamp blood or does a vamp bite the human (like in Twilight)?

  • Comment number 68.

    @59 Henry Tudor was a Lancastarian,- he married Elizabeth of York
    Hal could have just been in (or around the city of York)

  • Comment number 69.

    Thanks for the happy birthdays - you're all very very lovely! (yes I've had a drink) (or two...)

    Fleem - Hi! I suspect it's wishful thinking but Toby does like to mess with our heads so I just wonder if we've missed something. Something does give Cutler a chip and a mission though - and that really just has to be Hal.

  • Comment number 70.

    I keep getting the dreaded green box. I was starting to think i'd missed a trick there, just for a moment, but now i know exactly what everyone was on about :/ Oh well I've watched the clip 5 times now :P I shall resolve to watch what everyone else has to say :) as i'm not feeling very clever or whitty myself tonight.
    Speak to you soon chaps.

  • Comment number 71.

    Apparently, I'm one of the descendants of King Henry VII's Bastard child- according to my uncle, not sure if it's true though..

    Would love Hal to be some how related to royalty, it just fit's with him :P

  • Comment number 72.

    Lycurious has tweeted again: "Sorry, just bumped into an old friend! Now where were we, ah yes...#werewolvesarereal"

  • Comment number 73.

    So Hal took a bite out of Culter?

    Got to say Damien rocks the old fashion clothes.

  • Comment number 74.

    @62. Fleem, I think Jo@43 may well be onto something. It's unlike BH to give us such a big clue before the episode. Could all be smoke and mirrors!

    What if Hal is introduced to Cutlers wife and he recruits her and she in turn recruits Cutler?

    I'm probably way off but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if BH are leading us up the garden path!

  • Comment number 75.

    Im still swooning here, he's absolutley irresistable when he is evil.. I wonder if he watched Gary Oldman as Dracula before he did his Evil Vampire bit.

    Most unlike me I don't do the fawning female as a rule.

  • Comment number 76.

    Ive just looked on wiki at BH and clicked on DM name. Its got about what he's been in and then it says at the bottom of the page:
    'He's 5ft 10'.
    Who has gone up to hime with a tape measure and measured how tall he is? I did have to laugh when I read it!

  • Comment number 77.

    What is the 'dreaded green box' i don't know what everybody's talking about :S

  • Comment number 78.

    64 Hi Dorina!
    It's just an idea - I like to think of what might be, keeps me occupied! Although Cutler does seem to be an extremely accomplished liar - first he'd heard of the werewolf video for example and to live anonymously as a vampire he would have to have a good cover.

    It's probably all wrong though!, I'm just making it up as I go along!

  • Comment number 79.

    im so interested to see why hal me little 'york'shire pudding (get it!) wanted to turn cutler. mabe it is because he needed a solicitor in the ranks.

    mabe hal is the GRAND OLD DUKE OF YORK! thats why he is called lord. hmmmm. nursery rhyms are old and mabe its about him!

    trying to think of a song for hal.something along the lines of,
    the grand old duke of york
    he had ten thousand men, blah blah and ate them.

    anyone think of a good song???

  • Comment number 80.

    My two-pennorth:

    Hal doesn't know who his mother was, never mind his father. He's as base-born as you can get. Grows up in poverty in York, goes to sea (voluntarily or press-ganged), fights as a mercenary abroad, is badly/mortally wounded at the Battle of Orsha and takes up the army surgeon's offer of eternal life.

    At some point after being turned he gets himself an education.
    At some point either before or after being turned he takes the name of York because it was his hometown. The fact that it sounds quite distinguished fits in nicely with his post-vamp social climbing.

    @Leanne (79) I can now only think of any song associated with Hal being sung in falsetto!

  • Comment number 81.

    73 Saffz I know right!

  • Comment number 82.

    I also seem to remember during the flashback of 1855 Fergus mentioning Richmond...which is in Yorkshire...i seem to think North Yorkshire off the top of my head. I could be hallucinating but didn't Fergus say something about going home or home leave at the time?

    And Edward IV had an illegitimate son who would've been alive around the time of Hal's birth and later recruitment. His name was Arthur Plantagenet, Viscount Lisle, (1461/4-1542) He was married twice and had (legitimate) issue.

    Just speculatin'..... ;)

  • Comment number 83.

    81 - Hell Yeahh,

  • Comment number 84.


  • Comment number 85.

    oh poo nerdyalice you already said what i said before me@65!

  • Comment number 86.

    And who is to say that what Hal says to Leo in his prequel is the gospel truth...it probably is...but could he, would he say anything to get Leo on side?

    Not saying that what i've said is truth, i just find it interesting that his surname is York that's all. I have a very fertile imagination and it shows :D

  • Comment number 87.

    83. Hal-yeah *hangs head, shuffles off to corner*

  • Comment number 88.

    Isn't it great? Hal makes a very good Mad Men character.

  • Comment number 89.

    76 @Lozzie_lo - I wondered the same about Michael Socha! Oh his wikipedia page it says he's 5ft8 (173cm). Kinda made me laugh, wondering where on Earth that info came from.

  • Comment number 90.

    @lizzy t 80- you could be right about him taking the name york because if he didnt know who his mother was then he wouldnt know his last name would he? so he prob did make one up for himself.

  • Comment number 91.

    79. See 66! We have the same idea!

    Ode to the Lord of York

    The grand old(very old) Lord of York,
    He munched 10,000 men,
    He killed them with his fangs,
    Then killed some more again.

    And when he was good he was good
    And when he was bad he was bad
    And when he was neither good or bad
    He was rather OCD!!!

  • Comment number 92.

    @and we know he ran away as a sailor and God knows how Henry 8 his half brother was manic about a Navy. or>>> or...
    have a look at the mysterious death of Arthur Tudor prince of Wales

    could it be that far being born into a brothel, interesting details six whores, our posh vamp was a posh young prince, turned mistakenly
    after being turned, effectively, possibly after a joust
    the royal heir is fatally wounded, accidents happen and a vampire indeed saves his life... at a cost
    arthur henry york, runs Away to sea far from britain
    the army surgeon was a bland lie
    the man who should have been king and powerful
    the renaissance prince who played the lute

    why did I miss that clue, a child raied into a brothel woud not have been taught the lute

  • Comment number 93.

    83 @Rebecca omg yes! can you imagine Hal on Mad Men lol.

    Seen quite a few comments about how cool Hal is despite being arrested, surely he's not really arrested that cop was talking to Cutler in a weird way not like a real cop. He must be a vampire cop like Herrick was, they've spotted Cutler's potential and got him to set up the meeting.. He has to do what Hal tells him!

  • Comment number 94.

    82. I actually thought Richmond, Surrey but Yorkshire works too =P

  • Comment number 95.

    @88 Great clip Rebecca! Thank you!

  • Comment number 96.

    88 - I fall more and more in love with Hal with every episode, Dont know how im gona cope waiting for a very possible series 5

  • Comment number 97.

    In my primary school our 'houses' were named after royal houses- I was in York and the colour was red! Red shield :) I kind of like the idea of Hal being an illegitimate royal but as has been said he didn't know his parents....

  • Comment number 98.

    @91 I love it

  • Comment number 99.

    Are we sure he was born in England? Cant remember if it said that in his history - if so then the mercenary story is the only route to the Battle of Orsha - otherwise could be be Russian or Lithuanian? Not with that accent I know but after 500 years whats gonna stick!?

  • Comment number 100.

    Just rewatched (again). Two new things:

    1. Would love to know how many times over the four BH series the phrase "it's complicated" has been used!
    2. As this is late 40's/early 50's - surely pretty poor form for a solicitor to be about his business with his top button unfastened (though I guess uniquely Hal was more relaxed about that kind of thing then vs now)


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