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Damien Molony Live Q&A

Rebecca Denton, Online Exec | 21:30 UK time, Sunday, 18 March 2012


Damien Molony

Okay, you know the rules.

1. No marriage proposals

2. Address your questions @DamienMolony

3. No marriage proposals

4. It will not be possible to answer everything, sorry!Ìý We will do our best, and we have called for reinforcements as we're expecting it to be VERY busy.

5. No Marriage proposals..... really!Ìý He's mine. KIDDING!Ìý :-P



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  • Comment number 1.

    @DamienMolony @Mistress Rebecca Good evening !

    Thank you for doing this Q&A tonight

    I just wanted to say, you’re doing an excellent job, Damien. You’re a great actor and really bring Hal to life (so to speak) for us fans. I hope we’ll be seeing you in a fifth series, don’t let the fan-girls scare you away ;)

    *sits down in blog-corner to await the mayhem* It’s really annoying being German when all the UK-fans get to see the new episode live…..*pout*

  • Comment number 2.

    Bonsoir Rebecca, Damien et tout le monde ! Thanks a lot for being (so human) with us tonight !!! I’m a French lover of the BH series since its very beginning (don’t ask how -_-’) for I’m fond of fantasy and, more professionally speaking, I’m much involved in french literature, language and arts (with theatre companies). So I really appreciate the show for its high quality ! Sorry for being so long too *ashamed (missed the early bird questions)*, but I promise I’m just writing ONE comment because I’m well aware it’s going to be quite a crush of fans on this blog tonight !

    @DamienMolony : Well, first of all too, multicompliments to you ! Hal is a so interesting, character to play (all those series creators, scriptwriters and directors of genius you have in the UK !), you’re lucky, Sir, and Hal’s lucky you’re embodying him because you’re obviously extremely talented. You’ve given him such an intriguing dimension that he became immediately charismatic. So thank YOU for that ! The series deserved it ! And the audience too, for everyone’s in love with Hal by now, as we all can see… Enjoy it ! ; )

    Now here are my questions :

    _ You surely know how Hal’s singing made buzzing on the net a great deal. I was wondering whether you chose by yourself having him singing in this so funny falsetto Bee Gees (regards to Moriarty, btw !) tune or if you’ve been asked to do it. As a stage actor, you’re working on your voice (I’ve been told it only squeaks in interviews when BH rabid fans are mentioned, eh ?… lol). I specially noticed how pretty deep your voice is when you gave us this delightful excerpt of Keats’ october letter to Fanny (again, did you suggest it ? -because this very text ends by quoting Ford’s "’Tis Pity She's…" !- or was it a joke from the scriptwriters ?), so I was surprised you were not singing in a more natural and low-pitched tone.
    _ By the way are you a musician ? I really fantasize Hal could play the piano (or the lute ?) and give us a true… jazzy song, finally !
    _ Then a trick question : Hal is so neurotic -neat as a… Hannibal Lecter-, compulsively cleaning and ordering everything… starting with himself. BUT : he has no reflection ! How is it he can be so clean-shaved all the time ??? Since he lives with Annie and Tom, who is shaving him and cutting his hair ? Leo the barber was… but now ? Can hardly believe he lets anyone touching him… Sooo ?

    Merci beaucoup, again, for reading and answering comments tonight, I’m looking forward to find an opportunity to come and enjoy your performing on stage, maybe when "Travelling Light" is back in London…, thanks and congratulations to Ö÷²¥´óÐã team, ALWAYS doing such a great work : you all rock ! \(^o^)/

  • Comment number 3.

    @DamienMolony would you ve parte of the cast in an eventually season 5 ?

  • Comment number 4.

    Like so many want to say thanks for doing the Q & A & what an amazing job you're doing.
    What is it like now being a pretty big sex symbol to so many Being Human fans?

  • Comment number 5.

    Hello Damien! Good Luck!

    Oh my! Alex!

    I don't really have a question - but I hope you are pleased with the great reviews of your performance as Hal and also the the response of the fans?

    Thanks. x

  • Comment number 6.

    @DamienMolony what was the most difficult scene to shoot and why?

    Thanks for doing this and thanks to @Mistress Rebecca too.

  • Comment number 7.


    No questions, just wanted to say 'hats off' to you Sir! Stellar performance as Hal!

    Keep up the good work. *fingers crossed for series 5*

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Damien! Massive fan here! My question is what happens if Hal drinks Kia-Ora? :P

  • Comment number 9.

    @Damien Molony

    *sings* Welcome to the jungle... we take it day by day,
    If you want it you're gonna bleed but it's the price to pay.

    Just wanted to say a quick Hello before the madness begins. Love your work! (and your twitter updates/pics.)

    *sits down back on the blog sofa and uncorks a fresh bottle of wine*

  • Comment number 10.

    @DamienMolony how do you find it putting on an english accent for the show? x

  • Comment number 11.

    @DamienMolony i would love to know how your character can act so shy when hes been around for years and years,women cant be that foreign to him surely?

  • Comment number 12.

    @DamienMolony good evening! Just like to congratulate you on your success:)

    I was wondering, has Hal ever considered doing audiobooks for a living:)?

  • Comment number 13.

    @DamienMolony do you find it hard acting with a different accent then your own or does it just come naturally when the cameras are on :)
    ps im going to see the travelling light on the 30th soooo happy

  • Comment number 14.

    Rebecca - haha No marriage proposals ROFL! Have fun!


    What an Ep! Incredible!

  • Comment number 15.

    @DamienMolony The gay Dad's scene was so funny, just amazing. Was it good to film?

  • Comment number 16.

    @DamienMolony Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

  • Comment number 17.

    @DamienMolony what has been your favourite episode so far? x

  • Comment number 18.

    Hey. How do you find the role? How to you get yourself prepared for the very intense scenes?
    Thank-you x

  • Comment number 19.

    @DamienMolony What was it about the character of Hal that attracted you when you read the script? (I'm guessing you auditioned/read a script/or something!)

    Another thing - after the success and popularity of the previous seasons, and after the death of Mitchell, were you worried at all about the reaction you would receive taking over as the new Vampire lead?

  • Comment number 20.

    Okay so here it goes:


    First I would like to say that I have really enjoyed the fourth series so far and that is also largely due to your excellent portrayal of our newest resident vampire. Keep up the great work! Here a few questions to choose from. (Hope that's okay).

    What would you like to see happen to Hal in the (hopefully) upcoming series 5?

    Which aspects of Hal's character would you like to explore further?

    What was more fun to play: OCD Hal or smooth, evil Lord Harry?

    If you could play any character from either television, movies or theatre, who would it be?

  • Comment number 21.

    Hello! Just wanted to say hi. Will be crazy on here later. Thank you Rebecca! Damien, what was your favourite scene to film and why? Thank you as well! Good luck!

  • Comment number 22.

    @DamienMolony. What do you think of Tom and Hals friendship? How dependent on each other do you really think they are?

  • Comment number 23.

    @Rebecca @Damien @Manc

    *puts ring, flowers and candy away*
    There goes my questions! LOL j/k

    going into lurking mode now, Have fun!

  • Comment number 24.

    Hi Damien. Massive fan here! My question is what happens if Hal drinks Kia-Ora? ;) Also did you find it easier to act like blood thirsty Hal rather than "cold turkey" Hal?

  • Comment number 25.

    Hey everybody *wave*


    We have 2 questions

    1. If you could meet a famous (dead) person from the past who would that be and why?

    2. Wo und wie lange hast du Deutsch gelernt? (Where and how long did you study German)?

    Cheers from Germany

  • Comment number 26.

    @Damien Molony - loving the cold hearted Hal in tonights episode (perhaps a little too much if I'M honest, don't know what that says about me?) Which is more fun to play?

  • Comment number 27.

    @Damien Molony
    It's a pleasure to talk to you and would only like to ask you one question :)
    Is Hal and Annie going to hook up?
    Thank you for listening and hope you reply ;)

  • Comment number 28.


    Out of the 8 episodes which was the hardest scene emotionally to film?

    When Leo died, it was really really sad. It was a really really sad moment. But weirdly it wasn’t that difficult to film – he was lying in the bed and we were standing around him, but it was terribly sad. But when Hal was sitting on the stairs with Pearl and he was transforming that was probably the most difficult emotional scene to film. Imagining what was happening to him. There is also a great one coming.....

  • Comment number 29.


    If you had the chance to play any character who would you chose and why?

  • Comment number 30.


    Evening Damien,

    I wondered if you had plans to do some Shakespeare onstage anytime soon.

    Thank you!

  • Comment number 31.

    @DamienMolony how do you feel putting on an english accent for the show? x

  • Comment number 32.

    @DamienMolony - How much research did you put into you preparation for Hal? Do you believe he's really changed or has he always been the same man deep down? He has to be one of the most complex vampires I've ever seen, fantastic job :)

  • Comment number 33.

    I have fallen in love with you and am a massive fan
    my question is do you like acting on stage or on camera more

  • Comment number 34.

    @DamienMolony do you find it hard in some scenes not to laugh, like in the one where you pretend to be gay lol x

  • Comment number 35.

    @DamienMolony What's your psychological take on Hal? Do you think the bloodlust is due to typical vampire broodiness? Or does it tap into a portion of his psyche that may have been there all along?

  • Comment number 36.

    Hi Damien. First up, I just want to say huge congratulations on the success of Travelling Light, Being Human series 4 and your performances in both. It was lovely to meet you again in London and all the very best for your future roles.

    Now, my question

    @DamienMolony there have been many hilarious scenes in BH series 4 but which one was the most fun to film and why?

  • Comment number 37.

    @DamienMolony - Did Hal's personality traits fully stretched your acting skills or did you find any common ground with him? Obviously I'm guessing your not actually evil!!

  • Comment number 38.

    @DamienMolony did hal just get killed :'(

  • Comment number 39.

    @DamienMolony What's Andrew Gower like to work with? and did you guys ever sing on set?

  • Comment number 40.

    What is it like to play Hal and are there any aspects of him in you or vice versa? Also how different is this role to any others that you have played before?

  • Comment number 41.


    You've only recently graduated from acting school and you've already been thrown in the deep end, how has your life changed to accommodate this (e.g touring, set life, being recognized) and is it something you're enjoying?

  • Comment number 42.

    @damienmolony Do you have particular routines of your own that you do to prepare you for your scenes?

  • Comment number 43.

    Hello @tree_hugger

    1. Hal is very OCD/OCPD. Are you like that in anyway?
    2. How hard is it to do an English accent? You manage very well.

    1. Im not AS OCD as Hal. I have specific routines in the morning. Coffee and breakfast in a quiet room. But that’s it. I’m actually quite messy.
    2. I had so many English friends when I was growing up, and I always used to take the micky out of them. Every job I’ve ever had has had an English accent so it’s come pretty easy for me.

  • Comment number 44.

    @DamienMolony Do you see Hal as being inherently evil as a vampire, or do you think that there's good in him? In any vampire for that matter?

    Great work by the way! Can't wait to see the rest of the series! :D

  • Comment number 45.

    Hi Damien! Hal does a lot of things to control himself - do you have an OCD habits or weird ticks?

  • Comment number 46.

    @damien molony

  • Comment number 47.

    Can't believe that the Ö÷²¥´óÐã 3 announcer didn't just say that Damien was doing a live Q&A on the blog....

  • Comment number 48.


    when did u first want to be an actor and why? :) x

  • Comment number 49.

    @DamienMolony. If you weren’t playing Hal what other character on the show would you like to play?

  • Comment number 50.

    @DamienMolony Hi Damien :) What was your favourite episode to film?

  • Comment number 51.


    Hello !! Hope you're well :)

    Quick question, how're you enjoying the change from theatre acting to TV acting ?

    Brilliant episode tonight by the way

  • Comment number 52.

    @DamienMolony What's the best thing about playing Hal?

  • Comment number 53.

    How is the atmosphere on set? are you friends with your co-stars? Have you made any bestfriends on set?
    Thank-you x

  • Comment number 54.

    FANTASTIC EPISODE! I am a bit apprehensive about next week. Itr is the end already. I cannot believe it

    @DamienMolony considering that Hal became a vampire over 500 years ago and before that we had to assume he was really poor, do you think he has ever seen his image/reflection in mirror or know how he looks like (obviously he must know he is not ugly ;)

  • Comment number 55.

    The gay Dad's scene was so funny, just amazing. Was it good to film?
    It was hilarious, we knew it would be a funny scene to do. I came into the trailer and saw the outfit, the tank top and tight jeans and knew this would be crazy!

  • Comment number 56.

    @DamienMolony Your English accent is very good, how did you practice for it? And were you ever upset they asked you to changed from your natural accent?

  • Comment number 57.

    How old is Hal really and also how old are you? Can't find it anywhere!
    You were amazing! I cried =')

  • Comment number 58.

    ok here I go popping my Q&A cherry
    Who would you consider your major acting influences?
    What event in History would you love to show Hal in?

    phew...that wasn't so hard :D
    AWESOME EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and half naked hal was pleasant too *blushes*

  • Comment number 59.

    Hellow huge fan just ran like a duck to get to this computer!
    Anyways "if you could write a story or have a say for Hal's future what would you say or do?!

  • Comment number 60.

    @DamienMolony Are you glad you got the role of the smexiest vampire on the planet? ... I mean, In all seriousness, Are you happy to have been given the role of Hal?

  • Comment number 61.

    @DamienMolony What's your favourite outfit of Hal's?

  • Comment number 62.

    @DamienMolony What is it you drink? It's not blood is it? I mean it must be like punch or something. PLEASE ANSWER!!! :D

  • Comment number 63.

    @Damien Molony

    Hal has been portrayed as particularly sadistic and cruel, compared to other vampires we've seen. Do you think this was inherent deep down in Hal even as a human or is it a result of his "curse"?

  • Comment number 64.

    I hope that Hal will be singing more - do you get choice of song? Well done for being so brilliant!

  • Comment number 65.

    @DamienMolony Did you chose to put on that accent or were you told to? And just watched the latest episode- IS HAL DEAD? Will you be in the next series- Is there going to be another series? And hi:) xxxx

  • Comment number 66.

    @DamienMolony If Hal was on the straight and narrow from a few year since he became a vampire, what era/time period do you think he would have enjoyed relished in????? I am loving the series by the way! x

  • Comment number 67.


    ---Where do you get you're inspiration to play Hal?

    ---What is the funniest moment you've ever had on set?

  • Comment number 68.

    @DamienMolony do you prefer being a vampire or would you like to be a werewolf

  • Comment number 69.

    @DamienMolony (sorry if this has been asked already!)

    Which side of Hal do you prefer: the controlled, slightly awkward one or the dark one? Is one more fun to film than the other?

    Am really enjoying the series so far, everyone is doing a great job!

  • Comment number 70.

    @DamienMolony How do you get on with Michael Socha?

  • Comment number 71.

    Is there going to be a series 5 an will you be in it?

  • Comment number 72.

    @DamienMolony What kind of character do you think you would find most challenging to act?
    You are doing an excellent job as Hal by the way!

  • Comment number 73.

    @DamienMolony, i know these questions are not really being human related but i think they are the most important:

    1. What music do you like?
    2. Do you like chickens?(i love them and actually have 2 as pets)
    3.Jaffacake-Cake or Biscuit?

  • Comment number 74.

    @Damienmolony Loved that episode, a couple of my friends were in the night club scene and also loved you performance. How did you get on at first with Lenora and Michael, and did you feel nervous replacing Mitchell? x

  • Comment number 75.

    @Damien Molony, Congrats on an awesome show. You are making me love this season!

    1 question. How many accents can you do? Just like a list. besides irish of course because you are in fact irish.... Happy Belated St. Paddy's day by the way! and... OMG THE LAST EPISODE WAS AWESOME. :D

  • Comment number 76.

    @DamienMolony you have the same second name as my gran and she's irish! anyway- do you like kia-ora personally? ;)

  • Comment number 77.


    Whats your favourite

    Episode of the series?
    Girls name?

    Please answer i will be fangirling all week, x

  • Comment number 78.

    @DamienMolony Hi Damien! Thanks for doing this chat.

    I was wondering what your favourite scene with Hal and Tom in was? I love their chat about relationships in the cafe.


  • Comment number 79.

    In the midst of the insuing chaos i'm off to make m'self a brew.
    @DamienMolony. Fancy a cuppa? :P
    Catch up on this latter me thinks.

  • Comment number 80.

    Sir, I would first off like to say that you are doing a snazzy job as Hal - you're the perfect guy for the role.

    1. How has it felt coming into such a role as Hal and seeing the fan reaction to you/your character? Because we really do love you.
    2. How much imput have you had with Hal? Because he is a fabulous character...
    Anna x

  • Comment number 81.


    What is the best moment you've had filming being human and why??

    hope your feeling well

  • Comment number 82.

    That episode was fantastic! Cutler's story was kind of heartbreaking, and seeing what that one decanter of blood did to Hal - he was a broken man wasn't he?

    Also, not quite Being Human related and perhaps a little creepy - I'm about 98 per cent certain my GP is your dad. Is that possible?!

  • Comment number 83.

    @damien molony

    if you had a choice in becoming a supernatural: would you? and which one including one not existing in the BH universe?

  • Comment number 84.

    @DamienMolony how did you spend your st.patricks day?
    and do you miss being away from home much when you are acting?
    (i was actually in kildare myself at the weekend) x

  • Comment number 85.

    @damienmolony - you've been doing theatre with Travelling Light most recently - which do you prefer - theatre or TV work - and if I can just say how fantastic we all think you are - hope we can hang to you for at least another series. Sasha x

  • Comment number 86.

    @damienmolony How do you bring Hal's intensity to the screen? It comes across really well, particularly when he talked about killing with the shopkeeper. It was as if he was the only one there for a few moments!

  • Comment number 87.

    Hi DaMo,
    1. Do you believe in super natural creatures?
    2. If you could have any super power, what would it be?

  • Comment number 88.

    @DamienMolony who would you rather be stuck on a desert island with
    Annie, Tom or Cutler?

  • Comment number 89.

    @DamianMolony how did you feel about coming into Being Human, as it has quite a following and Aidan was adored as Mitchell and what has been your favourite scene to film.

  • Comment number 90.

    @DAMIENMOLONY if you could chose between vampire werewolf and ghost which would be?

  • Comment number 91.

    Did you really hold a stake over a baby?? Looks v realistic and more than slightly chilling!

  • Comment number 92.

    @damienmolony Hi Damien, have you read any vampire books or seen any films on them?

  • Comment number 93.

    @Damien Molony/ @Rebecca (I posted this in another area, sorry if it's repetitive.)

    American fan(s) here.

    The scenes between Hal and Kirby were very emotional. When Kirby was talking about Hal's past kills, he looked genuinely horrified. How do you prepare yourself for scenes like that, that require such depth of emotion and do you know going into it how you're going to play it?

    Also...I read where you researched OCD for the role of Hal and that certainly comes through in a very endearing way, but did you find it difficult to leave those mannerisms and idiosyncrasies behind when filming stopped?

    BTW, the entire cast and crew of Being Human are brilliant and I hope for several more seasons!

  • Comment number 94.

    Omg is Hal going to be okay?

  • Comment number 95.

    @Damien Molony

    1) What is your favourite quote from the series so far? (I asked this to Michael Socha and he said "I had a shield! A red one!" which is one of my favourites too)

    2) What did you think of your mustache in episode 3?

    thanks :)

  • Comment number 96.


    I'm currently studying drama and have an examined performance tomorrow. What techniques do you use before going on stage?
    Thank you! You're great as Hal by the way! :)

  • Comment number 97.

    @DamienMolony What has been the best moment for you/your character so far this series?

  • Comment number 98.

    @DamienMolony Did you enjoy playing evil Hal?

  • Comment number 99.

    How do you feel about your character turning a bit darker in the last 2 episodes?

  • Comment number 100.

    @Damien Molony
    When did you know you wanted to go into acting? How's the support from your family friends and loved ones?


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