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S4 Files: Golda's Spreadsheet

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Rebecca Denton, Online Exec | 19:30 UK time, Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Golda's Spreadsheet

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  • Comment number 1.


  • Comment number 2.

    Oh I think I need a magnifying glass!

  • Comment number 3.

    Ooh Hello new blog!

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi VampRule and Sasha. Magnifying glass and zoom at the ready. My poor eyes!

  • Comment number 5.

    *rubs eyes* Can anyone read this, or is it just my screen being blurry?

  • Comment number 6.

    Ohhh! Im now going to zoom in.

  • Comment number 7.

    can't read a thing :/


  • Comment number 8.

    Well my eyes are red and watering - I can only see a haze and yes I do have my specs on. Can anyone actually read the writing?

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi inch, sasha click the wee tiny map in the right hand corner. It's magnified!

  • Comment number 10.

    Can't even read that at 400X
    Do you think tha placement on the map is significant?
    Over South America and North Africa- covering the OO's journey/route by sea.

  • Comment number 11.

    Just zoomed to 400.... Not a thing :/

  • Comment number 12.

    Is it me or is it how ever far you zoom in, you cant read any of the writting???

  • Comment number 13.

    oh, a spreadsheet...guess Golda was really organiced ^.^

  • Comment number 14.

    I can't read a thing either. :(

    Reposting from previous blog:

    @558: I can't even begin to describe how much I loved George in that scene! Now THAT was real love, compared to what Annie proposed to feel for Mitchell... Love of my life? Please.
    As much as I love Annie this season, I couldn't stand her in that episode. Everything she did was just beyond reason and lacked any logic at all. Putting Mitchell in jail?!
    Thank God George still had some brains left... (Sorry to put it so harshly, but it annoyed me so much.)

  • Comment number 15.

    Just two episodes left:( Sure there has to be another series, Eve has to grow up. Hope lot of extras on dvd series 3.
    And i think Annie/Lenora is the heart of the show now and deserves her own live blog questions. Well done Toby, and all

  • Comment number 16.

    Ahhaha found it :)

  • Comment number 17.

    Everybody - See BBD comment at 9 Thanks!

    Well spotted BBD - you'd better watch out, she's been looking at hotels in Glasgow :-)

  • Comment number 18.

    Any joy ladies? I can make out most of it. I'll post any relevant details if you want.

  • Comment number 19.

    They're leaving from Belem Port, Brazil at 2 am on Saturday 10th.

    Sasha, you're famous! It says you're supposed to check the base at Bristol!

  • Comment number 20.

    Glad it isn't just me but I can't read it, it just goes blurry. The bit at the bottom looks like a timetable? Perhaps this is to show when the container ship carrying Mr Snow and the other OO will dock? Hope there is someone who has good eyes and can enlighten us?

  • Comment number 21.

    Evening all!

    9. @bbd I don't understand, which little tiny map? boohoo!

  • Comment number 22.

    Love the Entertainment--------->clean-up XD

  • Comment number 23.

    Looks like they originated from West Brazil - the line goes from Matu Grosso (a county/state in Brazil, next to Bolivia)

  • Comment number 24.

    Sorry, series 4 dvd, then series 5&6:) With Hal, Tom, Annie and Eve, with visits from Adam

  • Comment number 25.

    You see the bit that says 'Sasha - Check Base' ?
    That has absolutely nothing to do with me - I wasn't there, honest to the PTB I wasn't :-)

  • Comment number 26.

    18. Lol, yeah, and they're looking at prospective 'dogs' for entertainment, i think!

  • Comment number 27.

    Hmmm... well other than arriving on the 25th, I'm not sure what to take from this... Golda really liked spreadsheets and highlighters? (she should get together with Annie)

  • Comment number 28.

    21. Of course as soon as I posted 21 I saw the little tiny map and now I have to wait 180 seconds to post this. Sorry! Thanks for anyone who answers in the meantime!

  • Comment number 29.

    My best bet for where they originally came from is about 50 miles north of Trinidad in Bolivia. That's the where the line on the map seems to start.

  • Comment number 30.

    @21 You got it yet Lizzy? If you scroll down past the map pic you'll see a tiny version just under it on the right hand side. Click that then click again to make it bigger!

  • Comment number 31.

    I've made some out. Thanks BBD I wouldnt have noticed.

    This is what ive got...
    OO planning on going to Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Bristol, London, Leeds, Manchester, and Newcastle.
    I think it says 'View perspected dogs' (for a dog fight possibly?)
    And at the bottom it says 'Conference- with web link up (does this mean that they have indeed found a way of being 'picked up' on a video/photo?)

  • Comment number 32.

    hm...Sunday 11th: Ship depart (5:00 local time)-> Belem Brazil (crossing 13 days) so the OO spend 13 days at sea?

  • Comment number 33.

    19 - :-) Hello you!

  • Comment number 34.

    Shame shes not about to Impliment it :P
    I can't imagine Cutler using a spreadsheet.. Or a highlighter haha

  • Comment number 35.

    30 @bbd yes got it thank you! Saw it about a millisecond after I posted! Doh!

  • Comment number 36.

    @31: I think it's probably an audio linkup via the Internet.

  • Comment number 37.

    Do we know how long into their journey the OOs were in their prequal? And how long in BH time, have they got to get there?

    When the OOs arrive they wont be too pleased to find out that none of this is going to happen. Cutlers going to be Very unpopular with the OOs!

  • Comment number 38.

    Sat. 24th Container transport to arrive, Welcome comitee-> Docks 11:00-13:00 est. arrival time

  • Comment number 39.

    I live right next to a hotel in Edinburgh...but luckily it's a Travellodge

  • Comment number 40.

    Hope they don't arrive in Glasgow on a Saturday night. They'd have no chance! :-)

  • Comment number 41.

    Hellooooo bloggers....long time no...blogging!...been off in the sun studying..no really!
    So...I've caught up on eps 5 and 6 and looked at all the blog vids that I'd missed. I had a read of some of the posts on Michael's Q&A....fantastic that he gave his time to do that and also fab of Rebecca to set that up. And we're *cough* 'having Damien on Sunday eve...can't wait!

    Very much enjoyed eps 5 and 6..Selina Griffiths was superb. Loved the humour in both eps as well as the humanity shining through.

    Not read through all the posts since I was last here so no doubt I'm about to repeat what others have voiced....
    Seems like we are being 'invited' to think that Annie will take on the mantle of the nemesis and kill baby Eve....whilst this would be a neat way to see Annie through her final door I'm not convinced...Annie has always done what she considered the right thing and has a good soul...if and when she makes her final journey it will be because of something wonderful she does..I'm sure. And Toby does like to feed us red herrings!
    Pics of Hal and Cutler together released from next Sunday's eps looks like they were spivs during prohibition times....echoes for me of the Mitchell/Herrick relationship 'back in the day'.....so they meet again and Mr Snow puts in an appearance...hoping that Hal keeps hold of his promises to Leo!

    Is there a trailer for eps 7 that I've missed?...if so could someone put up a link?
    thanking you in advance

  • Comment number 42.

    Thanks BBD can now read!
    Does that bottom post-it say 'Coffins transfer from freight train to container ship'?
    Or do I need to get my eyes tested?

  • Comment number 43.

    Hi BBD and all!

    27 Perhaps becoming a supernatural makes you become hyper-organised.

    33. I see you're going to be busy in Bristol on Friday 9th from 3pm onwards. If you need any help, I'm sharpening my fangs as I type:)

  • Comment number 44.

    *sigh* this blog hopping really stifles debate! My posting from last blog in summary :-)

    1. George is love of Mitchell's life not Annie ( closely followed by Josie)

    2. Annie seems to have no emotional depth, has learned nothing from last series and am liking her less and less as the series goes on ( where has S1 Annie gone?)

    3. George during his brief appearance was clearly a broken man, a much more believable response to everything that has happened

  • Comment number 45.

    BBD: yes, found it! Love the spreadsheet/gantt chart. How very 80s/middle management. And love the 'catering supplies' she has pencilled in, now we all know what that means...
    Seems the OO live in Bolivia, wonder if they live in a proper Hammer house castle? Would be good to do a 'Through the keyhole' on their pad!

  • Comment number 46.

    I meant to write 'cargo ship' should have proof read- best be booking a trip to the opticians!
    180 second rule :(

  • Comment number 47.

    42 @ nerdyalice I think it says "Container transfer to cargo boat..."

    Hi Kath!

  • Comment number 48.

    @thinking it should read 'view prospective dogs'

    by the way nobody has commented on the 'concubines' ???

    is the vampire world a macho world????

    and are said concubines: 'human pets' ?

    OK, @44, you have said it , we've got it

    can we move on ?

  • Comment number 49.

    what month are we currently in in BH-verse? Because Goldas spread sheet starts in the 25th week, which would make it July when the OO are due to arrive...

  • Comment number 50.

    LOL - I just saw a tray of eggs on an advert! I'll never be able to do that without picturing Hals excited face having sorted them.

    Not bothering to look at the spreadsheet with this headache I've had all day. I'll just read what you all have to say about it .... If any of you have anything to say other than 'can't read it' ;)

    N x

  • Comment number 51.

    @44: See 14, my response to your post from the last blog, in case you are interested. ;)

  • Comment number 52.

    40@sasha, Lol, God help them if they show up in Glasgow on a Saturday night. Although they'd fit right in at the 'suave Sav'!

    There'd be more than toxic WW blood to worry about!

  • Comment number 53.

    There's a piece of blu-tack in Turkey? Might be relevant, but might just be a random bit of blu-tack on the map...

  • Comment number 54.

    @50: Silly Hal, everyone knows that the eggs should be arranged symmetrically so that the box is balanced in all directions and won't fall over.
    "Brown duvet - it's a cry for help."

  • Comment number 55.

    @45: Now I'm imagining Mr. Snow skulking around in a huge, damp castle...creepy! :-O

  • Comment number 56.

    48@Saint, yeah it's "View prospective 'dogs'" and "check accomodation for 'entertainment'"

    Nothing about concubines, maybe they just come under 'food'.

  • Comment number 57.

    @Nikki: I have chickens and I do order their eggs by size (and by colour). Makes them look pretty...
    So does this mean the OO are arriving on multiple ships, which all dock in different ports (e.g. Bristol, Glasgow, Edinburgh etc). Or do they dock in one place and then transferred in the cars that Golda was organising?

  • Comment number 58.

    @52 Sauchiehall Street at 3.30am on a Sunday morning. You wouldn't even notice if there were a load of ancient vampires on the rampage.

  • Comment number 59.

    Why are the OOs going to the north and the west and no where in the East? I'm feeling a bit unloved (I live in the east) and theres no chance ill walk into a OO. :(
    I started quoting Hals 'I had a horse' speech in drama today. I got some very weird looks. *goes back into the corner*

  • Comment number 60.

    It kinda does look like it says "coffins"... strange. Maybe it's to keep them hidden or maybe OO really sleep in coffins :/

  • Comment number 61.

    "Accommodation" for "Entertainment". Lol! I think the s*x cage makers who supplied George's transformation cage are going to be very busy soon.

  • Comment number 62.

    60. Catrin. Well Mitchell did ask Richard in s3 ep2 'is it true they do all that hammer horror stuff. Like sleeping in coffins' so maybe they actually do!

  • Comment number 63.

    Is it rude of me (third generation Scot) to say that a crowd of drunken Scots would be more than a match for the OOs ;)

    N x

  • Comment number 64.

    44 I didn't like Annie much in S3 but I'm finding her more "integrated" in this one. She's right out front with the denial, and even showing some self-awareness that she's doing it. Character is still being written for laughs, and writers haven't given her pivot points that are as good as Hal and Tom's, like Tom's pushing away Allison, or Hal's hiding behind Tom in the cafe. Instead LC/writers ramp up the funny to the point of hysteria to show that Annie's upset.

    Looks like her meeting with Eve next week will give her a chance to do some real drama again. Eve calling her "Mum"? Oof.

  • Comment number 65.

    62. lozzie_lo. That will be amazing :) unnailing their coffins when they arrive.. Imagine the tesion :| So
    61. So far everything from entertainment to catering requires a cage to be strored in :S

  • Comment number 66.

    63 - Positive insult if you didn't think/say it :-)

  • Comment number 67.

    Why did Golda cross out her tasks on june 30th? (Bristol Hotels----->Cardiff Hotels------>)

  • Comment number 68.


    "This could work both ways"

  • Comment number 69.

    20 cars and VIP transport, must be lots of them.
    Bristol Cardiff Glasgow Edinburgh Manchester Newcastle Leeds and Birmingham.

    Nearest to me is Birmingham and thats not even highlighted!

    67. I wondered that too, hmmmmmm...........

  • Comment number 70.

    67. Maybe all the tasks Golda was meant to do got cut out when Cutler killed her :) Maybe Cutler will be seen with a hiighlighter pen yet :P

  • Comment number 71.

    Still can't quite figure out when on that timeline the last episode took place...before all the stuff on the spread sheet?

  • Comment number 72.

    Maybe she crossed it out as she had booked them. Could have done that whilst Cutler was with Tom and Allison in his office. A woman that organised is bound to work quickly.

  • Comment number 73.

    Hi Inch!!

    48. We were having a very nice debate on the old blog, are we not allowed to continue it on here?

    51. Yes I saw (and agree with you) it's your posting that prompted me to repost my comments on here.

    64. I just wish she had more substantial storylines. Hal and Tom seem to be the main focus this series and Annie is part babysitter/ part comedy act.

    I hope Annie does get the chance to show her true potential next week

  • Comment number 74.

    70-@Catrin Cutler would do his spreadsheet with Excel I guess ;) So it would be virtual highlighter pens *g*

  • Comment number 75.

    intesresting note
    follwing the entertainment next day is clean up...



    wondering what is the male version of concubines

    very miffed that vamps are so...so archaic
    count me among the dogs

    can't believe, it is feminism that decided my choice between vamps and ghosts
    Ishall burn bras with my left hand and stake them with my right one

    come on, you archeo imperialistic macho vampman
    come on!!!

  • Comment number 76.

    73 - She's already shown quite a bit of potential Kath - Kirby?

    Do you see that - Kathy Kirby? Without even trying :-)

  • Comment number 77.

    @64: I didn't like Annie much in S3 either, but am loving her now. :) I hope her character gets an opportunity to shine next week and gets a reprieve from always being the comic relief. Lenora deserves it.

  • Comment number 78.

    72-@nerdyalice could be. That would mean last episode took place around June 30th...that would mean the OO would arrive in a little over 3 weeks time.

  • Comment number 79.

    75 - Well Golda did have her *pets* Saint. Not sure about her taste though.

  • Comment number 80.

    74. Opositiv. I can see it now :P it was really strange on sunday when i realised they never mention facebook or twitter at HH. Almost surreal that someone doesn't know what they are :)

  • Comment number 81.

    Sorry folks c'nardly read a thing, any tips please?

    Wandered about Golda's plans differing from Griffins ideas? Didn't Griffin say in Ep1 鈥渢hey move inland from the coast, killing and recruiting鈥 whereas Golda was trying to get the 4 star Hotels?
    I wander if 鈥淭omb service鈥 was in her plans?.

    Get the impression that Goldie and Griffin were a bit like Apprentices trying to impress Al' Sugar; with severe brown nosing, on the other hand, Cutler had his own ideas and sees olde ones as a bunch of olde F**ts living in history (hope he does his own thing as long as he don't hurt Tom, Annie, Hal, Eve).

  • Comment number 82.


    this is not a debate, this is rehashing the very same debate going back to mitchell death

    you have stated for once and far all, you do not like annie, you weep for george and mitchll got killed

    which does not mean that you are alone in your grief
    but you do not progress in the five stages of grieving
    and that is now verging on.... rhymes

    and yes Annie is the 'comical' character of the serie, that is the way the writers see her which does not mean she does not have a fair share of tragedy
    but she is the one for laugh
    just like poor MATT who was killed and who did not gain much support

    Annie has potential
    you simply do not see it

    everybody can play tragedy, not everybody can plays tragedy with a smile on their face
    you like opera?
    I suggest you listen to Paillasse , I pagliacci from Ruggero Leoncavallo

    Annie is totally tragic but her tragedy is humble , she accepts the flow of life
    no given to everbody eh>

  • Comment number 83.

    81 - Hi lycan - BBD noticed that if you look at the main map and scroll down slightly there is a small map bottom right. If you click on that you should be fine.

  • Comment number 84.

    73 I've really enjoyed most of the writing for Annie this year, as well as LC's portrayal of her. Annie has always dealt with stressful situations by trying to make light of them. At least now she has started to acknowledge that and if the writers allow her and Hal to confide in each other as they did at the end of "Hold The Front Page", we'll start to see her growing in confidence and self awareness - and that can only be a good thing.

    I thought it was a shame she didn't interact much with the two boys on Sunday's episode. The problem with BH sometimes is that they concentrate so much on building the bromances between the primary male characters, they forget that we need to see the main female characters building meaningful relationships too.

    Hopefully eps 7 and 8 (and Series 5 please PTB) will show more of the intelligent kick rump version of Annie's character and allow her story to be explored as thoroughly as her male counterparts.

  • Comment number 85.

    76 lol sasha! You're right and everytime we get a glimpse of kick a** Annie, I get more frustrated with stupid, comedy Annie.

  • Comment number 86.


    liking very much your 'Apprentice: it is in the blood'

    And liking even more Cutler not impressed by the old f***s

  • Comment number 87.

    78. Didn't someone say on a previous blog they'd figured out it was August in the BH universe?

    Since the container ship prequel went up very early on, and we know several months have passed (Eve's age, the fact there's been at least one more full moon) shouldn't the old ones have been here several weeks ago? If the crossing only takes 13 days.

    Either my calculations are off, or someone is playing fast and loose with the timelines.

  • Comment number 88.

    75 @ Saint - Mancubines?

  • Comment number 89.

    58@catriona, the OO's would be the ones in the corner staying clear of the carnage.

    Maybe they'd be better hanging around Central Station with all the emos and goths.

    63@Nikki as sasha @66 said, it'd be an insult not to think it!

    There's a Celtic-Rangers match on the Sunday 25th, they'd be as well avoiding Glasgow like the plague!

  • Comment number 90.

    87.-@marigolds If it's August then the spreadsheet doesn't fit in at all....hm...I don't know. I guess they could be playing around with timelines, but as they never give any dates, neither an prequels nor episodes I guess the writers can do es they please ^^

  • Comment number 91.

    87. Prehaps the OO's got a little too peckish on that container ship and have eaten Captain Birdseye.
    Causing them to veer off course. ;)

  • Comment number 92.

    @81 Lycan me old buddy, did you find it yet?

  • Comment number 93.

    Oh, I think I was wrong, it actually is August...mistook week 35 for 25 *whistles*....

  • Comment number 94.

    @93: hooray I am proven correct!

  • Comment number 95.

    90. Opositiv. If they docked in Bristol and travelled all around the country till this weekend that explains the prequel being early on and why they still haven't arrived yet? Or someones missed a continuity jobby there :P

  • Comment number 96.

    should get my eyes checked....or maybe I just need more sleep XD this blog has got me quite sleep deprived lately....

    94-@a0k666 ^.^ *gives you a cookie*

  • Comment number 97.

    82. Please do not presume to tell me what do or think STX, I do not take kindly to being bullied.

    If you read the last blog you will see a debate about Mitchell, George and Annie ( not started by me, I might add)

    If you don't like what I write, I suggest you ignore my posts. ( something I have done with yours in the past)

  • Comment number 98.

    Lol @91. Alice do you think Captain Birdseye tastes fishy?

  • Comment number 99.

    91. nerdyalice. Amazing theroy haha definitly what must have happened.

  • Comment number 100.

    @96: *eats cookie* Thank you!
    Why can't the Old Ones stay in a Travelodge? Ivan and Daisy did, and Ivan was an Old One...

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