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Preview Ep 6: Puppy Love

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Rebecca Denton, Online Exec | 19:00 UK time, Saturday, 10 March 2012

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  • Comment number 1.

    first!, not playing :/ To Youtube!!!


  • Comment number 2.


  • Comment number 3.

    youtube-link for all us foreigners, those who have not seen it on the last blog at least ;)

  • Comment number 4.

    "That is the weridest run"

  • Comment number 5.

    "How depressingly predictable..."

  • Comment number 6.

    this episode will be funny


  • Comment number 7.

    Looks like this episode going to be quite funny. I love that run :)

  • Comment number 8.

    Are all vampires quite that smell-sensitive? I mean I knew they were highly attuned and all that but through a closed window and across the street? Colour me impressed! Maybe it's because he's an OO.

    If Hal's nose really is that sensitive, no wonder he thought he was already in hell when faced with scraping down grease in the caff!

  • Comment number 9.

    i wonder if they told her to run like that or if alison (dont know actresses name) just does in real life!

  • Comment number 10.

    It's not playing :(

  • Comment number 11.

    Yay, exciting :D

  • Comment number 12.

    Is it just me or does more than a hint of the Irish come through when Hal says "What is that?" when the alarm is going off?

  • Comment number 13.

    my essay from the other blog:

    i was wondering if Jacob was Griffin's first name, because he was an old one (he referred to the old ones as the others) and he wasn't mentioned by Fergus...

    also, thinking about the Fergus guide to Old Ones in the 1850's, Ivan was mentioned, but he was 237 or something when he died so (quick maths) in 1855 he would have been 82, but when Mitchell was told to go to SA he said "im not an old one, im 117!" so what's going on there? mitchell was too young when he's over a century old but Ivans an old one in his 80s! and hal said that he wasnt an old one when he was 200 because the crucifixes hurt him then and 200 is a lot older than 80. there is definitely a factor other than age that plays a part in becoming an old one because Regus was 400 and he wasn't one of them and the thing with the crucifixes, do you suddenly just wake up on your birth/death day and your not affected by them? (i don't think so) so im thinking that there is some sort of act you must perform (was thinking that maybe you had to kill an old one?) or a ritual. I think that the Old Ones are the vampire equivalent of the Masons, with lots and lots of secrets, hopefully we get to find out some of them.

    went on a bit too long there :/ if i got into my essays for school as much as i do for BH then i would be an A* student!


  • Comment number 14.

    where is ewan these days, anyone know?

    also i was just wondering.... if there were any DM bits us ladies can have a cheeky perve at coming up in the next ep? doesnt he normally tweet stuff to let us know when hes got his top off ha ha! (im not a tweeter)

  • Comment number 15.

    Tom and Hal are the empolyees of the month XD closing early, telling customers there is a dead dog in the oven, leaving the café unattended to chase some girl...

  • Comment number 16.

    @shoe 13. griffin to me doesnt look like a jacob but he could be. i thought we would of met jacob by now since were nearly at the end of the show but then we havent really met mr snow either. jacob might be traveling with mr snow.....i dont know!!!

  • Comment number 17.

    there seems to be a lot of peeping through blinds this series...


  • Comment number 18.

    Hal said exactly what I was thinking about her run. It had me in absolute stitches! I have to watch it again just for that.

  • Comment number 19.

    loving the rape alarm x

  • Comment number 20.

    Yay it worked! This is going to be a good episode!! Can't wait!!

  • Comment number 21.

    I love this clip! can't wait for the episode. Allison seems hilarious, Tom's reactions to another, female, WW v cute and once again Hal says exactly what everyone is thinking, that really is the weirdest run! I love Hal too much. How depressingly predictable ;)

  • Comment number 22.

    15 - hahaahaaa yeah! Maybe now that Michaela's gone they don't have many regulars?!

    And @ 12 Lizzy T - yeah I hear it whenever he shouts, it's very hard to hold an accent through a shout I think! Or when he says "Jeeesus CHRIST". very Irish thing to say :D

  • Comment number 23.

    Wow! 328 posts on the previous blog!

    I'm not sure I agree that Twitter is the dark side. I was on Twitter before I came on here but now I don't go on it nearly as much, so maybe this blog is the dark side. :-)

    Going to watch the clip now, thanks for the link. (Am in the UK but have issues due to iPhone use.)

  • Comment number 24.

    i hope we get to see some evil hal flashbacks in this ep. we've only had one and could be due some more

  • Comment number 25.

    22-@oarelle Yes, it did seem to have rather few patrons, didn't it?

    I wish Germany could produce a show as awsome as BH....German TV is just terrible most of the time XD

  • Comment number 26.

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *passes out because cant breath due to laughing to much!!!*

  • Comment number 27.


    adorable weird run

    so geek is the next chic for she-werewolves

    refreshing after the rather abrasive Nina

    George-Nina, a sprinkle of 'surprisingly nimble' Daisy then Sam and back to Nina , not to forget Julia of the pilot

    werewolves can be hound dogs!

    Mitchell-Lauren, a smile to Becca, Josie then Lucy with Josie then Annie

    in short George 5 Mitchell 5

    Annie the gentle 'let's have ....mumbles'... under a tent' possibly included in the three losers BFs including Owen, Hughes , Saul, and Mitchell. Ruling out Saul who was a decoy for the doors keepers , we have

    season 1 + 2 + 3 with George = Mitchell = Annie = 5 love interests each

    season 4

    Leo and Pearl, George and 'his Nina', Regus and Micaela, Adam and Yvonne

    WW/AL spirit and ghost, human/WW/AL spirit and AL spirit, vamp and vamp, vamp and succubus. all of the above proving that Love conquers different species

    Annie or rather LC said in an interview or possibly quite a few that as Mitchell was really the love of her life, she is from now on a mother; hence Annie is no more available

    but so far Tom aside a very short sign of interest for Nina: nothing except our boy wants to find the right girl for him , so long dry spell - self-imposed for Tom

    as for Hal ... one would be right in thinking that 55 ys are a very long self-imposed dry spell, Kia Ora or not (my bet as Kia Ora seems to be enriched in vitamin C etc he was like a manic asperger on steroids, driving the household insane by his rota) and naturally we know of madrid 1784, nadia, katherine and eleonore; Hal who is always hungry and dreaming of ladies (not scantily clad ladies, you have all noticed; Hal ladies wear demure underwear with long sleeves and dresses to the floor). his notion of sexy must be sexy 1514


    Hal though looking a young man has the upbringing of a man born in 1486 AND deserves some action in the boudoir department

    sorry changing blog means following the drum

  • Comment number 28.

    How depressingly predictable!!! :) my new favourite being human line EVER!!

  • Comment number 29.

    26-dramalovely *fans you with a piece of paper* my, people do pass out quite offen on this blog o.ô

  • Comment number 30.

    Just brilliant!
    How will I cope waiting for series 5?

  • Comment number 31.

    27. just noticed, Julia is the only character to have the same name in both the UK and US versions (bit random i know)


  • Comment number 32.

    13 - Shoepidge - I thought about that last night re Ivan... I love your brain to page thoughts on that! I would always want to keep you away from coffee!
    def old ones are to do with "Kills" or "Being a bit nastier than the average nasty vamp" as well as being errr old.

    14 Leanne choccy person ( try in waitrose lime/chilli/ dark choc - better than blood) yes I agree we get tweets from Mr Molony apparently - new to that mesen. As long as he doesnt taunt us with balony, Mr Malony...

    15 Opositively... I agree - I wonder if Tom owns the cafe so he can do what he wants.. wheres the boss these days?

    26 Drama lovely person, breath, breath... think of Hal pass out then breath again.. keep taking inhaler....

    Saint - as always many many thoughts - I do like the way Hal gets ... the look... when hes feeling a bit frisky ie succubus dream...

    Just have to fight cat for my mojito and plug in lap top before I go flat

  • Comment number 33.

    @32. Maybe Leo sold the old barbershop before he left Southend, and they used the money to buy the cafe? Unlikely I think, but it'd a nice gift for him to leave to Tom :)

  • Comment number 34.

    Watched clip. Loved it. Thank you Rebecca!

  • Comment number 35.


    let it be said that I was the first blogger a few entries ago who said Leo's money would go to Tom, as the only person really alive in the household

    and Allison can be a OFFICIALLY SHOWING ON PICTURE foster mother to baby Eve

  • Comment number 36.

    @@@Possibly some spoilers for those who haven't watched the preveiw clip and maybe also for the episode itself@@@

    Aww brill, loved that.. laughed my head off when hal screamed and jumped at the alarm and his wee scruffy hairdo afterwards! Can't wait to see tom fall in love with her and I wonder how hal meets alex.. maybe he used his best pick up moves or she's a friend of allisons..?

  • Comment number 37.

    Megan that would make sense - as he was the only humanish person he may have made a will and Tom is the only person he could have left it to.. maybe it wasnt much money..

  • Comment number 38.

    35 - yes, she would be useful to have around! The teenage mother come to live with the adoptive parents of her child, Tom and his camera shy "boeeeeyyfriend" :D

  • Comment number 39.

    @35. Ah, I'm really sorry, I must have missed that post :( Wasn't trying to steal your ideas or anything.

  • Comment number 40.

    32, i do tend to stay away from coffee, for good reason, a somewhat Kia-oraesque incident, i will say no more

    warning, mild spoilers in following links

    Dispite my promise to myself i have looked at some teasers for Puppy Love and am now walking round with a huge grin on my face see paragraph 4:
    and for further proof that this episode will be hilarious: (the first quote, 8-O did i actually just see that?!?!)

  • Comment number 41.

    Ahh Saint thank you. re musings Cafe etc. You are a err saint of the blog and you usually get there before most of us. Have a mojito or sommat.. mint tea anyone?
    Think Alison ran like that either cos... she didnt want her armpits to waft in the wind or she didnt want to really appear to be running.. more of a walk/run..

  • Comment number 42.

    40 - dear lord! that first quote is alarming XD I presume it's Alison, but ...could it be?!

  • Comment number 43.

    See clip, adore clip, sigh on realizing how loooooooooonnnnnnnnnggggggg is the wait until Episode 6.

    "Not that you're not nice, or owt."

  • Comment number 44.

    "That is the ....wierdest....run" haha my god i love being human and damien molony :) hes a legend Xx

  • Comment number 45.

    42. she seems a little young and innocent to be saying that :/

  • Comment number 46.

    I think Tom just smashed the granny out of it!

  • Comment number 47.

    Also, Hal's well-spokenness seems to have slipped in this clip...

    Re-watching Hold The Front Page:
    1) When Adam says "What are you going to do with [Eve]?" Hal seems a bit defensive - he definitely relaxes a bit when Adam elaborates "Well, how do you entertain a blob?"
    2) Reading poetry to Eve might actually be a good idea. Babies like being sung to, and the rhythmic nature of poetry would probably have a similar effect.

  • Comment number 48.

    i thought there would be more questions for michael for tomorrow. i cant think of any really. i wonder if the cast read the blogs to see if we say nice/not so nice stuff about them? most people seem to be happy with this new series and cast dont they? for those who were finding it hard to get into at the start, do you like it now!!

  • Comment number 49.

    Hmmm... questions for Michael Socha...
    "How many times have the babies been sick/leaked their nappies on you?"
    There's been so little baby sick on the show that the babies must have had to hold it for between takes.

  • Comment number 50.

    48-@Leanneloveschoc seems like you've scares everyone away with your question ;)

  • Comment number 51.

    Completely off a tangent- Hourglass symbol can mean:

    ''eternal return" of the same cosmological situations. In another tradition, it

    urges mortals to live in moderation and virtue, lest their allotted time be arbitrarily curtailed as a result of intemperance.

    OOOOH eR INterESting!

  • Comment number 52.

    Question for Michael: "If you had to choose between being a vampire, werewolf or ghost in real life, which would you prefer to be and why?"

  • Comment number 53.

    40 - Extremely immature of me but I can't stop laughing at that third one! I think it has something to do with that third word (doing my best to keep this spoiler free) being in a spoken quote!

  • Comment number 54.

    (ye gods, what's this preocupation with baby-sick? Oo does the cuteness eclipse even the grossness of puke?)

  • Comment number 55.

    48 - As it's a live Q&A, wouldn't people be asking the questions on the blog tomorrow while Michael's online? Just wondering because I have no idea how this'll work!

  • Comment number 56.

    Ahh Emma thank you re nipply skin interpretation.
    It also means that your laptop is taking ages to open something as Ive just found out.
    Wonder in that case if it also refers to the biblical "end time" version of judgement day. All that sort of thing can also me mankinds understanding of chaos which frankly would happen if the vamps take over as I dont think they really appeared to have any leadership in the future scene.
    AOK.. the babies are so well behaved! But Im sure they poop and wom at inconvenient moments - good question as Im sure they have laffs!

  • Comment number 57.

    Ha! I actually run like that when crossing busy roads!

    17 - Yeah, I was thinking that too. It's probably going to end up as part of the series' story-arc.

  • Comment number 58.

    After the show Michael and I will be reading the questions on the MICHAEL SOCHA Q&A blog post (which you'll see tomorrow night) and answering as fast as my little typing fingers can manage.

    We'll be online for about 30 mins - it will happen in blog format so it's going to be a bit crazy and hard to follow I imagine!

    I mentioned yesterday that I'd get some questions early from you regulars as I'm expecting lots of newbies and for it to be a bit busy.

    It's a bit of an experiment! I hope it works well. xxx

  • Comment number 59.

    dont know why i like allison so much, she is just so sweet.

    @40 i think the 1st quote is about him trying to teach allison how to kill vampiers?

  • Comment number 60.

    57. XD peeping through blinds! your right! it solves everything!

    $:-{[ (forgot to sign my last 2 posts :/)

  • Comment number 61.

    Oh lordy, (ref previous blog) I've got the flipping theme tunes to RentaGhost and The Littlest Hobo battling for supremacy in my head.
    (And that's "flipping" as in "toxic flipping WW blood")

    *bows out for the night seeking a darkened room and a lute sonata on R3*

  • Comment number 62.

    306 Shoepigeon (previous blog) I remember Rent-a-ghost being of the late 40s persuasion. Timothy Claypole was a court jester who was wantto speak in rhyme and was also exceedingly hyper and loud (my recollection I may be slightly off). Hal would hate him so much its funny. The actress who plays Audrey in Corrie was a Middle European ghost who wished to be his girlfriend.

    To the preview; Oh if I could bottle escence of Hal and take him home I would he is fantastic. Tom is just the lovliest most innocent young man ever. All the same I dont think I would trust either of them with a nice human new young lady. But Allison is WW so thats fine. Im sure Tom would be a gentleman.

  • Comment number 63.

    Loved this clip! I think i like Alison already, she seems very interesting. Loved her alarm.
    57. Tree_hugger I run like that too! ;)

  • Comment number 64.

    58. Ahh that makes more sense! Been wondering how this'll work out, I can imagine it's gonna be hectic, but fun nonetheless. Looking forward to it!

  • Comment number 65.

    58 Rebecca, Im really looking forward to it. Can't wait.

  • Comment number 66.

    63. lozzie_lo Thank goodness I'm not the only one!

  • Comment number 67.

    OMG just listening to the theme tune of Rentaghost reading comments and theres going to be a remake film with Ben Stiller ! Or is that hogwash?
    Off to find lute music for phone alarm on i tinnies

  • Comment number 68.

    @rebecca it will be good practice for next week when you have DM on, that will be chocca block!

    night night everyone x x x

  • Comment number 69.

    Ah heres a question. Tho dont think it will be Mr S's choice.. who the heck thought of the names for the stakes.. "Duncan, it aint me favrit but it'll do.."

  • Comment number 70.

    61. Ive got Puppy Love stuck in my head, and probably will have for the whole of next week :/

  • Comment number 71.

    I won't be online for the live blog with MS but I'll sure as hell read every post... just thinking can vampires say 'Jeeeeesus Christ' and things like that?

  • Comment number 72.

    69 All characters from Wagners@ the Ring cycle.

  • Comment number 73.

    So weird thinking Ellie Kendrick was Anne Frank and now she's all grown up!

  • Comment number 74.

    56 doesitsay- No not my laptop just me looking at other older blogs(scrolls) and going off subject.
    sorry as I am jumping in and out and confusing myself and others!

  • Comment number 75.

    71. I think the whole religious symbols hurting vampires thing is more to do with the person who owns the symbol's hatred for the vampire that the symbol is being aimed at, the more they hate, the more it hurts. I think we have seen enough vampires saying 'Jesus' or 'Oh My God' etc, to say that it doesn't hurt them to say religious things.

  • Comment number 76.

    Also on twitter and have been on blog longer than a container ship takes to cross an ocean!' I'm loving the partnership of Damien and Michael after being pretty unimpressed-coloured at the start ( call it cold turkey after The Preciousss departure) Anyway, ep. 6 looks like a corker. I just hope Annie has less dandling of babies and more action- she needs to kick ass when those OOs arrive.

  • Comment number 77.

    Can I just say that that rape alarm has just scared the bejesus out of my cat!

  • Comment number 78.

    Good night guys, I'm heading off to bed, hoping to have some nice dreams tonight :)
    cu all tomorrow

  • Comment number 79.

    I also hope for a bit more of the scary drama stuff and that we dont veer off into geeky pastiche too much. Hope I dont get shot down for saying that, but although I enjoy the humour that is unique to this programme, basically it is not a comedy and has to display enough of the drama we also love it for to make it balance.

  • Comment number 80.

    I can imagine this Alex woman might need an alarm like that if Hal carries on the way he's going, or she might not live to the end of the episode!

  • Comment number 81.

    @Rebecca Denton- Hi Rebecca- here's a question for Michael Socha...
    If you had the opportunity to create and act in one definitive scene at a pivotal point in the BH journey, would it be a humorous one or a really dramatic one, and why?
    Hope thats ok, Rebecca. It would be really interesting to hear thoughts on this one! Ta x

  • Comment number 82.

    81, good question :)


  • Comment number 83.

    Thanks Shoe. I hope he gets to answer this one :)=

  • Comment number 84.

    It's so good how DM can go from being Irish to having a real posh accent, he's done good with it so far, think it went a bit irish tho on this clip

  • Comment number 85.

    80- Yeah, Alex should get a rape alarm and then whenever Hal has one of his 'moments' she can set it off and Tom will come and sort Hal out or Hal will just snap out of it, problem solved :-)

  • Comment number 86.

    "How depressingly predictable" comes close to "I'm positively giddy" as the line of the series :-)

  • Comment number 87.

    Looks a bit empty here. Another pack meeting/vamparty? Is the boxroom covered in plastic sheeting?
    Had family visit today - couldn't resist saying last night that I'd better "hose down the walls and straighten the paintings and bury the bones" in preparation... sneak BH reference!

  • Comment number 88.

    86. for me its between 'I had a shield! A red one!' and 'So long as they know a werewolf baby's for life, not just for Christmas' but they still cant beat 'What would Patrick Swayze do?' in s1

    Oh, BH quotes are the best :)


  • Comment number 89.

    i know, they should have 'BH book of quotes'

  • Comment number 90.

    "You're like a piece of... um... deadly furniture." [beat] "Did you just call me deadly furniture?"
    "It was a pigeon... I killed it... with a shoe..."
    "Who keeps their rotten tomatoes? Who looks in the salad cooler, sees their tomatoes are on the turn and goes 'oh no, no, I'll hang on to those in case a couple of p****s decide to move in opposite'?"
    "HANG THE DJ!!!"
    George's "panic while Annie is collapsed on the sofa" monologue. All of it.
    "Tena Lady Moment!"
    "Well, *he* won't be staring at my t**s when he speaks to me any more."
    "I pretty much gave up the whole orthodoxy thing when I started turning into a wolf." "What, they have rules about being a werewolf as well?" "I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a religion that *doesn't* frown on it." "What about... the Moonies?"
    And pretty much every line really, from every season and the pilot :-)

  • Comment number 91.

    'Skinny jeans George?!?!'

  • Comment number 92.

    Hi bloggers, hope you're having a lovely evening. It's been a two cuppa task getting through all the posts. :-)

    86/88 In terms of my favourite quotes so far, despite not being my favourite character, Cutler has had some good ones. I particularly liked 'who knew the old ones would be so difficult to shop for?' and the one Shoepigeon mentions.

    However, today I had to drive 2 hours up the motorway to Ikea, for my daughter, and was heard to mutter darkly as I overtook the ever-present caravans;
    "I see a visit to Ikea in our future, and you know my feelings on that'' (season 1 ep1) I'm of the belief that IKea is exactly what hell would be like if it was outsourced to Sweden which lead us to wonder if that's what hell is like in BH, as I vaguely recall Annie saying they were 'preparing a room' for her. Well it could have been worse, they could have made her build the flatpacks herself ;o)

  • Comment number 93.


    ooooh! ive thought of a question for Michael and Damien!

    What is your favourite line from the series so far?


  • Comment number 94.

    92. actually burst out laughing at that! it seems there is a BH quote for every occasion... except one, perhaps all you bloggers could help. I need a quote to put next to my profile in my school yearbook. It was going to be 'Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus' (Hogwarts school moto - 'never tickle a sleeping dragon') but i would rather it be a BH quote, any ideas?

  • Comment number 95.


    Q for Michael. Already posted this on an earlier blog, but is there a reason we don't see many scenes of Tom holding baby Eve? Is that Michaels choice?


    Have the fans' responses to his increased status in the show been scary? After all, we can be a bit .... Obsessive!

    Thanks Nikki x

  • Comment number 96.

    who has cutler on twitter?

  • Comment number 97.


  • Comment number 98.

    whats his name?
    and did you know you can only post on here every 180 seconds!!

  • Comment number 99.

    Anyway, after watching tomorrow nights preview clip for about the 8th time in half an hour, I can safely say its going to be one of my favourite episodes. Only one more sleep til BH day :D

    Nanite xx

  • Comment number 100.

    92 - Funny that, because I'm doing up my bedroom, mainly using Ikea for the new furniture, and every time I'm there all I can think of is that Mitchell quote!

    96 - I do!


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