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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 17:51 UK time, Monday, 22 February 2010

In his Lloyd has warned that experiments will be carried out on Nina and George and that Kemp has further plans for Annie's exorcism. He also refers to another member of the team, 'Daniel', although his role and power in the group (if any) is currently unclear.

However, Lloyd's paranoia that someone might have survived the explosion is still niggling away at the back of his mind. And with Mitchell and Daisy on the loose, he's right to stay watchful.

For the full story don't miss Lloyd's , as well as hiss previous broadcasts and evidence on his and .


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  • Comment number 1.

    Nooo evil CenSSA- But HaHa that you didn't get Mitchell!!

  • Comment number 2.

    im gettin more and more nervous with every minute that passes!! Ooooh, BHP, u sure know how to keep ppl in suspense!! :)

  • Comment number 3.

    He's loooooooosing it... Go, Mitchell, munch that trigger finger....

  • Comment number 4.

    Surely someone at the facility would have noticed the news about the train carriage immediately. It's kind of a giveaway. And why does Lloyd automatically assume that someone survived? Vampires could have come in from outside Bristol to avenge people they knew. It's hardly a local phenomenon.

    Oh, and has Nina not told them that she's not with George anymore? *Grins*

  • Comment number 5.

    Lloydy Llyody the path you've chosen will not end well for you now will it?

  • Comment number 6.

    4 - thats a point... kemp would've known wouldnt he due to him bugging the house, and nina and mitchells convo before she left? Hmmm, maybe Lloyd's not as in the loop as he thinks he is.... lol

  • Comment number 7.

    How can they speed up the experiments that are reliant on countering the effect of the full moon it's like learning to swim in a desert.

  • Comment number 8.

    7 - oh yeah... think Lloydy boy is gettin a bit mental under the stress!

  • Comment number 9.

    6. the mic got washed down the sink after getting snagged by george's glasses and i dont think kemp had either the opportunity (with annie watching him) to install another. Plus why would he bother? he's allowed in the house now so whats the point?

  • Comment number 10.

    Annie read their auras

  • Comment number 11.

    Sam's on Doctor who tonight

  • Comment number 12.

    Ok Lloyd, if Mitchell & Daisy get to know about your little trigger finger then something tells me you may lose your throat (or troat as Mitchell would say!) I agree with thesingingirl (4) that there are bound to be vampires that either didn't come to the meeting or ones from outside Bristol. Can't wait for ep 8 but feeling sad at the same time :-(

  • Comment number 13.

    Yeah mixed emotions- I seriously can't wait for ep8 but im gonna miss BH being on telly =[

  • Comment number 14.

    so proud you are of your trigger finger be careful now Lloyd that first steps a doozy

  • Comment number 15.

    oh lordy! or should i say lloydy[lol] xx

  • Comment number 16.

    really excited about next Sunday's episode, but a little sad too, what to do with my Sunday evenings!

    liking evil Mitchell but hope he manages to save his friends. Its funny but I am rooting for Mitchell to finally shut CENSSA down, even though he's like massacred a bunch of train passengers. Yeah he's evil but Kemp and co are creepier.

    Since Buffy and Angel finished there has been a Buffy shape hole in my heart, and BH fills it nicely.

  • Comment number 17.

    Ooooo, Lloyd's getting a bit too cocky now.
    It's not going to end well....

  • Comment number 18.

    Hoping that Lloyd is in final episode next week...somehow you just know he's not going to come out of it well..minus many things as well as his trigger finger!

    Just watched last night's epsiode again and read through some of the later potst on the last blog...won't repeat everything already said but want to say to Beinghumanfan and Celticgrace ...completely in tune with both your comments. One of my fave lnes was also 'We need a door- did we bring a door?'

    Only thing I maybe differ in my thoughts revolves around Sam and Molly...sorta think we may have seen the last of those two...they are not necessary to the storyline anymore and can't think why they would surface again.

    Fairly sure that all the fab 4 survive...don't think Nina is pregnant but that may be a storyline for series 3.

    And yes...acting of everyone superb but that gorgeous Irishman stole the show for me...Fantastic acting Aidan Turner...having to swing between rage, betrayal, loyalty, horror and sympathy often in the same scene was astonishing. Loved that scene with Quinn.

    Now...eps 7 has left me pondering on a few points ...

    In the 'sex scene' with Daisy, Mitchell refers to there being 'someone else' who presumably would help them kill everyone until they found Lucy..do we think he is talking about Cara here...and she has lost her fangs so not sure how much help she can be.

    Where did Nina transform on Sunday eve ...have they given up experimenting on her for the moment?

    Surprised at Annie sudddenly deciding that it was time for her to 'pass over'..she spent the previous few weeks avoiding all attempts to do so but perhaps seing her mum has changed things..wouldn't she wanted to have talked to george at least about this?...I guess communication has not been on the agenda uch this series between A, M & G.

    Is Toby setting up a possible 'relationship' with Annie and Mitchell in series 3 with the kitchen scene?

    and Mitchell looks like he is getting stabbed/staked in that trailer for eps 8...by Lucy I wonder? Here's hoping that Daisy comes to the rescue...kinda thinking she will 'do' for Lucy.

  • Comment number 19.

    Lloyd is due a messy end I feel.

  • Comment number 20.

    Lloyd, you're losing it big time hun...

    Still wonderng who dies, if of course anyone else, apart from one of the scientific/religious team, does...they may not....don't think the religious ones will survive, only in the form of supernaturals....can't help thinking Lucy gets ripped to bits by Daisy or that she tries to talk her way out of it, but then attempts to stake Mitchell, Daisy sees her and intervenes and she kills Daisy instead...Mitchell then will have to kill her...or maybe he's going to punish her the only way he knows how...by making her into a vampire, a creature she hates....be interesting to see how she deals with that, if it happens.

  • Comment number 21.

    ooohhhh anglo... that would be VERY interesting!

  • Comment number 22.

    (18) that "someone else" comment must mean something significant - Cara of course was pretty close to Herrick? so even without teeth she might have a way in somewhere?

    it would be ultimate irony to make Lucy a vampire - but I cant see Mitchell wanting to take care of her like he would be obliged to? He has to redeem himself somehow so Im thinking he has the chance to kill her but chooses not to - and then Daisy does it anyway! Lucy and Kemp - and Im afraid Lloyd - have to pay the price!

    This show is having a bad effect on me - bloodthirsty!!

  • Comment number 23.

    I think he might, partly because I don't think he'll kill her once she's there in front of him but also because, like you said, it's the ultimate punishment from his point of view [remember he wouldn't turn that girl in series 1].
    And it would increase her guilt to know what being a vamp actually feels like.

  • Comment number 24.

    that last comment was a reference to 20 BTW

  • Comment number 25.

    Like Dorina .18. I think they all survive--BH just wouldn't be BH without the three main characters and their interaction. Also Toby in answering questions has talked about episode 1 of series three being about setting them up in a new house and with new jobs. Healso mentions how the character of Mitchell has to develop and move forward and becomes quite complicated when moving from the end of series 2 into 3.
    I was wondering if the 'death' is in fact something to do with Annie-experiments by Kemp-with her actually going through the door but 'surviving' somehow?

    Mitchell does appear injured--he also appears to have blood on his face--where from? If he has been injured/staked, won't he need fresh blood again just as he needed it when staked by Herrick?

    Daisy in the scene in the cafe with Mitchell said that she would kill whoever was responsible.Does she get Lucy?Kemp? Lloyd?

  • Comment number 26.

    I don't think Lloyd is going to last much longer!
    Dorina - I thought they may come back if George has to "officially" dump her to go back to Nina? To say goodbye prehaps? Or if they've decided to run with the Molly sixth sense story? But I dunno :P

    RE "significant other" I don't think Cara is much use, as you said! But then, all the other vamps are dead? Unless its somebody from "abroad", what about the girl from the Ivan\Daisy prequel? Or Carl if he's gone back to drinking?

    And I personally would love an Annie & Mitchell romance, but I think he was too Tully like and "off his head" on blood for her to take it seriously. But again, it throws up questions - is he actually thinking about her all the time like that or is his nasty side just trying to embarass/scare her?

    Am hoping Lucy gets killed, but not by Daisy as I don't want to see a Daisy/Mitchell fling! I mean Daisy is a fab character but I can't see her as one of the 3/4/whatever housemates in S3, and she's such a bad influence on him!

  • Comment number 27.

    Yeah the trio are the core of the show none of them can be killed off.. well at least I hope not - please don't do that to us Toby!!!!

  • Comment number 28.

    i may be making this up... but in episode six of series one when cara was speaking to annie in herricks office didnt she say something about because she was turned by him she was inheriting thousands of years (or something along those lines) of power or something.... oh god i hope i havent made this up or i will sound very strange!!

  • Comment number 29.

    lurve_Bh 28. It was blood she was inheriting---a vampire lets their own blood go into their victim to turn them into a vampire.

  • Comment number 30.

    lurve_BH I vaguely remember what you're talking about. Which is surprising as I can normally quote the entire series!!
    But yes I think you are right :)

  • Comment number 31.

    I think it will either be too easy/awkward if Mitchell and Annie become a couple because the will either have a very sucessful relationship meaning that they stay together forever (and with them it's actually forever) or they break up and it'll be really weird. I like the additional characters that occur from the relationships that the trio have with other people.

  • Comment number 32.

    28 - Herrick came for me now I have the blood of the ancestors (one/a) thousand years of majesty and glory (not sure which)

  • Comment number 33.

    29 - but she was on about the blood being powerful or something... im sure of it.. gonna have to dig out the dvd now to watch it! lol

    30 - atleast i dont feel like a right idiot now!! lol thankyou :)

  • Comment number 34.

    oh Lloyd, what a humorist you are!

  • Comment number 35.

    32 - thank you!! i knew it was something like that!! how did u remember that practically word for word?!!!

  • Comment number 36.

    Evening! Just watched the episode again. Brilliant! I'm totally besotted with bad ass Mitchell!

    Lloyd: You should be worried...very very worried indeed! You're not going to last until the end of the series!

    Dorina (18): I was wondering where Nina transformed on Sunday evening too. Maybe the cenSSA facility let her transform in a secure room this time round....or maybe we're just not meant to mention it!

  • Comment number 37.

    35 - it comes before the best description of vampires ever by Annie

  • Comment number 38.

    soooo going back to that point maybe she would be useful if she has all that 'glory' ... just a thought... probably completely wrong lol

  • Comment number 39.

    yeh...agreeing that Mitchell hooking up with Annie unlikley..personally this would drmamtically change the show's dynamics and I don't think it would work....but interesting point Beinghumanfan as to whether or not the 'subconscious' vampire has always harboured such thoughts about Annie.....

    Deadlysecret: I'm thinking that maybe Annie does pass through 'a' door but that something quite unusual and spectacular happens to her...we know that A, M and G all end up in their new house together ( Toby already said this) but maybe Annie changes in some way...into a different sort of ghost? Can't see her changing into anything else as the whole premise of the show is 'Vampire, werewolf and Ghost trying to be human....

  • Comment number 40.

    As I said in the last post Lloyds seems to feel in an emotional state somewhere between fear and guilt. His hysterical behaviour is clearly a sign he's going mental, he could also let things go wrong if he carries on this path.

    And again, they can't be sure that all vampires in Bristol went to the gathering (apparently Daisy didn't) and there may be some vamps indpendent from the system, as well. Moreover Kemp seems quite sure that Mitchell's dead, altough Lucy hopes he's not.
    She'd better hope he was, given what he's discovered.

    Cara without teeth could suck someone's blood, if the throat is already torn, the fangs are needed only to rip the skin and get to the veins, then they drink from the bodies pretty much like an animal.

    And I am really confused about Annie's exorcism. Kemp might have practiced exorcisms to banish demon entities from people's bodies, but Annie is no hell's minion. And she proved strong enough to avoid the doors, just because she wanted to. I understand tat she might have wanted to go seeing that the life she cherished (w/Mitchell and George) was slowly fading away, but now she might change her mind.

  • Comment number 41.

    37 - what was the decription of vampires, oh ewan of eternal BH knowledge? :)

  • Comment number 42.

    Lol- I think another fitting name has been discovered (41)

  • Comment number 43.

    41 - congratulations on mastering the whole speaking like a (last time I filled it in blocked by moderators) thing

  • Comment number 44.

    not sure it will get past the moderators if Im thinking about the same quote ewan??

  • Comment number 45.

    42 - bit long though?

  • Comment number 46.

    25 - the thing about M needing blood to recover makes me think of a an end for Lucy. maybe he gets taked and she offers him her blood to save him, like Josie did. would be a further parallelism in those 2 characters.

    And as for Cara and the glory of ancestors, Herrick might have told her so to convince her, like they say to the newbies they're gonna change completly *munc munch munch*

  • Comment number 47.

    39.Dorina. That's exactly what I think about Annie but you've explained it so much better. I think that the death is linked to Annie

  • Comment number 48.

    I've just posted this somewhere else and I deperately want to be wrong, but I think this series may be Annies last. Gutted.
    I read this on Digital Spy - It's very exciting where Annie ends up and it's definitely not a happy ending!" she said.

    "There's a really exciting end and a massive twist. It happens to Annie but it has ramifications for everybody."

    NO, NO, NO, NO, NO - Just like Destinys Child

  • Comment number 49.

    (45)- True but it does seem to fit you well could be shortened like LucyBF EwanoEBHK although that doesn't seem to work very well either =s maybe just have to leave the name as it is... lol

  • Comment number 50.

    Sorry for stating the obvious, but Annie is already dead! I think "someone kills, someone dies" must refer to Mitchell killing and Lucy? Lloyd? Kemp? Nina???? dying...

    Then again, just my interpretation...

  • Comment number 51.

    48 - naughty naughty they don't like spoilers here Your going to start them attacking spoilers again and there goes the next hour

  • Comment number 52.

    (48) OMG NOOOOOOOO.. Dont let Annie die =[[

  • Comment number 53.

    49 - Just my name will do saves time

  • Comment number 54.

    Annie developed real superpowers at the end of S1 - so she may be one of the ones to save George and Nina from Kemp rather than being rescued? Is she able to pull someone else through the door with her even if they arent dead??

  • Comment number 55.

    I think she said something to the effect of Cara having got down the talking absolute b****ks bit of being a vampire :-)

  • Comment number 56.

    (48) it think there might be a two ways door. so far we have Saul and Lucy (or so Lloyd says) which had some sort of near death experiences.
    i reckon Annie will go through the door and join the boys in series 3... for some reason we don't know yet.

  • Comment number 57.

    55 - no rhymes with hat

  • Comment number 58.

    Didn't mind that one actually.. (51)
    But yes lets just move on it as I really don't wanna have to go into it again =]
    Yeah I think something big should happen to Annie as she hasn't had massively dramtic storylines this series - apart from the diffulty of trying to not go through the door and seeing her mum.

  • Comment number 59.

    58 - also realized she forgot to ask if her sisters had a baby

  • Comment number 60.

    (51) Eeeeek - I didn't know!!
    Someone remove then. I've put it in the live blog too! And I only joined yesterday. Great...

  • Comment number 61.

    60 - it's called dry humor how I curse the lack of italics

  • Comment number 62.

    (57) ah yes, I can picture it now, excellent put down but Cara was so full of herself that she didn't seem to notice.

  • Comment number 63.

    (62) Nah.. she was just full of "majesty and glory"..

  • Comment number 64.

    ooooooookaaay (?)
    Anyway, I hope its not true

  • Comment number 65.

    Very happy to see Lloydy boy :-) it's very hard to act to nothing like that think Mark does a brilliant job!

    Just had to say re yesterdays episode - I loved the little touch on the train with the teenager and the phone? Lol after George's rant about kids playing music loud either through their earphones or on the speaker then Mitchell and Daisy let rip and the kid with the annoying music looks like he got his head bashed in with the phone and hes got it stook in his mouth blaring out...liked that a lot lol yeah ok I'm a little wrong in the head clearly but it was a nice touch GOD its annoying!

  • Comment number 66.

    @Eagle I have to rewatch it to notice all the details then! lol

  • Comment number 67.

    (65) and I thought I was bloodthirsty!

  • Comment number 68.

    Everyone is saying what a bad influence Daisy is ect... but is anyone taking into account that she's still quite young in Vampire years... She's only been a vampire for about 70 years... at that age Mitchell was a murderous monster too... Give her time... especially now that Ivan is dead... things are gonna change for her one way or another.

    As for Lloydy boy.... well... have to say someone's gonna come for that trigger finger!!!! And what a bunch of twits to not even think about that fact that there are supernaturals ALL OVER the world... not just in Bristol... so there's other vampires in the country... plus some others like Daisy that were on their way but running late (I mean come on... they have to put on their make up without the use of a mirror... it can take a while!!)

    I want Mitchell to tear their "troats" out but at the same time I don't cos I want Mitchell to come back to the right side... but still say he'll need to be tied to the chair at the start of season 3... or maybe borrow Georges cage..

  • Comment number 69.

    (68) loved the make-up without a mirror! it must be quite hard - she's lucky she doesnt really need make-up - except maybe to check she's got all the blood out of her teeth? how does she do that?

  • Comment number 70.

    (68) You certainly have a point there regarding Daisy. And again, let's not forget that Mitchell is the exception, not Daisy. And as Herrick stated, becoming a vampire doesn't chage your personality: she's always been very impulsive and always wanting more, that's simply what she is.

  • Comment number 71.

    Ha I love the afforementioned Annie quote, its always twice as funny when she swears because she normally uses quite mild language like 'Golly!' or 'Gosh! or 'Crikey!'.

    I liked her in this years episode six calling out to Alan Cortez, "There's been one sat here for 40 minutes, you giant @#!&!"

    Being a bit over cautious with my language filtering but I don't want to get moderated or anything, don't you think we should be able to say words like that when qoting the show?

  • Comment number 72.

    moderators so many word to describe none of them allowed

  • Comment number 73.

    You would think we could directly quote from the show wouldn't you? But I guess we're all sad enoug BH geeks to fill in the @#!&!s with the occasional letter here or there ;-)

  • Comment number 74.

    just watched lloyds experiment broadcast, not read comments yet lloydy
    boyo you appear to be starting to soil yourself with fear as you will do when Mitch and Daisy doo get hold of you... har har har!!!!!

    Brains V Brawn eh? well I'll side with Brawn, hope its on a full moon they get your so the T3 can have revenge as well

    Also from other blogs who is ..Big Bad Jon? you refer to? (Ewan, you are the expert -- please enlightgen me

  • Comment number 75.

    Daisy refers to Mitchell in the prequel as Big Bad Jon

  • Comment number 76.

    (74) Big Bad John is Mitchell, Daisy calls him like that in the Ivan&Daisy prequel

  • Comment number 77.

    Damn beat me to it, Ewan. He truly is Big Bad John now, no more Mr listening to Vin Diesel fans and eating cornflakes.

  • Comment number 78.

    still wonder why Cassie had only one kidney though

  • Comment number 79.

    Shw was born that way, no one knows why. God, I am such a geek (in fairness I watched it last week)

    Also rewatched series 2 episode 1 last night, swear I saw Vin Diesel Man walking out when Lloyd did his gas leak act, only now he has green hair! Shocking stuff.

  • Comment number 80.

    She was born like that, nobody know why!

    I so loved that bit!

  • Comment number 81.

    walked into that didn't you?

  • Comment number 82.

    Also speaking of Lloyd's gas leak man act, I loved it when he was talking to Ivan and he seemed all nervous. The scaredy cat, can't wait til he meets Big Bad Mitchell. :D

  • Comment number 83.

    Never mind vamps, Lloyd is taking a risk having those cups and bottle beside all that elercital stuff! ;-)

  • Comment number 84.

    it would be hilarious if it ended that way! XD

  • Comment number 85.

    He's so scared Im not sure he'll wait around to get bitten - he'll take one look at Big Bad John's fangs and you'll see him disappearing over the hills as fast as his little legs will go!

  • Comment number 86.

    Ha, I'd love that, Lloyd blows up an entire city's vampire population then dies when he spills his coffee on his computer. Its a dangerous life, beign a vampire slayer. :)

  • Comment number 87.

    not with a scream but a sizzle

  • Comment number 88.

    It would be a very epic death.

  • Comment number 89.

    I would feel his pain if that happened lol. Would be funny to see tho =]

  • Comment number 90.

    The entire Blogging community is in agreement about how Lloyd should die. :)

  • Comment number 91.

    *gasp* what if the next episode is on full moon and the werewolves transform, annie gets that weird kick - ass thing that she had in s1 ep6 - alongside mitchell and daisy... would proper be humans against super-naturals then... the humans wouldn't stand a chance :D

    is this just wishful thinking?

  • Comment number 92.

    I wonder if CenSSA have a stash of silver bullets somewhere, I wouldn't put it past them. Do we know if silver bullets work in the BH world?

  • Comment number 93.

    whatever happens Lloyd is going to die by short circuit! XD

    Annie has this strange tendency of getting bad-ass in the last episode, so, why not? Altough they probably are not going to have the wolves doing the final act again. It would become repetitive.

  • Comment number 94.

    Bullets would so I'm guessing yes

  • Comment number 95.

    I personally would prefer him to go at the hands of Trevor the killer goldfish

  • Comment number 96.

    92 - I don't know how's the thing with silver in BH, we've never seen silver bullets, nor have we seen mitchell touching George in wolf form with his silver rings.. so they might work, or might not. not sure.

  • Comment number 97.

    Yeah plus its a whole month before the full moon, I can't see Mitchell waiting that long, unless he has a recruitment drive planned. ;)

    Nah I reckon its up to the vampire to save the day this year. And its up to everyoen else to save him.

  • Comment number 98.

    Yeah I think Trevor needs more airtime lol

  • Comment number 99.

    I'd like to see Michell rescue Trevor after Lucy gets her comeupance and take him with them to be the new house pet.

    A ghost, a vampire, a werewolf and a goldfish.

  • Comment number 100.

    Death by vampire, werewolf, coffee or fish - what do you think will finish Lloyd off?
    Wow, I'm turning bloodthirsty! ;)


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