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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 16:37 UK time, Monday, 8 March 2010

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In the second of our deleted scenes we're getting deeper into the Hugh & Kirsty storyline. A tipsy George and an overexcited Annie are up to their mischievous tricks again, but are about to learn why it's important to stay out of other people's love lives.

Oh, and Mitchell looks awful. But many of you will probably disagree with that.

Come back to the blog tomorrow to see exactly how the date turned out...


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  • Comment number 1.

    aw poor Mitchell, just wants his friend to talk to. I love and hate how in this series M,G and A all just keep missing being there for each other when they need it. they are all so caught up in themselves, especially Mitchell, that they forget about each other.

    love 'argh! a ghost!' lmao!

  • Comment number 2.

    awwww - loving drunken George!! And just loving this scene in particular! Poor Mitchell... bless his cottons, just shows how they were unable to support each other in times of need... thanks BHP :) xx

  • Comment number 3.

    mitchell looks gorgeous as always

  • Comment number 4.

    The way he was trying to talk but kept quiet as soon as George returned is telling no one asks for help from a drunk. but it seems that George and Hugh did some serious bonding.

  • Comment number 5.

    i think we all agree ladies that Mitchell can never look awful!!

  • Comment number 6.

    Should have kept it in!! Just to prove that Mitchell tried at least once to offload some of his troubles onto the others. Oh, and because no matter how awful Mitchell looks, he does not have the ability to look awful.

  • Comment number 7.

    yeah i cant think exactly where he would be in this . . . is it just after cara killed those girls and before he removes her teeth??

  • Comment number 8.

    Yeah, not seeing much awfulness there :-)

  • Comment number 9.

    he looks pained maybe, but not awful! although I like how george says it, in a way that only a friend can say to another friend.

  • Comment number 10.

    I think it would have made a good scene in the episode, as we saw both George and Annie reach out for help throughout the course of the series and see them fail to receive any, but there were hardly any of Mitchell being so vulnerable and as 'needy' for support and comfort... and again, just 'awwwww' !!

  • Comment number 11.

    Thankyou sooo much for these deleted scenes. I agree with thesinginggirl (6); would've been good to have kept it in just so we could see that Mitchell did at least try to talk to Annie & George about his troubles! There isn't room for everything though!

    How could Mitchell EVER look awful?! pmsl!

    Loved the previous deleted scene too, from when Mitchell & George met Annie. I'm glad it was filmed, but don't think it would've fitted really.

  • Comment number 12.

    So good..Need MORE!!!!!

  • Comment number 13.

    Interesting clip, but a little confused where it fits in the storyline. I thought George responded to Kirsty's ad? and at one point he says specifically that Hugh 'would never go on a blind date', Hugh and Kirsty only meet after Kirsty rings Hugh.... if this scene was included there must have been a whole different story arc for the Annie/George Matchmaker service LOL .... wonder why they changed it.

    Agree 100% with all the comments about Mitchell showing his vulnerable side, it would have been good to see a few more moments when Micthell needed the others support rather than George being the only 'needy' one.

  • Comment number 14.

    if we had had this clip then would that have meant we wouldn't have had the scenes with george trying to pull off the worst date ever cos that was funny with the german film and kebab for tea! was there not an awful poem as well!!

  • Comment number 15.

    13 - when Hugh agreed to the blind date he was probably in the same state as George so when George says "Change of plans" it just means he sobered up

  • Comment number 16.

    aww, nice clip but i have to agree with joooos mitchell could never look awful!!!

  • Comment number 17.

    ah so do we reckon this was the original plan but that Hugh pulled out once sober? thus leading to german film date!

  • Comment number 18.

    oh dear, i can just imagine that planned first date with poor hugh and kirsty eating dinner with george just lurking about in the background and annie all over the place very excitable!!

  • Comment number 19.

    18 something like this?
    Annie: what are they saying? what are they doing?
    George (trying to read): I Don't know why don't you go over there and find out it's not like they acn see you.
    (tries to drink a beer but Annie grabs his hand)
    Annie: Don't you think you had enough yesterday? besides there's such a thing as privacy.
    George just looks at her

  • Comment number 20.

    Had a quick peak at ep 3 again and I think this fits between Mitchell finding out about the girls while applying 'leverage' to the coroner and his evening meeting with the vampires to find out who was responsible for the killing...

    I wonder if he wanted George to confirm he was right to not take the coroners advice and just walk away....

  • Comment number 21.


  • Comment number 22.

    Joooos, Thesinginggirl: Hello there! Agree...Mitchell could never look awful even when he does...and it would have been great to see him talk to George about his problems so it was a shame that scene was omitted...

    More deleted scenes please BH Prod...with Mitchell in them as much as possible!!xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 24.

    20 - ok thanks!

  • Comment number 25.

    Mr P now don't be silly...that gorgeous Irishman/vampire could never look awful....!

    Agree with previous comments ( lurve-BH, moonwalker58, joooos) that this scene would have shown in episode 3 that Mitchell was seeking help/advice at a crucial time in his 'leadership' of the vampires but Annie and George distracted by their attempts ( well, mainly Annie's attempts) to get Hugh and kirsty back together. Had they kept it in ..and also kept in the date with George/Kirsty ...it would have ben too long and drawn out. In the end I guess the writer/producer went with the shorter, and probably funnier, scene with george and kirsty.

    Having said that...I think it would have been good to have put in some sort of scene where Mitchell was at least trying to talk to George/Annie rather than come across..as he did in eps 3 and future eps...that he couldn't talk to them or didn't want to talk to them.

    Moonwalker58...like you I think I want to watch eps 3 again now to work out where such a scene could have been best placed.

    And the blind date tomorrow?....you just know it turned out badly don't you!

  • Comment number 26.

    That is most definitely not looking awful!

  • Comment number 27.

    Dorina, I agree that it would have been too long and drawn out with the whole scene included and also agree that it would have been lovely to see Mitchell displaying is more insecure side, I think it would have showed yet another dimension to Mitchell, and showed us how much he was struggling and how alone he felt... did love this scene though :)

  • Comment number 28.

    Dorina: (25) Evening to you...

    Watched Ep1 earlier on..realised how much I'd forgotten so I'd also love to see Ep3 again to see if there was any 'right' area to place the deleted scene...

    No way is he "awful"...

  • Comment number 29.

    Thank you for the clip. Loved it, sgree with everyone that it's good to know Mitchell did try and talk to them. Didn't try very hard though - serves him right for shouting at Annie about the Saul incident.

    Mitchell needs a good hug here...and a little bit of loving haha. Oh no, it's already started!

  • Comment number 30.

    Haha thats better liked that one much more - happy now :-) can't understand why it was cut though it's good - funny "argh its a ghost" lol and at least we know he tried to talk to them which we never understood the fact that he didnt :-S yeah liked that one thanks blog team :-)

  • Comment number 31.

    DGTTD (29)....Mitchell needs a lot more than a good hug in this clip.he needs comforting, a 'listening ear', and of course..some damned good loving....I can think of someone who could rush round immediately to meet all those needs......

    ....and it wouldn't even involve tying him to a chair....

  • Comment number 32.

    haha! Dorina, i've been on here for like 5 mins and the perving has already started. The chair scene will stay in my memory for a long time!

  • Comment number 33.

    Ha ha...it's not even 8pm and we've already started talking about all the loving that Mitchell needs! Well, he's certainly not short of offers! All of a sudden, I feel much better! lol

  • Comment number 34.

    All that Mitchell lurve just does it every time....cures all ills! A sympathetic ear...a loving arm around the shoulder...then I'd pounce...no getting away from me then..hehe

  • Comment number 35.

    They all need loving!

  • Comment number 36.

    yes maybe mitchell could do with some loving from us all!! group hug anyone??

  • Comment number 37.

    so do you think there's a full lift scene coming or more Nina how about more Ivan and Daisy place your votes for what you want now.

  • Comment number 38.

    Laurar ( 35)..true..but the gorgeous one inspires most of us to give Big Love...look at that wistful expression....those lovely eyes.....how can you not want to rush over to him and....and.....

  • Comment number 39.

    ha love the idea of a group hug dramalovely! and i would get involved if mitchell was there ;)

  • Comment number 40.

    Oh, ewan, i haven't even thought about what could be next...maybe a Lucy background clip would be nice. Or more Mitchell in chair mhaha. If he looks bad here, I would hate to see him on a good day.

  • Comment number 41.

    Laurelandhardy, dramalovely: (39) Think we're not talking group hug here! Where Mitchell is concerned, it's all hands to the pumps and get stuck in..

  • Comment number 42.

    it's all Mitchell, Mitchell, Mitchell with you lot what's wrong with you now the reasons for more Nina.....

  • Comment number 43.

    41 - noo mitchell is mine, all mine!! and 42 - i think every women on this blog adores mitchell, who wouldnt?!

  • Comment number 44.

    43 - I have so many snide answers to that that my tongue is bleeding I'm having to bite it so hard. still I now see why he looked so scared on the video's of the episode 1 screening night

  • Comment number 45.

    Ewan, I would like to see more Nina and Lucy... and George... I truly do love George!!

  • Comment number 46.

    45 - no really?

  • Comment number 47.

    44- ha thanks, you can keep the comments to yourself thanks.

  • Comment number 48.

    More ghost baby clips would be good too. And obv George!

  • Comment number 49.

    Evening bloggers....agree with all the comments on tis deleted clip...it'll be interesting to see the second half of it but think it would have given too much weight to hugh and Kirsty who were, after all, two minor charcters written in to give some sort of storyline for annie on her quest to find her purpose.

    ewan ....poor baby....you're on the wrong blog if you haven't clicked by now that many of the woman ( and a few men if truth be told...) want to keep the BH focus well and truely on the beautiful one..with a decent amount of discussion on speculataion about storylines and other characters of course.

    ..and talking of the beautiful one...clearly he's been pining for the loving that only a fellow young and beautiful Dubliner can give him...* looks around*..ohhhh that'd be me I think. Hang on Mitchell baby...I'll be right over......

  • Comment number 50.

    I hope you're not being sarcastic! Yes, I do love George, muchly, and his bum!

  • Comment number 51.

    Oh and yeah Mitchell does look like **** here doesn't he?

  • Comment number 52.

    Mitchell snitchell - Its Annie and George all the way

  • Comment number 53.

    50 - I was quoting George

  • Comment number 54.

    53 - good, because guess what? I lurve George!! lol

  • Comment number 55.

    aww i just love George when hes tipsy arrh a ghost i loved it. Mitchell does look like some things on his mind and like eagle said this would of been a good scene for Mitchell to keep in as it shows he did try not very hard but he did try.

    I'm so missing the series (and i haven't wrote for a couple of weeks so bare with me here) the last two episodes where so good team they had me jumping of the settie shouting one min then in floods of tears the next i really don't no what I'm gonna do now for another year :(.

    but i hope everyone still comes on and talks till stupid hours in the morning just like the good old days and you never no maybe Bex and eagle will take pity on us and start another forum so we don't annoy the team to much thanks everyone for a excellent series hope the new one comes soon

  • Comment number 56.

    eagle:..naughty..but I know you don't mean it!

    ewan (44) Ha! I don't do snide so can't imagine what you mean ..but...those of us who were actually there in London on the eps 1 screening witnessed a different Aidan ...one who was happy to hug ( and even kiss) we lovely ladies from the blog as well as having his photo taken etc. Ok...the guy's a little overawed by these events
    ( not like Russell who positively laps them up..and the fans...) but ..scared of us?....noooooo!

  • Comment number 57.

    56 - no one gets my jokes

  • Comment number 58.

    aww Ewan I get your jokes.... lol :)

  • Comment number 59.


  • Comment number 60.

    I agree they do so seem to miss being there for eachother in this series.

    I loved tipsy George.

    Yeah and Mitchell looked really awful..not!

  • Comment number 61.

    mitchell look awful!

    my mitchell looking awful never !!!!!!!!!

    even when he changes, the eyes go black, covered in blood i would still have him.

    mitchell is crying out for help in this scene but george is too tipsy and annie is too interested in match making to notice.
    i wouldnt of ignored you my little blood sucker!

  • Comment number 62.

    thank you so much bbc and being human for keeping us going while we are slowly going insane without are weekly dose of BH.

    its really appreciated but now you have started this you know us fans are not going to let you stop. at least until series 3 anyway and lets make it 12 episodes this time especially if it will be the last series.

    thanks again x

  • Comment number 63.

    Oh my god the blog has officially lost something! I just said Mitchell looked **** and nobody bothered to argue?! What is this place and where have you sent my blog?!

    For the record I do think Mr Mitchell looks gorgeous as ever in that scene!

  • Comment number 64.

    62 - never say last series when talking about being human it should be a blog rule

  • Comment number 65.

    63 - you didn't say what **** stood for it could mean a badly spelt tierd (tird)

  • Comment number 66.

    tired sorry

  • Comment number 67.

    "George can we talk"

    Poor Mitchell, tispy George is funny though "Aaaah its a ghost!"

    And some more knowking bloke wisdom from George about Hugh being terrified, reminds me of his lines about "that look".

    Yay, roll on tomorrow, I might watch the series 1 deleted scenes tonight if I'm bored.

  • Comment number 68.

    62 Annette. Why do you keep saying series 3 will be the last? Ö÷²¥´óÐã press said that they are looking forward to working with the cast in series 3 and many more to come. Series 3 won't be the last.

  • Comment number 69.

    oooh wonder what episode the deleted scene from tomorrow will be shown.... oh my, this is bloody exciting!

  • Comment number 70.

    ewan yes im sorry dont know what came over me last series what last series!

    the thought of it does send shivvers though doesnt it!

  • Comment number 71.

    (68) I agree, we have had no word to support this and its enough that the second series has finished without us talking about the end of the show already. :D

  • Comment number 72.

    70 - bad shivers

  • Comment number 73.

    long live being human my immortal !

  • Comment number 74.

    just like my mitchell

  • Comment number 75.

    damn I'm always a day behind ›.‹

  • Comment number 76.

    I mean.. late.. I mean.. you understand?

    hello shiniez, btw.

  • Comment number 77.

    sunglasses on people she who shines is here

  • Comment number 78.

    Most shows get stuck on three series, I suppose it was a logical conclusion to come to.

    But obviously BH will carry on for many many many many more series than a paltry three. There is no question about this.


  • Comment number 79.

    (68) great news about that press release i think i am missing it soooo much im starting to let my thoughts get carried you have calmed me down thank you !

  • Comment number 80.

    I trust Toby to carry on the show as long as he still has enough ideas to keep it good.

  • Comment number 81.

    and im so depressed i can no longer write plain english

    what i meant to say was

    my thoughts are getting carried away !

  • Comment number 82.

    oh my christ... just finished reading the 3rd book.... wow! lol!

  • Comment number 83.

    that's weird to me the more depressed I get the better my diction

  • Comment number 84.

    77. "She Who Shines" is wonderful, thanks ewan! XD

    And I believe there shouldn't be a fixed number of series for a show as long as it mantains the quality standard

  • Comment number 85.

    84 - I try my best

  • Comment number 86.

    Let's not worry about how many series there are going to be and just focus on series 3... its gonna be good :)

  • Comment number 87.

    Well said lBH, how did you find Bad Blood? Its my favourite of the three, I am thinking of rereading all three at a more leisurely pace after I did each one in about a day. :D

    There's something I don't get in the third book, right at the very, very end I mean like the last sentence, who is that? Are we meant to know or is it a link to another book still to come? Or someone in episode 4 who I forgot about.

    Sorry about my vagueness or indeed about my spoilerishness, trying to balance the two.

  • Comment number 88.

    oh I'm up to series 1 ep 4 again and realised something in the opening when George is walking up a street it could be at any time pre house as there is no Windsor terrace just a Mosque I remember ruining someone's list of changes by mentioning the opening and yes now I see it could be when he still lived in the hostel (in the pilot Mitchell references him living in a hostel) so to who ever it was I WAS WRONG AGAIN.

  • Comment number 89.

    DF - thank you :) lol

    Bad Blood is amazing - much more equal roles for characters, which I felt lacked in the other 2, also liked style of writing very much (don't get me wrong the other 2 are brilliant but I think BB captured Annie as we know her better too)

    Last sentence... tbh I have no idea either I thought it mite have been the one with the tampax (trying to find the most unspoilerish way to describe her - hope you know who I mean!!) but then, I got confused... so no I'm afraid I don't know....

    Am also considering having another read very soon, they are fab!!

    I haven't given anything away there have I? Lol

  • Comment number 90.

    EWAN!!!! you're supposed to be saving the episodes to watch one a week!! Lol!! :P

  • Comment number 91.

    also book wise I'm finishing Bareback and will be getting a copy of Let the right one in two books Toby recommended in a past blog in the pathological hope I will have a better idea where season 3 is going. is that too obsessive?

  • Comment number 92.

    90 - calm down princess I'll watch them all, then the pilot and ep one before Sunday Okay?

  • Comment number 93.

    92 - do you promise?? :S

  • Comment number 94.

    yes I promise I'd even pinky swear but we all know Lloyd tends to lie

  • Comment number 95.

    (89) No, I think a character known as 'the one with the tampax' can only intrigue people into buying the books :D (do buy them, they are excellent and they are now a fiver on Play.com, free delivery) :)

    I suppose it could be her, but I don't know why it would be written in such a mysterious way. I was trying to think who might be visiting them then or maybe its like a cliffhanger for the next set of books, all these ones have a cliffhanger which becomes the introduction of the next book.

    (88) Oh and ewan, that was me, I forgive you, I thought that due to George's odd clothing it must be before he learnt his tricks from Tully. And now we have confirmation that the pilot was "nine months ago", that particular scene being between the two transformations that bookend the episode. Which means my 10 month list was right (woo!)

  • Comment number 96.

    lol yes thats very true - I will never depend on a pinky promise ever again :O

  • Comment number 97.

    My shiny presence this night is going to be a little blinky and random. I need to finish packing my suitcase which at the moment features a random set of clothes, and batman.


  • Comment number 98.

    DF - only a BH book could have a character described as the one with the tampax!! Oh my!! lol!

    yeah thats why I got confused because it was written in such a mysterious way... are there more books due out then? *grins hopefully*

    what did u think about the style, writing and Annie, in this and other books?

    and yes guys, buy the books... TOTALLY AMAZING :)

  • Comment number 99.

    86.series 3? I'm trying to get series ONE! (lo Jan I is back hehe) , but thanks to your clue INDIL de shiny one I have at last found S1 and Will watch 2moz (I hope).
    Lo Ewan too and GR if your about . Soz been away for a while got poorly for a while(cud ave bin a bad sheep!)
    92. agree LBH, Ewan slow down u move to fast (name the song for 10 points)

  • Comment number 100.

    Batman? Indil, you are a strange one, aren't you girl :)


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