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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 18:15 UK time, Friday, 3 September 2010

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"With great power comes great responsibility" said, er... someone important. It may have been Spiderman's uncle? Yes, I think it was.

Anyway, we here at BH Blog Towers have a responsibility to give you what you want, so when it became clear you weren't getting enough Lenora in your lives we made it our mission to sort it out.

Today Lenora gives us her top acting tips, adding to the fabulous advice from Sinead Keenan. And since Lenora is great at the comedy stuff (as well as being sexy, dramatic and the rest) we got her take on how to be funny.


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  • Comment number 1.

    Oh joy of joys!

  • Comment number 2.

    Awww! She's fantastic and hillarious - I'm not one biy jelous, I swear.

  • Comment number 3.

    Comedy is so hard... she makes it look easy. Now you need to ask the boys about their acting tips, especially Russell, whose comedic timing and delivery is just something else. Lenora is adorable, someone needs to tell her that daily.

  • Comment number 4.

    Sounds great advice from the lovely Lenora..looking slimmer (something I commented on from LFCC) and is her hair shorter or just restyled ? Annie's costume now looking more of a dress....clever wardrobe people!

    Wonder what she was/is doing in the nightclub?....is she visible again?...working there?....getting down and having a boogie?

    Thanks Bhproduction Team for bring Lenora back into our lives

  • Comment number 5.

    HAVE ALOT OF LOVE FOR LENORA! She's so cute!:D
    HHAHA "leggins :| really? i feel like i want to be in a sack"

    "Me and lenora we have a great time!"
    You are a great woman:) x

  • Comment number 6.

    BHProd, thanks for sharing the lovely & funny Lenora with us, to brighten our day. And what a fab cocktail lounge, wonder what that's the scene for.

  • Comment number 7.

    Thanks so much BH Blog! Needed this after the bore of first day back at school. :D
    Love seeing Lenora again and her tips! And I too, was puzzled at the choice of scene... :S

  • Comment number 8.

    Thanks Barry, youre spoiling us now...dont stop.! .Lenora makes it all look SO easy...

  • Comment number 9.

    Lovely to see Lenora so happy and bubbly - hope Annie is like that soon!
    Thanks BHProd - loving these behind the scenes blogs. Keep em coming!

  • Comment number 10.

    Lovely to hear from Lenora again...she's a smart cookie, that girl, as well as being talented and beautiful..may she go far!

    Thanks BH Production Team/Barry, for doing this video and showing us Lenora..I did wonder if she was in it much this time because we hadn't seen her much but glad that she's popped up again!xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Oh isn't she lovely!!!! =D =D =D

    So good to see thats she's actually filing on set that means the return of Annie!!! Wouldnt be the same show with out her!

    BH Production team-Thanks sooooo much for the mini blogs that keep us fans entertained esp the behind the scenes ones =) Can we have more Russell & the lovely Aiden please?? (I know, its like im asking for the moon on a stick but if you dont ask........ lol)


  • Comment number 12.

    Happy dance! Thanks BHP you're a star.

    Aw and great wee blog from the lovely LC.

    And yeah, wonder what Annie is doing there? It looks like she's wearing more jewelery than S2?

  • Comment number 13.

    Making yourself laugh is pure talent! =)
    I really like these Acting tips... I hope they will be helping me in the future! I'm gonna take notes... is that lame?
    Just need to hear what Russell and Aidan have to say about Acting =)

  • Comment number 14.

    These blogs just get better and better Mr Pilling!!

    Our Super talented Lenora,I bet she can even sing beautifully!
    I agree Anglo...may she go far!


  • Comment number 15.

    Aren't we waiting for the dancing blog? She would, they all would, be fantastic!

  • Comment number 16.

    According to eagleeyes Aidan has been singing on set - not clear if just as Aidan or as Mitchell as well (a singing vampire???)

    So we have a potential musical fandango/dance-off? The singing-dancing supernaturals vs BHProd? I know who my moneys on!

  • Comment number 17.

    BEING HUMAN [Euro Music, London Leads the Way]

    Now, we have been blogged to by one intelligent Being Human blogger that the [Ö÷²¥´óÐã] British Broadcasting Company has bylaws, rules and regulations that programs can’t do this can’t do that, is not permitted to showcase European products, or talent, this is [Nuts, Insane, Crazy] in this world wide economic DEPRESSION. The Euro Music that is being played on Being Human is really, really good material in line with the German Tangerine Dream and other Euro modern music.

    But no, it all stays in Europe, Country and Western music and a Gay bar are shown on The Last Detective, Being Human has a comment lets not make an Opera moment out of this, but nothing about showcasing the great Euro music, or at the end of the episode showing a picture of the album from which the music comes from and the artist, “This Episodes Music came from, and the albums name, this is completely nutty. The days of the American Empire are coming to and end, and once again it’s Europe that is going to be in the driver’s seat.

    It’s time to bend, break, change, alter or get rid of archaic rules, Who are the artist providing the music and just what albums are they from, don’t look to New York City, Washington D. C., Nashville the Grand Old Opry, or Hollywood to get thing moving, your going to turn blue holding your breaths, LONDON LEADS THE WAY!


  • Comment number 18.

    TO WRITER TOBY WHITHOUSE [Euro Music Showcasing]

    This is a no brainer, the Werewolf character can not remain with the present family, and will return to the house, with the Vampire, and Free Spirit, that is a given. But, with a new Landlord the Forum Ltd. London has purchased the property, giving Mr. Arthur King, the ability too provide unknown to the trio covert protection, and monitor them while making direct approaches to them individually with the end intention of recruitment. At the same time the Werewolf has got to leave his job do to the break-up, were upon do to his [165 I.Q.] having worked teaching the Queens Language to immigrants, he is offered the job as a late night early morning hours [DJ] Disk Jockey, and of course the station is owned as a shell company by the Forum Ltd. London, giving a perfect way of show casing the new Euro Music, as the Wolf man of London’s late night radio spins the disks as it were, or plugs in the I-Pod.


  • Comment number 19.

    It's great to have acting tips from Lea.

    Yes she's gorgeous.

    Yes she's talented.

    Tick tick tick - she's all the boxes etc.

    But Barry, Marcus, Sinead, Jason, Russell and all, for goodness sake tell Lea and Aidan to go digital and use Twitter.

    Tom in Oz

  • Comment number 20.

    Lovely vid Mr P thank you so much.

  • Comment number 21.

    Well I'm all caught up now so Sinead says to remember your lines Leonora says forget. Don't worry I do get that it is very good advice.

    Be in the scene and react to the others in the scene unless your playing a human and they a ghost then don't.

    As to Annie being in a night club and costume appropriate well if she comes back from the other side she would be more powerful. When she faces down the doors in series 1 & 2 she becomes stronger and it shows in her Aura apparently. So she might be viable again if still a little spongy.
    Another option is that she is strong enough to control when she can be seen by regular humans and when not, I know it's a leap but it would give a bit of comedy to the episode she learns to control this the whole.

    Human : And this is the... Where did you go?
    Annie : Oh (reappears) I was just over here.

    but more than one episode learning would be a little silly.

  • Comment number 22.

    Hello everyone!
    Just got back from being on holiday for just over a week so I hadn't seen this vid or the last one with director Phil.
    Thankyou Mr. P for two more great videos. You've been working very hard (as usual) for us Being Human fans.

    It was lovely to see Lenora with a new grey outfit. She's looking absolutely stunning, and, as Dorina says, very slim.

    Thanks again!

  • Comment number 23.

    Wonderful once again thanks BH!

  • Comment number 24.

    Was she ever not slim?

  • Comment number 25.

    Laurar..ha!...of course she's always been slim it's just that when eagle eyes and I saw her not long ago at LFCC we both commented that she had lost weight since we'd seen her in January..same seemed to be true for Aidan as well although recent pics from filming show that he's put weight back on. Think she looks great, not too thin, but wouldn't want to see her losing anymore . Fine balance ...to my mind anyways...between being appropriately slim and quite thin.

  • Comment number 26.

    Haha loving this video! Lenora was SO lovely to me on set called me over to the car for a cuddle cos she wasn't allowed to get back out cos of the crowds hehe I love her every time I see her I love her even more lol she's so lovely and so so talented :-)

    Haha re Aidan's singing - there's one bit where he's singing actually as Mitchell while walking to the front door but most of it was just Aidan! We had a lovely rendition of "I need a fag" and then later on a very moving piece about radio mic's lol!

    Oh and I have to tell you - Lenora beat him at rock paper scissors. Lots. Oh and he has a manbag! Lol Lenora's right the funniest things just happen - something so brilliant watching half the crew of very butch men stood around feeling the material and asking where he got it from and then a sound man shrieking "ooh pockets!" lol anyway have got the pics off my camera and put up on my twitter...some of them have made their way onto a few independent fan sites too...I don't mind in the slightest but would've been nice if they'd asked first :-S never mind eh!!

    Anyway how is everyone? And don't worry I won't spoil it for anyone!

  • Comment number 27.

    Jealousy is a very low and base emotion so I will move away from it - glad you had a good time.

    about the song for some reason I'm thinking about the song for 'Don't pick it up, pick it up it's a hot potato' from the Dirk Gently book Long dark tea time of the soul it goes 'I need a fag, got to get a fag. then I light it' I know it's the wrong words as I type this but it might be close.

  • Comment number 28.

    I'm back!! hehe

    well im must say im very impressed as people are saying Lenora was looking lovely!! (just a little green!!)

    thought the tips were very good and v interesting how lenora and sinead said exactly the same thing almost word for word!! either they have been talking or are two very intelligent ladies!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    Haha - I'm sure they do talk! And they obviously are very intelligent - its not fair!
    I cant believe we have to wait until jan - I wonder when they'll start the interactive stuff up?

  • Comment number 30.


    [History’s paving Blocks]

    Now, a man by the name of John Locke wrote a pamphlet called of Common Sense that laid out what was to become at the hand of Thomas Jefferson The Constitution of the United States, which ended with the Eisenhower Administration and is now the American Empire, in decline which was also predicted by President Dwight David Eisenhower, but these two documents came from another document written in England the Magna Charta, the Republic of California has written a new [21st] Twenty-First Century Constitution leaving behind in the dust bin of history the [17th] Century Constitution of the United States and the non-Constitutional American Empire.

    [Changing Times]

    The point of all this is that documents are written for their times but times change, and so it should be with the archaic rules of the [Ö÷²¥´óÐã] British Broadcasting Company, they server the purpose of their era but we are now in another era, one in which the course of history is in a flux., and old out dated documents should be replaced and done away with replaced with ideas and concepts that relate to the times. The documents and rules of the past should not be Millstone around the necks of a new era, rather they should have served as road stones on the path to the new world, and pave the way too not only the next generation of entertainment or political advancement but corner stones, for each of the following generations, too build upon.

    [Reflecting the Era]

    We, can not place over emphases’ on the fact that the American Empire and its entertainment [Hollywood] , political, economic and military base are not only in decline but have totally failed, the balance of power has shifted to the Euro Zone, and London leads the way, it is time for the [Ö÷²¥´óÐã] to rewrite its own charter, and write one that reflects this fact, it is time as it was in the past to reject the Divine Right of the [Ö÷²¥´óÐã] with a new upgraded document of bylaws and rules for the Rights of the [21st] Century Entertainment public. All these we can’t should be understood that in their era they reflected their era, but this is a new era a new day has dawned across the board and it is time for change.


  • Comment number 31.

    yay, a lenora video!!! :) thanks Mr. P :D do we get Russell and Aidan's acting tips too, now??? ;)

  • Comment number 32.

    Nice to see Lea again on here. She looks gorgeous as usual! :)

  • Comment number 33.

    How good was Russell in him and her?! Xx

  • Comment number 34.

    He was looking so relaxed - I mean not just the character - him. Have to say I prefer him as George - more dramatic - but his comic timing is spot-on. Good chemistry with the lovely Sarah

  • Comment number 35.

    Yeah but screen cheating on Sinead? He needs a kick in the shins for that! Lol ah so funny though - totally brilliant

  • Comment number 36.

    I have to report that there was more evidence of Russell's cheating tonight at BAFTA screening of Him and Her - RT and Sarah Solemani way too cosy! And he admitted more at the auditions - 3 or 4 I think he said. Much of the rest was unrepeatable here on such a civilised (and strictly moderated!) blog

    Happy to say RT was his usual relaxed and friendly self with time for fans.

  • Comment number 37.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 38.


  • Comment number 39.

    Blackdog, its horrendous isnt it?!

  • Comment number 40.

    I mean I don't come on here that often, and I have little to say, but why oh why must we be met with these essays of egoccentric tripe?

  • Comment number 41.

    Well Blackdog whatever you do don't try to answer those ramblings they get worse if you do I've even grown bored of trying to work out the disorders and just ignore them now

  • Comment number 42.

    nice to see lenora!

  • Comment number 43.

    thanks Mr P nice to see the lovely Lenora
    i know what she means about the sack every women has those days!

  • Comment number 44.

    Just realised I haven't actually commented on here yet! Oops!

    Thanks for the video, Mr P! You're spoiling us with all these goodies! :)

    How is everyone?

  • Comment number 45.

    Is it "New Post" day today?

  • Comment number 46.

    I dont reckon we'll get a new blog today :( there's been nothing mentioned on twitter and there usually is - gutted.

  • Comment number 47.

    Ivan's on New Tricks. Spooky psychic :-)

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi everyone. There is so much activity on Twitter now I keep forgetting to come to the blog....but lovely to see and hear Lenora :)

  • Comment number 49.

    More Anne please, she is great and needs to expand in the role. The gang needs to do more than complain about trying to be human they need to do more. The guys are growing faster than Anne it would be nice to see her do more with the powers she showed in the first season. Keep the scripts moving forward don't stall the show. There are great writers in the Ö÷²¥´óÐã pool keep up the wonderful work.

  • Comment number 50.

    Poor George he gets a good girl and turns her into a werewolf, then he loses her and gets a new girl and scares her little girl along with every other kid in the school. Mitchell needs to get a clue, he is a Vampire and everyone with a pulse is food for him, Mitch quit playing with your food and eat. Now back to George for a minute. I know what he is going through, I once scared two kids that I liked very much, they called me Uncle Galen. One Halloween I dressed like a ghoul and went to a party where the kids were, they were so scared of me they wouldn't come close to me, I had to remove the makeup, so I'm with you George.

  • Comment number 51.

    Lenora, wasn't that the name in an Edgar Allen Poe story? I can understand why the author thought the name was good for his story. It seems that when ever a woman has a name that sings she is good looking as well. But, can we find Lenora another outfit to wear? I know that she is a ghost and according to what ever powers there are she needs to be in the clothes she died in, but she is also a powerful spirit maybe she can change for one show.

  • Comment number 52.

    Excellent series. At first we were upset that it seemed to have gotten dark and the friends were being pulled apart, but having the priest be the real dark one puts a new spin on it.
    George Sands- the writer, n'est-ce pas?
    Daisy's great, real vamp. Pity 'bout Ivan.

  • Comment number 53.

    Hi 35Elephants, welcome to the blog.
    Yes, I think the 2nd series got a little too dark at times. There are only so many times that Mitchell can rip somebody's throat out before you begin to lose sympathy for the character. The "Box Tunnel 20" didn't make any sense to me.
    However Phil, the director of episodes 3, 5 & 6 of series 3 did say that there was to be more humour this year.

  • Comment number 54.

    51 - Galen
    Nearly right - Lenore by Edgar Allen Poe
    "Wretches! ye loved her for her wealth and hated her for her pride,
    And when she fell in feeble health, ye blessed her - that she died!
    How shall the ritual, then, be read? - the requiem how be sung
    By you - by yours, the evil eye, - by yours, the slanderous tongue
    That did to death the innocence that died, and died so young?"

  • Comment number 55.

    Aidan on Series 3 - funnier - back to more of their relationship - and he doesnt sound sure he prefers that?

    and Herrick has lost his memory! can't wait to see what Jason does with that! can you be sarcastic with no memory???

    hope there's a new blog this week

    night lurking bloggers

  • Comment number 56.

    If he has lost his memory that could be quite a ticking clock, if they take pity on him there's a internal threat.
    but more to the point does this mean He's going to have to be kept away from the origin of species.

    At the moment my mind is on the when Herrick remembers something we get a flash back being a bit to predictable.

    small point it has been revealed that drinking blood blots memories from vampires so will it take blood to bring them back or were they all rotted away in the two months underground?

    In answer to your question Celtic one possible sentence.

    "Yes I really am starting to remember, I don't like pop tarts that is a major breakthrough."

    Also welcome to new Bloggers

  • Comment number 57.

    Oh yes a new scribble is up if anyone still reads them.

  • Comment number 58.

    Ewan, Herrick appears in their new house, so do they let him stay with them out of pity, just because he's lost his memory and because Mitchell when full of rage was behind his resurrection? Sounds strange to me, as you say is Herrick the threat from within?

  • Comment number 59.

    Heyo! All good?

    Was reading Closer today (haha, don't judge me lol!) and the had a wee interview with Robson Green; talking about his character in BH (werewolf McNair) and how he had to get fit because "there's a lot of leaping through the air killing vampires and doing action stunts".

    So do you think (killing vampires) occured in the past, or would be happening now?

  • Comment number 60.

    OHHhh DGTTD now there is a feeling of anticipation past or present. Wire work or Pokor? so many options for me to ponder.

    I do have this theory at the beginning S1 E2 Tully talks about it taking a while for his body to digest raw meat. now what if that change keeps happening we have seen the fact that George and Nina have enhanced smell most of the time what if the longer a werewolf you are the longer the strength lasts or grows or are there other reasons.
    What if hunting humans gives this power to you what if to be more you have to feed the beast?
    a dichotomy for many people to consider Lord Toby knows but will he tell?

    Also Closer? really?

  • Comment number 61.

    Ooohh! ceticgrace how do you know this stuff? Fantastic, thanks!

  • Comment number 62.

    Interesting theory Ewan, and I feel no shame towards my beautiful gossip magazines, the are very pro BH and all the cast woo!

  • Comment number 63.

    found a referance to the whole McNair going roung killing vampires interview appeared in digital spy so no need for me to read closer, Yay.
    outside of that there is referance to him not being alone a two wolf team sort of father son relationship, and there will be a fight with Herrick.

    is it me or do you think that one of the last people in the world to ask to keep a secret in the world would be Robson Green, just saying.

  • Comment number 64.

    62 - nothing against them but checked out the website to look for the interview and saw some of the stories there and well I'm pretty open minded but the mother daughter story, really?

  • Comment number 65.

    Hi everyone...was about to start talking about ideas for series 3 when read celtics comments...has there been a new interview I've missed regarding Herrick?...we know he's in the house ( B & B)..I wondered if he was in disguise...and also wondered if he constituted the 'threat within'...can someone point me in direction of the new info?

  • Comment number 66.

    for latest RG information (scroll down a bit)

  • Comment number 67.

    35Elephants and deathrattle....hi there...I loved the darkness of series 2....I think Toby was right to make it significantly different from series 1. I also thought there was a lot of humour in it but understand that not all bloggers shared that view. I wasn't totally sure what they were doing with Annie and her story arc....but having recently read a long interview from Toby I see that he was signposting the human things she could never have...babies, relationships, being 'left behind' by George and Mitchell etc...and all of that was leading to her decision to ask Kemp to help her.

  • Comment number 68.

    ewan thanks for link....where's the Herrick losing memory come from?

  • Comment number 69.

    that was in -55- so ask Celtic because I really don't know

  • Comment number 70.

    she's on hols so will have to wait!
    Still thinking that Herrick ..even if he has forgotten who he is /what he is...will turn out to be dangerous....it is possible to fake memory loss so maybe he's playing some sort of a game and biding his time..

    Also wondering if James Fleet's ghost is George's dad...on twitter they are teasing each other by calling themselves son and dad but that'a all it might be...teasing.

    Robson Green's werewolf seems to have more of a major role than I'd realised....mmm searching for Herrick for a long time eh?...wonder what relationship he ends up having with George...

  • Comment number 71.

    I've seen that about Mr Fleet could be teasing yes.

    if it comes down to it there could be a big get to between the wolves and vamps

    now George has already let his beast kill Herrick and Nina is non too fond of the bloodsuckers herself but then there is Mitchell. Lord Toby has hinted at the fact that Vampires have done some pretty nasty or even sick stuff to werewolves in the last century now the pair of outside wolves are after Herrick so wouldn't it fit that they might be after his progeny and successor also that might cause more of a problem between wolves than nasty Mr Herrick.

    or if Mitchell took part in the dark cross species blood-letting will that cause internal friction in the group another possible threat from within?

    So many new discussion debate possibilities
    time for gleeful BH obsessed men to rub their hands

  • Comment number 72.

    ..and gleeful BH obsessed women...!

  • Comment number 73.

    Yes and Women

    so any situation with the new gathered spoilers that you can see happening?

  • Comment number 74.

    Well..we know that Herrick was filmed in pjs and slippers..so possibly he'd come out of hospital?...if so..the whole amnesia theory could be true. I'd sort of thought he was deliberately in disguise and the other four didn't see him or recognise him if they did see him. Whether he's genuinely amnesic or not....we can be sure that the 'old' Herrick will spring back at some point. Cara was either staying with him or visiting him for a while...not in disguise... which lends weight to loss of memory theory.

    Why would they be living in a B & B?...I don't get that...

  • Comment number 75.

    Just realised something two things really

    If the new werewolves are hunting Vampires there must be a way to find them
    1) Werewolf senses vampires smell different? a way of telling them from humans
    2) going around with mirrors and or religious paraphernalia

    or of course the third option that means I will kick myself in January for not figuring out before time?

  • Comment number 76.

    1 - B&B who found that out?

    2 - B&B no invite neaded.

    the B&B would explain the Bob and Wendy if their human being part of the group or a former B&B, like Winsor terrace and the pink house was a former Pub.

  • Comment number 77.

    Newspaper write up of BH filming at that location describes it as a 'new' B & B....is Wendy the 'Spooks' girl (I'm losing the plot here i think!) ...wasn't she in that surburban house shown on the other vid when we met new director Phil?..possibly Bob lives there.

  • Comment number 78.

    Wendy is the spooks girl yes full known Guest list is as follows

    Lacy Turner as aid to Mitchell on other side of the door
    Robson Green as a werewolf McNair fighting Vampires
    Kia Owen as Bob
    James Fleet as a heartbroken ghost (jokes on twitter about being Georges dad)
    Marion Baily as ?
    Nicola Walker as Wendy
    Tony Maudsley as ?

    apart from that?

  • Comment number 79.

    Thinking that Marion Bailey might be George's mum....silly idea but there you go.
    If Herrick hasn't come back as a zombie (looking increasingly unlikely) then maybe new supernatural introduced into series 3 is not a zombie. Anglo at some point thought that Lacey Turner played an angel....beginning to think she may be right...

  • Comment number 80.

    Angles would be a little much I think don't know why maybe a Shaman or Necromancer (death magic more high end or dark than Voodoo) who knows. the nature of what makes her able to meet Mitchell or take him to the other side - that could be a reason for the move searching her out? never mind

    Thinking about it James Fleet the heartbroken ghost if it was is a B&B their in now it would make more sense for them to find a ghost people die at home without unresolved issues but a B&B is not a destination it's a way station perfect analogy and or reason for it to be a spiritual nexus or powerful place. if that went into the thinking I don't know but you never can tell.

  • Comment number 81.

    Eveneing all! How is everyone? :)

    I have to say, I'm liking the idea of an amnesia-ed Herrick. If they were to take him in, that would be a great 'internal threat'! A potential ticking timebomb, as it were.

    [79] Dorina - George's mum could be a good idea, though I got the impression that George severed all family links after the 'accident', they thinking he had died. Well, that's the impression I got from the books.... mind you, having just typed that, I seem to remember there being balloons and cards in George's hospital room during the first episode [the bit just before he goes out into the forest to transform]. So maybe I'm completely wrong!

    [80] ewan - I guess an angel wouldn't be over-stepping it too much. Afterall, Annie was helping other lost souls to find out why they were still here and to pass over. Maybe Lacey's character helps with the next stage - meeting them at the door and explaining what happens next?

  • Comment number 82.

    In the pilot when Julia confronts George she says We thought you'd died

    also there is mention of Georges Mum going mental if she found out he was a porter but no mention of a dad could be the dad is dead?

    but that was the pilot and between pilot and series small Cannon changes occurred Lauren gained brothers instead of being an only child and here is a good one.
    The Man who tells Mitchell about the isolation room says they will be refitted when they close St Judes but if you look at the signs in episode 1 you see that they are in fact working at St Judes.

    As Lauren would say 'Creepy'

  • Comment number 83.

    * evening, rather!

    Has there been any further news about a preview screening of series 3 ep 1? I'm really, REALLY hoping to go this time, but it will all depend on when it is :S

  • Comment number 84.

    [82] ewan - Ahh, I see. I haven't watched the pilot for a very long time, but those are good spots on your part! :)

  • Comment number 85.

    Ah PM You are not the only one who hopes prays remembers atheism, then remembers tales of people there who weren't real fans just there to see what they could sell on E bay, scowls a memory then goes back to hoping.

  • Comment number 86.

    84 - I am a little obsesive true but on things to be obsesive about.

    Thinking of the bat here last year there were books this year will we get backstory books you know Lord Toby tells of an incedent in the past in the world and we get a new book to read and understand the cannon from? Please.

  • Comment number 87.

    [85] ewan - I tried to get tickets for last time but I was stuck in a double lesson [ironically, religious studies] so I missed out by the time I could log onto a computer and send off the application form :( This year, however, I'm going to uni, so hopefully I'll be able to get them because of the more flexible timetable. Fingers crossed it will be held on a weekened though because then I have more chance of going without having to worry about getting back for the next day :S

    Did you get to go?

  • Comment number 88.

    No I didn't get to go That was what 85 was about I started trying just as the error message started and missed out.

  • Comment number 89.

    [88] ewan - Aw, I'm sorry! Here's hoping we both get to go this time around! *fingers crossed*

  • Comment number 90.

    but not so tight we can't use the computer.

  • Comment number 91.

    Just one question what i am i suppose to watch until the new series airs??????

  • Comment number 92.

    Hi everybody - hope you're all OK. Welcome to the new bloggers. It's good to get a perspective of Series 2 through new eyes. I'm lurking around the blog most days but haven't anything to add to the other comments just now - I just enjoy reading them. Maybe we'll get a new blog soon.

  • Comment number 93.

    Hello to all.I have not posted here before but have popped in from time to time to enjoy reading the BH latest news. I just wanted to say that I recently complained about the rambling multiple postings that have been appearing here, on the basis that they were a)spam and b) off-message and have just had an email to say that my complaint has been upheld so hopefully that will help put an end to it.
    Secondly - and forgive me if this has been mentioned before but I haven't read all recent postings - I wanted to mention that AT will be appearing as the (much younger)love interest to Ruth Jones's Hattie Jacques in the forthcoming Ö÷²¥´óÐã 4 biopic 'Hattie' which should be broadcast later on in the autumn. Something to look forward to before BH3 arrives...

  • Comment number 94.

    Hello and welcome, DB. Thankfully, a Certain Person does seem to have disappeared from the blog, so well done to you! I think we're all looking forward to seeing Aidan in 'Hattie' - as you say, it will help to fill in the agonising wait until BH3.

  • Comment number 95.

    hi doublebagged and welcome, welcome. Great minds etc etc..I did the same and had same response..however...doesn't mean he's been permanently blocked.

    Hattie apparently on Ö÷²¥´óÐã4 sometime this autumn..Ruth Jones says the filming had no hanky panky between her character and lover played by Aidan....shame!

  • Comment number 96.


    Since this is literally the only way my voice may ever reach you, I signed up with this blog. You are an amazing actress. I’m sure you have been told this millions of times, but it’s true. I think what makes you a unique artist is your sincerity in your performances. Most of the time, you don’t even need words to convey the meaning of a scene. Your facial expressions are priceless! Besides all that, you are intelligent and honest in interviews, which is veryyyy much appreciated in these celebrity conscious societies like Britain and the US.

    No one can compare to you in the acting world in my opinion. It might sound corny, but it’s true. You’re completely beautiful on the inside and out. = )


  • Comment number 97.

    Dorinna, Jan, thanks for the warm welcome - this must be one of the most good-natured blogs on the web!
    Btw is there any news on when BH2 will be on Ö÷²¥´óÐã 1 or 2? A friend who lives in a digital blackspot was asking. She thought it had been scheduled for August but there was no sign. She now says she might give up and just buy the DVDs although was worried about the lack of soundtrack (although, unlike BH1, I think this was more or less the same as on the TV series second time around)

  • Comment number 98.

    Jessie Pisces - I couldn't agree with you more! How eloquent you are! I love it.

  • Comment number 99.

    HelooOOOOOOOOO bloggers olde and alot of new since I last looked (feels like fifty full moon ago.) Was ponder the shorter days and darker nights (easier for feasting in peace) and looking forward to Series3; did i dream or read that I've got to wait till Jan 11??

  • Comment number 100.

    Around January 2011 yes that's what we think from evidence gathered yes.


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