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So long, for now...

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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 16:12 UK time, Thursday, 31 March 2011

Annie, George, Mitchell and Nina in the attic

Now that it's all calmed down, perhaps it's time for a moment of reflection. What a year it's been! Cast your mind back to June 2010 when the cast got together for the first script readthrough. Everyone looks so sweet and innocent; including our own Barry Pilling and his tentative first appearance in front of the camera. And then along came October the last day of shooting and the announcement of Becoming Human. In December Sir Toby of Whithouse released The Annie Broadcasts and we watched poor Annie, stuck in purgatory and pining for Mitchell and the others…and shed many a tear along the way.

After what seemed like a very long wait, we unveiled the new look blog and finally on January 23rd: THE MOMENT ARRIVED. Episode 1 of Series 3. We got to meet the new characters (and guest actors), McNair played so brilliantly by Robson Green, Lacey Turner's LIa and Michael Socha's Tom. All this was quickly followed by the amazing Craig Roberts introduction of Adam in Episode two and the launch of Becoming Human. You stuck with us as we tried to find out who killed Matt and we got to learn what great sleuths you were.

Meanwhile the main series brought back Herrick and the incredible acting of Jason Watkins, introduced us to Nancy (and the gorgeous Erin Richards) and we followed the wolf-shaped bullet to journey's end. And how can we forget what happened then?

So what now? What happens to Tom? And Nancy too? Is Herrick really gone? Somewhere upstairs in Touchpaper Towers Toby is planning the next series of Being Human and whatever he's coming up with we know it's going to be something quite special. Whilst Toby beavers away the blog is going to take a bit of a breather We'll be back later in the year but before we go we just want to say, Thank You. You, the fans, make this show so special and no TV show has ever had such a passionate, committed and, may we say, slightly crazy audience. On the blog, on Facebook and on Twitter you stuck with us through thick and thin. We cried and laughed together. We solved murders, lost some good friends and through it all we stayed..well, human really. And that's what it's all about in the end.

See you on the other side.


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  • Comment number 1.

    New blog! Who expected that? But who wrote it?

  • Comment number 2.

    Wow! Wasn't expecting a new blog anytime soon! Thank you! :)

    But yes, what a year it's been! I'm very much looking forward to seeing what BHProd have in store...!

    We must be the only fandom who don't get offended when called "slightly crazy"! :)

    MancVamp [1] - Garret Keogh, it says so at the top :)

  • Comment number 3.

    Blimely pirate - how did you just turn up like a genie out of the bottle - yes I know who it is - tried to post second comment - but the new format wouldn't let me.. Very suspicious...

  • Comment number 4.

    Well hello, a new blog?

    Mr. Garrett Keogh are you going to be a permanent editor?

  • Comment number 5.

    wonder if they are gonna close the blogs down for a bit!

  • Comment number 6.

    oo! new blog! new blog editor (welcome)! other side of what? is the blog leaving us for a while? (sob)

  • Comment number 7.

    Hiya everyone! *waves at MancVamp, piratemoose and our new blog-master*

    Hehe, a lovely new blog post! YAY! Welcome to the fold, Garret Keogh! I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job making your mark in Blog Towers.

    Ah, passionate, crazy and committed.. there're worse things to be that that, methinks. ;)

    :D KC

  • Comment number 8.

    2 - I am comforted that 'slightly' has been included :)

  • Comment number 9.

    7. we have definately been called worse before! lol!..and am sure once he gets to know us he will be dropping the slightly.....

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi Garret and welcome.
    Slightly crazy we may be indeed, but a happy and harmless band nonetheless. We will look forward to filming starting (May?) and you commencing to drip feed us tender little morsels of info and videos - please - as with the other three series.

  • Comment number 11.

    What a year indeed! Good to see you out from behind the scenes, Garret, if only briefly (for now). Looking forward to whatever the new series has in store!

  • Comment number 12.

    "Is Herrick really gone?"
    If there's any room for doubt, then perhaps the same could be said for Mitchell??
    Perhaps there is an afterlife for vampires, unless Nina was too quick with the Hoover.

  • Comment number 13.

    Hello Blogmaster Garret!
    If this is a temporary bloggy signing off, then we all look forward to seeing you on the other side before too long. And thanks for leaving us with a picture of the complete awesome foursome to gaze at in the meantime.
    And tell that Barry guy to knuckle down to some proper work now.....

  • Comment number 14.

    @ hi Garret

    before this blog closes down- either it is my French or this blog is going to sleep
    I wish you all , friends of the BH blog many happy days till we meet again

    and if we are going to be on that blog for a long time , then the madder, the merrier

    ps have you noticed our Mitchell is on the poster - does that bode well for the future

    who knows, fingers crossed.

  • Comment number 15.

    14. fraid not- BP said poster would not come down till start of new series..would be too harsh (how well he knows us)
    on that subject Garret (GK?) if you do change the look of the blog please (sob) dont erase all trace of our lovely mitchell?

  • Comment number 16.

    Yup, we are a crazy bunch, but we love it!

    Bring on another long wait for the much anticipated S4! No doubt TW will have some amazing and gripping stories to tell! Can't wait! In the meanwhile, Ill try and imagine what will happen hehe.

    Until then, see you all on the next blog!

  • Comment number 17.

    15. drunkkath, the blog team are gentle souls, they'll look after us through the inevitable trauma at the start of next series when the banner is changed (shudders, sobs). Perhaps a 'Mitchell's bench' in a corner of the blog where we can go to sit and remember.

  • Comment number 18.

    Hi Garret and thanks for the info....absolutely right...it's been a fabulous Being Human year...well apart from the loss of eveyone's favourite vampire...I'm going to miss the lovely Mitchell from series 4 but now think under the circumstances it was an appropriate ending for him.

    For what it's worth I think it's a good idea to close down the blog for a short time, but hope that it will reopen as soon as you (or new blog editor) has news to share concerning the filming dates for series 4....that'll get us all excited again and speculating about possible twists and turns in series 4. Barry Pilling and team were excellent at whetting our appetites way in advance of the actual series being aired and I'm hoping that will continue with info coming from the filming, maybe a blog from Lord Toby, and plenty of vids involving the cast and crew.

    This isn't gooodbye bloggers, it's see you all on twitter until new blog opens....with a huge fanfare I hope Garrett ( and a party...I like parties...)

  • Comment number 19.

    18. Dorina. I second that. Onwards and upwards to s4!

  • Comment number 20.

    17. lol! i love it!

  • Comment number 21.

    I'm hoping it means no new content, rather than no blog at all.

  • Comment number 22.

    @white hare

    we need our blog...because we need our friends, we alove our friends and our cupcakes !

    dear miss Ö÷²¥´óÐã

    I do not mind participating financially to the upkeep of this blog in the true spirit of the entente cordiale

    s il vous plait

    with my best gallic florish
    yours STX

  • Comment number 23.

    So now we know Whose in charge of the blog. the question is for how long will the shut down last.

    Latest news is that filming begins in Late may less than 2 months from now.

    The new format, the great question being how well will we cope with the new format?

    So I'm thinking at least a month before any new blog. At least that is a scary thought. What will happen.

    There is time to wait before we find out.

    I have a suspicion that the fun and games blogs will have to wait till filming is completed. Until then we await and count down..

  • Comment number 24.

    I'd just like to second everything everyone else has said!

    This blog is a very special part of what is a very special tv show for us all, and it's a wonderful tool for us to get excited, air our views, discuss and analyse postings and episodes, and most importantly, to meet friends.

    Just wanted to say 'thank you' for your continuing hard work, and I'm really looking forward to see what has been planned next!

    Until we meet again! Soon I hope (Dorina - I like parties too. I'll bring the party rings!)

  • Comment number 25.

    Thanks for new blog does this mean the blogs closing down or does it mean were not gonna get new blog posts for a while. anyone know how long its closing down for?hey gingernut i was thinkin the same thing if Herricks not gone then there could still be hope for Mitchell.It's gonna be strange when Mitchell's picture comes off the poster maybe they can put something in the poster that reminds us and the trio of Mitchell like eg this years poster theres a chicken on a piece of string which is obivously hinting at George and Nina. maybe they could have his leather jacket hanging up an urn on the fireplace. what do u think the poster this year will be? I see them standing in the livin room with Annie at the front with a stake n her hand and George and Nina on either side loaded up with baby stuff and a pram with a chicken on a piece of string attached to it lol.

  • Comment number 26.

    You're right it has been quite a year - not sure if I've forgiven Lord Toby yet but I'm working on it - the therapy's going fine thanks.
    I can understand your need for a breather - but does it mean we won't be able to access the old blog posts? Some of us might need the odd reminder? Like Aidan dancing with Russell? Or Halloween high-jinks? In fact my therapist says it's essential.
    Meanwhile - have a good rest and come back soon.

  • Comment number 27.

    Where are we gonna talk about BH if not here very upset will miss all you guys sob sob. Am glad that filming is starting soon though wonder why its so early this year does this mean while see the show at the end of the year instead of next year anyone know? am gonna have withdrawl. I know this is completly of subject but does anyone watch celebrity masterchef I would love to see Lenora Crichlow on it she seems to love cooking and be pretty good at it so fingers crossed.

  • Comment number 28.

    Thanks Garret. It's good to have a break.

    So, we're only "slightly crazy" then??? Phew!

    Hi Celticgrace - hopefully we'll still be able to access everything, although we may not be able to comment???? I know some older posts have already been closed for comments

  • Comment number 29.

    What does this mean!? Please mr Garret? Explain before this slightly crazy bunch gets totally nuts.

  • Comment number 30.

    Its going to be a long year,,

    And welcome Mr Garret Keogh to the blogg,,

  • Comment number 31.

    P.A.R.T.Y i agree Dorina whats your twitter mines Irishcharm25 gonna miss talking with everyone on the blog so duBouls you bring the party rings i'l bring Casablanca everyone invited you know i think Garret might be right we might be slightly crazy but only slightly and in a good way lol . So heres to series 4 don't keep us waitin to long blog. Huge Annie Fan

  • Comment number 32.

    OMG yes, please still leave us access to the archives/behind the scenes etc. Not all have made their way onto YouTube yet, and I need my regular fix. Panicking now - please reassure a twitchy fan!

  • Comment number 33.

    Have they shut down the previous seasons' blogs before?
    If not, why do it now?

  • Comment number 34.

    Hello to you, Garret Keogh! :) And hi all you lovely bloggers!

    You thank us for being the crazy fans we are, but the blog team deserve a very big thanks themselves! If it hadn't been for the blog we wouldn't have a place to let out all our thoughts and feelings about the show. And I am quite certain I'm not the only one who has been in need of that! lol.

    And yes, this has been a very good series. I remember I was a little disappointed after series 2, because I missed the humor. But this series the humor was back, and loads of it! :) Series 3 had it all, humor, excitement, and scenes that could turn a fan into an emotional wreck. Of course the acting was great from all of the actors, but I think the writing on series three was very good!

    I'm looking foreward to the next series now. :)

  • Comment number 35.

    I miss everyone already! I've been in mourning so haven't posted for a while. (actually was on holiday).

    Love the idea of a little bench of remembrance. Hope we still have a place to chat until the next series starts.

  • Comment number 36.

    (12) Gingernut, (25) homegirl25 Sadly, I don't think Mitchell or Herrick will come back. In the series Herrick said there is no coming back from being staked. Also, Aidan Turner will be busy portraying Kili in The Hobbit for a year and a half, so he will not have time to be there when Being Human is filmed. As Toby Withouse also wrote in a previous blog they wouldn't have a chance to get him back until maybe series 7... So I guess Mitchell won't come back. And not Herrick either. And after I got over the shock of Mitchell being staked, I think it was the right decision.

  • Comment number 37.

    They can't shut us down now - I have a very important question that I need fellow bloggers' help to answer: what happened between that intervention in the alleyway (when Mitchell saved George from getting killed by vamps) and the moment they moved into the pink house? Did they become friends immediately; did George move in with Mitchell or the other way around before they both moved to the pink house; how did they decide to start working at the hospital?

    Can't one of you creative guys write somthing about this?

  • Comment number 38.

    I was just thinking, I hope Carl comes back! I loved Carl! :)
    He was kind, but also dangerous at the same time. And he was sent to Bolivia, where the old ones are. I guess the old ones will be playing an important part in series 4, and I don't think Carl would agree with their plans. He seemed to have a good sense of right and wrong. I bet he would side with Annie, Nina and George. :) Any thoughts?

  • Comment number 39.

    In the pilot Mitchell says they will swing by his (George's) Hostel and get him some cloths. That's were George was, Mitchell probably some where cheep and temporary just a place to get his check sent.

  • Comment number 40.

    Didn't George tell Mitchell he had a place over the restaurant?

  • Comment number 41.

    Beaver on Toby!! I know season 4 will be great and I'll wait patiently 'till it's good and ready. Hey - did anyone ever figure out, in the pic above, what the Black Thing is on top of the books next to the chicken/string? I've sussed out the other totems, but that whatever-it-is just eludes me. Garret, hello and rest up, you'll need it for us crazies!

  • Comment number 42.

    (37) Snowracer_247 Hmm... good question. I think they became friends immediately after Mitchell saved George. That was the way I understood it when I watched that scene. Oh! And do you remember, the voiceover (by Annie/Lenora) said that "faith was allways playing the long game". I bet a lot of the bloggers has allready thought about this, and I know Toby Withouse said that it was a last minute decision to kill of Mitchell, but the way that line was said it seems like it was the plan all along that George was going to kill Mitchell.

    But back to your question, I think they became friends right away and maybe the lived together at another place before moving into the pink house.

    Also, in series 1 episode 2 George tells Tully that it was Mitchells idea that they should get jobs at the hospital.

  • Comment number 43.

    40 - He had to move out because Seth, Marco and Turrlow would return and kill him if he didn't.

  • Comment number 44.

    Don't want to sidetrack the emerging discussion on early Mitchell-George relationship (since I asked for it in the first place), but I just want to point out that sir Ian Amazing McKellen mentions the dwarfs in his blog for today. He writes about the "first mass emergence from their trailers, 13 heroic dwarves". Guess 1 of those brave 13 is our own AT.

  • Comment number 45.

    Got my Being Human box set yesterday, soo chuffed!!! They have a couple of extras on the DVDs, not much but enough to make me happy. I can't wait to rewatch series 1 and 2, I can only remember the basic storylines.

    I don't want to offend any AT fans, but compared to series 1, his jaw is less well defined, in the few last episodes of series 3 it really bugged me and I kept staring at his chin. Maybe I'm just imagining it, let me know what you think xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    43 - Yes, I thought so too. That means that G probably had to crash M's place where ever it was. Plus M says in 'the Carl episode' something like 'Before you moved in with your three different brands of upholstery cleaner'. So G moved in with M? Wonder what kind of place that was, and if it ever got cleaned...

    Quite an intense start to a relationship anyhow: first dramatic fight life or death style, and then immediate flatmate. Soon afterwards they were workmates as well. That is intense. (Not sure that I would like to be that tight with my friends, even though I love them to bits.)

  • Comment number 47.

    @ fuzzy pram

    can imagine a big tweetie bird all yellow and fluff hanging by his pram
    sort of like dad and mom chicken, but nursery way

    dad and mom are adult werewolves
    fuzzy is a cub
    we all, george included ep 4 say it

    a cub is way smaller than an adult wolf
    a werecub hence forth

    can imagine new born being able to sort of crawl. walk but if tom was ale to be kept in a van and he was 5ys old, amuch younger and smaller werecub cant be rather nasty but more on the mean badger side

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi Garrret and welcome
    Stone the crows - bet you didn't think your first blog would be so controversial. Please explain 'blog closing down' and please leave us an archive. Things have been hard enough these last few weeks...

    Looking forward to BH4

  • Comment number 49.

    Snowracer in the scene in the alleyway Mitchell tells George he needs to leave the flat above the restuarant now that the vamps know were he is they'l be back George dosen't know what to do so i think Mitchell wanting to move away from the vampires sees his chance and takes it by looking after George and finding them somewere to live and work i think they bonded really quickly between Mitchell saving George and them moving into the pink house were Mitchell also takes care of Annie were as George can't stand her at first. what will they do now there protector is gone can't wait till series 4. Intreasting observation Andrea i didn't even remember that been so long since i saw the first episode but i think your right about it might have been all planed does everyone think that George was the right choice to kill Mitchell or does anyone think it should have been Nina or even Annie?

  • Comment number 50.


    can see them more like brothers
    if I had a brother would like him to be by me when dying
    felt staking was more on merciful passing than euthanasia

    just like when in wards we get abit heavier handed on the morphine knowing that at one point patient may forget to breath
    choice live in awful permanent unending pain or earler but as much painfree as can be

  • Comment number 51.

    49 - At first I hated that it had to be George, but then again when I've had time to think about it - it had to be George. And his line of dialouge was perfect even though heartbreaking.

    So do you think Mitchell was very much 'the big brother' at first? Before they had established a friends-on-equal-terms relasionship?

  • Comment number 52.

    49 again - Nina or Annie as 'stakeholders' would have resulted in a completely different kind of death and aftermath. George was the only one that could do it and walk away 'clean'. I think.

  • Comment number 53.

    Well, it's been a good series, although it was a shame about how they completely screwed up the BcH blog, but I'm still looking foward to series 4.

  • Comment number 54.

    (47) SAINTIXE56 I just hope that George and Ninas baby will not do the same to Being Human, as Edward and Bellas baby did to "Twilight". I really thought that the kid messed up the whole story in Twilight. A baby who grew to fast and could talk and walk in no time. And who has special powers! Thank goodness the writers of Being Human have stuck to the original myths of vampires and werewolves.
    There are no myths about werewolves having a baby (as I know of), but please let it be something that is believable. Dont go over the top on the supernatural stuff, let it be something that fits in the world of Being Human as it is now. If the baby turnes out to be something totally new and magical I don't think I will find it believable.

    Just had to say that, even though I am pretty sure Toby Withouse would never do that. :)

  • Comment number 55.

    so *cough* what's up here then?

  • Comment number 56.

    I also think it had to be George. If Nina or Annie had staked Mitchell, I don't think we would have forgiven them that easily.

  • Comment number 57.

    52 - totally agree - if it had been annie or nina, it could have created corruption in their relationships with each other. it couldn't have been anyone other than george- his and mitchell's relationship was mostly unspoken, but was so strong

  • Comment number 58.

    I think it might be rather funny if the baby has sort of undiscovered, undefined powers that no one actually recognises, except us the viewers. Nothing confirmed, you know, like a secret between us and the baby, George and Nina oblivious, perhaps Annie suspicious :) There could be some humour mileage in that.

  • Comment number 59.

    a baby werewolf could be really cute...
    what if it was a proper werewolf like george and nina and it scratched someone? that could be interesting

  • Comment number 60.

    (49) homegirl25 By the way, I don't think that the writers had planned that George was going to kill Mitchell when they wrote the scene where Mitchell met George. I just think it fit very well, becouse that line implied that faith pushed them together for a reason. And just as the voiceover on that scene, Lia also said to Annie "We're playing the long game here". Maybe the writers were inspired by what was said in the voiceover when they let Lia say the same thing?...

  • Comment number 61.

    "I think its fate"

    said by
    and ?
    clue connected to the doors.

  • Comment number 62.

    becouse? lol What kind of spelling was that?...

  • Comment number 63.

    (61) ewan Did anyone else say that in series 3?... I don't remember. I'm really curious now.

  • Comment number 64.

    60 - Sounds logical.

    One has to wonder why Mitchell assumes that George knows how he feels about trips to IKEA. Something for Comical Relief, perhaps - the moment George and Mitchell went to IKEA and everything went horribly wrong...
    They didn't bring much furniture to the pink house (the sofa was already there as Annie sits in it while others are viewing the house). But they did bring a curiously small TV. They like watching TV obviously, so why a set that looks like my Apple computer from 1993?

  • Comment number 65.

    Yes please Mr. GK tell us what it all means. No blog or blog with no news or something different?

    About George and Mitchell. I said it before I think that George was actually the love of Mitchell's long life. I don't mean that in any kind of sexual context. I just mean the relationship based on a deep emotional bond. In view of this I think that George was the only possible person to end *sob* Mitchell's life.

  • Comment number 66.

    Saul season 2 after the men behind the door started to push him towards Annie.

    So when Lia pushed her towards Mitchell......

  • Comment number 67.

    62 - Well, I just spelled "relasionship". Wouldn't make my teacher proud, can tell you that. Am I the only one that has problems with the 'post a comment' space being slow and missing half of the letters typed? Plus, sometimes the space repeats letters even though I've just typed it once.

  • Comment number 68.

    annie episode 4 and lia episode 1

  • Comment number 69.

    64 - mitchell was very attached to that tv- the sit-on-the-doorstep-hug-the-tv moment in series 1 while george did his thing in the house

  • Comment number 70.

    65 - Yes. Mitchell tells George in 'the Carl episode' that he has lived with others (which offends George deeply), implying several people but none except Carl is worth mentioning ever. (Or maybe he wants to spare G's emotions.) This also brings up the question on whether M and Josie ever lived together.

    However, since M has spent a lot of time with Herrick, some years with Josie, some years with Carl and some years with G and Annie that dosen't leave much space for a really long realtionship with anyone else.

  • Comment number 71.

    69 - Yes, that TV must have an interesting backstory. Love that scene, by the way. Beautifully acted and filmed.

  • Comment number 72.

    Well you never know it could be real hustle the next day and he didn't have want to have to buy a new one.

  • Comment number 73.

    maybe it was the tv on which mitchell first watched himself knock over a chair in casablanca

  • Comment number 74.

    I am panicking. . . . . I have not posted on any blog before, only discovered this one at the start of series 3 and am now anxious that I will not be able to get my fix of BH chat until May- help! Why would they close down a well used blog site? Where do you all go to exchange views when this happens? How do you keep up to date? Please take pity on a newbie who is starting to feel she could be left adrift in the bogasphere before too long.

    And why has that new chap changed the format? What is the point of having such short pages and sending us back to the start every time we refresh? I fell in love with BH but it is starting to be rather worrying world out here.........

  • Comment number 75.

    74 - Ahhhh, the BH bloggers are finally discovering why the BcH bloggers got so wound up... fear the new format...

  • Comment number 76.

    as discussed in previous blog chapter
    as far as fuzzy was created when our vamp was an extra on the other side
    not only taking the wrong entrance, staying, causing blocked death door, and coming back to life with prized annie
    this has consequences

    whar are they about fuzzy, be honest
    we dont know
    my bet he has a copy soul of mitchell albeit pristine
    no vamp stuff just mitchell psyche to develop
    I have been thinking since discussing earlier w/ ewan
    it makes sense
    physically, baby to take some sort after his parents
    though genetics can be weird

    some ys ago delivered a baby no where near his parents , all the staff me included was surprised even jerey kylish unil we swa the father grandfather, baby was spitting image of paternal greatgrandpa weird

    anyhow no proof naturally fuzzy soul is to be mitchell
    but if it is it must be pre vampiric
    because mitchell in purgatoty his soul is sort of up fot grab, available to any great grand recycle plant of souls/ karma stuff/reincarnation

    as for the sisters/brothers souls concept, it has been discussed a long time ago, this theory was already formuated either in weird tales or astouning stories , these were pulp magazines pre WW2
    and are to this very day revered by afficionados of fantastic

  • Comment number 77.

    @bisted, yes we are discovering the new format and yes, we are miffed not to mention the 3 minutes interval

  • Comment number 78.

    76 - Not so weird me my brothers don't look that much alike - but if you look at family photos from both sides as well as cousins. You can follow it back. Genetics are fun like that.

  • Comment number 79.

    I'll keep checking in in the meantime.

    Looking forward to seeing what season four brings up. I will miss Mitchell's presence very much but i'm hoping for a fantastic storyline that will keep us talking and guessing in the future.

    I hope for AT in flashbacks but given he's Hobbitting for the forseeable future, what time off he'll get from filming he'll be probably using to relax so i don't think we'll see him back (this season anyway) but i can hope.

  • Comment number 80.

    61 -

    Saul said it as well,

    "I thinks its fate, can i kiss you?"
    "What now today? go on then"


  • Comment number 81.

    78 - 'me and my brothers'

  • Comment number 82.

    Yes Snowracer i think your right it had to be George to kill Mitchell we defiently wouldn't have forgave Nina and i don't think it would have been believable for Annie to kill him i mean she wanted to drive Herrick somewere and leave him theres no way she could have killed Mitchell shes a sensitive soul.

    I do think Mitchell was like the big brother to both George and Annie in the begining until they all became more equal and there relationships evolved theres no way George from series one could have killed Mitchell.

  • Comment number 83.

    80 - Knew you'd be the one to remember.

  • Comment number 84.

    79 - Didn't they say somewhere that all of Lenoras 'Annie in purgatory'-scenes were shot in one day? Surely they could fit something like that into Aidan's Hobbit schedule?

    BTW, sir Ian Amazing McKellan writes on his blog that everyone in the Hobbit wears wigs and fake facial hair, so AT could look perfectly normal when not on set.

  • Comment number 85.

    80 - Saffz, I admire your capacity to remember all the dialogue details. :)

  • Comment number 86.

    77. We were hoping that it was just a new idea that they were testing out but it seems like (now they have added it to the BH Blog) it's for keeps :(

    We are quite a tight community over there in BcH towers and we often post several posts a minute so the new format is basically the devil incarnate.

    I created a forum where we could hang out - it's mainly TANGENT CITY over there but people do write some awesome fanfics which can satisfy your craving for BH/BcH news.

  • Comment number 87.

    83 - Off cousre i re-watched that episode yesterday.

  • Comment number 88.

    I have my quote ready for tomoz,,


    Its from S2E4

  • Comment number 89.

    mitchell died 1917 aged 24.

    2ys with george and annie

    in 2000 vienna w/ carl, give or take 5 max 10 ys
    1933 paris

    1933 interesting choice as herr adolf h. becomes germany chancellor
    would not put it above herrick to vist berlin for a long stay
    and that choice sort og causing permanent rift between the 2

    dont forget mitchell is decent says herrick
    so can imagine one staying in germany, the scene of season 1 ep 6 when he puts his black glove on, I am SURE I have seen it in a war movie about the gestapo in the 60s/70s

    1942 in hollywood, in casablanca, not wise as not being on a film camera and that went the movie is filmed, so likely in he US whem pearl harbour
    and not a word about herrick

    this is significant
    both were apart

  • Comment number 90.

    'Hello, I've got a nose bleed'

    'Unless of course neither of them are the father, you naughty girl'

    'Parking ticket'

    so many options.

  • Comment number 91.

    90 - Parking ticket! Love parking ticket! One of those precious few moments in season 2 when I laughed out loud.

    Should go to bed now, but I am afraid that the blog won't be here tomorrow, so I'm feeling separation anxiety and try to find excuses to stay put. Not ready to leave just yet.

  • Comment number 92.


    know the feeling

    cant believe lord TW to be that cruel

    but not so sure about Mam Beeb
    onething never discussed, vampppareires eat, drink, pay rent or at least try to fit into the mould

    money, it cost money
    where is the money
    who is the financial director???

    just questions

    as Mitchell everything but plump in the pocket

  • Comment number 93.

    92 - That's why even vamps have to mop up sick in hospital corridors... and that's probably why they own really tiny TVs.

    TW has been cruel before. Season 2? Pure evil.
    George killing Mitchell? Not nice.
    Adore him, admire him, but got to be honest here.

    Must go to bed now. Responsible adult after all. Night!

  • Comment number 94.

    74. we are all on twitter as well....

    assume blog will resume when they start filming at end of may?

    have series 3 now and was planning to rewatch whole 3 series but cant quite bring myself to do it cos i know how it is going to end (sob)

  • Comment number 95.

    41 Cynnyc. As I have now officially seen every single item in the AT oeuvre, I have been reduced to squinting at black things on top of books in attics, thanks to your intervention! It must be time to call it a blogging day before I start watching Casablanca in case a chair gets knocked over.
    Could it be some old fashioned goggles? Could the Blogmaster ask the art dept and put us out of our misery? Then I would have 'closure' until s4!!

  • Comment number 96.

    New Blog :D thanks Mr. Garret, and yes there is nothing wrong with being "slightly crazy" it keeps life interesting :) but what is all this about the blog taking a breather and seeing us on the other side? Is the blog closing :(, for how long, and is it the other side of the door?

  • Comment number 97.

    just wanted to share something i read in an unauthorised guide to s1 &2. apparently TW was worried after BT20 that people would hate M..they didnt..TW says of course we werent factoring in the 'aidan factor'! mmm lovely!

  • Comment number 98.

    95 Jac_E. Thanks for your thoughts on the mystery Black Object! If I figure it out down the road I'll get back, that is if we have a blog . . . eek!

  • Comment number 99.

    89. They don't part in 1933 as in the 1964 flashback we see Mitchell still with Herrick and then again in 1969 in the Josie episode, so I think they've been there or thereabouts nearly all the time. And even when Mitchell separates from Herrick he doesn't go far - doesn't even leave Bristol - so the tie is still strong between them

  • Comment number 100.

    Morning all! More WH. You know, I wa wondering about that timeline too. But where does the prequel fit in - was is pre- or post Josie, can't remember now.


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