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Archives for February 2011


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 21:28 PM, Sunday, 27 February 2011

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George's reunion with his parents was like an episode of Jeremy Kyle gone wrong, but let's be honest we wouldn't want it any other way. So when we were offered a trip to the family home of 'Sandscastle' how could we refuse?

Not only did we want to give Ruth a hug, Marcus a punch in the face (again) and steal George Snr's salt and vinegar crisps, we also wanted to show you guys exactly how these fantastic scenes were made.

However, it's not all fun and games. Nancy's net is closing on Mitchell and Herrick goes ever stronger in the attic... Two more episodes left and so much left to see.

Any predictions for next week? Don't forget a new episode of Becoming Human has just been released and there are some pretty big revelations, so make sure you check it out.


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 20:50 PM, Saturday, 26 February 2011

Mitchell and new charctaer Nancy

Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to declare the 24 Hour Countdown to Daddy Ghoul officially open *Cuts ribbon - applause*

Daddy Ghoul is the sixth episode of Being Human and yet again we're staring down the barrel of several life-changing stories. After a discovering a surprising article in the newspaper George and Nina decide to track down George's parents for the first time in years. But the question is, what does he say when he gets there?

Meanwhile the net is closing on Mitchell when a detective shows up, acting on Nina's anonymous tip-off. Plus, with Herrick still lodging in the attic Honolulu Heights is beginning to feel very claustrophobic indeed.

Tune in to Being Human this Sunday at 9pm on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three, followed by Becoming Human immediately afterwards on red button and online.


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 09:00 AM, Saturday, 26 February 2011

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There's a major shake-up happening in the world of Becoming Human since Matt confessed his love for Christa at the end of episode four. Not only is a strange love triangle emerging, but Christa's temper has begun to make Adam think the unthinkable.

(On a side note, 'love triangle' is such an 80s phrase. Pretty fitting, when Adam's involved, right?)

To add to the complications, Adam and Christa's fake relationship is now the talk of the school. Poor Christa... as if being a werewolf wasn't bad enough, now she's got to put up with a complete douchebag pretending to be her boyfriend.

To see how it all unfolds make sure your watching via red button or online straight after Being Human this Sunday. If you're late to the party, try catching up with Becoming Human from episode one.


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 17:40 PM, Thursday, 24 February 2011

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For the last time George, you should never, ever be responsible for a cover story. First it was killing a pigeon with a shoe and now, well, now it's this.

Tune in at 9pm this Sunday on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three to see George reunited with his parents for the first time in years. But don't expect things to go to plan.

With George they never do.


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 14:14 PM, Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Herrick in the Attic

Ladies and gentlemen... This is the story of how Herrick became a vampire.

The scene was written by Sarah Phelps, writer of Being Human Episode 5, The Longest Day. Sarah's kindly allowed us to upload the script here and reveal what was originally planned for the first scene of the ep.

If you were following the blog last year you'll be pleased to see the re-appearance of Hetty, a character last seen in our exclusive online prequel featuring Ivan and Daisy.

But why was it cut? Script Editor Laura Cotton explains... "We didn't use it in the end because we wanted Herrick's arrival to be lined with ambiguity as to whether he was aware that he was a vampire or not. Putting this at the start would have suggested that mentally his timeline continued from this moment to the moment on the psych ward."

What do you think... were the team right to cut the scene?


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 21:40 PM, Sunday, 20 February 2011

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To kill or not to kill... that is the question.

Mitchell's method of problem-solving has always been to kill, and to be fair it does often get him out of a difficult situation (Remember Graham?). However, death is a messy business and rarely does it provide the clean-cut solution he was looking for.

Nina, on the other hand, has a different approach. As a nurse and soon-to-be mother her instincts push her to defend more often than she attacks. But in the supernatural world it's very hard to be so moral, especially when dealing with the conundrum that is Herrick.

Throw into the mix Herrick's knowledge of how to survive a 'wolf-shaped bullet' attack and we have a very interesting situation indeed. We've gone behind the scenes of Herrick's return to see how the cast themselves are dealing with such a tricky situation.

For now a cease-fire is in place. Herrick survives and he stays in the house, harmless to the foursome in his current state. Yet Mitchell yearns for the secret hidden deep inside his mind, kept in a place that shouldn't be unlocked.

Something has to give. And it will.


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 21:12 PM, Saturday, 19 February 2011

Herrick in episode 5 The Longest Day

The fifth episode of Being Human, entitled The Longest Day, is less than 24 hours away, but what can we expect? Well, a lot can be said in three small words.

Herrick is back.

We saw from Thursday's preview clip that Nina and George are taking him on the run, but why? And how? One thing's for sure, Mitchell is not going to be very happy to see his old friend. In fact, three more words for you... big bad John.

This episode isn't called The Longest Day for nothing. What starts as a bad day continues to get much worse when a member of the local authority and one of Mitchell's old friends drop by, both in search of Herrick. The man has a knack of causing havoc with the slightest input, but does he even know what he's doing in his current state? Only time will tell on that front.

We all think we've had bad days, but this one really is going to test the foursome to their limit. Make sure you're watching with us this Sunday at 9pm on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three to see how it unfolds, and for updates before, during and after the show. Oh, and three final words...

Don't miss it.


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 10:00 AM, Saturday, 19 February 2011

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The search for Matt's killer in Becoming Human continues, and the finger of suspicion is beginning to fall on Brandy. She's so sweet, so innocent, so perfect, but as a raft of evidence this week revealed, she also has a dark side.

Her dad's a certified brawler and Brandy has a martial arts record Jackie Chan would be proud of, as Christa discovered when she rifled through Mr Swan's confidential files. Christa hit the nail on the head with one of her usual one-liners in Brandy's profile, stating "If she were a chocolate it would be a hard centre. With a razor blade hidden in it."

The question is, does this put her in the frame enough to be the killer? And if so, will the trio be able to confront and live to tell the tale?

Find out this Sunday at 10pm on red button and online, straight after Being Human.


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 13:59 PM, Thursday, 17 February 2011

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Herrick has finally returned, but not as we know him.

After showing up in the psychiatric wing of the hospital, it's up to George, the man who once ripped him to shreds, to come up with a cover story. In true George form... he can't. Good job Nina was there too.

To see how it all pans out tune in to the next episode of Being Human this Sunday at 9pm on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three.


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 21:45 PM, Sunday, 13 February 2011

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"McNair... you'll be needing this."

With these words the stake was passed over and the wheels of vengeance were set in motion. A fight to the death was on the cards and McNair was determined to deal the final blow.

On set the mood was charged with adrenaline. Dozens of actors, two camera crews and a vast abandoned swimming pool were combined to create one of the finest scenes in Being Human history. We got stuck in behind the scenes to see how it all happened, and somehow managed to avoid McNair's stake, Mitchell's fists and Annie's baseball bat in the process.

Episode four has passed and the truth about The Pack has been revealed. But already dark clouds are gathering and the return of Herrick is imminent...

Are you scared? You should be.


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 20:50 PM, Saturday, 12 February 2011

Nina in The Pack

We're speeding towards the next episode of Being Human faster than a train full of dead commuters. (Tasteless? Possibly. BH relevant? YES. Let's continue.) The next episode, entitled The Pack, is less than 24 hours away, airing this Sunday at 9pm on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three.

But what can we expect?

Well, now Annie and Mitchell have FINALLY admitted there's a spark of chemistry between them they need to take it to the next level. But what is the next level? No-one's too familiar with the vamp/ghost crossover situation, but bless Annie she loves a challenge, so if anyone can (attempt to) make it work, it's her.

Now if we can just put the biggest romance since Wills and Kate to one side for a minute, let's focus on the main thrust of the action... werewolves. This episode isn't called The Pack for nothing, so expect a lot more wolf action in this episode. Tom and McNair are back and they rarely go anywhere without kicking someone's ass, so complications are guaranteed. We can't wait.

The question is, how does this increased werewolf activity affect the 'little hairy baby' situation?

Find out in Being Human this Sunday at 9pm on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three, plus keep following our new murder mystery Becoming Human straight afterwards on red button and online. The story has been continuing all this week so make sure you're up to date with the latest updates.


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 09:30 AM, Saturday, 12 February 2011

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Over in Becoming Human Adam, Christa and Matt are finding it hard to get along.

Christa suspects Matt of not being entirely honest about... well, everything, and Adam is asking a lot of uncomfortable questions about that scar. Seriously, if looks could kill we'd say Christa was the murderer. Which she might be... No-one knows at this stage who it is, but by following the mystery you might find out.

Here's a preview of the next piece of the puzzle, released Sunday on red button and online at 10pm, straight after Being Human.


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 13:19 PM, Friday, 11 February 2011

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This week's episode is called The Pack, and this preview clip gives us a little clue why. George, Nina, Tom and McNair are all werewolves but that's not an indication that they're all going to get on.

McNair is clearly very protective over Tom, so how will he feel about having new werewolves around?

Find out this Sunday at 9pm on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three.


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 11:19 AM, Thursday, 10 February 2011

Being Human Characters in the Supermarket

Being Human creator Toby Whithouse is back to answer the final batch of questions asked by you guys, the fans. He's chosen the questions himself and the answers are entirely his own words. That's how Lord Toby rolls.

Don't forget to check part one and part two of this session to see all the answers in full...

WorldsGayestNinja wrote: As Lauren put in Series 1: "You know all the things you were scared of as a kid, all the monsters under the bed? They're all real."
Was there anything from your childhood you can remember being afraid of, that may or may not have influenced parts of the show?

Now that's an interesting one... I'm not sure if it's something that I was scared of, but certainly I always loved the notion of a secret world that existed just under the surface of our won world. I didn't like books or films or comics that were clearly taking place in a different world to mine. If it was my world, it meant I could daydream and imagine it really was happening, and obviously that's a theme I've tried to extend into Being Human.

But you've got me thinking about fears...

I guess I'm fascinated by, and a little afraid of, the notion of corrupt authority, because that makes me feel truly powerless. And I wonder if that was thinking behind making Herrick a policeman. There's nothing more frightening than malevolent authority - who do you turn to? To have someone that evil in a position of such power and more importantly trust is a horrifying thought.

You get a special prize for asking an interesting question. (There isn't a prize.)

read the rest of this entry


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 16:10 PM, Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Toby Whithouse Being Human creator

Toby Whithouse, creator of Being Human, returns to answer your questions and shine more light on the BH world. Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the third and final installment...

Dorina wrote: Why did you lose your beard?

Finally a serious question. The beard comes and goes. That pic at the top of this page was taken in those dark dark days before I started experimenting with facial hair. Sometimes it's thick and lustrous enough to loose a badger in, but at the moment it's no more than a heavy dusting of stubble. Don't worry the beard will be back, and then we shall...

Is anyone still reading this?

read the rest of this entry


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 15:59 PM, Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Annie, George, Mitchell and Nina in the attic

Toby Whithouse, the god-like Being Human creator is here with his first batch of answers to your fantastic questions. More coming tomorrow...

Ok, so I've chosen my questions. But I also thought I'd do a kind of blanket answer to some of the others. You see, about 75% of the questions were "Will blah blah happen?" My answer to that - to all the questions regarding Nina being pregnant, Herrick's return, the reappearance of this or that character, the Mitchell / Annie romance - is simply: WAIT AND SEE.

I dunno. You people. One minute you're all upset because of all the spoilers, then next you're asking me what's going to happen!

The fact is, a lot of the fans don't want to know what the future holds, so for their benefit, I'll keep quiet.

There were also questions about getting the show broadcast in the US at the same time as here, whether there's gonna be a series 4, and if so how many episodes it'll have. Basically we have no control over any of those things. We've been granted incredible freedom by the Ö÷²¥´óÐã in terms of the content of each series, but whether it comes back or not isn't up to us. Obviously I'd like it to keep running for as long as we've got interesting stories to tell!

Right. Questions...

read the rest of this entry


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 21:45 PM, Sunday, 6 February 2011

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There are several thoughts coursing through our brains right now, mainly involving the words 'little hairy baby', 'snogging' and 'THE BOOK, MITCHELL!!'. However, we'll let you guys discuss those in the comments below.

Instead we want you to picture this... You're out with your friends having a few drinks, having a dance, letting your inhibitions go and before you know it you're snogging the face off a decaying zombie. We've all been there, right? No, wait, that was just us. It was one time in Swansea, let's just forget about it.

This episode belonged to Sasha, the woman who had more va-va-voom than she did epidermis. When we were invited to go clubbing with her in Cardiff and we put on our best shoes and took our cameras to capture all the behind the scenes action.

I mean, with a babe like that, how can you say no? Wait, what's that smell?


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 21:00 PM, Saturday, 5 February 2011

Annie looking

This is indeed a picture of Annie looking out for drunken dead woman trying to invade her world. But that's not all, as Annie, Mitchell, George and Nina actually take her in and care for her in this week's episode. Ewww.

But the question is, why does she exist at all?

Meanwhile, Mitchell's life is being invaded left, right and centre. First it was Richard and his messages from 'the old ones' and now it's the turn of someone with a very different perspective on his 'work'. Oh Mitchell, when will you manage to stop attracting the wrong sort? Oh, wait, don't take that the wrong way... by 'attracting the wrong sort' we meant Mitchell's dodgy acquaintances, not the Being Human fan girls who are no doubt very lovely (most of the time).

It's a massive week in Being Human terms with all four of our heroes up to their fangs in fantastic storylines. But it doesn't end there. Straight after the episode the next chapter of Adam's story will continue in Becoming Human. Speaking of which, have you seen the latest updates released by the characters themselves? It's all her in the Becoming Human blog.

Being Human episode three, entitled 'Type 4', airs this Sunday at 9pm on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three, followed by Becoming Human at 10pm on red button and online.


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 18:35 PM, Friday, 4 February 2011

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Since leaving the Being Human house and returning to college Adam has been cast into a dark murder mystery in new online drama Becoming Human. In this week's episode he joins forces with Matt and Christa to interrogate their prime suspect, Danny Curtis.

Video evidence has emerged on the Becoming Human blog that shows Danny trying to cement his tough reputation. Does that mean he might be the killer?

Don't miss the next installment on the red button and online this Sunday at 10pm, straight after Being Human.


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 16:18 PM, Thursday, 3 February 2011

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As a ghost, Annie gets used to not being seen. In fact, she's very used to it, and can gladly move from place to place without anyone knowing she's even there.

So imagine her surprise when someone notices her. And that someone is drunk. And loud. And a bit kind of dead. And... well, chavvy.

There, we said it.


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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 18:44 PM, Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Toby Whithouse Being Human creator

It's true what they say about Being Human creator Toby Whithouse. Not only is he handsome, charming and , he also loves talking to you guys, the Being Human fans.

Toby wants your questions and will answer as many as he can in person right here on the blog. So, if you've got a query about the show put it in the comments below and Toby will sift through his favourites and answer them in his next blog post.

But what to ask about? Maybe the potential vamp/ghost romance between Annie and Mitchell? Or the possible future children of George and Nina? How about the badass new werewolves Tom and McNair? Or the kinky vamp antics of Richard and Emma?

There's also purgatory, Lia, Adam, our new online web series Becoming Human and all the general gubbins about what it's like being the writer of a hit TV show.

Fire away.

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